Tag: classes

  • Dirty Work

    Dirty Work

    Psalm 80; Isaiah 32:9–20; James 3:17–18

    “Tremble, all of you who are at ease;
    shudder, all of you who are secure!”
    —Isaiah 32:11 (CEB)

    Isaiah’s words were directed towards people who were confident that the military might and influence of Egypt would protect them from other enemies. Something along the lines of, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Except that alliances switched all the time. Relying on Egypt—especially Egypt—was not a good long-term plan.

    The church, too, often practices the same thing with its Egypt…the government. This is not a new thing. It is not a Democrat or Republican thing. It isn’t a Tory or a Labour thing (political parties in the UK). Whether we gather from history the intertwinings of the church with the later years Roman Empire, to the Roman Catholics ties to many Western European countries, to the Orthodox ties with Eastern European countries.Many critics and critiques of the church claim that the church lost its way when Emperor Constantine. True, the church was blinded by the to be and impose with power. However, that wasn’t the real issue. The real issue was the people of the church.

    Slowly, ever so slowly, discipleship became catechism. Passing the catechism test (which could be very stressful) was all that was needed to be a “member”. Catechism faded away too, to a point where many people don’t even know some of the core tenants of the they espouse. Then people were baptized into a faith their parents didn’t practice (i.e., the Church of England) or thought they were because of the place they were born (the US).

    There were a lot of steps in between. There were even successful attempts to fix the situation (John Wesley’s bands, classes, and societies; the Sunday School movement). However, they lost steam as the world changed. They also lost steam as the church chose to both withdraw from the world and to attack the world.

    One cannot be the light to a people one does not know; one cannot be the light to people one acts towards as if hatred were the motivation, rather than love.

    “What of the wisdom from above? First, it is pure, and then peaceful, gentle, obedient, filled with mercy and good actions, fair, and genuine. Those who make peace sow the seeds of by their peaceful acts.”
    —James 3:17–28 (CEB)

    Part of the spiritual work that we are called to is creating the healthy spiritual soil from which the green of . Healthy spiritual soil is pure (and is being purified), gentle, obedient, merciful, acts in the ways of Christ, fair, and genuine. From that healthy spiritual soil, we have the , drive, ability, and even natural to bring peace and justice into the world.


    • What is the condition of your spiritual soil?
    • What does your soil need more of? Fertilizer, minerals, water, sand, loam?
    • Why does ignoring the state of your soil endanger your continued spiritual health and growth?


    Holy , guide us to nourish the soil that will bring honor and to you, the and the Son through our lives. Amen.

  • What Holy Ground?

    What Holy Ground?

    Psalm 19; Exodus 19:9b–15; Acts 7:30–40

    “What ground,” isn’t a rhetorical question. It’s a real one. What is Holy ground?

    The land surrounding the “burning bush” was Holy…for a time. Notice that it wasn’t important to God or Moses what happened after that encounter. It was only important during that encounter.

    How about the mountain? Well, we’re pretty certain we know which mountain. There certainly are Muslims who are certain which mountain it was. There is no temple on it where people God or have “Holy” experiences.

    Holy ground isn’t a small question. The people of the are trying to figure out a whole new reality to that question. Is digital Holy? If so, when? It’s also not that digital is forcing a new question to be asked. It is just so completely different to the understanding of church, , and gathering that it cannot help but be obviously different.

    Small groups have long been a staple in the church. The Wesleyan movement (of which we, the Church of the Nazarene, are a part) has high regard for the place of “” (groups of 8–20) and “bands” (groups of 3–6) for developing an understanding of being (classes) and as a Christian (bands). Both classes and bands had experiences of Holy encounters. They became Holy places.

    In other words, the church (or the Wesleyan expression of it) already has a place of Holy ground that isn’t “the church” (Sunday morning worship).

    As of late, I have discovered a new Holy ground for me and my encounters with God. Of all places, it’s in my living room. It is next to the gas fireplace I use to disregard as a pathetic excuse for a fireplace (i.e., it doesn’t burn wood). Yet, I have learned that flipping that switch I belittled is now a quickener to focused . I’m already dreading Summer and not turning it on.

