Tag: answers

Devotionals tagged with accountability.

  • Now’s The Time

    Now’s The Time

    Matthew 16:1–4; Matthew 13:1–9; Matthew 13:18–23; Titus 2:11–14

    Humanity has smashed the atom. Humanity has gone to the moon. Humanity can splice the fabric of (DNA). Humanity sill hates. Humanity still wars. Humanity still fears.

    A generation goes and a generation comes,
    but the earth remains forever.

    What has been is what will be,
    and what has been done is what will be done;
    there is nothing new under the sun

    Ecclesiastes 1:4,9 (CSB)

    When talks about the sower, we can look around us and see plenty of people who are in rocky ground and amongst thorns. The reality is that it may be that far too many so-called Christians are exactly those. In seemingly crazy and desperate times such as this, it is very easy to be .

    Whether it is political , racial tensions, economic chaos, world tension, changes in how the body of Christ (the ) gathers, there are so many things that cause people to uproot their own faith. They also become easy victims to those who oppose the Christian faith.

    The writer of Ecclesiastes didn’t see the internet coming. Really, though, the internet is just a faster form of communication. In other words, the mode changed, but that’s it. Ultimately, from the view of Ecclesiastes, the human condition doesn’t change.

    Our fellow Christians, maybe even you, are struggling right now. The church is as divided as the US. The church, sadly, reflects the world. The politics (left, right, and everything from the middle to the extremes) of the world are not the church and should have no place there.

    This is hard for most of us, currently. Some are feeling persecuted for their faith. are wagging their and figures regardless of whether “their” “side” won or lost the recent election (or have been perceived to). It is nothing new under the sun.

    Paul’s words to Titus provide some guidance. While the “present ” was Paul’s and Titus’ time, the Christians of the “present age” should be aggressively taking Paul’s words to heart.


    1) What do you think it means to “live in a sensible, , and Godly way”? (Titus 2:12)

    2) How have you been like that in the current cultural/political environment?

    3) How were your answers more worldly than Godly?


    Jesus, help us to walk in your footsteps. Amen.

  • Why Speak So?

    Why Speak So?

    Numbers 12:4–9; Matthew 13:10–17; Luke 18:31–34

    There is an ongoing tension between the mysteries of God and the revelations of God. There are many people that struggle with God because it seems so much is hidden.

    In the beginning, the struggled with people who took the saving of Christ, and then had “secret” revelations that went along with it (usually with a price or other sort of loyalty). The results of some of this, were what are called Gnostic or Heretical “gospels” that are built upon that so-called secret knowledge. To this day, some of these books still cause trouble in the church and mislead those who cannot discern God’s Word.

    As we read in Numbers, the three siblings (Aaron, Miriam, Moses) went before God. Aaron and Miriam (Moses’ older siblings) thought that they should be just as important as Moses. Whether it was a pursuit of , or even the cultural of being older, it didn’t impress God.

    God even differentiated between them (along with later prophets) and Moses by saying that only Moses received straight words. Everyone else would have to deal with riddles, visions, and dreams. In other words, those that received clear would be very few, and would have other miraculous acts that accompanied these words.

    Even spoke in parables (riddles). Some scholars have speculated that if Jesus had revealed too much too early, the completion of the (the crucifixion and resurrection) would have not occurred. In other words, people’s immediate understanding would have short-circuited the ultimate plan of God…the plan of salvation.

    We all understand that what we knew as children was simple (barring a few geniuses). It is the same with our . Our faith grows. As it grows, deepens, and matures we begin to truly wrestle with the parables.

    It is this wrestling that helps us grow stronger.

    Even the 12 that were the closest to Jesus, and even the 3 who were closest, still didn’t get it all the time. And that was without parables. Sometimes, Jesus spoke straightforwardly, and they didn’t get it.

    Lord, we want to understand. Help us when we just want the answers rather than to them. Help us to be grace-filled towards those who are learning your Truths. Amen.


    1) What was the hardest question you’ve ever had to answer? What made it hard?

    2) What things can make a question hard?

    3) What do you think of when you hear, “there is no such thing as a dumb question”? How do you think that applies to the parables of Jesus?

