Tag: Advent

Devotionals specifically for the Advent Season.

  • Wednesday after Easter

    Genesis 1:24–2:1, Genesis 3:6–13, Psalm 11, Matthew 6:22–23

    Up through verse 25, God’s creative acts with the epithet, “…God saw that it was good.” Then God made mankind. With the completion of that , “…God saw that it was very good.” The word very can also be translated as exceedingly. Look around. Do we look exceedingly good? Our wars, our violence, our hatred, our favoritism, our biases, our brokenness. Exceedingly good? It is indeed true that our issues are not as God intended. Creation with the of humankind was very good. Then humanity lost it all.

    “Your eyes can deceive you. Don’t trust them.” -Obi-Wan Kenobi*

    Eve saw. Adam witnessed. Their eyes “were opened.” Obi-Wan Kenobi was very wise in sharing with his young disciple about how our eyes do indeed deceive us. Illusionists and magicians are very much aware of this. If you’ve ever had motion sickness, it is often a result of a disconnect between your eyes and your inner-ear (or your stomach). Your eyes your body a signal, and the of your body disagrees.

    Yet, we have many phrases (like Thomas) such as, “I’ll believe it with my own eyes.” It’s as if we think our eyes are more “honest” or “true” than another’s. There is also the reality that often what we see is not the whole story. Most people now believe that the Earth revolves around the Sun. It wasn’t that long ago that people believed that a chariot pulled the Sun through the sky or some other similar mythology. They based their conclusions upon what they saw.

    Now, this could easily end up being a wild goose trip, if we let it. This is where both Psalm 11 and Jesus’ words in Matthew come in. The physical aspect of our eyes is one thing. Our eyes “lead” to our soul. While the serpent’s deceit and Eve’s (along with Adam’s) pride to “be like God,” definitely are part of the picture, Eve “saw” the apple. If we look at the 10 Commandments, much of it involves to some degree.

    God sees all we do. Our eyes deceive us in that we don’t , so he must not see us (the sinner’s version of peek-a-boo). When Jesus warns us about the relationship between our eyes and our souls, it is because of how our eyes will often draw us away from the True desire of our souls…a deep and abiding relationship with God.

    1) We often look to and compare ourselves to them. How does that lead us away from the Very Good ?

    2) Our culture is very visual. Advertisers and media companies are aggressively pursuing our eyeballs. How should Jesus’ words influence our response? How does that reinforce Jesus’ words?

    3) The original sin has a symbol…an apple and a snake. Our has a symbol…the cross. The church as has a symbol…the cup and bread. What other symbols can you think of that evoke a powerful response?

    *GEEK ALERT! Just in case you don’t know the reference, this is from the movie Star Wars: A New Hope.

  • A Father’s Legacy

    Psalm 89, Matthew 1:6–25, Matthew 2:19–23, Luke 2:41–52

    David: the man (somehow) after God’s own heart. Imagine passing that down as your legacy. Even more, how about others passing it down for you. We “love” famous people. We “love” famous stories. Fame is fabulous. When we pass on family stories, which (we hope) are full of the legacy of our , we have this desire for immortality. It is this seed in us that seeks to break past the barriers of this . Even those whose full trust is in Christ have a bit of this in them. Children are one part of our legacy (whether biological or adopted or nurtured). Our story is another. However, are you willing to die to yourself?

    Today is the traditional day for Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. Yes, that Jesus. That person who lived a life of and , who died on a cross to bridge the divide between man and God, and rose again to show that there is life after this one for those who trust in him. Joseph is the father of that Jesus. The church talks about Joseph briefly during and Christmas. The churches in America might talk about Joseph on Father’s Day. Maybe. That’s about it. Joseph pretty much is a side character to us. Which makes sense, to a point. The Bible is God’s story for and to us. With Jesus being the Messiah and God, it makes sense that Joseph doesn’t quite get the limelight. Rightfully, Mary gets a whole lot of focus (some do take that overboard). Despite the message of our society, it really does take two.

