Tag: blessing

  • Wall Fall

    Wall Fall

    Jeremiah 19:1–15; Revelation 18:11–20

    Whether big or small, the demise of a city is no small thing. It could be because of failing to respect God, or if it’s because of mismanagement, or if it’s because of something out of the city’s control.

    A city is a home to many people, and its demise should never be glossed over. Often, especially in the Scriptures, the fall of the city is the larger picture of the fall of humanity.

    Imagine Jeremiah prophesying the demise of Jerusalem, a city he loved if for no other reason it was the place God put God’s . There is a reason why Jeremiah is often called the weeping prophet. He mourned the of Jerusalem.

    The heartbreaking part is that the loss and fall of Jerusalem meant that God was taking God’s name and away. While Jeremiah foretold , it wouldn’t be for a long time. It is also quite possible that Jeremiah wondered if Israel would really .

    The fall of Jerusalem was because of the unfaithfulness of the people. That unfaithfulness was in the Promised Land and in the City of God! It is quite possible that he was afraid that they would fall so far when they were in exile, that they would defy God again.

    Babylon could be considered symbolic of that exact scenario. The time for possible redemption had long since passed. Babylon had knowingly and willingly gone against God. It became a place of abandonment. Even those allied to it, and who benefitted from it stayed away as it fell.

    Those around Jerusalem would celebrate its fall as they looked forward to benefiting from its demise. On the other hand, Babylon was mourned as it fell, not because of the people, the depravity, or the lack of God, but because people would no longer benefit (especially make ) from it.

    The “death” of both cities was something mourned by God. God wants Creation to seek redemption and . Eventually, Jerusalem (or those who descended from it) did. Babylon is in the last throes of the of times. There is no turnaround for it.

    While time flows, there is always time for redemption and reconciliation. However, at some point, time will end, and redemption and reconciliation are no more.


    • Just as people’s ability to reconcile to God has an end, so does our time on earth (death). Is there some reconciliation and redemption that you need to seek or grant?
    • With the painful throes of , economies, lives, and viruses, have perceived the end of time, yet? If so, what has changed in how you approach others regarding the ? If not, why do you think you haven’t been impacted?


    Lord, may we see the end of things as imminent, no matter how far away they are. Help to feel the urgency and importance of sharing the Gospel. Help us to partner with you to reconcile and redeem the world. Amen.

  • Why So Serious?

    Why So Serious?

    Luke 18:15–17

    is a serious business. It’s true. From an orthodox Christian , it has an eternal impact. So, it is serious.

    Serious, though, doesn’t mean solemn.

    A few years ago, I experienced a -changing question: what is your first experience of God? I was flummoxed. I had no idea. I knew my (relatively) more recent experiences, but my first?

    I was grateful that I would be answering the question last. I sat and prayed. “God, when was it the first time I encountered you?”

    God responded (to my /mind), “ the scar?”

    The scar is right below my right eyebrow. After so many years, it wasn’t important.

    God reintroduced me to the memory of a hike with my and some of his acquaintances.   I was 4 or 5, I think, and the only kid. We were walking up a hill on a trail/road. I had looked out to the valley below and “it” hit me. I then tripped and fell. I now had a bleeding gash. My dad cleaned me up, put a butterfly bandage on it, and off we went.

    The people in my group were a little puzzled. How could that possibly be a God encounter? Part of my spiritual wiring is trees and mountains. For me that’s almost an automatic response…God is here.

    That feeling of awe and wonder isn’t so solemn. Thanks be to God!

    Awe and wonder are indeed a gift from God. The of children is that they can still have simple awe and wonder.

    If we cannot wonder, then what kind of relationship do we have with God? If we have no awe, we are often only filled with . That isn’t a good relationship either.

    This passage is often brought up as an encouragement to raise children in the faith. I wonder (I had to), though, if this was the first or only time this happened.

    Children often know a person who authentically loves them. They like hanging around such a person. Often, they are louder, more -filled, and just want to have fun!

    What if the adults were so solemn, they saw a prophet and were afraid? What if the children saw a friend, and were full of joy?


    When was the last time you just wondered at, with, and about God?


    God, may we wonder in your and see all of Creation through your eyes. Amen.

  • Breaking Ties

    Breaking Ties

    Psalm 86; 2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1

    “But thank God, who is always leading us around through Christ as if we were in a parade. He releases the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere through us.” —2 Corinthians 2:14 (CEB)

    I have to admit, I tried to be optimistic that I would be able to stop alluding and directly addressing US after the election. Bluntly, it gets rather tiring. However, as I see my brothers and sisters in Christ responding to the world, it may well be that politics is the greatest worldly vice that the needs to confront. As a pastor, I cannot help but believe that addressing church politics may be a call for a while.

