Tag: calm

  • Surpassing Peace

    Surpassing Peace

    “So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and ponder them in her . The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.”
    —Luke 2:16-20 (NRSV)

    News about a baby is excitement meets . Hang with me for a second here. First let’s talk about excitement. Has anyone ever told you they were expecting and you almost leapt out of your skin?! It is just so wonderful when someone you is expecting a baby! You almost feel like you need to go out and tell everyone. But, usually it’s not your news to tell.

    In this case of baby …The shepherds got to go and tell everyone! How fun would it be to go and tell literally everyone you wanted and knew that your friend or relative is having a baby?! The excitement of baby Jesus was just too much for the shepherds to contain. They ran to go see the baby and then they left and told everyone and anyone!

    Okay. Now the peace part. As a mom to three (one of them being a newborn) I know that babies aren’t always the most peaceful. They are up a lot at night which is supposed to be a peaceful and restful time. But. Have you ever held a sleeping baby or a baby? Are they not the most peaceful things you ever did see?!

    Jesus brought peace. Jesus brought excitement meets peace.

    Do you need peace in your ? Or rather – do you know someone in your life that needs the peace and of Jesus? Will you go and with excitement tell them of the news of Jesus and what Jesus has done in your life – what Jesus can do in their life?

    I encourage you to find one person you know that needs peace this season – this COVID season. Tell them about the peace you have experienced. Peace that surpasses all understanding.

  • From the Heart

    Colossians 3:12–17

    οἰκτιρμοῦ (oiktirmou) :: mercy and concern with sensitivity and

    χρηστότητα (chrēstotēta) :: giving to or for a person as an of kindness

    ταπεινοφροσύνην (tapeinophrosynē) :: humble attitude and without arrogance

    πραΰτητα (prautēta) :: of attitude and behavior / not harsh with

    μακροθυμίαν (makrothymian) :: emotional despite provocation or misfortune, and without complaint or irritation.

    So, why the Greek lesson? English misses so much. The one that triggered this particular Greek lesson is οἰκτιρμοῦ (oiktirmou). In the most used translations, this is only translated as compassion. A few translations (e.g., HCSB, ESV, and NASB) add heart in some form. This is an important qualifier.

    Compassion can be an act of obedience (with or without being a loving response). For many people, that is exactly what it is. Almsgiving (giving and/or aid to the poor) is common in a number of religions. It is, for example, 1 of the 5 pillars of Islam (called Zakat). In the church, it is titled Compassionate Ministries (Church of the Nazarene organization). It is Blue Bucket Sundays at Generations Church. People out of obligation, too. It’s not that obedience or obligation is bad, but what about the heart.

    Think of χρηστότητα (chrēstotēta). Giving to give is fine, sort of. If we were to give a poor the best birthday party for the youngest child or feed the family for the month (and, based on the bills of some birthday parties, that isn’t a stretch), which would we choose? Both are giving as kindness, but which has the potential for the greatest kindness.

    Why is this important? It’s about our lives with one another. Our lives with one another are to exemplify love…and compassion of the heart.

    1)Taking the rest of the Greek, how do they each apply to your Christian walk, whether for yourself or for others?

    2) In Churches, compassion is often the mission of a ministry. That is not how we are called to live. How can you deepen the compassion in your Christian walk? How can you help others to deepen theirs?