• Moonlight Movement

    Psalm 65; Joshua 10:1–14; Mark 6:45–52

    Jericho, Ai, and Gibeon had fallen. For comparison’s sake, it would be as if Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, New York, Boston had all fallen to a single foreign power. And, not just fallen, but completely destroyed with all their people, creatures, and infrastructures with them. If you’re too modern-day politically oriented to the right, you might be saying, “good. We’d be better off.” It is likely that the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon would have felt similarly with the falls of Jericho, Ai, and Gibeon, as there was a lot of political and military control there. The long view, though, was that if a single could do that to those three mighty cities, then who were they in comparison?

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend, as the saying goes. The five kings understood that and brought the might of their combined forces against the Israelites. The consequences of their actions were their demise. Granted, it wasn’t as if they had much to lose.

    Hailstones that killed. A sun and moon whose order was paused for a day. These were mighty acts of God on display for all to see.

    On the other hand, the disciples go (as commanded) via ship to another shore, leaving the one they follow behind. After has some quality (alone) time with the , he strolls along to the boat…on the water…a long way from shore…at night…in the dark with a moon highlight.

    Jesus walking on water is just as miraculous as killer hailstones, and the sun and the moon being still for a day (It would be interesting to know how hot the day was at the ). Except, it was not a public event. It was something for the disciples (and those that followed after).

    We often want God to do miracles in the daylight. For some of us, justification that God does exist. For of us, a that the world can look to and . For others still, just the or the change desired through that miracle.

    God works in the day and in the night. As much as we often say, “…for God’s …,” it seems that many times God is not so worried about God’s glory. When we worry about God’s glory, it might be that it is not God’s glory that we are concerned for.


    • Do you ever think about God’s glory? When and why?
    • When we bring up God’s glory, what else might be our real motivation?
    • Do you see God working more in the daylight (visible/public) or more at night (hidden/quiet)? What are some examples?


    Lord, as we seek your glory, let us be seeking your glory and not our own. Amen.

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