    Sadly, we really don’t know much about Joseph. Some church traditions (not all) teach that Joseph was an older man who died early in Jesus’ life. That is not a rock solid fact. There are plenty of reasons why even a young man, barely older than Mary, would die before Jesus started his ministry. Does it matter when Joseph died? Not really. We can be pretty sure that he died before Jesus’ ministry began, but that’s it. So, why talk about Joseph, other than just it being “his” day on the church calendar?

    Joseph’s legacy is the Savior of the World. Every time we say Jesus’ name in , thanks, and , we are also declaring Joseph’s legacy. We don’t think of Joseph that way, but Joseph’s legacy is eternal, even now here on Earth. In fact, we think very little of the quiet legacies. If you have the chance, read Buck Jacobs’ short story, “The Janitor and the CEO.” Basically, the CEO was all sorts of flashy, and the janitor wasn’t. The janitor, however, had a welcoming committee in Heaven. So, perhaps instead of having a kind of legacy (or Peter, Timothy, Jude, John, Mark, Luke), you could have a Joseph kind of legacy.

    1) Think of the legacy you are passing on. Is it all about you? Is it about God? Really, what is it about?

    2) We often compare ourselves to others. Do you find yourself comparing your legacy to those of others?

    3) Often we look at the legacy we passed on to others, but neglect those who are now in our circle. Are there people in your relational circle that you haven’t been looking at as bearers of your legacy?

    FD) Have you ever wanted to be, or still want to be, famous? Why?

  • Comfy Story

    Psalm 72; Isaiah 60:1–6; Micah 5:1–6; Matthew 2:1–12

    The richness of the story of the Magi could probably fill volumes. Magi were people who retained, studied, and added to ancient knowledge. In many respects, they were a combination of priest, counselor, academic. They would be the people who advised the rulers but were probably not kings themselves. Them not being kings is not to dismiss the significance of their pilgrimage to Judea. Due to their likely significance to their king, being sent by the king was a of and to a king assigned by the heavens. They were ambassadors.

    Matthew is making a not-so-subtle point. The leadership of foreign peoples, who probably did not or God, came to Jesus, calling him king. The equivalent leaders of the Jews—Herod and the priests—appeared completely clueless that a king was born. Those who “should” have been first to proclaim God’s anointed one had to be told by unbelievers.

    Non-Jewish Christians(Gentiles) look to this story as Jesus being their savior, not just the savior of the Jews. This is true, and very much part of Matthew’s . For those of us “born” as Christians and/or raised in households and/or who have been Christians for a long time, we ought to re-read this story as a cautionary tale. There is often a point where we become a combination of Herod and the priests. We become numb and/or blind to the story and -changing nature of Jesus. It is the danger of becoming comfortable.

    The of Jesus’ birth shook the “should be”’s and the comfortable. The arrival of the wise men to a backwater town to visit some insignificant toddler disrupted the “proper” ways. When we are comfortable with the stories, it is time to reflect on our with Christ.

    1. What do you think the Magi thought when they met with Herod and the priests?
    2. Do you think your non-Christian friends or family would see you like the Magi or Herod and the priests? Why?
    3. How does the story of the Magi inform you regarding those who do not yet follow Jesus?
    4. [KD] Why do you think the Magi visited Jesus as a baby/toddler, rather than waiting until he was an adult?
  • Holy Path of Doing

    Psalm 147:12-20, 1 Chronicles 28:1-10, 1 Corinthians 3:10-17

    “[God] has not this for every ; they do not know his judgments…”
    Psalm 147:20

    “Realize now that the LORD has you to build a house for the sanctuary. Be strong and do it.”
    1 Chronicles 28:10

    “If anyone destroys God’s , God will destroy him; for God’s temple is , and that is what you are.”
    1 Corinthians 3:10-17

    Israel was chosen. From the time of Abraham, its was to bless the world. There was a time when it seemed that all was . Solomon had been chosen as king, and had been chosen to build the Temple. Solomon knew what his tasks and paths were. Yet, he wandered off. Israel, through Jesus, ultimately fulfilled God’s to bless the world, but not without many generations failing and paying the price of not following God.

