Tag: faithful

  • Aiming to Change

    Aiming to Change

    Psalm 30; Lamentations 2:1–12; 2 Corinthians 8:1–7

    The implication of today’s reading in Lamentations is that this came suddenly, or that all the preparations were annihilated. The sad reality is that sometimes things that came “suddenly” were actually quite predictable. God sent multiple prophets. Before the Israelites even entered the Promised Land, Moses had warned them. It shouldn’t have been a surprise.

    We can look around us and see plenty of people who follow this same pattern. Whether they make bad relationship decisions, money decisions, career decisions, education decisions, or something else, they continue to make the same mistake and what went wrong.

    God wasn’t upset with the Israelites for making mistakes or even wandering away, except that they continued to do it until it became the lifestyle.

    God knows that we all will make mistakes. That’s part of the current human condition. That wasn’t supposed to be, but we chose (and choose) to go our own way.

    We are embraced, , adopted, and as we are. We aren’t supposed to stay that way. The world understands this Truth. If you were to actually visit a physical bookstore (yes, they still exist) or look at the slate of newly published books, the biggest movers and often the greatest number of published titles are all “self-help”. The world knows that we are to improve and grow. We are not to stay the same.

    Despite that, when the (or the faithful -following community) call us to account to change, we push back. We say, “no” or “God made me this way.” And before you think (too late, I’m sure) that “they” should know that too (“they” being whomever many progressive or conservative Christians oppose), it isn’t about “them” or “they”, it is about us.

    Paul calls on the Corinthians to be “the best” in regard to , speech, , commitment (there’s a really hard one these days), and (okay, maybe this one’s harder). The best. Not okay. Not good. Not satisfactory. The best.

    We don’t start out as “the best”. As individuals, we may never be “the best” at any or all. Collectively, as the church, we have the potential to be “the best” at them all, but only if we are willing to be changed and work in partnership with the Holy and our fellow believers.


    • What struck you about the passage in Lamentations? Do you see yourself or your circumstances anywhere?
    • What areas of your life have you had the greatest struggle surrendering to Jesus? What areas of your life do you think need the greatest amount of change to be in line with the and nature of Jesus Christ?
    • “The best” is a high mark. Why should we aim at a mark we probably will never hit? How do we keep from being discouraged when we miss?


    As we seek to do your will, may we be transformed. As we pursue holiness, may we not be discouraged. As we fail and err, may we recognized that it is you who picks us back up. Amen.

  • Prayer Signs

    Prayer Signs

    Psalm 65; Exodus 7:14–24; Acts 27:13–38

    Do the right thing! Then, do the next right thing! If there is a question of what the right thing is? You’ll just know. Right? Sounds completely rational. You’ll just know.

    Except it doesn’t always (or even often for many) work that way. Many times awe-inspiring stories are told of how God answered prayers or provided guidance. If it hasn’t worked for you, yes, perhaps your life needs some work. On the other hand, perhaps God is expecting you to work it through yourself.

    Moses and are great examples to look at. They are also not.

    Both Moses and Paul are powerfully connected to God. Although the Scriptures tell us all the high and powerful points. They also don’t tell us the times between.

    Were Moses and Paul always deeply and intimately connected to God? No. While we can be sure that Moses learned about the God of the Israelites from his biological mother, his life in the court of the Pharaoh would have definitely tempered some of that (though likely there was some warmth for the of his mother).

    Paul was a strict observer of the Jewish Law. So strictly did he follow the Law, that he vigorously attacked the fledgling faith of the Way (that became later identified as Christian). We could easily say he was an observant Jew. However, his pre-conversion life would not have had the same connection to God based upon his conversion.

    This is not to say that your with God is not significant or deep. It is to say that each of us lives different lives, and how that affects our relationship with God may be significant.

    What we can do is to temper ourselves by reading the Scriptures, prayer, and a group of fellow believers that we can be fully open with all our flaws and failures. As we become more shaped by the Scriptures, prayer, and the lives of others, we can begin to expect to understand the guidance that God has been providing to this point, but we were unable to grasp it.

    Lastly, though, is the hardest part…and it’s all ours. It is our free will. We can choose to pursue God and God’s will. We still may choose our own.


    • What is the one thing you are looking for an answer from God about?
    • What about it is something that you cannot determine yourself?
    • What have you done in finding wise Christian counsel to work through this?


