Tag: comfort

  • Separating Ourselves

    Separating Ourselves

    Romans 8:31–39, 1 John 4:7-12

    📖 Read

    ‌Romans 8:31–39 , 1 John 4:7–12

    ‌🔎 Focus

    ‌”…nothing…can us from the of God…”
    Romans 8:39

    ‌‌✟ Devotion

    ‌There is a fundamental , here, that no Christian should ever deny. Yet, if you read the list of “separators” that Paul notes, what do you see as missing? Anything?

    ‌There are many who quote these words from Romans 8:39 that reasonably apply these to non-Christians because, “…God is love.” (1 John 4:8) This is where potential issues may arise. It isn’t only about whatever accommodation is being made, but how we understand and the road to eternal life with God.

    ‌Nothing seems so all encompassing. How could anything, then keep us from the love of God?

    ‌There are a number of things that could be reasonably argued would seem to invoke exclusion: unbelief, hatred of God, a different understanding of God, ongoing and deliberate disobedience of God’s ways.

    ‌The potential issue isn’t that God doesn’t love the unbeliever, hater, different understander, rebellious. God does. It is not false, then, to say that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

    ‌Separation from God’s love has never been the problem, at least from God’s end of things. It is our separation from God that is the issue.

    ‌Who is against us? Well, the general ways of the world are. It is our following of the ways of the world that are our separator.

    ‌Are we not given everything? Yes, insofar as we have given ourselves to God through accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior, and doing our best to embody the way of Jesus through our living.

    ‌Who will bring charges against us? The world. The . These cannot separate us. Our inner voice/critic can, but only if we allow it to draw us away from God. The Holy can, but the brings “charges” against us, not to condemn us, but to free us.

    ‌Can affliction, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, rulers, things (events/situations) of today or tomorrow, angels or powers separate us? No, but our to those things can.

    ‌It is here that we can agree with the Reformed (Calvinist, etc.) tradition, that nothing outside of ourselves can separate us from the love of God. Even if we separate ourselves from God, God’s love does not fade away.

    ‌God’s unfailing love, however, does not guarantee of eternal life, and that is the rub for so many, including many Christians. It isn’t about earning God’s love, but the place that God has in your life and being.

    ‌🤔 Reflection

    • ‌Do you ever feel separated from God or God’s love? How?‌
    • Do Paul’s words comfort you or concern you? Why?

    ‌‌⏏️ Act

    ‌Make a list of ways (including some Scripture) that you can reassure yourself of God’s unceasing love for you. Share them with another person, and see what ways they come up with.

    ‌🙏 Prayer

    ‌Every loving God, thank you for this reminder from your Apostle Paul that things outside of ourselves can never separate us from your love. Help us to restore our well-being to sense, feel, believe, and in your unceasing love. Amen.

  • Not Quite Yet

    Not Quite Yet

    Psalm 100; Jeremiah 50:1–7; Hebrews 13:17–25

    Babylon was the of Jerusalem and Jews at the time of Jeremiah. It makes sense, as Babylon had destroyed much of Jerusalem, and taken a majority of the population into exile. It was the big with the biggest might. For the Jews, there was no bigger enemy.

    While God had allowed Jerusalem to fall as part of the consequence of the Jews’ turning their back on God, this didn’t spare Babylon from the consequences of its own actions. It’s not as if the Jews were the only ones that Babylon conquered. God was not going to leave them be.

    This is where Jeremiah’s oracle comes in. Babylon indeed would receive punishment for its actions. This must have provided some to the Jews, at the same time they were still dealing with their own pains. They heard that God would bring consequences upon Babylon, yet they were still dealing with the consequences of their own actions.

    The are filled with places where people were promised that there would be a deliverer. All too often, the deliverer was in the . So, people still had to deal with oppression, slavery, exile, and other issues. This can be much like our lives. As we are dealing with troubles, pains, losses, it can seem that such a is only a bittersweet wish. Yet, God is and will fulfill all the promises made.


    Lord, help us to have the , the , do know that you watch over us and care for us. See us through the trials. Amen.

  • Give It Up

    Give It Up

    Psalm 123; Jeremiah 7:27–34; Matthew 8:18–22

    There was this guy who science. He loved nature. He pursued the academics to take care of the wilds. Except he was stubborn. You see, what he loved wasn’t the science, but . In fact, he wasn’t good at it at all. He stuck with that choice for 4 years. Sadly, no one gave him wise advice (not that he would have listened) to it up. It wasn’t meant for him. 4 years of misery and disappointment vanished into smoke. You might know such a stubborn person.

