Tag: Easter

  • 6th Monday after Easter

    Ephesians 5:6–14, 1 Thessalonians 5:12–22, 1 John 4:1–6 Testing is never easy and rarely is it fun. However, it is something that needs to be done. It is we who often need to test ourselves and be the testers of our friends and family. We never really want to test ourselves, and we usually want…

  • 5th Sunday after Easter

    1 Kings 8:41–53, Ruth 1:7–17, Luke 9:57–10:16 Where are you going? It’s a pretty basic question until we apply it to our lives. It wasn’t long ago, the question was followed with, “…to Heaven or Hell.” However, where are you going isn’t just about the destination, it is also about the journey. In fact, who…

  • 5th Saturday after Easter

    Psalm 79, Romans 15:1–13, 1 Corinthians 8:1–13, Galatians 2:11–15 Yesterday we talked about rules. Today we’re going to talk about rules. One of the first rules of framily is to build up one another. We have all done this well. We have all done this horribly. Another rule is to live in harmony with each…

  • 5th Friday after Easter

    Acts 10:9–35, Acts 15:5–34, Romans 14:13-23 Rules are everywhere, aren’t they? Rules are a good thing. Often rules give us the freedom to act for we have a pretty good idea what others will do (assuming they know the rules). This is true in examples such as driving. We know (we hope) what the other…

  • 5th Thursday after Easter

    Mark 9:33–37, Acts 15:36-41, 1 Timothy 6:3–11 It is an amazing fact that you might have learned yourself: people are different, and don’t always agree. There are various kinds of disagreements, and it is not necessarily bad to disagree. In fact, it is often through disagreements that better solutions, not just compromise, can be found.…

  • 5th Wednesday after Easter

    Psalm 33, Numbers 12, Luke 6:37–42 The Bible doesn’t say what event or interaction incited Aaron and Miriam to openly oppose Moses. Whether the Cushite woman was Zipporah—who Moses married prior to Israel’s exodus from Egypt—or another woman (Jewish and Christian scholars are unclear) it didn’t really matter (to God, at least). Aaron and Miriam…

  • 5th Tuesday after Easter

    Psalm 118, Romans 5:1–5, Hebrews 12:7–13 Patience. The old quip, “don’t pray for patience, for then God will provide circumstances that require it.” Endurance and patience. One is primarily a verb in scripture (Endure), while the other is a noun. In other words, they are different (scripturally) only in so far as how they are…

  • 5th Monday after Easter

    Acts 3:1–26, Acts 14:8–18 All of us have experienced—or know some close who has—a significant health issue, whether going on for years, or for a short time. Often those health issues come with significant costs, too, making a bad situation even worse. It also isn’t necessarily a matter of good or bad health care insurance.…