Tag: death

  • Cursing Blessings

    Cursing Blessings

    Numbers 21:4–9; Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22; Ephesians 2:1–10; John 3:14–21

    One of the biggest dangers of constant is that we often disdain them. We become so accustomed to them that we become blind to them. Even worse, we then to despise them.

    The Israelites were in the middle of the desert. They were being sustained by the hand of God. Instead of looking at the blessing and the miracle that they were experiencing. they instead wanted to go back to slavery. The rejection of the blessing and the rejection of protection.

    The interplay between the Israelites, Moses, and God is interesting. The consequence? Poisonous snakes. The ? We were wrong. The directive? Make a snake statue. The result? Get bit, look at the snake, and live. However, if the Israelites were really sorry, would the snakes have remained?

    One could argue that the snakes were an ongoing consequence. However, as the snakes were a consequence of bad behavior, it also can be concluded that the Israelite really didn’t have a change of , but a desire to avoid the consequences. Yes, it is a stretch from the , but it certainly isn’t in regard to human behavior.

    ‘s notes such about how all of us followed the ways of destruction before coming to Jesus, and that all those who do not yet know Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior still have that tendancy (i.e., spirit). We all are better than we were (just being aware puts us in a slightly better position), but we all have struggles and issues that we are dealing with as we strive to be more like Jesus.

    The biggest struggle though for Western Christians are the blessings that they despise. One of the biggest has been Christianity. This applies both with those who despised Christianity by doing ill in its name, and for those who took Christianity for granted and did not put the effort in to pass on the faith (or care to learn it). In addition, there has become the human arrogance of blessing where people begin to assume it’s God’s blessing on their ways, rather than God’s blessings so as to be shared with others.

    The blessings then become cursed, which is certainly not what God wanted it to be for us. We became sucked into the world’s desire for more and more blessing. That pursuit of blessing becomes death-dealing.

    The promise of life, and not just a worldly life, has always been part of the pull to follow God. Paul emphasizes that salvation and new life cannot be earned. Only God can grant it. Only God can it.

    Worldly life, such as the the bronze serpant represented, still ends in death. It is the life found in the cross lifted up that is everlasting.


    • Can you, have you, counted your blessings?
    • Have you ever taken any of your blessings for granted?
    • Have you ever looked at a blessing and thought it was actually a ?


    Lord, help us to your blessings and the life you have given us. Amen.

  • Journey Essentials

    Journey Essentials

    Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22; Numbers 20:22–29; John 3:1–13

    Commentators have proposed many reasons why the event at Meribah warranted Aaron and Moses not making it into the Promised Land. The reason for the question probably has less to do with Moses than it does with Aaron. Aaron started making a golden calf when the Israelites were still fresh out of Egypt. Aaron rebelled against Moses. So, Aaron makes a little sense. It was Meribah, however, that was the deciding factor.

    Regardless, there seems something peculiar and special about Aaron’s death. Moses and Eleazer (Aaron’s ) accompany Aaron to the place Aaron will die. Moses and Eleazer then witness (we can safely ) Aaron’s death. The special aspect of this is the passing on of the . Aaron would see his son wear the high priest attire, be anointed, and then die. Aaron was able to see that what he and Moses had the next generation to take their place (and Moses would have Joshua).

    The passing off of the reigns as God intended is both a and a responsibility. There is a big drive to pass off the reigns to the “next generation” (and who that is depends on how old you are). This is indeed the goal. However, passing off a mess or a bad legacy is not fulfilling the responsibility that God has given us. Of course, blinding holding on is just as bad (and often worse).

    We see some of this with how the Jewish was passed to the next generation. Then the next generation would build upon that. The generation after that would build on some more. Not to put too fine a point on it, but when the wrong stuff is passed on and built on, we get the Winchester House of theology and . If you’re not familiar with Winchester House, it was continually expanded and built upon by Sarah Winchester to supposedly appease all the spirits of all those killed by her husband’s invention of the repeating rifle (i.e., the Winchester rifle). There are staircases that go nowhere, doors that are useless, and other oddities. Its only use is a tourist attraction.