    The basic gist of God’s words to Jeremiah: give it up. No matter what you do, they won’t listen. No matter what acts of penance and remorse they act out…they are acting and their hearts aren’t in it. The people of Judah seemed to revel in their disobedience to God. Blaspheming the Temple of God with idols of false gods. Killing their sons and daughters and them to fires.

    Give it up, Jeremiah. They won’t see the errors of theirs ways until the places of these sacrifices are filled with corpses of war, famine, and pestilence, and these so-called sacred places of sacrifice are themselves blasphemed. Oh, and maybe not even then. Give it up.

    We are in a time and place where even conversations with friends and acquaintances are “given up” as there can be no discussion or resolution. The hearts are hard and the ears are closed. Sometimes all we can do is give it up. That is until it comes to us.

    ‘ words seem somewhat harsh to our ears. Yet, they hold a profound truth that much of Western Christianity, especially the US iteration, is in the process of rediscovering. Give it up.

    The legal expert would have had a decent home and security. Jesus told him, basically, give it up. The disciple (since unnamed, probably not one of the 12) says, let me bury my . In other words, let me wait to follow you until my father wouldn’t disown me or be ashamed of me. Jesus responded, who is your father in comparison to me? Give it up.

    We have become far too comfortable. Whether it is being the majority confessed (rather than followed) religion, or the “majority” skin color (if you are), or the nice buildings, or our ties to political power, or our ties to monied power, or the practices we hold dear, or the ability to speak openly about Jesus, we’ve been comfortable.

    Jesus’ point to these two was that comfort isn’t the call…Jesus is the call.

    In certain traditions that hold only men may be pastors/priests, they are struggling to find men to fill the roles. Often the response is that they should accept women. Those who that way will often point to those denominations (like the of the Nazarene) that do ordain women. Yet, the real question, the real deficit, is that people don’t want to give it up. They don’t want to give up their lives.

    None of us do, really. Even those denominations that do ordain women still have a problem, and that is the people themselves who don’t want to give it up for Jesus. It is not a matter of men or women. It is not a matter of politics, , race, or other things. It is that people don’t want to give it up for Jesus.

  • Our Warring Hearts

    Our Warring Hearts

    Psalm 30; Lamentations 2:18–22; Luke 4:31–37

    In the science fiction series, Babylon 5, we learn about the “great” war. The great war was between two sides fighting for the benefit (or the evolution) of the “lesser” species. Each side has a different method to initiate and improvement. One side (“the light”) seeks to change people through peaceful means. The other side (“the shadows”) seeks to change people through fear, , and, most importantly, war. The sad part about this is the ultimate conclusion from the series is that both sides are right and wrong. It really does echo history.

    For those who have grown up in these last few decades and for those who seek the of God, passages of destruction and penalty are often emotionally hard to read and more difficult to understand the seeming conflict between the God of love and the apparent God of wrath.

    When we read Lamentations it should, if we have our empathy intact, lead our hearts to ache for the loss and pain of Israel. It’s not that we do not understand that this is a consequence of Israel’s abandonment of God. We are human. We are called to empathize with , even while we understand that these were consequences. Part of the struggle is that we long for and security. We want our God to protect our understanding of our comfort and security. Whenever God even appears to challenge our comfort and security (even if it is for our own good), we cry out to and at God.

    We will often sound like that man in Capernaum. “What have you do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us?”

    Our earthly minds will often disregard the man either because of his possession, or (if we don’t believe in literal possession) because he is a mentally ill man (the modern view). Regardless of which choice, the man still sounds like many of us. “Don’t change us. We like the way we are living.”

    Change often ends up being a little and a little mourning. We either have the courage to face and embrace it, or we in fear and anger when it comes upon us.


    • Have you ever had a personal change that felt a little like death (not talking about the death of a one)?
    • Why do we often reject war (of many kinds) and pain, pursue and desire change, and yet often only change when thrust into the middle of war and pain?


    Help pursue a life of holy change. Train our hearts to see you and not the trials that temper us. Amen.

  • Lamentable Change

    Psalm 30; Lamentations 1:16–22; 2 Corinthians 7:2–16

    The might of God both obvious and not-so should provide for all who follow God. We should also be aware of it such that we do not wander far away. We read the triumphant story of Joshua yesterday, and today we read lament.

    This lament is that of a person (in fact, a people) who has lost everything. They’ve lost their mooring to self, , nation, security. All that was had is now gone.

    This rhythm of victory of God to leaving God and back again is pretty consistent in the history of Israel. It is also part of our lives.

    It may not be as dramatic, yet the littlest steps that Israel followed away from God eventually led to their walking fully away from God. It can be the same for us.