    Much of the reason is that the church is hurting. As much as certain people would like to blame the current president for the situation, that is really denying reality. The (yes, blessing) of the current (yes, soon to be former) president’s time in office is that the church, in particular the white evangelical brand, has had to confront how much it has been in the pocket of politics.

    What has followed quickly behind, is the awareness that the so-called liberal (not sure the label applies) “side” of the church (universal) is equally in the pocket of politics, just a different side’s. We, as the church, need to confess that we are in bondage to …political power.

    The Corinthians have been turning away (or withdrawing their affection) from , as local influencers are successfully convincing them that Paul is a sham. Who these influencers are exactly is open to interpretation, but much of the challenge is due to the apparent difference in Paul’s tone and “presence” when he is away versus when he is physically present. Paul calls out the Corinthian church for being “yoked” to these unbelievers, rather than Jesus Christ.

    The church has been unequally yoked with US politics and has seemed to cast off the yoke of Jesus Christ.

    To be clear, I follow many Christians on both “sides” (which in and of itself is a sad witness of the church) of politics. The general lack of given to Christians and leaders of opposing political views breaks the of God. Whether we’re talking about splinters and logs (Matthew 7:2–4), abortion, the penalty, homelessness, unemployment, COVID, we are called to love one another…ESPECIALLY our brothers and sisters in Christ.

    In a republic, but even in a dictatorship, the church should use what influence it has to make the world look just a little bit more like the Kingdom of God. That can be a tall order. The world, however, has been successful in turning the Church into a loyal voting block rather than a prophetic witness against the ills of the world.

    Being “unequally” yoked is an odd turn of phrase in this context. Yet, it is due to one thing…the world’s power is not the Church’s. The Church’s powers are not the world’s. The world seems to know that its power is not the same, so tries to convince the Church that the world’s power is the best way to “reach” the world. The truth? The Church cannot successfully wield the world’s power and remain the Church.

    Paul’s admonition to the Church of Corinth is regarding the church allowing unbelievers to tell the church how to treat and behave toward fellow believers. That admonition stands today.


    • What do politics and politicians tempt you (personally) with? How might that interfere with Jesus’ call on your ?
    • As harsh as it sounds, why might political power be a sin? How might it not be?
    • As Christians, we are called to God’s Kingdom. As earthly citizens, we are called to exercise our right/responsibility to vote. How do we balance the 2 powers, and be faithful to being salt and light?


    Lord, forgive us. Help us have the , endurance, love, and grace to be healers of our homes. Amen.

  • Following


    Matthew 10:21–22; Matthew 12:46–50; Luke 11:27–28

    Have you ever been in a …and it’s going well…and then it’s really digging in…and then someone interrupts? That feeling of…really? Couldn’t you have held out just a bit longer?

    Really? What was so important?

    . Except, in comparison to the , what is family? That might sound a bit harsh, yet for those who chose to follow when he was walking on earth and especially those that followed him after the , that was reality. For many, it was versus family on earth.

    In the 2 later passages (Matthew 12 and Luke 11), Jesus is teaching about the of God. Then people interrupt with the family on earth. In Matthew 12, it is a combination of those listening and his earthly family that interrupt the teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Jesus’ to that is to include all those around him as mother and brothers, as long as they do the will of God.

    Another time, a stranger interrupts Jesus to bless his mother, Mary. Not that her is a bad thing, but what does this have to do with the Kingdom of God?

    His response is similar to before. Blessed are those who follow God.


    1) Have you ever had a situation where the path before you appeared to be God or (earthly) family? If so, what regrets do you have for whichever path you chose? If not, why do you think you were spared that choice?

    2) How can the Kingdom of God replace our earthly families? What does the Kingdom of God seem to be missing (sometimes?) versus earthly families?


    , you have called us to be your children. We are still children in the world, too. Help us to look to you for guidance as we navigate the earthly family around us. Amen.

  • Graveside Dancing

    Graveside Dancing

    Psalm 30; Hosea 13:4–14

    Yesterday was the birthday of my stepfather. He passed away years ago. For whatever reason, this year his birthday hit me kind of hard. He and I had our good moments. We had our bad moments. Just like any parent-child relationship. I was his only child.

    At his burial, the priest spoke about his baptism sealing him to Jesus Christ. This was spoken pastorally to people grieving. However, scripturally it has some weaknesses. His life, and to my , and beliefs were not of Jesus Christ.

