Month: April 2019

  • 2nd Wednesday after Easter

    Psalm 122, John 17:12–19, Revelation 2:8-11 Definitions are very important. Whether it’s theology, politics, or general conversation, having the same definition for a word is key to communicating. On top of that, there are cultural expectations and presumptions where two people can agree on a definition, but then disagree on how it is actually lived…

  • Avoiding Shaping

    Psalm 103, 2 Peter 1:3–11, 1 John 1:5–2:2 Have you ever whittled, shaping a piece of wood cut-by-cut, flick-by-flick, putting something into life that was only in your mind? While God does not use a knife to whittle on us, through others and life’s trials God does shape us. Sometimes it is to bring something…

  • 1st Sunday after Easter

    Psalm 146, Isaiah 43:8–13, 1 Peter 2:2–10, John 14:1–7 While we are still in the Easter season (the church year span between Easter and Pentecost), it is always good to recall all which testified to Jesus being the Messiah. This passage in Isaiah is a good reminder. Through the Messiah (Jesus) nations have been brought…

  • Saturday after Easter

    John 16:16–22, Galatians 4:8–20 How often when we know the story so well do we look down on those who don’t get it? The disciples certainly didn’t get it. Jesus often spoke in parables, and because we think we know the answer, we find it easy to impose our understanding onto Jesus’ words. If we…

  • Friday after Easter

    John 21:1–19, Isaiah 43:1–12 We often stop with the Resurrection of Easter. That’s the big event. It’s understandable. It wasn’t the end of the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Often when we are stressed or unsure of ourselves, we return to old habits. Peter’s old habit was fishing (it was his occupation, too). It was quite…

  • All To Be Reconciled

    Genesis 4:1–17, Ezekiel 33:10–20 Cain is often portrayed as the human embodiment of evil. In popular media, he’s the ultimate bad guy. Which makes sense. Cain invented murder. Yet, Cain lived. Later, the rules would be set, he would be dead according to the penalties, but for this time and age, he lived. What about…

  • Wednesday after Easter

    Genesis 1:24–2:1, Genesis 3:6–13, Psalm 11, Matthew 6:22–23 Up through verse 25, God’s creative acts end with the epithet, “…God saw that it was good.” Then God made mankind. With the completion of that act, “…God saw that it was very good.” The word very can also be translated as exceedingly. Look around. Do we…

  • God’s Good Life

    John 14:15–21, John 15:26–16:11 There are two types of “good life.” There is the world’s version of the good life. There is God’s version of the good life. In some ways, they overlap, but let’s be honest with ourselves, we want them to overlap far more than they do. Some believe that being in a…