    We can also walk away for a short time or a long time. Whatever it is that drew us away from God may keep us away longer than other things.

    Often, though, we get lost in our heads and hearts, and the one and evil thoughts keep us isolated from God. We allow the evil one and these thoughts between us and God. God’s still there.

    Let’s read 2 Corinthians 7:2–6 as if God (striking the problems) were writing the letter to you…“Make room in your hearts for me. I didn’t do anything wrong to anyone. I didn’t ruin anyone. I didn’t take advantage of anyone. I’m not saying this to make you feel guilty. I’ve already said that you are in my heart so that we die and live with you. I have every confidence in you. I’m terribly proud of you. I’m filled with encouragement. I’m overwhelmed with happiness while in the middle of all your cares in the world. When I arrived in Bethlehem, I couldn’t rest physically. I was surrounded by problems. There were problems with foreigners, and there were problems in my extended family. However, I want to comfort you who are discouraged…I know about your desire to see me, how you were sorry, and about your concern for me, so that I was even happier. Even though my letter hurt you, I don’t regret it. Well—I did regret it just a bit because I see that letter made you sad, though only for a short time. Now I’m glad—not because you were sad but because you were made sad enough to your hearts and lives. You felt sadness so that no one was harmed by me in any way. Holy sadness produces a changed heart and life that leads to and leaves no regrets, but sorrow under the influence of the world produces death. Look at what this very experience of holy sadness has produced in you: such enthusiasm, what a desire to clear yourselves of blame, such indignation, what , what purpose, such concern, what ! In everything, you have shown yourselves to be innocent in the matter. So although I wrote to you, it wasn’t for the sake of the one who did wrong, or for the sake of the one who was wronged, but to show you your own enthusiasm …my bragging has also been proven to be true, just like everything I said to you was true… I’m happy because I can completely depend on you.”

    Okay. It’s a stretch. The underlying isn’t a stretch. There is nothing that keeps God from wanting a relationship with you. Not a thing. Everything you’ve done…irrelevant. Everything you’ve thought…wiped away. Everything you’ve felt…embraced.

    You are a child of God.

  • Take the Message Forward

    Take the Message Forward

    Psalm 150; Jeremiah 30:1–11a; 1 John 3:10–16

    We have a lot in front of us. The of the COVID-era seems to be approaching. Although there seems to be a step back for every step forward, at least we are moving forward. This doesn’t mean we’ll be going back to normal. In fact, the normal we knew before is dead.

    Many of will grasp for the past looking for the comfortable. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, if the past we hold onto results in two steps back for every step forward, then that is not effective, nor does it fulfill our mission to Go and (p)Reach. The promise of that we find in Jeremiah is indeed a message of hope. In it, though, is an underlying truth. The restoration is to the place of home/old with a new model.

    The exiles would certainly enter the Promised Land again. However, they wouldn’t return to either the ways that led them to exile, nor would they return to the glory years of David and Solomon. It would be something new.

    For those who remembered the old Temple, the new (to be built) temple would be a shadow of the old, and they would (understandably) mourn its loss while rejoicing with the new. would have only legends, dreams, and “when I was your ” stories. They would not be able to rely on the old ways. They would have to forge a new way of being in the midst of their ongoing identity.

    Part of our new way of being is the reality that Christians are a minority, and even the treasured word Evangelical is almost a at this point. It right and understandable to mourn and grieve. It is also expected that we will be in a mode of reflection and repentance for a while, as we try to heal the rifts of our own brokenness, and the division solidified because of it and the brokenness of others.

    John writes that we shouldn’t be surprised that people of the world hate us. Nor should we look for their hatred, which sometimes seems to be our default response. Nor are we to behave in a way that will solidify their hatred or their negative opinion of us. Of course, this does not mean we water down the message of reconciliation, repentance, change of heart, and resurrection.

    How we do it is in a state of flux. Relations are definitely a way to allow communicating the message. There will always be a place of of the heart (i.e., compassionate ministries). There will also always be a place for preaching. There is no one way, anymore. In fact, there never was.

    We are in an awkward place where we need to be functioning in a reconciling, repenting, and heart-changing relationship with our fellow Christians. That may indeed need to come first, and only a united church will reach the world (and denominations have their place, too). Only when Christians aren’t ripping into each other and living the moral life that they are called will the world bother to listen to us. Maybe, just maybe, then they will be open to hearing about Jesus.

    The is never fully in focus. The church may be a shell. It may be completely reinvented. It may return to the First Century. The church may change, but the message never will.


