Tag: end

  • Ends and Returns

    Psalm 126; Acts 1:3–11; Revelation 1:4–18 (read online ⧉)

    I believe in Christ, his only , our Lord.
    He was conceived by the of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
    He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
    He descended to the dead.
    On the third day he rose again.
    He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the .
    He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
    From the Apostle’s Creed

    “You are going to hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, because these things must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines,s and earthquakes in various places. All these events are the beginning of labor pains.”
    Matthew 24:6–8

    In the current COVID situation, is a mess. It feels like an understatement, doesn’t it? A mess seems such a placid way to describe it. As usual, there are plenty of politicians, rabble-rousers, and religiousesque folks that are stirring up emotions in people. There are those that are convinced that this is a government (US, state, China, UN, etc.) conspiracy. There are those convinced this is Mother Earth getting her revenge. There are those that are convinced that this is the wrath of God.

    The real answer? The only answer? COVID is proof that the world is a fallen world, separated from God. Sadly, that is often not an acceptable answer, even by those that themselves Christian. We want . We want reasons and even responses that we can hold onto. Life is often not that way.

    Jesus warned his followers that there would always people stirring things up. These people would use even rumors to influence, guide, and even gain power. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

    There is a that this will end. Jesus will come back. That is the hope. Even that hope, however, is often used to manipulate people.

    The angels told the disciples that Jesus would return the same way he left. The disciples probably still hadn’t recovered from their emotional valleys and mountains. Yet this was a hope they would rely on. John made it clear that he, even in his exile on the Isle of Patmos, was still hopeful and expectant that Jesus would return. John, by this point, had outlived all the other disciples, and knew many who had been martyred. He still held onto hope. By this point, it was likely that he no longer expected Jesus to return in his lifetime, but that didn’t change that he knew the person (Jesus) and trusted him regardless.

    Jesus, Savior of the World, Savior of my soul, I you thanks for the given to me through your disciples. May we be inspired and driven by your example to be ever better versions of ourselves, and looking toward our final unification with you, whether you return, or I go. Amen.

    1) Which do you think is better, Jesus returning now, or Jesus returning later? Why?

    2) If you had witnessed Jesus’ ascension, and heard the angels’ words, what would your response have been?

    3) Why do end times always attract our interest?

  • Good Friday

    Psalm 22; John 18:1-19:42; Philippians 2:8–9 (read online ⧉)

    This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.
    Psalm 118:24

    It seems strange to rejoice. It seems strange to today Good Friday. Yet, we do rejoice that went through horrible shaming, abuse, disgrace, and agony…then was crucified. We do not rejoice what Jesus went through. We rejoice that he went through it.

    As Jesus quoted Psalm 22:1 on the cross, many have claimed that God could not bear to look upon the sin and shame that Jesus bore, so God turned away. Yet, Mary, Jesus’ mother, did not turn away. She stayed to the . That being the case, can we really think that God would turn away?

    We try to avoid the cross. We wear little cross necklaces. We decorate the walls of our homes and churches with them. Some of us even have tattoos of crosses. We soften the cross with our familiarity with it. As much as in our daily lives we surround ourselves with crosses, nothing, absolutely nothing, can erase the brutality of the cross.

    Yes, we rejoice on .

    Christmas and Sunday (Easter) are nice joyful days. They are easy to make warm and -friendly. Good Friday, not so much.

    Yet, we rejoice on Good Friday.

    Christmas was the proof that God was moving, and that God’s was being .

    Easter is often the “candy” that initially attracts people to think about, “what’s next?”

    Good Friday is what holds it : the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

    1. Have you ever thought about rejoicing on Good Friday?

    2. Have you ever hammered a nail? Think about that noise echoing in your mind.

  • Holy Wednesday

    Psalm 94; Zechariah 13:7-9; Hebrews 12:1-4; John 16:1-15 (read online ⧉)

    The psalmist declares that the Lord’s people will not be forsaken, and justice will . He continues with the steadfast love of God holding him up when he slips. The beginning of this psalm is harsh in tone but quickly turns to of God.

    The hour draws near. From a human perspective (and God’s), what is about to happen is harsh indeed. What is about to come is almost like the very vengeance that the psalmist opens up with. Except, all of that will be poured out onto one person!

    There is a sense that , with the time drawing near, has turned on the fire hose, trying to fill the disciples (even the one who betrays him) with everything he can before he is gone. This passage in John is often cited on Trinity Sunday, the day set aside to focus on an essential of the . This short passage is given toward the end, conveying a still not completely understood.

    “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.”
    John 16:12

    The clock is ticking. Jesus promises that the disciples will not be alone. Imagine them trying to understand that this Advocate might be better than Jesus? Better for them at least. How could that be? They had to have been so very confused. Despite wanting to it all to them, Jesus moved .

    He was coming around the final lap. In his case, there was a crowd of earthly witnesses. Some waiting for him to fall. Others waiting for him to take an earthly throne. Some just wanting him to go away.