  • On the Other Side of This

    On the Other Side of This

    Matthew 18:15–20; 1 Peter 1:13–24 (read online ⧉)

    Once, an old warrior told a young man that the young man’s father was killed by a certain individual. The young man later confronted the certain individual and learned that the certain individual was actually his father. The young man then confronted the old warrior said that it wasn’t a lie, it was the told from a certain point of view.

    There are many perspectives floating around at the moment. Most are carried with verve and vigor. Many are carried with . Many are carried with anger. Many are carried with fear. Many are carried in vengeance.

    In the midst of chaos and strife, it is easy to get caught up in the emotions, especially the negative ones. People will often watch or other otherwise consume media that reinforces their viewpoint. This further entrenches the hearts of people, making the divides wider.

    Right now, there are many paths being laid, and the sad truth is that each will walk a path, and there is little likelihood of reconciliation. It is not just our country, it is our cities, our state, our world. The saddest place of is in our churches.

    While we are going through the COVID-19 situation, to have the additional stress and strain of societal disruption (regardless of right or wrong) will result in hearts that harder then they were already.

    There are cultural and societal sins at play. Individuals are not guilty of these sins, but they are responsible for them. We as ambassadors of the Heavenly —where our citizenship rests—are called to be of one mind.

    Being of one mind is hard, especially when we focus on all that separates us. If we were, for example, to focus on Christ, what Jesus has done for us, the freedom that he has given us, our ability to beyond our earthly desires should improve.

    This does not mean that sorrow, grieving, repentance, and reconciliation don’t need to happen. They, in fact, do need to happen. It is through these that the human walls between us are broken down and we can truly be .

    Lord, as our hearts ache and our tempers flare, grant us peace. As we look to the world in disarray and fear, give us peace. As the world seeks answers and , make us peace. Amen.

    1) What do you plan to do to heal the rifts between fellow Christians?

    2) As barriers grow, how will you lovingly break them down?

  • Despairing Flames of Joy

    Despairing Flames of Joy

    Ecclesiastes 3:16–4:3; Job 3:1–26 (read online ⧉)

    Let’s be honest, Ecclesiastes is not the most uplifting book of the bible. In many respects, it can be a bigger downer than the story of Job. Both books are generally put under (along with Proverbs) the category of literature.

    Wisdom literature often doesn’t seek (though people search wisdom literature for it). Wisdom literature seeks understanding. That would seem to be the same thing, yet if we look at all the clicks a person makes on their computers or on Facebook, we know things about them, but it does not mean we understand them.

    The hard thing about Ecclesiastes is that the writer (“the Teacher”) is quite willing to confront the darkness of the world, facing it head-on. Most of us would prefer to avoid the darkness of the world, and so such writers make us uncomfortable. This is a good thing.

    It is for times such as this, that wisdom literature may help us. Wisdom literature won’t hand us the cure (whether for disease or depravity). Wisdom literature can help us step back from our immediate responses and reactions, and help us to develop a framework with which to handle reality.

    Ecclesiastes 3:16 begins with the presence of wickedness where justice and are supposed to prevail. It is not just with police brutality. It is not just with racism. It is not just with the distribution of wealth. It is not just with misogyny. It is with humanity.

    This is not a paean to make us feel better about ourselves or to deaden anyone’s anger, frustration, pain, or in the drama that is 2020. This might, might, be the straw that finally breaks the camels back, and brings Christianity where it needs to be, on our knees in prayer, supplication, confession, remorse, celebration, and reverence.

    Seems to be an odd mix? That is the beauty of wisdom literature. Conclusions drawn from it, just like in life, are not always easy to put in a box.

    As the Teacher seems to envy the dead and the neverborn, Job wishes that the day of his birth had never come. Similar to George in It’s a Wonderful Life, Job believed that it would have been better were he never to have been born. This is often the of in our lives, as it was in Job’s.

    “When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is this: fear God and keep his commands, because this is for all humanity.” —Ecclesiastes 12:13

    “There is in no one else, for there is no other under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.” —Acts 4:12

    Often, it is these two verses that can keep despair at bay. The passage from Ecclesiastes is the conclusion of this book of wisdom. The passage from Acts was Peter’s first public sermon and strong proclamation of the Gospel.