    • What has been the hardest thing about interacting with people the last year or so? What has been the greatest thing?
    • What is the one thing you are holding onto from our pre-COVID era? What are you grieving about that we are losing from the pre-COVID era?
    • These things that we are holding onto, are they for the benefit of the mission to reach the world for Christ, or are they our place of comfort?


    Lord, the Giver of Life, we need to find the path that will lead us in such a way as to bring life and life- water to the world. Help us to be strong in the face of difficulties and change. Fill us with your grace and so that we see others as bearers of the image of God, no matter about which we . Amen.

  • Repair and Refine

    Repair and Refine

    Psalm 84; 2 Chronicles 29:1–11, 16–19; Hebrews 9:23–28

    A few days ago, we read about cleansing the Temple. As noted, then, prophets doing “over-the-top” things weren’t totally unexpected. Generally, it was uncomfortable, but God’s true prophets weren’t known to bring without discomfort.

    Sometimes amid depravity, a person bursts out of the decay and does something unexpected. Hezekiah was one of those. Hezekiah may be one of the few (yet significant) proof-texts for why the and the government should not be as separated as much as it seems to be called for in these modern days.

    Of course, Hezekiah it not the norm. The only time this really would work would be if the church and the government actually respected each other’s place, honored it, and behaved honorably themselves. Neither government nor church has a sterling record. They don’t even have a tin record.

    Hezekiah shaped up the Levites and called them to their heritage and duty. He directed them to get back Temple . As the king, this would also the populace to also refocus on the Temple. However, part of Hezekiah’s isn’t about the Temple. The important part of Hezekiah’s speech is about God and the place that God should be having in the life of Israel.

    The filth and disrepair of the Temple were symbolic of the place God had in the life of the Israelites. God didn’t really have a place in their lives. The Temple and its rituals had cultural relevance, but there wasn’t much in the way of spiritual relevance. It was also a work of process.

    First, there had to be desire. Then the doors had to be repaired. Then the doors had to be opened. Then the filth had to be removed. Then the artifacts of practice (fire grates, bowls for washing, and so on) had to be made. Then the work began.

    Sometimes it can be easy to dismiss much of the Temple talk. The writer of Hebrews saw the Temple as the foreshadowing of Jesus and the believers becoming the living temples of God. The author, along with Paul (1 Corinthians 3:10–23), sees God not doing a new work (as in unknown or unforeseen).

    They saw God as fulfilling what the Temple was promising.

    However, both understood from a historical and experiential view that the temple could be damaged, emptied, and/or corrupted. This is the beauty of a God of redemption. God is at work in the Temple, even when we aren’t.


    Where do you see yourself on the walk in regard to getting the Temple ready (the list of things having been or to be done)? Are you at the point of the real work? If so, what does that look like for you?


    Lord, we are called to be workers not just in the church. We are also called to be workers in the temples of believers. Help us to continue to work on ourselves and be ready to build each other up as we work. Amen.

  • Promises of Grace

    Psalm 111; Romans 9:6–18

    Promises hold a significant place within the stories in the Scriptures. Much of this has to do with having to the fulfillment of a that people would not see.

    Abraham is one such example. He was given a short (one year) promise as a “down payment” for the long term one. God had made large promises, and had definitely taken care of him, but the promise of not “just” a of the woman he , but also countless descendents.

    While Paul, understandably, focuses on Isaac, Ishmael is a different kind of promise. While Isaac is the promised line of , God still promises Abraham that Ishmael will live and have descendents, too.

    God didn’t have to make this commitment to Abraham, yet chose to. This speaks to God’s . God understood that while Isaac was the “child of the promise”, Abraham still loved Ishmael and wanted him to do well and be well. Abraham, just as Paul, would not have questioned the wisdom of God’s will, neither would have Abraham.

    Unquestionably, God’s commitment towards Ishmael reassured Abraham that he (Abraham) had made the right decision. Decisions are part of the struggle that the has a problem with this passage. As has been preached on (at Generations) and addressed here in the devotionals, is that the ancient world understood God differently than we do.

    Paul’s words prompt many to reflect upon God’s mightiness and glory. In the face of such, how could any person not believe, follow, and trust God? That’s Paul’s assumption. How could anyone not believe in God and God’s promises?

    That same logic is carried forth to today within certain strains of Christianity. Those strains of Christianity, understandably, are of the same mindset as Paul. It’s not that they are wrong, per se, but as theology as aged and matured, the understanding of God’s has transformed thinking from the “chess player” God who chooses certain pieces to die or live to the guiding hand of God, which still allows humanity the ability to choose their path.

    promised to be with disciples and us by extension. If God is as capricious as many modern theologians presume, then a promise from God is cold . On the other hand, if God makes promises through guidance and love, then the comfort of a promise warms the soul.