Have and Need

“For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and He is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting , Prince of .”
– Isaiah 9:6 (NRSV)

Okay. Be honest. Did you have your Christmas tree up at the beginning ofNovember? Anyonehave it up before this year? I mean, come on! We need the excitement and magic that Christmas brings. Right? After the yearwe have had?! We need Christmas. Maybe you are one of those who strictly doesn’t do the Christmas thing until after Thanksgiving is over…
Did you still this year?

I think we have all been anticipating this season. I know I have! We have been bogged down with COVID, killer bees, racial injustice, politics, and more. We need Christmas. We need . We need .

As you probably well know – God made a well before Jesus came…that Jesus would come. That Jesus would be and bring the that we needed so desperately. That Gods people needed so desperately. Do you feel like this year you need that light? You need to be reminded of God’s promises in your life? Do you need to be reminded of the hope that Jesus brings to us in all the different seasons of life?

It’s been a hard year. For so many reasons for so many people. Many of us have had anxiety, frustrations, cried, yelled, laughed, cried some more probably… I am thankful that God is . That God shows us His faithfulness through Jesus Christ. And that through Jesus and the promises that God keeps we can have hope. Because let’s face it. At the end of this year and as we into the next year – we need hope.

Where do you see hope in your life today? Thank God for those glimmers of hope. Thank God for His continued faithfulness.