    When lost in despair, or tending toward despair, God remains steadfast.


    God, thank you for your steadfast love for all Creation. Help us rely and trust in that. May we look at our fellow humans as people who are looking (whether they know it or not) for the wisdom that only you can provide. Amen.


    1) How is your soul in this turmoil?

    2) How do you view your fellow humans at this point?

    3) How do you attempt to redeem the darkness of yourself and your fellow humans?

  • Handling Truth

    Handling Truth

    Psalm 110; Matthew 22:41–46; John 1:1–18 (read online ⧉)

    John calls the . In his phrasing, it wasn’t just any word or words. Jesus was (is) the actual embodiment of God’s words. It’s…strange. It’s…incomprehensible. It’s…impossible. It’s….

    When Jesus speaks, we’re to listen. That can sometimes be hard. In fact, a lot of people throughout history have had a hard time listening to Jesus.

    Today, we hear a lot of people say, “I like Jesus just fine, I just don’t like his followers.” There is some truth in that, as we followers are broken just like everyone else.

    However, often that phrase (or a similar one) is used to shut down the conversation. Many Christians will try to stop the conversation there and try to defend themselves (and/or other Christians). Just like that, the conversation has changed.

    This is not to say such people are purposely manipulating things for that. It’s just that when we are defending/protecting our deeper selves, we will do things we don’t think of ourselves capable of.

    On the contrary, people such as the Pharisees were very methodical in their approach. They didn’t like Jesus’ followers. Of course, it seems their reasoning was either they (His followers) were being deceived, or because they (the Pharisees) weren’t the ones being followed. They went for Jesus to draw his followers away.

    In this particular story, Jesus (the Word) was attacking or questioning the Word. Yes, we could say he was questioning the interpretation. In fact, that is a great point. However, there are Christians today who refute questions like Jesus’ because they challenge the Word.

    This is not a small thing. People question the (the human undertaking of the Word) to this day. In Jesus’ time, it was actually part of the rabbinical school of thought. Not only did they not think it was dishonorable, but the rhetorical questioning and answers were also part of how Jews understood the faith.

    If Jesus felt comfortable questioning himself (yes, this is a stretch, but a fun one), then why do we freeze when the Word is questioned? When someone says, “I like Jesus, but…” Let’s agree that we like Jesus, too. Then let’s talk about Jesus. We establish common ground (we like Jesus). Then we can talk about Jesus.

    This doesn’t mean, sadly, that the person is about to be saved. Not by a long shot. What it does mean is that we can learn about what they think is great about Jesus, and what they know about Jesus. The conversation may last years. Jesus and the Word can handle it.

    God, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, and a on my path.” (Psalm 119:105) Thank you for giving it to me to learn your story and of your desire and for me. Grant me the wisdom and courage to share your word with , especially those who do not know you yet. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※
    1) Do you think you have to defend God’s Word? Why or why not?
    2) How do/would you defend all the translations that we have of the Bible?
    3) What is your understanding of why we (the at large) consider the 66 books of the Bible as the True scriptures, and not others?

  • Proof


    27 April 2020 devotional

    John 4:45–54; Acts 7:47–60; Hebrews 11:1–16 (read online ⧉)

    “What is ? How does it begin? Are we alone?

    These are some of the we ask in our quest to about and share the wonders of the universe.”

    From the About us section of the SETI Institute website

    SETI (the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) Institute searches the universe for signs and proofs that we are not the sole planet containing intelligent life. They work with scientists, other scientific organizations, government agencies to analyze the heavens above to answer questions for which humanity has since the beginning sought answers, such as, why are we here, and how did it all begin?

    In history books, we are taught to despise the Roman Catholic church for its ex-communication of Galileo, notwithstanding that there was more at stake than just whether the sun or the earth was at the center of the solar system (actually, both argued for Creation). In the Church of the Nazarene, there is still a theological debate between those that believe in a literal 7 day Creation and those that believe the 7 days are figurative.