    Lord, we pray and wait for answers. Yet, while we wait, you still us to walk day by day in you. Guide us into your will, and mold our hearts to to it.

  • Finer or Better Things

    Finer or Better Things

    Psalm 92:1–4, 12–15; 2 Kings 14:1–14; Mark 4:1–20

    Every generation is in danger of not being as faithful as the one(s) that preceded it. There is, of course, the huge possibility that “this” generation (whichever generation “this” is) will restart a journey of renewed . The in the US—and so-called Culture—is experiencing a diminishment of significance (whether perceived or real). The US is about 4 decades behind Europe in this.

    While taught in parables (such as in today’s passage in Mark), the Old Testament is mixed between vision, history, poetry, and realistic/poetic history. The story of Amaziah is historical, and yet there is something there for us as a parable.

    In many respects, the church has been Amaziah. We haven’t dealt with our shrines (see yesterday’s devotional) and our blind spots. We were proud of our significance and we struck out against the world…and we lost.

    In , the gold, silver, and objects that we held so dear as vital to our well-being were taken away. We have been stripped of much of our glory. In fact, much of the church is drenched in mud and other filth that will take years to clean off and even more years to remove the aroma.

    Like Amaziah, we confused our title (king, or Judah, or “the church” or “the kingdom on earth”) with authority and worldly . We also confused the title with a right to certain outcomes. We have been deeply disappointed.

    This is a good thing.

    Perhaps it is my pastoral and “church” circles, and not yours. I hear the constant refrain of “back to normal” and I don’t want that. I want a church and a people that care more about planting the seeds of the saving of Jesus Christ than are worried about Washington, D.C., COVID, and so forth.

    It is not to say that we should not be concerned about Washington, D.C., or COVID (or whatever else). It is to say that they have become gods and idols that we turn to while still saying we are God’s.


    • Where in your do you see yourself following the trappings rather than God?
    • What is missing in the message from/to Amaziah and Joash, and why is that important?
    • How and where are you casting seeds? Are you casting sparingly or generously?


    Lord, help us to release everything of the world so that we are free to only grab onto you. Amen.

  • Faithfully Wise

    Faithfully Wise

    Psalm 92:1–4, 12–15; 1 Kings 10:26–11:8; Hebrews 11:4–13

    We often will use the wisdom in regards to King Solomon. He was granted the of wisdom for the benefit of the people, and they greatly benefited. With the temple being built, on the surface, it would seem that they were benefiting spiritually (or at least religiously) too. Except that all the benefits were short-lived. Eternally, they were of minimal or no value.

    While calling the US a (whether from the beginning or up until now) is really a mischaracterization, it is helpful to think of the US as Solomon.

    Through the inheritance of conquest (Israel took the land, right or wrong, as the US took it from the previous inhabitants) and also hard work, there was financial, societal, and personal security. Everything was going well. Then certain things pulled the US away from its origins. The US, for example, went from a nation needing outside help, to be being one of the dominant (and at times the only dominant) countries that “gave” support (with the general of benefits, even if only figurative).

    The US has chased after TV, space, the moon, computers, the internet, and you can probably add more to the list. Each of these things, for a time, became more important than the country itself.

    The church (and thus us) fell into this same trap. We had the worship “wars”, attractional, missional, Sunday School, , and even digital. Churches chased after these things. Could they serve the kingdom? Yes. Did they server the kingdom? Not always. Where this gets really messy is that some of these may have been beneficial for the kingdom for a time and place (and perhaps still), but at the same time, many churches have stuck to their models rather than their mission.

    And in case you think that I want the “good old days”, I can easily add “fire and brimstone sermons”, liturgy (which I do ), rural, urban, poor, rich. Anything can inhibit the church—and the people called the church—from fulfilling its mission. Then we are no better than old Solomon.

    Solomon had wisdom, but his faith had waned. Contrast this with the listed in Hebrews. Some of them may not have had wisdom, but they had faith.

    Often this is where the church and its people can sidetrack. When we lose faith and only in wisdom (particularly worldly wisdom), we will often make decisions that we believe are correct (they certainly may be wise), and yet do not align with faith or trust in the will of God.


    • What kind of things/thoughts/“wisdom” have you had/experienced that led you away from God?
    • How do you when something good is taking you away from God?
    • What do you think is the mission of the church and the people of the church? How will you use that to filter your actions and the actions of your church?


