Category: Generations Devotional

These are the devotionals written specifically for Generations Community Church.

  • Mindful Restoration

    Psalm 118:19-29; Jeremiah 33:1-9; Philippians 2:12-18 (read online ⧉)

    Through Jeremiah, God is promising of Jerusalem. This is not “just” spiritual restoration, but restoration, as well. As we read the passage, it would seem that God is going to do this regardless of the state of the hearts of the people. However, there is a very strong implication that their restoration and occur with their repentance. While God does the work of restoration, they need to unbend their hearts and mind, repenting of the wickedness that caused God to turn his eyes away from his beloved.

    In his letter to the Philippians, notes that the Philippians have their own tasks to do. Paul tells the Philippians to obediently submit to God, who is actively working in them in regard to their salvation. The similarity between the Philippians and the Israelites shouldn’t be ignored. Both groups often reflect our own nature and . As such, they both (as do many people in the ) as a mirror suitable for self-.

    Paul tells the Philippians that they are to be “of one mind”, not arguing with one another. Paul is alluding to the murmuring that the people of Israel did, which got them into so much trouble with God, from the Red Sea to entering the Promised Land. Paul wants the Philippians to not be those people who become so obsessed with “their way” that they forego the right ways of God and thereby setting aside their salvation by not cooperating with God (and each other) who is working in them and their progressive .

    1. Why does Paul concern himself with the Philippians being of one mind?

    2. Why do you think being “of one mind” affects one’s salvation?

    3. If it was you, how would you address the Philippians? How about the Israelites (as in Jeremiah)? In both cases, think of ways to say it as if they did not believe in God or .

  • Community for Others

    Psalm 118:19–29; Deuteronomy 16:1–8; Philippians 2:1–11 (read online ⧉)

    The brief summary of Passover reminds the Israelites of how, as a , they are to celebrate it. When Passover was established (Exodus 12) there was a strong community aspect to it insofar as sharing the sacrificial lamb. If a family was too small, they were to with other households. Not partaking wasn’t an option. Sharing the lamb (and wasting less) was a communal support for Passover. Passover was not a single observer, but a community that observed.

    The kind of community that shared a lamb (looking out for one another for the shared observation) is the kind of community that loves one another and is of (at least in this) one mind. The kind of community where a lamb would be shared would be the kind of community where one would not feel superior to , but treat others in kindness and , looking out for their interests.

    This looking out for the interests of others is not the way of the world. Someone willing to share their lamb with another was sacrificial, and probably (sadly) was not done often, except in those very small communities where they shared the same poor circumstances.

    encourages Christians to be like insofar as looking for the welfare of others, knowing that Jesus looked to other’s welfare while some hated him, some ignored him, some didn’t know they needed him.

    1. How does this kind of community (sacrificing self for others) work when they disagree with each other?

    2. It is important to understand that it is the in us that empowers us. Knowing that to be the case, how can you look to the interests of others?

    3. What are a number of ways that can look when dealing with and routines, and in extreme situations such as natural disasters and pandemics?

  • Faithfulness Remembered and Expressed

    Psalm 119:9–16; Haggai 2:1–9; John 12:34–50 (read online ⧉)

    Haggai’s message was to encourage people who were feeling worn regarding the temple and its rebuilding. While the people of Israel were rebuilding their lives, the restoration of the temple was not moving as well. There is the political climate regarding the difficulties that would arise with the surrounding powers with the temple rebuilding. For those who were old enough to remember, Haggai reminded them of the of the old temple, trying to stir them up so that they could invigorate . Through Haggai, God reminded them that he was and that things could be great again, should they do their part to God through rebuilding his temple. God would then fill his temple with his glory.

    This God’s glory in the temple paradigm was to be cataclysmically changed with Jesus. God could no longer be viewed as distant, but now very much present. Like all huge changes in thinking, it was going to be painful and jarring. The of transition would begin with Jesus betrayed and hung on a cross. Jesus foreshadowed what was to occur, but the people seemed to have a sense themselves as they proclaimed that the Messiah would remain forever; a not-so-subtle dig that if Jesus ever died he was not the Messiah.

    Jesus did not allow the nay-sayers to his story. With his declaration equating denial of him and his words was denying God the Father and his words, Jesus made it clear that their understanding of the Messiah was not complete.

    He ultimately answered their challenge with:”…I know that his commandment [Jesus’ obedience to ] is .” John 12:50

    In other words, only by will Jesus actually become the Messiah who remained forever.