    Proof of God’s existence for some is impossible, for no matter what you say they will not believe. For others, proving God exists is simple when one watches the sunrise or a bumblebee fly.

    Proof is often requested. That’s no surprise. It was demanded of Jesus that he prove his validity. Miracles and teachings should have been sufficient, but it wasn’t. Even those that were, supposedly, of the same faith challenged him. They didn’t believe what was right in front of them.

    The story of Israel includes casting out, beating, and even killing prophets sent by God. Israel would raise up and support and follow those that opposed the prophets of God. The prophets were not all highly educated. They weren’t always from influential families. There is some question if anything “qualified” them to be a prophet of God. That’s the . The one who called, also qualified…God.

    We are at a time when science appears to reign supreme. Culturally, it does. Often it was because vilified what it feared or did not understand. Honestly, just as science does today in regards to religion. Often, we are called to defend our faith with “proof”. No scientific proof will likely prove to an atheistic scientist that God exists. It will be something that we will be wrestling with for generations to come.

    It comes down to the question being asked. Science asks what and how (in a systemic sense). Religion asks about why and how (in a motivational sense). Often times things seem to be in conflict, however, the reality is (as Christopher Stasheff once wrote) that any conflict between science and religion is either a science believer who doesn’t understand religion or a religious person who doesn’t understand science.

    This is an incredibly volatile time. There are far too many people full of fear and ignorance, and too little deep information out there. What there is are people who take the pieces they do have and weave something together that fits for them. Often, though, the result ends up having an unexpected growth beyond anticipation that increases blind fear resulting in the wrong action in response.

    Heavenly Father, we thank you that you have given us minds that seek to understand you and your Creation. Help us balance these views that often seem to be in conflict so that we can live out the life that your , Jesus, has called us to. Holy , guide us into all as Jesus said you would. Amen.


    1) Do you tend more to the science side or the faith side? (There is no wrong answer)

    2) Do you struggle to balance science with faith? How about others you know?

    3) What is the great science revelation you can think of? What is the greatest faith revelation you can think of? Do these conflict?

  • A Time of Distress

    A Time of Distress

    Deuteronomy 4:25–31; Jonah 2:1–10; Matthew 9:35–38 (read online ⧉)

    Moses is not all that optimistic about the spiritual health of the people of Israel. He’s downright pessimistic about what paths they will follow away from God. There is something in today’s opening verse that is important, “When you…have been in the land a long time….” We often focus on the acting corruptly piece. It is the underlying comfort piece that we should be aware of. Being in a place for a long time breeds comfort. Comfort often produces contempt (which is seems to be the thrust of Moses’ concern). Moses continues with how their descendants would, instead of worshiping the God that rescued them from Egypt, worship lifeless idols of wood and metal. What a mess!

    And then…DISTRESS! Honestly, as we understand reading the story of the fall of Israel, we understand just how much distress they experienced. Reading the prophets we understand just how much contempt they had, as well. Yet, the distress was a refiners for the Israelites, and that was a good thing.

    Jonah’s distress was also self-inflicted. He ran away from his call from God. When he finally acknowledged his responsibility to the call, he was tossed into the sea and swallowed by a fish. Not quite a refiner’s fire, but perhaps the gastric juices of the fish served the same effect. Jonah, in his distress, approached the throne of God. DISTRESS! It was a good thing.

    After all the Israelites and then the Jews (the last known identifiable remnants of Israel) had been through, they were still in distress at the time of Jesus. The crowds that followed Jesus were adrift on a spiritual storm-tossed sea. They were abandoned (without a ). When Jesus had on them, it was (in many respects) no different than God’s compassion on the lost Israelites. These people were in distress. The good news? That drew them to Jesus.

    Distress is not an uncommon thing. Sadly, it’s not uncommon at all. It is part of the human condition. It is what we do in and with the distress that is important. Distress can refine us. The refiner’s fire can often be an uncomfortable thing. We are now at a time when we all need to embrace the distress and the fire. For some, it the endless activities that have ceased. For others, it could be the of the that was, is, and is to come. Then there are the economic and stability questions that desperately need answers.