    The purpose of a house is to provide protection and security, not to be an oddity whose only use is tourism. Religion and theology should be building up, improving, and understanding the relationship between humanity and God, not lead us into dead ends.

    Jesus takes the passed on Jewish theology and turns it over and breaks it apart. Poor Nicodemus was quite confused by Jesus’ answer. We often look down on Nicodemus because he didn’t understand the obvious (to us) connection between baptism of water and of Spirit. Or we him that in his confusion he didn’t approach Jesus (in a learning way) in the day. Instead, perhaps we ought to think of Nicodemus who was making sure he understood and making sure that the legacy he would pass on was right.


    • Of the faith/religion/theology that you have had passed you, what do you think needs to be stripped away to pass on a “cleaner” faith/religion/theology? Why?
    • Of the faith/religion/theology that you have had passed you, what do think needs to be certainly passed on? Why? Is it biblically sound?


    Lord, as we look , help us to determine, with you as our guide, the best path to take, so that may follow the path that leads to you. Amen.

  • Storms of Dust

    Storms of Dust

    Psalm 19; Exodus 19:16–25; Mark 9:2–8

    Heaven is declaring God’s glory;
    the sky is proclaiming his handiwork.
    One day gushes the news to the next,
    and one night informs another what needs to be known.
    Of course, there’s no , no words—
    their voices can’t be heard—
    but their sound extends throughout the world;
    their words reach the ends of the earth.

    Whether the story of God meeting the Israelites or the of , all of Creation proclaims the handiwork of God. While we look at Psalm 19 (or Psalm 148) and see the work of God celebrating God, there is quite a dark side to it. The bittersweet is that all the Creation that praises God today will die.

    Part of Ash Wednesday includes, “From you came and to dust you return,” from Genesis 3:19. It also includes a small phrase spoken during many graveside funerals, “Ashes to ashes; dust to dust.” Our mortality is central to Lent, because is what led to , and sin was what Jesus’ death on the cross was to absolve.

    Sin leads to the death of Creation. Yes, Revelation expresses the concept of a new Heaven and a new Earth. New, however, indicates that the old is gone. The “old” Creation (the one in which we live) will go away.

    From an absolute sense, this isn’t a bad thing. No one in their right mind would want to bring into something new all the tattered, worn out, bloody, hateful stuff into something beautifully new. It’s good that the old will be gone.

    This long view of hope is unusual for the world. It is needed by the world. It is easy to conclude that much of the angst and anxiety of the world is that it does not have the hope that looks beyond the now and . The world knows it’s dying.


    Scripture has humanity starting as dust. Why is it important to humanity’s to understand that, regardless of what science might say different?


    You are the Lord of , Jesus. Help us to keep that in mind while we recall that we are dust. Amen.

  • All Are Called

    All Are Called

    Psalm 22:23–31; Genesis 15:1–6, 12–18; Romans 3:21–31

    You are by God. Yes, you. If you are reading this, and are not a believer in Christ, you are loved by God. If you are Jewish, and not a believer in Jesus Christ, you are part of God’s People. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you are a child of God.

    Whether non-Christian Jew, Messianic Jew, or Christian, we are called to , , and stand in awe of God. Actually, we are all (believer or not) called to praise, honor, and stand in awe of God.

    All too often, though, modern people make judgments about God when they do not understand the significance of the stories. The story of Abraham and the smoking pot is a story of vast significance, especially when we talk about this passage in Romans.

    The symbolism of everything surrounding the smoking pot can be summarized. God made a covenant with Abraham. Abraham made a covenant with God. The penalty for breaking the covenant: . God took the place of Abraham and God as the covenanter who would pay the price upon violation of the covenant.

    “…God displayed Jesus as the place of …”—Romans 3:25

    Sometimes writing too much takes away from the Scriptures. This is one of those times. Read again the passage from Romans with the knowledge or reminder that God had promised to die long before Israel (Jacob) was even born.


    • What does this tell you about God?
    • What does this tell you about us?
    • What are you going to do with this?


    Lord, let us not forget that you knew the price of loving us while maintaining your holiness. Thank you for your unending , , and . Amen.

