• Stirring Up

    Psalm 71:1-9, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Matthew 12:9-21

    “Be a rock of refuge for me, where I can always go…”
    Psalm 71:3

    “I will put my in you, and you will live… I have spoken, and I will do it.”
    Ezekiel 37:14

    “The nations will put their in his .”
    Matthew 12:21 (also see Isaiah 42:1-4)

    When we read Psalm 71, we read chronological age (birth to old), and that is as the Psalmist intended. Let’s look at it differently today. Let’s look at it as our in Christ. Most people (not all, and that’s okay) when they first come to know Christ are eager to share about their new life in him. Often huge life changes occur that bear to the life- that is available through Christ. However, as our ages, often the enthusiasm goes away. We become “old.” In other words, our life in Christ is not very vigorous. Some people start out “old,” because they grew up in the church, and knew nothing different, and those around them (having been in the church awhile) were “old” already and were thus not very enlivening to a new believer. There are some who appear “old” due to their personality. They, too, need better ways and habits to invigorate their spiritual lives and the spiritual lives of .

    By God’s , we don’t have to rely on ourselves. The Holy Spirit that was promised to each and every believer will help us with our spiritual lives and help us help others with their spiritual lives. When we, in partnership with the Holy Spirit and each other, stir up our spiritual lives, the world will look at us and our hope, and the world will hope in His name.

    1) Why is a strong spiritual life an essential component to hope?

    2) What is one thing you can start doing to stir up your spiritual life?

    3/KD) No matter how young or old you are, you are important to other people’s spiritual life. What is one thing you can start doing to stir up others’ spiritual lives?

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