• Discerning Differences and Spirits

    2 Timothy 3:1–9, Hebrews 12:11–15 (read online ⧉)

    Every generation (so far) says of the one to follow has said at least one of the lists in 2 Timothy about the generation that follows. It’s not that there isn’t to it, yet it is not necessarily the same truth. Especially the transition from the last decade of the 20th Century to these first 2 decades of the 21st Century there is a cultural shift that is occurring simultaneously as, and even at a quicker rate than, the generational differences. This is an important concept to wrestle with. First, the generation and culture that follows are, in many respects, built upon the generation/culture that is complaining. Another way to say it, is instead of blaming them, look in the mirror and recognize our contribution. It is not that the list that Paul gives is wrong, it’s just that often we attribute to the responses of others something they aren’t actually doing because we don’t understand our differences. The differences between Western generations are similar to the foreignness of other nations.

    While we compare generational culture to this list of Paul’s, Paul really isn’t talking about the wider culture. He’s talking about Christians in particular. Many of these phrases were used by the Protestants against the Roman Catholic church at the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, and some still parrot this today. Sadly, most of these same phrases can be used against Protestant Christianity and (perhaps, even especially) Evangelical Christianity. Hence the necessity to be very careful in how we apply these phrases, for the first people who should be tested by them are ourselves. Being committed to is often not even tried, because deep down we recognize that we need to be tested, and that is uncomfortable.

    The author of Hebrews acknowledges that. and being disciplined is hard. When we test ourselves, it is the Spirit that disciplines us. And, just to be clear, we are susceptible here to the voices of the antichrists. They will try to tear us down. The builds up. Often the is the same, but the difference is that one wants to keep us down, and one wants to free us. The author of Hebrews speaks of the peaceful fruit that will result from the Holy Spirit doing the disciplining. The author of Hebrews then encourages our efforts to continue to pursue .

    The author of Hebrews then tells us the consequences of not pursuing righteousness, lameness or dislocation. The implication that we are not able to do our work. That is to be our goal, being fully (Holy Spirit) empowered followers of Christ.

    1) How do you see Paul’s list tied to the concept of lameness/dislocation as noted by the author of Hebrews?

    2) Have you ever been guilty of accusing another generation (before or after yours) of not understanding? What does that tell you about those that passed “culture” to you or the “culture” you passed on to others?

    3) A Jesus Christ-centered commitment to “test” others is hard. Have you ever made such a commitment? If so, how have you broken it? If not, what is holding you back?

  • Let It Be

    Psalm 112:1–9, Colossians 3:12–17, James 3:13–18 (read online ⧉)

    Galatians 5:22–23 lists the following as fruits of the spirit: , , , forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, , self-control.

    2 Peter 1:5–7 lists the following characteristics to pursue: , goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, love.

    1 Timothy 6:11 has its own list of characteristics: , godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness.

    Psalm 112 starts with praising of God, and then fearing God. How does this fit with the above? The same way as testing the spirits. Praising of God and (not punishing, but of awe) are foundational to testing the spirits. You cannot test without having an idea of the ideal. What is interesting is that the Psalmist goes on to that there will be a “natural” result of a . However, as we all know, there is always free will, and those that follow may not continue the legacy that they were handed.

    Colossians continues this with cloth, bear, forgive, let (peace), thanks, let (Christ’s message dwell), teach, admonish. The reason this passage of Colossians is important we continue thinking about testing the spirits is the concept of “let”. Far too often we try to do, and do not “let” God be God who dwells in us richly.
    James, too, has the concept of let. Granted, it is a let show, but that still means don’t make a show. Let what comes out of you be natural not forced. Let it be God coming from you, not be “fake it till you make it.”

    1) When it comes to “living” the , do you perceive it as natural to you, or is it “fake it till you make it?” Why do you feel that way?

    2) Why is “let” important for the Christian life? Do you tend toward the opposite?

    3) What is the danger of “letting” it being all that is part of your Christian walk?

  • Another Test?

    Nehemiah 8:1–6; Luke 24:18–27; Acts 17:10–15 (read online ⧉)

    The Israelite Exiles have returned home, sort of. As Ezra reads the , the remnant of Israel learns what it means to be God’s people. Generations had already wandered away emotionally and spiritually. Then they went into exile in a foreign land with various gods and practices and unlearned even more. The confrontation with God’s was probably startling to many, and -wrenching for .