    Lord, may we grow in wisdom AND faith, that we are your faithful people on your mission. Amen.

  • Natural Freedom

    Natural Freedom

    Psalm 29; Isaiah 1:1–4, 16–20; Romans 8:1–8

    Psalm 29, without question, is a praise of God. It observes God’s power, , and presence. Almost the entire Psalm is about who God is. The last verse, though, is different. It is more of a plea to God about the people of Israel.

    A cynical person could infer that the whole Psalm was intended to curry favor with God. A more joyful person could infer that the Psalmist did an add-on along the lines of, “if you would be so kind.” A more balanced view could infer that the last verse is a statement of , because of who God is, which had just been declared. Regardless, the Psalm was neither a simple praise nor a simple .

    What should become startling, but really isn’t when it comes to nature, is that at the same time they would recite a Psalm such as this, the Israelites were abandoning God. Isaiah’s opening words for today include abandon, despise, and turning their backs. In regards to abandon and despise, the Hebrew implies something as strong as blasphemy. It wasn’t just ignorance or turning away, it was something far deeper.

    The Hebrew for turning their backs is a combination phrase of stranger and back. In other words, the Israelites are no longer (from their hearts’ point of view) God’s people. They might have claimed and proclaimed that they were, but Isaiah’s words say it was so much more. A more poetic way of thinking of it, God was left in a cloud of in a rearview mirror, and the Israelites did what they could to speed away faster and look back in disgust.

    Yet, the verses from Isaiah don’t there (mercifully). We often try to skip over the ugly verses. It is the ugly verses that the and forgiveness of the last phrases of Isaiah the deepness that they have.

    The verses of Romans explain the why. To some theologians, they explain the how. The truth is that God could never (per God’s nature and character) look in the rearview mirror at his people, and speed away.


    • When you read the Psalm, which kind of person were you (cynical, joyful, balanced)? Why? Is it learned or natural?
    • Why is understanding God’s character crucial to our response to those who turn their backs on God?
    • How might the selfishness of the Israelite (and mentioned in Romans) be reflected in us?


    Lord, you gave us so much and yet we give so little in . Thank you for your faithful . Amen.

  • Running Towards

    Running Towards

    Psalm 93; Deuteronomy 7:1–11; 1 Timothy 6:11–12

    When we read Deuteronomy, we often evaluate it upon our understanding of , nations, and ancestry. In many respects, Deuteronomy contains thinking that is to Western thinking. Part of this is tied into the relationship between peoples, their gods, and their places of habitation. There was a thought process that tied land to a particular god, and often to a particular bloodline.

    This is portrayed here when Moses talks to the Israelites about the current inhabitants of the Promised Land. We look at Moses’ command as rather harsh, which it is (and will be a question of mine on the other side). Moses takes such a strident tone for the sake of the Israelites themselves. By this point in their journey, an entire generation has died wandering in the desert as a consequence of their sin. During this journey, they questioned, God, Moses, Aaron, the whole Promised Land thing. Moses was likely very concerned that were they to leave the peoples who didn’t God, they would be more likely to fall away.

    The purity of blood and land was probably more due to worship of God than anything else. The Israelites had already shown their struggles in that area over the previous 40 years, including allowing themselves to be married into some of these tribes and worshiping other gods. Thus, Moses was deeply concerned. Let’s also acknowledge that God knew the Israelites would turn from God again.

    The corollary to this for Christians is also the world. In our case, it is the entirety of the world that isn’t . This does not mean that we are to live in isolated communities sequestered from the world. It’s hard to be the light unto the world when you put it behind walls or under baskets.

    For Christians, we are called to be in the world, but not of it. This can be a slippery slope. One person wrote that this is like walking along a very narrow path on the top of a mountain with the wind blowing in all directions. It is impossible to stay on top of the mountain by our own strength. It is only through the strength of God, the guidance of the Holy , and the counsel of other Christians that we can stay on that trail.

    Sometimes, the right choice (sorry, “I can do it myself”, and “I can do it alone” people) is to run away from whatever it is. ‘s advice to Timothy isn’t cowardice. It is . Often our greatest strength is when we are together. Actually, other than with God, our only strength is with fellow believers in Jesus Christ.

    Run away from sin? Yes. Run away from the world? Perhaps. When one runs away, one runs toward something else. To what or to whom will you run?


    Lord, you called to be the light unto the world. Help us to keep each other’s light shining as the tries to extinguish the light of your and hope. Amen.