    1. What is your reaction to Jesus’ obedience being death?

    2. When you think of martyrs who also were obedient, what is your response to their choice? Why?

  • Grace of Perfection

    Psalm 119:9–16; Isaiah 44:1–8; Acts 2:14–24 (read online ⧉)

    The beginning of this passage in Isaiah has an important meaning that is easy to overlook.

    | Servant
    Chosen | Israel
    Do not fear | Servant
    Chosen | Jeshuran

    At the beginning, it is certainly more direct and imposing. At the second part, though, the tone changes. Hear (or Listen!) becomes do not fear. Israel becomes Jeshuran, a poetic “perfect” Israel. The way of addressing the people goes from formal to informal, some might even say endearing or intimate. Israel is not just someone to be commanded; they are someone loved intimately, warts and all, and are “perfect” despite their imperfections.

    This loving God then declares that he will pour his into his people! It will be like water filling the desert.

    A fisherman standing up and making a scene was probably not in the top 10 ways expected to have this played out. In a very public sermon, Peter invokes the prophet Joel’s , and we can easily see the parallel between Joel’s vision and Isaiah’s.

    In both, God seeks to more than the and the of frailty. God seeks to fill us, upon our acceptance, with the Holy Spirit filling us with .Us being filled by the Holy Spirit can be viewed as the ultimate expression of the intimacy expressed by Israel being called Jeshuran, or us (as the church) being called the of Christ. With the Spirit in us, we should never be unaware of God’s presence in us, and the intimacy that conveys.

    1) When you hear God in you, what goes through your mind?

    2) Have you progressed to the point where it is not just spiritual or intellectual, but both? If not, what could help you get there?

  • Knowledge and Knowing

    Psalm 119:9–16; Isaiah 43:8–13; 2 Corinthians 3:4–16 (read online ⧉)

    The predominant view in the Old Testament is that can only be obtained by thoroughly understanding and internalizing God’s ways can walk in concert with God. The psalmist discusses guarding one’s way, treasuring God’s in one’s heart, seeking God whole-heartedly, meditating on God’s precepts, and delighting in his statues. While all of this is good, it still falls short, as it relies on our efforts and will.

    It is human tendency to look side-to-side for a savior. It also often the case that people will pursue over claiming some sort of savior role. Both have been common throughout human history. However, sometimes a nation or people claim power over the way of the world. Today’s passage in Isaiah is an answer to those nations.

    Prior to today’s passage, God (through Isaiah) had called the Israelites to task (as if on trial) for not being the spouse of God as they were called to be. Yet, now the Gentile nations were called before the judge (God), and Israel was now the witness against the Gentile nations. Called to witness against the other nations who the true power is in the world and in history.

    What makes this passage particularly interesting is that the Israelites are being called to be witnesses not to judge the Gentiles, but so that they (the Israelites) know and believe God, and that God is their true savior. Here, God’s motivation isn’t to judge but to be known.

    When Paul writes to the Corinthians, there is an echo of Isaiah’s blind and deaf comment. According to Paul, the non- Jews have a veil over their minds. The law makes them, in a way, blind and deaf. Yet when they know God through Christ, the savior, they are no longer blind and deaf.

    1. Why is it, do you think, that hearing the law caused “a veil” to be over the Jews of Paul’s day?
    2. During church, group meetings (Sunday School, small group, group), conversations in the world-at-large, do you ever experience “a veil”, shutting out others and even God?
    3. How does Jesus’ on the cross “the veils” we wear?
  • New, not Renewed

    Jeremiah 31:31–34; Psalm 51:1–12; John 12:20–33 (read online ⧉)

    The of a new was ! A people who were lost and broken, many of whom knew that they had fallen away from God received the positive and hopeful news that there would be a new covenant. The problem was when and how would this happen? The people of Jeremiah’s time would be looking for it now.

    The people of ‘ time were also expectantly waiting, but it would seem far too many were more concerned with the how rather than the when. By Jesus’ time, some insisted that everyone would know the law as revealed by Moses would be in everyone’s . The law, as revealed by Moses, would be perfectly understood and lived out by every Jew.

    By Jesus’ day, the “new” covenant became more of a renewed covenant of old. The of a new covenant was being dashed against the rocks of the old one. With Jesus’ ongoing shake-up of tradition, he continued to draw attention. Previously, Jesus had told his disciples to not go to the or Samaritans, though he did have personal interactions with them.