    Even when theoretically well-established with the Scriptures, and even being (outer) disciples of , disciples such as Cleopas still needed to have things explained further to him. Perhaps, like many of us, it needed that “one more time” to get. Perhaps Jesus said it the “right” way this time so that Cleopas understood. Maybe for Cleopas, it took the report of the and Jesus’ explanation and the breaking of the bread to “get it”. We just don’t know why it took so much for Cleopas (and we really can’t forget Cleopas’ companion) to get it, but each of us has had a similar experience, where we just need to go over it and over it and over it (whatever “it” is).

    This is what makes the Bereans a good example. They eagerly dug into the Scriptures to validate what they were told.

    1) When was the last time you eagerly dug into the Scriptures?

    2) The Israelites needed to test things against the Scriptures but didn’t. How is your habit of things against the Scriptures?

    3) Do you recall that we are to test the Scriptures through the lens of God’s for us as displayed by Jesus Christ? In what ways is this displayed by Jesus’ explanations to Cleopas and his companion?

    : take one opinion or commentary regarding or from the world and test it against the Scriptures.

  • Mocking Truth?

    Luke 23:32–43, 2 Peter 3:1–18 (read online ⧉)

    Humor can be cruel. Often it is aimed at an who is different than us. Sometimes cruel humor helps us avoid our own insecurities. Humor can be quite painful at times. However, it the cruelty that wraps itself in humor that becomes something completely different. It leads to diminishing of , not just for a laugh (though that can be quite painful), but for a lifetime. It also leads to blindness, especially blindness to truth.

    Crucifixion was not uncommon in ‘ day. It was designed to be what it was…a murderous spectacle. Yet, there were certain things that were added on to it that were not normal: the purple robe, being hailed as “King of the Jews,” the crown of thorns. The soldiers mocked him. The Jewish leaders mocked him. The people mocked him. In the people’s defense, their fear of both the Roman soldiers and the Jewish leaders put them in a situation were likely many of them felt as if they had no choice but to join the mocking. However, just like many of us, this doesn’t particularly excuse it.

    By the time of Peter’s letter, the of the Lord seemed that it would never happen. The people, therefore, were being mocked for their expectation. In addition, because their expectation was “obviously” false, their way of and their beliefs were also mocked.

    Peter seeks to remind them that God’s words never return void (Isaiah 55:11). By implication, he is pointing out that God’s promises have come true. By implication, he also points out that the Prophets often did not know the exact timing, just that God was moving. That was the same situation that the church was experiencing. God was moving, it was just not the way and the when they were expecting.

    As Peter also felt the need to reinforce “the ” conveys some concern the people were diminishing the truth and/or the validity of the . Just like many of us are experiencing in this day and . We experience the scoffers and the doubters, who look at us and the Scriptures and shake their heads in despair of us. They pity us. As belief in the Truth of Christianity wanes, we approach the disbelief alive at the time of Peter (though there is a long way to go). It becomes progressively harder as the ratio of believer to non-believer changes amongst our families, friends, coworkers.

    1) How do you maintain your in the Word in the midst of all this disbelief?

    2) What other concerns do you think Peter had in this passage?

    3) Have you ever been mocked or scorned? How about for your ?

  • What Promise?

    Psalm 146, Mark 13:14–27, Mark 13:32–33, Hebrews 11:13–22 (read online ⧉)

    The New Year is no longer new. By now many New Year’s Resolutions are broken. People have already surrendered to their . Often people telegraph or expect their loss, and behave as if they have already lost. By God’s grace, many of those who went before, especially those that are revered in some aspect, didn’t behave the same way.

    The Founding Fathers (of the States) were human beings. They were marred by sin and imperfection…just like us. The system they developed, a hybrid of multiple governmental ways of thinking, was an experiment. The Founding Fathers had many fears about this system they created. Oddly enough, on both sides of the political spectrum is a growing belief that it has failed. That it failed (or hasn’t yet, or won’t, or…) is not the question or issue, nor has it ever been. The amazing thing is that it was tried at all. That a bunch of (granted) well-educated “aristocratic” men were able to motivate others not as fortunate to take on the ruling empire of the world (at that time) is amazing. It actually means, a cynical point of view, means that nothing has changed. Still to take on the British Empire was insane. These same men feared that democracy would fail, no matter what fail-safes they put into the system. They did anyway. Were they going against the flow? Would failure be catastrophic? Yes to both. Again, they did it anyway.

    When the U.S. system was designed it really had no trust in princes nor did it really have trust in people. It’s odd, wouldn’t you say, to put the fate of your in the hands of people you don’t really trust? Much of the angst of the current “feeling”* really boils down to putting our faith and trust in princes (and people) who haven’t really earned it. The ones that earned it are the ones we know, not usually someone on a website or a TV screen (though in this day and that may no longer be so).