    1. Much of Holy Week is just waiting. What are you waiting for?

    2. If you gave up something for , are you anticipating getting it back?

    3. If you didn’t give up something, what do you think the anticipation does to a person’s anticipation of and Resurrection Sunday?

  • Holy Monday

    Isaiah 42:1-9; Psalm 36:5-11; Hebrews 9:11-15; Mark 14:3-9 (read online ⧉)

    was given as a to us (Isaiah 42:6b; Hebrews 9:14-15). Can any of us truly understand just what that means? We get glimpses of it in our lives, but to truly understand it, we will have to have been resurrected. The width, length, height, and depth of it truly is beyond our comprehension.

    That Jesus stoutheartedly continued on this path, knowing the coming afflictions, should amaze us all. Some are quick to dismiss it, as Jesus is God, but the of being fully must not be ignored. His full humanity was going to an inglorious and painful . Knowing that part of the human condition is trying to find “the silver lining”, one can imagine Jesus’ when the perfume was poured upon him.
    She probably didn’t understand Jesus’ heart, but that simple (and costly) seemed to have touched Jesus. Jesus was quite correct. Her story has been told, along with his, since the . A simple act of , a simple act of doing something in empathy, lives forever.

    Anointing the anointed. People are set apart for certain tasks. There is a need for the and individuals to recognize those set apart, by anointing those who have been anointed by God.

    1. Do you know of someone who has been set apart? Have you anointed them?

    2. Anointing isn’t always oils or perfumes. What other forms do you think it could be?

    3. It can be hard to embrace the dual natures of Jesus—God and Man. Do you ever struggle reconciling that in your heart and/or mind?

    4. How would you, or could you, explain it to someone who does not know Jesus?

  • Longing for the End

    Psalm 31:9–16; Job 13:13–19; Philippians 1:21–30 (read online ⧉)

    As we are about to enter yet another week full of COVID-19, exhaustion is setting in for many people. Some people are discovering how empty their lives are without work. Some people are discovering how empty their lives are without around them. Others are wanting to escape being “locked” into the same house with their parents, teenagers, children, etc.. It makes for interesting times.

    The psalmist and Job are both very tired. They are tired emotionally, physically, and spiritually all the way down to their bones. Many of us can sympathize, as we are feeling something similar. Is it to the same extreme? No. It is immediate and undeniable.

    Do not deny your feelings. Do not deny your spiritual desert. Don’t think “because you’re a ” you’re “not supposed” to feel the way you do. There are exceptions, of course. Jesus does tell us a few things. However, there has long been a culture in churches where many of the feelings people are feeling now would be considered unfaithful and unChristian.

    This might actually be the most powerful Week you ever experience if it has not been the most powerful . Being overwhelmed and the exhaustion matches the pace, heartache, and (ultimately) crushing nature of Holy Week. As we approach Holy Week (starting tomorrow with Palm Sunday), embrace it. It sounds strange, yet it is entirely fitting. Too much focus on robs much of the emotional and spiritual significance of Holy Week.

    Most people are longing for the of the COVID-19 situation. For some it is cabin-crazy, others are terrified financially, others are terrified for their health. When will it end?

    We don’t think of asking that question, for we look at Paul as this big character and “doctor” of the Christian faith, and he is. As we read Philippians, he wanted to go “home” to be with Jesus. He wanted it to just be over and get to the great part. Paul wanted it to end. However, he wanted to take as many people with him to Jesus. The quip holds true, you can only take people to Heaven with you, not things or status.We are called not to deny our feelings, exhaustion, our . We are called to embrace them…and then live our lives as fully as we can through Christ. Then we become testifiers to the hope that we have that is beyond the current and beyond the now. There are many people around us that need that hope.

    1) How are you doing? Really. What are your feelings? How are you doing emotionally, spiritually, physically?

    2) What might Holy Week teach you (yes, you’re guessing) about how to deal with COVID-19? What might your experiences with COVID-19 teach you about Holy Week?

    3) There are a lot of people struggling right now. Many of them are thinking about a different to, is it over yet? What will you do to seek such people out and to them hope? If you are one of those that are thinking of suicide, who can you reach out to?

  • What’s At The End?

    Mark 8:27–38; Mark 9:30–34; Mark 10:32–40 (read online ⧉)

    There were 3 ages that I looked to: 13, 18, 25. Prior to achieving each of these birthdays, I expected to die before each of them. That’s a pretty morbid thought, isn’t it? This wasn’t only my depression or suicidal thoughts that brought me there, but an almost fatalistic anticipation of my .

    I don’t know how much my friends during those times understood my thoughts or expectations. I wasn’t open to sharing it. They may (or not) have noticed an underlying darkness that was part of my existence. We (including me) can look back on these thoughts and think…oh, what drama! And it possibly was.