    Another Holy place for me is now Google Meets (Google’s answer to Zoom). I with my band and I meet with my class on Google Meets. My band used to meet at Starbucks, but now half my band is out-of-state. We still have Holy ground together. My class started over Zoom then moved to Google Meets. We didn’t start in person, and probably never will meet as a class in person. We still have Holy ground together.

    Where you find Holy ground is not wholly irrelevant. However, if you are truly encountering God there, even in a garbage dump, then even the garbage dump is Holy Ground.

    Finding Holy ground is not (really) optional. As a follower of , we must find time and place to be with God. If we cannot find one, we must make the effort to do so.

    Susanna Wesley (the mother of John Wesley, the primary founder and leader of the Wesleyan movement) found her Holy ground underneath her apron in the kitchen. With a large number of children running (if they ran) around, it was there that she encountered God.

    Don’t look for that big or special place to encounter God. Look for that Holy ground in the everyday to encounter God.

  • Give Us More to Bear

    Psalm 119:9–16, Proverbs 2:1–22, Ephesians 1:17–19 (read online ⧉)

    There is an old editorial cartoon…2 people come up to a fence with a . On the sign it reads, “do not cross over fence.” One person says to the other, “ rules are meant to keep you under control,” and the person jumps over the fence. The fence? Well, it was to keep a person from going over the cliff…

    On the opposite of the spectrum is the sheer number of choices people have regarding food, toiletries, college majors, college , cars, homes, and so on. In fact, since Barry Swartz wrote The Paradox of Choice in 2004, psychologists and anthropologies have started to document what happens when we have too much choice…we actually become paralyzed in our thinking: analysis paralysis. There have also some business studies that show when there are boundaries, people make more creative and even out-of-the-box solutions to solve problems.

    The rules that Adam and Eve…correction, the single rule that Adam and Eve had to follow…they didn’t. apologists and theologians have for centuries knocked the rules set out in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy as overly onerous. Yet, the civic code for many cities far outweighs the 613 rules (both positive and negative ones) that were a result. There are around 200 basic rules for American Football. If you add the permutations/variables, some counts put it close to 400. Think about that for a moment. People declare that the rules were too hard in ‘ time, but scream at the television during a football because the referee got the wrong (maybe).

    A report from 1982 (the last time this was attempted) put the number of federal crimes as around 3000. First, that was 1982. While some offenses have definitely been eliminated, have been created. Even the U.S. Federal Government cannot count how many laws, regulations, and even criminal offenses there are. This also doesn’t account for other rules regarding international behavior, nor does it cover states, nor does it cover counties, nor does it cover cities. Any organization you are a member of (including businesses, schools, churches) have their own sets of rules, too. Just setting aside speeding, most people break laws every day, and a lot of them we may not even know (if the monitors of the laws don’t even know what the laws are).

    We don’t seem to mind the laws of man. In fact, in pretty much every election cycle there is some call for some new regulation/law/crime…but God better not tell us what to do! There is something…bothersome…that just bugs us that God tells us, “no”. Part of it, so it seems, is that we think we understand other humans. So, we regulate them to protect ourselves. We push for laws for “them”, but don’t think of ourselves as “them”. Of course, “they” want to regulate us, so they pass their laws, too.

    God, on the other hand, really is not the God of regulations. That’s a thing. God gives us free will. God did us boundaries. As the Creator, God might just happen to know what is best for us. Still, we seem to struggle.

    1) What is the one “don’t” from God that you struggle with? Are sure that is a God don’t, and not a human don’t?

    2) Human don’ts can be good, too. What human don’t (or don’ts) can you think of that align with God’s?

    3) Why do you think it appears to be easier to obey 3000+ human laws, but harder to obey 613 of God’s laws?*

    *Note that the 613 laws are being used as an example and to make a point. They are not automatically rules for . Jesus Christ transformed the Law into something completely different.