    While it is wise to not trust humankind without some serious testing and discernment, people still do it. We have to. We cannot survive being paranoid. However, during his prophetic statements, still advises people that there will be false messiahs and false prophets. Jesus advises that the end will come with God the decides, and that is not for anyone else to know. Despite these words, men and women for ages have declared “special” knowledge of the end. People then feel betrayed when the end doesn’t come.

    Those that know the end date, or those who will us or stuff or safety, we put a lot of trust in them. Then we become upset because they failed us. When it comes to politicians and leaders we really treat them like New Year’s Resolutions…something will go wrong. We have no real hope in them, yet we still feel disappointed. Yet, we should actually be relieved when they disappoint us. Whew! They’re human just like us. That is the point of the author of Hebrews, God is not human like us. God is far more. God is faithful. God fulfills his promises.

    1) What (s) of God do you hold onto?

    2) What promises of people do you hold onto?

    3) Why do you think we hold onto people’s promises, yet often turn away from God’s promises?

    Action: As you read the this week, write down the verses that seem to be promises.

  • The Simplest Thing

    Matthew 21:28–32, John 6:28–36 (read online ⧉)

    It’s too easy. What do I have to do? There must be something that has to be done to earn my way. Perhaps I need to be wealthy. Perhaps I have to be powerful. Perhaps I to take a series of convoluted steps, and of course start from zero if I mess up.

    Nope, it doesn’t work that way. Whew! Yet, for some reason, the simplest way oddly seems to be the hardest.

    called on people to believe. He pointed to John the Baptist, first. John the Baptist came with a message of and repentance. That was always part of God’s to those he originally called…the Israelites. The Law effectively revolved around a constant cycle of repentance and to righteousness. The Israelites (now the remnant) didn’t understand and didn’t to God’s messenger. It was the people that were not “in” that responded. It was the ones who were “outcasts” who responded to the message.

    When confronted by Jesus, the people asked what they had to do to receive . While Jesus said, “believe,” the parable the accompanied that was about doing the will of God, even when that’s not the desire, and not telling God that it will be done, and then going one’s own way. Belief without action ends up being like the who said he would do but didn’t. The son who said no, but did still missed the ‘s .

    Actions louder than words. Actions, however, should be motivated by belief.

    1) What is the hardest thing you’ve had to believe? What made it hard?

    2) What action has been the hardest to do? Why?

    3) Which requires greater commitment, belief or action? Why?

  • Look at Me! Or Not…

    Luke 18:10–14, 1 Corinthians 1:26–31 (read online ⧉)

    This passage in Luke, rightfully, is often used in the to admonish the people about how they view other Christians. This passage speaks to the world, no matter their beliefs. Almost every person is a Pharisee. It is part of the fallen human condition. We compare ourselves to . All too often we look to others to evaluate ourselves, whether we are looking at or failure.

    In the case of the Pharisee in the passage, he is looking at the “sinful” state of the tax collector. To the Pharisee, the tax collector was “contaminated” by being a tax collector. The Pharisee condemned the tax collector by an earthly state, not a spiritual one.

    The world will often judge us (and we judge the world) by careers, location, origin, and many other things. The list is long. The issue is, as it was for the Pharisee, is that this mentality is a barrier to our repentance and salvation. If we constantly, compare our ways to others (whether good or bad), we are focused on ourselves and others, and not God.

    Often we are blind to our ignorance. Paul reminds us that worldly is not all that wise in comparison to God’s wisdom. What we choose to look at in another person, may not be what God is looking at, and God is the judge.

    When we focus on God’s wisdom we get something to the world, God’s , , and redemption.

    1) Do you ever compare yourself to others? If so, what areas in particular? If no, are you really sure?

    2) How does comparing ourselves to others hamper our spiritual growth?

    3) How do you boast in God? How have you heard others boast in God?

    Action: God to forgive you when you think too much of yourself, and when you think too little of yourself, and to you wisdom with both.

  • Sinning Fear

    Hebrews 10:26–11:1, 1 Corinthians 10:1–14 (read online ⧉)

    When we read verse 26 many people will become consumed by . There are a lot of people who were taught (and are being taught) that if you confess your sins (usually at church) then commit one immediately after, and then die, it’s as if the confession never existed. That is an incredibly hard place to live. There have been many Christians who have been worn down by this belief and it is heartbreaking, for it is not what the author of Hebrews intended.