    Each of us has been chosen for a task. If we have been blessed (especially with discernment), we may know what task God has chosen for us. Otherwise, we could be blessed with people who know us, and are able to guide us onto God’s chosen path. Then there is the most frustrating path of all: doing your best, and not knowing if that is God’s path for you.

    Paul does provide some guidance for us, if we are able to accept it. Our path is to be God’s holy temple here on earth. All of us. “,” you may say, “how can I be a holy temple?” Let God build the temple inside of you. “Wait,” you may say, “what am I supposed to do?” That’s the rub, isn’t it. Do? Let God build the temple inside of you. Do? Let God build the temple inside of you, while the world attempts to destroy it from the outside-in.

    Do? Be strong.

    1) Why do we often feel inadequate unless we are “doing”?

    2) In of God building the temple inside of you, how do you now , “be still and know that I am God”?

    3) In what new way can you be strong to allow the building of God’s temple inside of you?

    KD) If God’s temple inside of you was an actual building, what would it look like?

  • A Child-Like Gift

    Psalm 26, Matthew 18:1-4, James 4:7-12

    A child-like . That is the greatest an adult could for. All too often, however, we get caught up in our own heads, hearts and hurts. A child can look to God in faith and .

    We are not talking naiveite or ignorance. We are talking about innocence.

    Think of a baby. A parent tosses them up in play, smiling at this bundle of . The baby smiles, too, imitating the parent. Yet, for the first few times they are tossed up, they instinctively understand that this sensation is wrong. Despite that, their parent, their trusted person, is smiling. Trust overrides. A child-like faith.

    We actually have more child-like faith than we think, but it’s : engineers, mechanics, military and first responders. Even with other we have child-like faith that those around us know what they are doing, even though the traffic and accidents should teach us otherwise.

    James takes the “adult” approach. He’s working with those adults. He has to unwind the ways of the world from their minds and hearts. Cast aside your worldly ways, he says. When he talks about mourning and weeping, it is to recognize what we are in the world. Mourning and weeping are signs of grieving; grieving for our worldly selves; grieving for the world.

    So much of what we have to unwind is ourselves. Some have claimed that it was pride that led to the Fall of Adam and Eve (and thus mankind). All of what James writes of comes from our pride. A child of faith has pride…pride in God, not self. This is not to diminish self, for we are made in God’s image. We are not to see ourselves as better than others, for all are equal before God.

    An untrained (or untainted) child will treat others equally, no matter how different they are. Only when adults condition them to judge those different than themselves that children become cruel, and then we all have to deal with the of that cruelty.

    1) What does child-like faith mean to you? How do you live that out in a world that is “adult”?

    2) Why do we often put ourselves in the role of lawgiver and judge?

    3) Why do we judge when we ourselves don’t want to be judged?

    KD) What do you do when kids treat others differently then they would want to be treated?

  • Put Ahead

    Psalm 150, Mark 11:23-25, James 3:11-4:6

    “Let everything that breathes the Lord. HALLELUJAH!”

    Psalm 150:6 (NIV)

    “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven will also forgive you your wrongdoing.”

    Mark 11:25 (NIV)

    “For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every practice.”

    James 3:16 (NIV)

    Without question, Psalm 150 is a song of praise and adoration, and it is often best to start with adoration. Some people have been taught to use during was ACTS: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication. Adoration, though is often too easy, and we skip to supplication, because confession and thanksgiving are harder. Confession is probably the hardest.

    In Mark and James, and James (respectively) speak about putting ourselves above others, especially when it comes to prayer. Praying for others, especially those with whom we are in conflict, is essential to a functional .

    Jesus ties forgiving others into our own forgiveness. This serves as a litmus test of sorts. You see, when we have fully accepted, embraced, and embodied the of forgiveness we’ve received through the cross, we are able to forgive others, and that can be very difficult. When we don’t forgive others, can we really say in hearts that we are forgiven? Forgiveness isn’t about those who hurt us, it is about us.