    On his death bed, my wife shared the of Jesus Christ. He was in a “non-responsive” state. Yet, she felt a physical to the invitation to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior. Only in Heaven will I if the baptism was “sealing” as the priest said, or whether the physical response truly was an acceptance of Jesus. I can only hope and trust in God.

    Why share the angst? “I cried to you for help, and you healed me.” In our and sorrow, God is there to “turn [our] lament in dancing”. Joy in Christ in the midst of the pains of life is the life we are called to.

    In lament and pain, it is easy for our in God to be shaken, while at the same time relying more firmly on God will help us through the pain.

    There are many kinds of loss. The verses of Hosea summarize loss. The people lost (walked away from) God. They had experienced blessing, then they lost it. The vision of loss sounds brutal. Think of it though from God’s anguished .

    “…like a bear robbed of her cubs.” Have you seen a momma bear (or many mothers) separated from their children, with the feeling that the kids are threatened? I’ve seen a recorded version of one and lived the other. Don’t be the one that separates momma from the cubs. Just don’t.

    THAT’S GOD! Something is between momma (God) and the cubs (the children of God)! That is just not going to go well! It could be a kingdom that has the name Israel or Judah attached to it.

    THAT is the concept of ransom and redemption. Death and Sheol are not going to be forgiven for taking away the Children of God. The exact mechanism (despite a whole lot of theologians arguing over it for centuries) is unknown. All we know is that heart of God wants to turn our lament into dancing and our sorrow into joy.


    1) What’s do you think about dancing at the death of death?

    2) As Christians, why does death still frighten us? If we truly believe that a fellow Christian is in Heaven, why do we grieve?

    3) “Deathbed Conversions” will continue to decrease, as too many don’t know the basics of Jesus. How will you turn regular conversations into God conversations?


    Father, thank you for redeeming us from death through the death and resurrection of your Son. May the guide our hearts to speak the words of Christ to the world. Amen.

  • Good Bad Stuff

    Good Bad Stuff

    Good Bad Stuff

    30 August 2020

    Jeremiah 20:7–13; Ephesians 1:17–19

    Have you ever felt deceived by God? How so?

    Depending on the translation, Jeremiah opens today’s verses with deception. פָּתָה, פָּתָה [pathah /paw·thaw/] also means entice, persuade, flatter, allure. The non-deceptive understandings of the word better fit God’s , though from Jeremiah’s point of view that may merely be semantics.

    Jeremiah is driven to deliver God’s words. He says that God seized him, and later says that God’s words are like a fire burning in his . No matter how much Jeremiah would prefer that he would deliver God’s word, he doesn’t seem to be able to help himself.

    If there is any sense of deception, it is the common assumption that following God’s words and speaking them means that only good things will occur. Jeremiah’s complaint is that he was and a good steward, and yet nothing good is returned.

    The concept of exchange (I do something faithful; God does something good) is one of those issues that has long been a problem in the church. Some call it the “health and wealth .” Jeremiah seemed to have some sense of that as well. Jeremiah is faithful and gets the short of the stick.

    Do you think by doing something “good” you earn something from God? If you don’t believe it, do you ever act like it’s true? If you do believe it’s true, how do explain the bad?

    Being “driven” for God would seem to be a good thing. It doesn’t always work that way. There are plenty of people in the world who are faithful, but are endangered (e.g., persecuted Christians) or are not “blessed” by material things or even good health.

    The early church wondered these same things, too. Paul’s words about and revelation are not just to the Ephesians, but to all the church. Often it is only through wisdom and revelation do we see that the bad can bring God , and (over the long haul) bring us blessings.

    In our culture, we can be blinding be wealth and health blessings, and be unable to discern the greatest type of …spiritual blessings. Spiritual blessings may be as simple as joy or a deep as (that surpasses all understanding).

    Think of a difficult time in your life. What was the spiritual result of that difficult time? Can you imagine a similar result through only positive things?

    ※ Prayer ※

    Holy , help us to look for your wisdom and revelation rather than our own understanding. Amen.

  • Instigation


    Jeremiah 15:10–14; Matthew 10:16–23; Matthew 12:46–50

    Christmas is coming! All I want for Christmas is for 2020 to be over. How about you?

    2020 may be the year of division. There is no question that the country is divided. While 2016 was certainly divisive, it is almost nothing to today. As much as many may blame the president, a political party other than theirs, any politician, the media, and whomever else they want to…the divisions all our rooted in our .

    In many respects, this may be a in disguise. For too many years, any form of conflict or disagreement has been shoved into the dark corners. It wasn’t that long ago that “safe places” were a thing. The beauty of these days is the reality that there is no “safe space” where we won’t something that conflicts with our beliefs.

    How we disagree, however, is certainly an issue. Many church folks are no longer conversing on issues. They just attack and/or shut down. We have lost the ability to well and with .

