Promises, Promises

Genesis 21:1-7; Psalm 105:1-11, Psalm 102:12-28; Hebrews 1:8-12 (read online ⧉)

God is a promise-maker. God is a promise keeper. He promised Abraham and Sarah that there would be a child of theirs. Fulfillment was a long time coming, and at a time they thought it couldn’t. God took shame and turned it into laughter. God took pain and turned it into .

Is Psalm 105, the psalmist echoes the hearts of Abraham and Sarah regarding wonderful works and miracles. The rejoicing they must have made. The psalmist reminds the Israelites that they are children of a promise by God, as offspring of Abraham.

The last verse of Psalm 102 (verse 28) says, “The children of your servants shall live secure; their offspring shall be established in your .” The promise Abraham is fulfilled with his children who live in God’s presence.

Just as God’s promises reliable based on God’s very , we also know that God is reliable for He is “…enthroned forever; your endures to all generations…”. We also know that God still has a for the descendants (via bloodline) of Abraham, and Zion is their—and our—ultimate home. The Israelites and we cling to the “stones” of the promised Zion.

The promise is that God will come back and rebuild Zion. The promise is that we will all be part of that glorious day.

1)Do you struggle to believe that God will come back?

2)If you knew when God would come back, how would that your ?

3) Christians have been waiting for Jesus’ return since the time of Paul. How is the similar to the faith of Abraham?