  • Shun To Death

    Shun To Death

    Psalm 77; Job 5:8–27; 1 Peter 3:8–18a

    Shun . That seems straightforward. However, we beings often make it far too complicated. Or, even worse, we make it about .

    The Christian life is not about others; it is about us. What we do, as the household of God, matters. Far too many people have taken words like Peter’s and turned them into bludgeons and daggers. People have taken these words and applied them to a world that is perishing. Instead, these words apply to us so that we do not continue down the road of the perishing.

    Part of the Lenten “” is the awareness of our mortality. In the COVID era, we are probably a bit more aware of it than we would “normally” be. Barring wartime, there isn’t as much of a focus on our imminent demise as there is now.

    Perhaps the ought to be praising God for a whole year of , though that doesn’t make it easy. Our mortality, organization mortality, operational mortality, the of normal have all come. Small Businesses had struggled. Some have died. This is not something to be happy about. Many (but not all) big companies have become stronger. Again, though, Lent isn’t about business (though businesses like to sell it).

    Shunning evil and facing mortality (Lent) is for us.

    Yes, we want the world to come to know and follow ! Much of our worldliness needs to die for that to happen. Perhaps the deepest and hardest struggle we Christians have is, what of our worldliness needs to die?


    • What worldliness of yours needs to die?
    • If you are on social media, look at what you and like. Is it Christ-honoring/following, or is it worldly?
    • How do evaluate what is worldliness and what isn’t? Does your understanding match that of others? Why does it matter? Why doesn’t it matter?


    Lord, we know that our sin was nailed upon the cross. Help us the worldliness in our lives that needs to go with our sin. Amen.

  • Get Lifted

    Get Lifted

    Psalm 25:1–10; Psalm 32; Matthew 9:2–13

    Have you ever carried something really heavy for a while and then put down? Do you that moment when you put it down? That feeling of ?
    That is should be just a taste of the feeling that the Psalmist brings out:

    The one whose wrongdoing is forgiven,
    whose is covered over,
    is truly happy!

    The one the LORD
    doesn’t consider guilty—
    in whose there is no dishonesty—
    that one is truly happy!

    For many Christians, they actually don’t have that release. Those who grew up in the may have never had the kind of they perceived as such a gap between themselves and God. Others came to through intellectual decisions. As such, they often cannot grasp that feeling either. Another group is the one that cannot forgive itself and so struggles to accept the forgiveness that God has given.

    Lent is a definitely a time to process our mortality and sin which brought into the world. However, the intent is not to be morbid, it is meant to free us. While we focus on this during Lent, we all (I think) know what ends Lent. At the of Lent is the freeing from the burdens of sin and death.

    The end is what makes the Lent-ing do-able, worthwhile, and not-so morbid.

    Perhaps the invalid was like so many of us in our hearts, faithful to and of God, but something was missing to connect. Maybe it wasn’t just to the legal experts he was speaking to. Perhaps the invalid needed to understand what exactly was meant. His burden was lifted. He was lifted. His sins were forgiven.


    Does being free of you sins really feel (or did it feel) as if a burden was lifted? If not, why not?


    Lord, help us to be weighed down by our sins and our mortality so that we experience (or experience again) the freedom of our burdens lifted by you. Amen.

  • Billboard or Reflection

    Billboard or Reflection

    Isaiah 58:1–12; Psalm 51:1–17; 2 Corinthians 5:20b–6:10; Matthew 6:1–6, Matthew 6:16–21

    Today is Ash Wednesday. This ancient church tradition goes beyond Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox. It a time of self-. Many it a time of self-mortification. This is why it is often a time of fasting (of varying sorts). Truthfully, the fasting is often something that should be done anyway as a form of self-improvement or just a matter of separating oneself from the immediate to dedicate time to the truly important.

    The words in Isaiah allude to this. Sacrificing (e.g., fasting) because it is the religious thing to do is not the point. It seems, in fact, that religious sacrificing is actually an affront to God when one’s life around it is not God-honoring. That should be a gut check (no pun intended) for us all.

    Pursuit of the knowledge of God without pursuit of the of God is often an empty pursuit. Yes, we can learn more facts about God. That doesn’t mean we actually know God. God wants us to know God, not merely know of God.