    For all of these things, and more, there are assumptions that need to be questioned. Some will be retained (and that’s okay). Others we may . There is a snarky comment directed at politicians…a good politician will never let a crisis go to waste. We shouldn’t either. In the case of a politician, it will usually be for . For us, it needs to be so that we are made, re-made, and continually re-made into the image of Jesus Christ.

    Almighty God, we our desire to control this crisis. We surrender our fears and anxieties. Help us to, most of all, surrender ourselves to your will and way. We know that you will to take our bad and turn it into good for us. Help, Lord, to embrace, accept and pursue your loving hammer and chisel that shapes our hearts of stone. Give us new that takes any part of us that is stone and unyielding to you, and turn it into living flesh that brings you glory and honor. Amen.

    1) What is the biggest “obstacle” for you right now in the current situation? Is it an obstacle that is between you and God?

    2) How do you see the current COVID-19 situation being a “refiner’s fire”? How is it not a “refiner’s fire”?

    3) What other distress points are on your heart right now? What might God be using those to draw you to him?

  • Walk Away

    Walk Away

    Hebrews 2:1–4; Hebrews 6:4–8; Revelation 13:11–17 (read online ⧉)

    Those who have fallen away is a hard subject for many of us. We know people who at point affirmed that Christ was their Lord and Savior, but through various experiences, conversations, perhaps even discouraging events, they walked away from their that they had held onto dearly. Often it is because they have hard questions and they receive, “you just have to have enough faith,” or “don’t question the teachings,” or many other responses that are not answers.

    The question then becomes, “now what?” It really isn’t something good. Just as teachers are held to higher standards than other believers (James 3:1), former believers are held to a higher standard than non-believers. This is not because they became better people, but because they walked away from their salvation. The author of Hebrews puts is very starkly, to be saved again, they have to crucify Christ again.

    This sounds impossible, for Jesus Christ died once for all. However, that really isn’t what the author is saying. Especially for those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior later in life (especially post-childhood), the acknowledgment and acceptance that Jesus Christ died for us has a far deeper and harsher meaning. We become more aware of just what that means. For many of us, that was a hard enough journey.

    Imagine someone whose hard was hardened toward God and walked away. That road back to salvation will be so much harder to walk than the first time. Peeling away the new and probably harder and thicker layers. Often the pride built when walking away has to be torn down, and then the other layers of guilt have to be torn down again. It is no easy road.

    The author of Hebrews isn’t saying it impossible. By God’s grace, and love, the road to redemption can indeed be walked many times. It does depend on how one left the road and how one kept off the road. There are no easy answers, and the road is always different for each person. If you know of someone on a road that is not the Redemption Road…THERE IS . Do not lose hope! With God, all things are possible!

    As of late, this has come to the fore as there have been a number of high profile people who have “left” the faith (though, when you actually read what they say, it’s not closing the door).

    At the same time, with the COVID-19 , we are seeing good-intentioned Christians stirring up the pot with concerns regarding vaccinations, government controls, “conditioning” and other things using the imagery of “the Beast.” Now, to some degree or another, the concerns have validity. Using “the mark” and “the number” of the “Beast” as a scare tactic (even as perceived justifiable one) helps to plant stones on the paths of those wandering away from the faith, and even those who are struggling in their faith, yet faithfully walking the way.

    This is not to say that those invoking “the Beast” are at fault, just like the person who spoke poorly or wrongly is singly at fault for another person walking away from the faith. And that is probably the hardest thing to from the author of the Hebrews. We all have the responsibility to build and strengthen our faith, just as we are responsible for what we do that weakens it. What we can do is be open to others as they struggle. We also need to be open to others regarding our struggles.

    Father, Son, and , please strengthen our faith, whether it be in trying times or normal times. Help us to walk the path resolutely even when we . Please help us be among those who will lift us up when we stumble and fall. Help us to be the family you have called your children to be. Amen.

    1) What famous person are you aware of that walked away from the Christian faith? Other than the fact of their walking away, what do you know of their story?

    2) When was the last time you answered a seeking question with an answer that you regretted later? What did you learn about yourself and God through that?

    3) What is the best way to share the love of Jesus to those who are seeking or doubting?