Tag: character

  • So Bright

    So Bright

    He is the same one who shone in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ.

  • Forging Character

    Forging Character

    Developing character and faith isn’t always easy. It often hurts.

  • Willing to be Sharpened

    Willing to be Sharpened

    Whether in church, work, or home, there will be times where people do not agree in approach. All too often, the only option seems to be separation. Yet, when two such “opposites” sharpen each other, that which comes from it will often be greater than the only one.

  • Prophetic Testing

    Prophetic Testing

    How’s this for a test? Does the person seek to make the “other” the enemy? Not their struggles, their opinion, even their sins…the person themselves.

  • Promises of Grace

    Psalm 111; Romans 9:6–18 Promises hold a significant place within the stories in the Scriptures. Much of this has to do with having to trust the fulfillment of a promise that people would not see. Abraham is one such example. He was given a short (one year) promise as a “down payment” for the long…

  • You Want Me to do What?

    You Want Me to do What?

    Ananias chose to face reality. Ananias chose to walk ahead in faith, trust, and love. He made this decision while knowing the past.

  • See and Be Seen

    See and Be Seen

    Genesis 16:7–14; John 1:47–51 Have you ever been to a big event? Maybe a concert? Maybe a sports game? And then you spend anywhere from 2 to 4 hours with thousands of your closest friends. Most of those people really aren’t your friends. Unless you are ticket holder buddies, you are unlikely to see them…

  • Good Bad Stuff

    Good Bad Stuff

    Jeremiah’s complaint is that he was faithful and a good steward, and yet nothing good is returned.