  • Junk Food Fast

    Junk Food Fast

    Psalm 80; Isaiah 5:1–7; Galatians 5:16–26

    Both Psalm 80 and the passage from Isaiah 5 are not warmhearted . They both address the reality that the Israelites have not been to God.

    Other places in the Scriptures note that the Israelites were faithful in their actions, or at least they attempted to complete the requirements of the Law. Those same places, however, observed that while the actions were “per the book”, their hearts were far away from the of the Law (true purpose). It could be said that they were further from the heart of the Law than they were from their relationship to God, and that’s saying something.

    As I am looking to sending my last 2 kids to college this fall, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own college freshman year. One of the first things I thought of was the food (like any teenage male). Yes, it was cafeteria food, but like most male teenagers it was quantity, not quality. One of my favorite foods was corn dogs, which I still like. The quantity I would eat at one sitting hurts my stomach at this point. One or two corn dogs a month wouldn’t be horrible, but it wasn’t one or two, and it wasn’t once a month.

    Corn dogs are, bluntly, junk food. They’re tasty (to me, at least). Hot dogs can be okay for you (really, they’re just a sausage). Cornbread isn’t too bad (depending). The combination, especially deep-fried, is not healthy. On the other hand, if one were to only eat a particular food, no matter how healthy it might be on its own, our bodies would break down, as no food has all the nutrients that our bodies need.

    While misunderstanding God’s intent is one thing, but doing wrong is something different. ‘s message to Galatians talks about the spiritual “junk food” that they were consuming. What we have been taught to think of as sins (understandably) were the ways of the surrounding culture.

    They were part of the surrounding culture and thus were a norm. As these practices were part of the culture, learning to understand that they were not part of a God-honoring life would require self- and discipline. If they were to continue their cultural practices, their spiritual bodies would become fatally obese.

    G.K. Chesterton wrote, “the ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.”

    For the Galatians, dieting from their cultural norms and expectations would have been found very difficult, and probably a little hard to explain to their friends and . For American Christians, so much of our culture has what we think are Christian trappings, but is actually the junk food of the American culture. Figuring out what is healthy and what is not in our culture for the Christian life is the obligation of the Christian .

    Without question, though, there is a need for significant spiritual dietary changes.


    • What is one thing you know is an American Christian “thing”, but isn’t present among Christians in other countries?
    • How are you evaluating the culture around you and its influence on your walk with Christ?
    • Are you rightly evaluating the cultural pieces you agree with and disagree with?


    Lord, we need the to our spiritual diet. Help us, in community, to work out what is and isn’t of you. Amen.

  • Throne Encirclement

    Throne Encirclement

    Psalm 95; 1 Chronicles 11:1–9; Revelation 7:13–17

    Thrones are attractive. The concept of a throne involves power, wealth, and influence. Depending on “the throne”, it might also have religious and cultural ramifications as well.

    Thrones, or their facsimiles, often draw those who are weak, yet seek . Thrones also draw those who crave power and control over . There, too, are those that seek to use the throne for their own wealth.

    King Saul was dead. The man all these elders surrounded Saul and likely helped keep David away from the throne that God had upon David. To their credit, they recognized that God had indeed bestowed the seat of Israel to David. However, based upon their remarks, they had understood prior to this moment that David was God’s choice, yet it was only now that they approached David.

    We can see similar behavior in our state (or provincial) capitals and our national capitols. While the US (for example) has no throne, Congress and Executive branches have plenty of people surrounding them, brown-nosing and seeking . Washington, D.C., has become the throne.

    This is not to say that all who are around the throne (whether David’s or Washington, D.C.) are bad. In fact, there are more positive, effective, well-meaning, and loyal people than bad ones. It’s just that the bad ones are more capable of doing harm, solely because those that are good don’t even think that way.

    The “throne” of God also attracts many of the same bad kind. Many of these will see their through God, but not recognize that their gain is nothing but vapor.

    On the other hand, those shown in the to John were not that kind. Some were likely martyrs. Some had hard lives that brought to God through blood sweat and tears. Others did work where they saw no glory at all, but were and trusted God with their endeavors.


    • What are good reasons to surround the throne of God?
    • What are good reasons to surround the thrones of humanity?


    Lord, may we view your throne with hearts of , and may we the thrones of our hearts, souls, and minds to you. Amen.