    Now, however, Greeks wanted to Jesus. Being called Greeks, it is quite likely that they weren’t from nearby, but had come to the to (probably being converts to Judaism). In other words, Jesus was no longer just locally known. From a strictly logical standpoint, we know that the religious leaders were trying to get rid of Jesus, how much more so when the “tourists” start asking for Jesus.

    1. What do we do when “the tourists” start asking us about Jesus?
    2. Do we celebrate a new member of the new covenant?
    3. Do we start asking them about how they are following the law?
    4. Are we honest about how we are not following the law ourselves?
  • Expecting or Distracted?

    Psalm 51:1-12; Habakkuk 3:2–13; John 12:1–11

    It is so easy to be distracted from the important things in life. Some blame electronics. Others blame the media. Others blame no prayer in school. Others blame a culture that has walked away from its somewhat -ish roots. There is nothing new under the sun when it comes to human behavior.

    O Lord, I have heard of your renown,
    and I stand in awe, O Lord, of your work.
    In our own time revive it;
    in our own time make it known;
    in wrath may you remember .

    The opening stanza of Habakkuk’s song tells us that our disengagement from God is nothing new. Habakkuk calls us to be in awe of God. If you’ve ever had the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds fly over you in formation, you’ve had that sense of thunder through the entirety of your body. The jet wash passes over you. The sound overwhelms you. Plus the smell (which you may not like) of burnt jet fuel. There is an almost instinctual resonance to such an experience. Multnomah or Snoqualmie Falls with the spring runoff can do the same with the overwhelming volume of water, both noise and sheer amount.

    All of that pales in comparison to the awe that we ought to feel when we contemplate God. As we for Christ’s we, like Habakkuk, want God to make his glory undeniably known, and that his overwhelming wrath to overcome sin and evil, with a lot of mercy. While we may not be overwhelmed by God, there still appears to be that wiring inside of us that is looking for it with hopeful .

    Hopeful expectation.

    The Jews, under Roman occupation, were waiting for something. Some didn’t know what they were waiting for. Some were waiting for a revolution. Some were waiting for a Messiah. Those waiting for a Messiah—a savior—had a hopeful expectation.

        “You came forth to your people, to save your anointed.” [Habakkuk 3:13]

    1. Are you being truthful to yourself when say, “I’m waiting expectantly for to come back”?
      • If not, what is keeping you from seizing the that Jesus is coming back?
      • If so, what can you do to build up the expectation in others?
    2. The power of Good Friday (the day Jesus was crucified), is followed by the of the Resurrection. Yet the Resurrection is not the . It is only the beginning. How is the Resurrection the beginning for you?
  • Loving Intercession

    Psalm 51:1-12; Exodus 30:1-10; Hebrews 4:14-5:10 (read online ⧉)

    was used as part of the priests’ daily of God. It was a prescribed practice. Priests had a number of prescribed practices that they were regularly responsible for. They were constantly doing their tasks before God, both to him and be the representative of the Israelites before God.

    Before a priest could do their duties, they had cleansing rituals that had to be completed. By virtue of their post, they didn’t get to be cleansed. They are imperfect beings, too, just like us. This remains the case today, whether they are in the other traditions where the priestly role retains much of the intercessory nature of the Israelite priests, or in ours.

    This is where the author of Hebrews gives us pause and hope. The author informs us that Christ [perfect, of God, Son of Man, Eternal, begotten of the ] has now taken the role of the ritual priest, and by his very nature and is the eternal offeror of the sacrifice he was.

    The author of Hebrews goes so far as to elevate Jesus to the High Priest (highest person of religious authority in both culture and law), and then tie Jesus to Melchizedek (Genesis 14:17-14), who was the first person scripture calls “priest”. The author, then, is tying Jesus into the priestly realm before ever the person called Israel (let alone the tribes) even existed. By doing so, it is being established that how and what Jesus does in regards to priestly things overcomes, is superior to, and is the ultimate expression of the priestly sacrificial system.

    While the author of Hebrews is showing Jesus’ rightful place as (ultimate) priest and intercessor, the author also speaks to Jesus’ humanity. Jesus was fully . Jesus was and is fully divine. The two natures of Jesus laid bare for all to see. God as fully human. God who knows and lived with all our weaknesses and temptations, stands with us and for us.

    1) How do you understand Jesus as God and human?

    2) If you could avoid punishment, would you?

    3) What does it mean to you that Jesus—who could have chosen not to die—chose to die to take your punishment, ?