    So, imagine what Jesus’ disciples thought? There were plenty of charismatic people leading people astray. Some seemed like death cults. pursued aims (overthrowing the Roman Empire) that were suicidal. Did they really mean to follow this guy? They were in deep already (hey, Peter declared him the Messiah, of all things). Were they sure about this?What made the difference between my fatalism of youth, and Jesus’ and looking toward (not looking to) death? The end.

    What was the end? For me, I don’t know that I thought about it. For Jesus? Glorifying God and for everyone. While the end does make the easier, it does make it easier to walk toward.

    In all three declarations of his expectations of death, there were very responses within verses of the . The first declaration resolves with each person who follows Christ having to bear the cross (a symbol of torture, humiliation, and death). The second declaration resolves with being a servant of others. The third declaration resolves with both the cross and service. Jesus resolved each declaration in a way that doesn’t necessarily encourage the hearer…unless the end is kept in mind.

    1) Death is the end of this life. What is your view of death? How would you if a friend or member told you they expected to die (not due to health or reasons of conflict)?

    2) The cross has lost much of its horror. What can you think of in modern times that might approach the cruelty of the cross?

    3) In the 3 times that Jesus spoke of his death, the world’s agenda was not the same as God’s agenda. There are plenty of horrors around us. How can we embrace those horrors and point to Jesus?

  • Expecting or Distracted?

    Psalm 51:1-12; Habakkuk 3:2–13; John 12:1–11

    It is so easy to be distracted from the important things in life. Some blame electronics. blame the media. Others blame no in school. Others blame a culture that has walked away from its somewhat Christian-ish roots. There is nothing new under the sun when it comes to behavior.

    O Lord, I have heard of your renown,
    and I stand in awe, O Lord, of your work.
    In our own time revive it;
    in our own time make it known;
    in wrath may you mercy.

    The opening stanza of Habakkuk’s song tells us that our disengagement from God is nothing new. Habakkuk calls us to be in awe of God. If you’ve ever had the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds fly over you in formation, you’ve had that sense of thunder through the entirety of your body. The jet wash passes over you. The sound overwhelms you. Plus the smell (which you may not like) of burnt jet fuel. There is an almost instinctual resonance to such an experience. Multnomah or Snoqualmie Falls with the spring runoff can do the same with the overwhelming volume of water, both noise and sheer amount.

    All of that pales in comparison to the awe that we ought to feel when we contemplate God. As we for Christ’s return we, like Habakkuk, want God to make his glory undeniably known, and that his overwhelming wrath to sin and evil, with a lot of mercy. While we may not be overwhelmed by God, there still appears to be that wiring inside of us that is looking for it with hopeful expectation.

    Hopeful expectation.

    The Jews, under Roman occupation, were waiting for something. Some didn’t know what they were waiting for. Some were waiting for a revolution. Some were waiting for a Messiah. Those waiting for a Messiah—a savior—had a hopeful expectation.

        “You came forth to save your people, to save your anointed.” [Habakkuk 3:13]

    1. Are you being truthful to yourself when say, “I’m waiting expectantly for Jesus to come back”?
      • If not, what is keeping you from seizing the truth that Jesus is coming back?
      • If so, what can you do to build up the expectation in others?
    2. The power of (the day Jesus was crucified), is followed by the of the . Yet the Resurrection is not the . It is only the beginning. How is the Resurrection the beginning for you?
  • Control or Trust?

    Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22; Daniel 12:5–13; Ephesians 1:7–14 (read online ⧉)

    Many of Daniel’s visions are held up in the today as applying to today. There are fundamental truths in Daniel’s visions (and the visions of other prophets), but we all must be very cautious when trying to apply them to today. Daniel, himself, didn’t know how to interpret his visions, so he had to ask for assistance, in the middle of his . The vision was interpreting the vision.

    Daniel 12:10 reads, “Many shall be purified, cleansed, and refined, but the wicked shall continue to wickedly. None of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand.” This is as true today as the day Daniel had the vision, as it is today. The words (vision) of Daniel were to be, “…secret and sealed until the time of the .” Daniel was told to, “…go your way, and rest….”

    provides much the same guidance, “…he has made known to us the of his will…as a plan for the fullness of time, to gather up all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.”

    We yearn to know all the answers and have a fixed understanding. We yearn to know what will happen today and tomorrow. We want a safe and predictable . We also want “the right” answers. The day-to-day is always full of pieces of chaos and unpredictability. Yet the assurance that it is all in God’s hands, and that we can fully rely on him, should give us the ability to not be tossed about in our anxieties and .

    As the time was approaching for his final walk, , too, had questions and concerns. It is not wrong to wonder and be concerned. If we allow our lack of confidence in God to ground us, the winds and waves of the world will continue to overtake us.

    1) Do you ever let your concerns and/or worries overtake your confidence in God?

    2) Have you ever tried to someone or yourself by saying God has it all under control?

    3) How did that work? Did it really bring comfort?