    The concept of deliberately sinning is something that needs careful unpacking, and it is (in many respects) far beyond today’s devotional to dig into it. When we look at it with John Wesley’s understanding of (Sin is a willful transgression of a revealed and known law of God.) it not only helps, it ties in much better. The reality is that we will sin. However, it’s whether it is a lifestyle, or not. We can always try to convince ourselves that we are not making it a lifestyle. That is likely a tell that we are indeed living a lifestyle of sin. What helps us to not continue walking down the slippery slope (for it is one), is the expectation of judgment and fury.

    This is where a real balancing has to occur. We don’t want to live in a life of fear, nor should we. Yet, we need to be aware that without Jesus Christ we are in that danger of judgment and fury. In other words, we ought to seek to not sin not because we fear, but out of thankfulness and that we do not have to fear.

    On the other hand, self-justification is what the author of Hebrews wants us to avoid. The Christian understands (or should) that Jesus Christ died on the cross, and any temptations we have ought to be tempered by the thought of crucifying Jesus. While this sounds severe and even brutal, this is what keeps us from losing our way. When we stop being horrified at crucifying Jesus Christ, then are we a Christian any longer? As the writer continues, he recalls to his readers/hearers that they have already suffered and persevered through abuse and persecutions. The author is telling them that by continuing in sinful behavior they are spitting on their own sacrifices. As the writer reminds us, it is faith that leads us through temptations and even our sins. We are ever reliant upon the grace and mercy of God!

    Of course, what constitutes sin is always asked in these situations. That’s pretty human. reminds us that the Israelites all ate the same food and drank the same water as Moses. A portion died as a result of their behavior. Special food or drink didn’t them ( as a means of grace is something different). They were drawn and tempted into old patterns, just as we are today.

    1) What is your initial response to 1 Corinthians 10:13? How do you think it applies to our passage in Hebrews?

    2) Are you fearful of the consequence of your sin? Why or why not? If so, how do you beyond the fear?

    3) Do you really that a way out is provided (1 Corinthians 10:13)?

    Action: Write out a to God using 1 Corinthians 10:13 as a starting point; perhaps a prayer of thanksgiving.

Discerning Differences and Spirits

2 Timothy 3:1–9, Hebrews 12:11–15 (read online ⧉)

Every generation (so far) says of the one to follow has said at least one of the lists in 2 Timothy about the generation that follows. It’s not that there isn’t to it, yet it is not necessarily the same truth. Especially the transition from the last decade of the 20th Century to these first 2 decades of the 21st Century there is a cultural shift that is occurring simultaneously as, and even at a quicker rate than, the generational differences. This is an important concept to wrestle with. First, the generation and culture that follows are, in many respects, built upon the generation/culture that is complaining. Another way to say it, is instead of blaming them, look in the mirror and recognize our contribution. It is not that the list that Paul gives is wrong, it’s just that often we attribute to the responses of something they aren’t actually doing because we don’t understand our differences. The differences between Western generations are similar to the foreignness of other nations.

While we compare generational culture to this list of Paul’s, Paul really isn’t talking about the wider culture. He’s talking about Christians in particular. Many of these phrases were used by the Protestants against the Roman Catholic at the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, and some still parrot this today. Sadly, most of these same phrases can be used against Protestant Christianity and (perhaps, even especially) Evangelical Christianity. Hence the necessity to be very careful in how we apply these phrases, for the first people who should be tested by them are ourselves. Being committed to is often not even tried, because deep down we recognize that we need to be tested, and that is uncomfortable.

The author of Hebrews acknowledges that. and being disciplined is hard. When we test ourselves, it is the that disciplines us. And, just to be clear, we are susceptible here to the voices of the antichrists. They will try to tear us down. The Holy builds up. Often the is the same, but the difference is that one wants to keep us down, and one wants to free us. The author of Hebrews speaks of the peaceful fruit that will result from the Holy Spirit doing the disciplining. The author of Hebrews then encourages our efforts to continue to pursue .

The author of Hebrews then tells us the consequences of not pursuing righteousness, lameness or dislocation. The implication that we are not able to do our Christian work. That is to be our goal, being fully (Holy Spirit) empowered followers of Jesus Christ.

1) How do you see Paul’s list tied to the concept of lameness/dislocation as noted by the author of Hebrews?

2) Have you ever been guilty of accusing another generation (before or after yours) of not understanding? What does that tell you about those that passed “culture” to you or the “culture” you passed on to others?

3) A Jesus Christ-centered commitment to “test” others is hard. Have you ever made such a commitment? If so, how have you broken it? If not, what is holding you back?