Onto Waiting

28 May 2019

Psalm 25, Isaiah 26:1–21, Acts 16:16–34

Imagine being the only person at a 4-way traffic light with no one else on the road. The light for you is red. And it’s still red. Most of us will a little bit. Some might rev their engine a little. might back up and then go forward. Both have the intent to trigger the coil system that “flips” the lights. However, what if that doesn’t work? How long will you wait?

Most of us would start to get a bit antsy.

Waiting for God to is commonplace in the Bible, or should we say that waiting is scriptural, but not always about. Both in Psalm 25 and in Isaiah 26 we read about waiting. The way Scripture is written a lot of the waiting is not written about, as it happens between the points that we read.
Sometimes, however, waiting would seem to be the opposite thing to do! and Silas are in prison. God moves, their chains fall off, and all the doors to the prison open. In such a situation (such as Acts 12), it would seem to be the wise thing to run and escape. Yet, Paul and Silas waited. From a purely , it would seem that only the Holy could have prompted them to stay there for whatever the next act was. Stay in jail? Yes, until the right moment.

1) Have you ever had a answered, and then wondered if you should actually accept it? What was it? What decision did you make, and why?

2) We often talk about waiting on God to act, but in Paul and Silas’ case God acted, and yet they still waited. What does this tell you about waiting for God?

3) How do you test when to wait and when to move?