    2020 was a banner year of self-mortification realization. From , to race, to gender, to the police, to riots, to COVID, there was so much that God seemed to be telling the church. The church has been too busy, for too long, doing the religious sacrificing without knowing the heart of God. Looking back on 2020, you may well have an idea of what God wants you to put to .

    From an Isaiah point of view, 2020 was a great year! All that extra stuff (much of it dead) just needs to be cut off! The church, and people in general, still want to cling to what is dead, rather than lean into what and who gives life.

    The Psalmist though cries out the Lenten cry, “HAVE ON ME!” While Lent is to be a time of putting un-Christ-like things and behaviors to death, it is such a time of joy, for God had mercy on us. This mercy, and the joy because of it, is part of our witness to the world. It is part of that which makes us Christian.

    Some churches will have Ash Wednesday in the morning, so that the congregants go into the world proclaiming Christ. It could seem to be a billboard of, “look how religious I am!” For some communities that may actually be the case. On the other hand, Ash Wednesday is a “stamp of strangeness” for most people. If you were to go to work (whether in person or on a video call) with a big black cross on your forehead, you might get some strange looks. might even mock you. Yet, it is a chance that it might open the door to talking about Jesus.

    It isn’t bad to wear a cross of , nor is it bad to fast. It is about the why and the of your life.


    • What does a cross of ashes mean or represent to you? Why?
    • What have you decided to “put to death” for Lent? Why that? If nothing, why nothing?
    • How do mercy and joy fit into your understanding of Lent?


    Lord, as we begin this time of reflection, help us to truly be reflective and not reflexive. Grant us the to see more of you and to become more like you. Most of all, help us to reflect your light into the world. Amen.

  • Forging Character

    Forging Character

    Psalm 50:1–6; 1 Kings 14:1–18; 1 Timothy 1:12–20

    You probably believe that you have never had a (a “” from God) spoken “over” you. You might be right. As such, you’ve never had someone say to you, “I thought of you when I read/heard this.” Nor have you heard, “I felt I had to this with you.” Nor have you ever had your “struck” by a sermon, a song, or a moment.

    If you’ve never had any of these happen, it might be time to stop reading this and ask God when it has happened (note, this wasn’t a whether).

    Not all words are positive for a person. Jeroboam, his wife, and their son (Abijah) received a prophetic word. It wasn’t good. There are multiple points that are sad.

    Abijah was probably very young when he died (based on context). As he was young, he hadn’t developed the bad habits of his and family. That he was the only member of the family to be honored in is telling.

    The other sad part is that Jeroboam and his wife (and by extension their children) heard and witnessed the prophetic word coming true and their hearts were not (it seems) changed. God has relented in punishment (or reduced it) when a person repents. Jeroboam didn’t bother.

    emphasizes God’s relenting tendencies by his own testimony. He reminds Timothy that he (Paul) was the of Christ and Christians before he became the champion he was. In just a few words, Paul shows us the depth of the tragedy of Jeroboam and all those like him throughout history and today.

    Paul’s perspective is also important regarding his instructions to Timothy about “waging war” (the implication being a war of faith) and the cast out Hymenaeus and Alexander. It may well be that this passage is about Timothy either mourning or trying to drawback Hymenaeus and Alexander into the church.

    It would make sense as Paul reminds Timothy that the prophetic word that was “over” him was about waging a war of faith. The situation with Hymenaeus and Alexander seemed to require some sort of battle with the two. Paul told Timothy that he (Paul) had let them free. As Paul was Timothy’s mentor, the strong implication is that Paul wanted Timothy to do the same.

    It is Paul’s preceding words that provide the “silver lining” to Hymenaeus and Alexander being handed over to Satan. They can still return, for Jesus Christ is every faithful and loving. In addition, Paul added a “to be taught” clause, meaning that his is that Hymenaeus and Alexander are likely to return.


    • It can be hard to let someone fall away as Hymenaeus and Alexander. What can we observe about God in these situations? What can we observe about ourselves?


    Lord Christ, thank you for your faithfulness toward us and the unending grace you pour into our lives. Help our hearts to see your faithfulness and grace poured out for the world. Amen.