    The church is in the middle of a very painful transformation. This isn’t just the incorporation of digital into its (rather than as a side project), it is the racial, political, health (COVID), and economic strain that is occurring throughout the world. These concerns are forcing the church to confront itself with the many things it has done and hasn’t done.

    At this point in the church’s circle are prophetic voices of varying kinds. Many are not appreciated or even listened to (just like the Old Testament prophets).

    Jeremiah was given a message by God. He mourns his birth as the people scorn and hate him even though he did nothing against them. He only spoke God’s words.

    Jeremiah certainly was not popular. He was rightly regarded as a prophet. It was just that the words didn’t fit their desires.

    This really hasn’t changed. Jesus’ warning to his disciples was straight forward. They weren’t going to be liked. Their choice to follow Jesus may cause them to lose family and friends.

    Families divided because someone follows Jesus. What happens when families and other relationships are divided because they have different understandings of what it means to follow Jesus? That’s the question for this .

    It used to be one or two issues that divided the church. Now, there are many. Perhaps it is the language we use when we disagree. Perhaps our language is too rigid. Perhaps our hearts are too hard.

    Jesus formed a new family that transcended the earthly bonds. In Jesus’ day, it was the blood of the family. After his , it was the division that separated Jew from Gentile. Today it is politics, , abortion, the military, the appropriate place of patriotism, protest, COVID, healthcare, the environment, and so many other issues.

    “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” The will of the Father? Love the Lord your God with all your body, soul, mind, and ; love your neighbor as yourself.


    Heavenly Father, help us do your will that we would be fully functioning members of your family. Amen.

    1) How are you doing talking to others on issues with which you disagree? Do you filter your values through the will of the Father?

    2) What forms do prophetic voices take today? Is there any particular form you would automatically ignore?

    3) What are the current issues that prophetic voices are discussion that make you uncomfortable? Why does that make you uncomfortable?

  • I Hate You

    I Hate You

    Luke 14:25–35; 1 John 3:14–18

    So, who do YOU hate? Your mom, dad, husband, wife, significant other, son, daughter, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle…Really, who do you hate?

    Trump, Clinton, Bin Laden, and many others have been (or are) hated. It could be because of politics. It could be because they murdered people. It might be something that you think they may have done.

    This passage in Luke is a hard passage for many. Except in cases of abuse or other mistreatment, hating one’s family is out of the question. A that has long considered itself (especially in the West) a “family-centered” religion will struggle that which it says it is based upon. “Family values”, a decades-old purportedly value, are questionable if we are to hate our family.

    Then John, a disciple of writes that we are to our brothers and sisters, and that anyone who hates their brother or system is a murderer (even if said brother or sister still lives), and because of that they don’t have eternal . Confused, yet?

    So, how does this work, exactly? Well, we’re back to the -old problem of English versus Greek. Just like there are more words for love in Greek than in English, there’s the same problem with hate. Hate isn’t quite hate, sort of.

    When Jesus talks about hate, it refers more to loyalty that like, dislike, love, or hate. Jesus sought to shock people into an understanding that they may have to choose where their loyalty lay. Was their loyalty with family, or was their loyalty with Jesus?

    Hate may seem overly dramatic, however, in the cultural context, hate was the understanding. Only a hateful child, parent, spouse, and so forth would choose Jesus over family. In that time, the time shortly thereafter, and it appears now, family loyalty is against Jesus.

    Which brings us to John’s words. His hate is more along the lines of what we think of when we the word hate. The kind of hate that blindly rages and cares more about hurting another than blessing the enemy. This is the context of John’s hate.

    We are called to pray for the blessings of our adversaries. Even more so are we to seek the benefit of our brothers and sisters in Christ. John’s primary concern is not the family ties of blood and culture that Jesus brought to . John’s concern was what we at Generations call framily (friends who are like family).

    This framily is found within the body of Christ. Because of its place within the body of Christ, it should not have divided loyalties. Of course, when it comes to human frailty, we all know that isn’t the case.

    As we work through our hopes and fears of COVID and elections, we will often be tempted to hate our brothers and sisters in Christ. We must strive against that, for a house divided against itself will not stand, and then what would we say to Jesus?


    Jesus, you prayed to the that we would be one. Help us to be united in you, while we yet still remain individuals with different thoughts and experiences. Amen.


    1) Is there someone in the body of Christ with whom you are angry? Pray for them. for the peace of the to fall upon and fill both them and you.

    2) How can you work to be one with your brothers and sisters in Christ while you have differing opinions?

    3) How does the concept of Jesus before family still cause you and others trials?