Philippians 2:12–18
The Philippians may be slacking off in Paul’s absence. At least that seems to be Paul’s concern. When Paul speaks about “working out” salvation, a better way to phrase it may be, do the Christian life in all that you do. Don’t just sit there. He notes that God works through them, but that doesn’t spare them from doing something.
Step 1 (left): Don’t grumble
Step 2 (right): Don’t argue
Step 1 (left): Don’t grumble
Step 2 (right): Don’t argue
How are you doing? We all need to grumble and argue less. That’s us “working out” our faith.
It’s Paul’s small promise tucked in the midst of this which should provide some drive. “…You shine like stars in the world, by holding firm to the word of life…”
We are all overwhelmed by the barrage of negativity. We are all overwhelmed by strident voices that are more about making a point, rather than a difference. When we look to the kingdom, we are called to make a difference, not a point. That’s really hard though.
When talking about slacking off, it means that we are arguing and we are grumbling.
1) When you have argued recently, was the Kingdom at the forefront of your mind, or was it you?
2) When you last grumbled, how was the Kingdom affected?
3) A star of the world, what effect do grumbling and arguing have on your light?