    James address a different, but similar heart issue in his letter. Envy and selfish ambition are signs of a heart that puts itself first, and not God, and certainly not others. In a framily, putting oneself ahead of others breaks the essential bond of framily.

    1) In your own words, why is forgiveness essential?

    2) Why do envy and selfish ambition create disorder?

    3) Agape is self-sacrificing love. How is agape love fulfilled in forgiveness, and the lack of envy and selfish ambition?

    KD) Supplication is a that means for something. Why is that last in the order of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication?

  • Through the Hurt

    Through the Hurt

    Psalm 97, Hebrews 1:1-2:9, Galatians 4:4-7

    During this Holy Day, in the midst of -giving, family, loneliness, heartache, , hurting…look to God.

    Two holidays often are the most bittersweet, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The joy of (Thanksgiving) and celebration of the Savior (Christmas) can get confused with family struggles, financial struggles and family losses. These two gatherings will often stir up our deepest emotions, both good and bad. It can make the holidays some of the most stressful of the year.

    It’s okay. Joseph and Mary were expecting their first child. The mysterious and amazing circumstances only heightened that expectation. They had to travel in the midst of that. The stress of bearing the probable condemnation of their families, plus the confrontation with the Roman authorities (they were traveling to be counted and taxed) would have strained their joyful expectation.

    If you are questioning how could a person be stressed during this time…GIVE !

    If you are questioning your value or or walk, because you are stressed during this time, give yourself a break. The mother and earthly father of God were stressed, too. You are not alone.

    Stressed or not, Christmas is time to be present. Spend time with one another. If you know someone is alone, invite them. If you are alone, it’s okay to ask to come and visit. This day is for Framily.

    Heavenly Father, continually make us glad and joyful in this remembrance of the birth of your only Son, Christ. As we receive His Advent, help us receive him as our Redeemer. Help us, through the , be assured of our salvation and life with you. May your through Holy Spirit help us look to the earthly return of our Messiah. Give us confidence to bear your into the world. This we pray in the grace and love of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

    May you have a Merry and Blessed Christmas!

  • Wait For It

    Wait For It

    Micah 5:2-4; Psalm 96; Luke 2:1-20

    The beauty and mystery of God’s comes alive when it comes to Jesus. Much of the prophecy that surrounds Jesus is in the middle of statements that on their own may have seemed insignificant. However, when so many words and phrases, seemingly disconnected, are by the coming, life and of one person, one cannot help but take notice.

    We think of Bethlehem as significant. For Christians, it is. For the Jews, it was a backwater. Yet, God set it down in his word as the origin point of the great leader of Israel. From a human perspective, it seems that God is rewriting what was written. The reality is that mankind cannot comprehend the depth of God. Only as scripture was revealed through Christ could people have a “duh” moment.

    On Christmas Eve, there is a old song being sung, but with a new meaning. Glory to God in the Highest!

    God came down. God came down here. God set aside , might, glory, holiness, and became a baby born where animals lived. Just as Bethlehem was looked down upon, where Jesus was born was looked down upon, as an outcast. There was no room for them.

    In our Western culture, too many people are concerned about dates of such and such event. The date? That is a point in time. Perhaps we ought to look to those not of Western culture where the event (the ), not the time (or date), takes precedence. GOD CAME DOWN! God came down where God promised! The world has become concerned about time and date, for then we can be distracted from the event.

    On this day, can you and just ? Are you able to not look at your watch (or phone)?

    The Jews waited centuries for their Messiah. The event, the , of the Messiah was what they waited for. . Advent and especially Christmas Eve are all about expectation. Expecting the Messiah.

    1) Are you actually expecting the Messiah? Have you replaced expectation of the Messiah with expectation for gifts or food?

    2) With the first Christmas in the past, why is important to wait expectantly for Christmas now?

    3) If the Messiah were to come tomorrow, would you be looking for him?

    KD) Why did God decide to start life as a baby? What does that say about God?