Tag: faithful

  • Substantial Character

    Substantial Character

    Daniel 6:1–24; Philippians 2:3–16

    Adventure! Drama! Let’s see the big scene!

    Daniel and the Lion’s Den is a dramatic story. No question about that. It’s a great one for kids.

    Daniel, himself, is a great character. Daniel has great character. If you read the story carefully, you’ll notice something interesting. Daniel only has spoken words at the end when he assures Darius that all is well.

    This also speaks to Daniel’s character. As much as the Book of Daniel is Daniel’s story, the Book of Daniel is about God’s plan and redemptive action regarding the people of Judah in their time of exile.

    Daniel (along with others) was called to work for the they were in (for the Generations community, that was the topic of the last two sermons). He was called to work for the benefit of the kingdom. He was not called to gain .

    ※ Why do we often think we must have “power” to change things or make things better? ※

    Daniel did gain power. However, he did not act as if it was his to do with as he pleased. This contrasts with the two other administrators and all the satraps.* who sought greater power and control of their own. As Daniel was successful as a leader for the empire, pursuing their own and power was then not working for the empire.

    As we watch the unfolding of political events around the world (not just the US), all too often people use the emotions of others to draw people it…to gain power and influence. Most of the bureaucrats that are often maligned are putting aside their gain to their best (as they understand it) for their .

    Does that mean there aren’t any “bad actors”? Of course not! It does mean there are likely as many “bad actors” as there are anywhere else, or as few. Yet, a cabal like the one portrayed here is really beyond the US system (despite the conspiracy theories, yes, I’m stepping in a minefield).

    However, culturally, it was normal. In fact, there are still examples of it today throughout the world. Thus, the best that Daniel could be (the one he was called to) was to serve God well through the place and time he was.

    ※What is the witness of this time and place for you? ※

    Daniel truly embodies the Christ-like characteristics of unselfish ambition looking to the benefits of Darius and the Median empire. His character was so resolute that even his adversaries recognized it.

    Daniel became a true and devout servant of the empire, even going so far as to submit to being setup. Daniel maintained his integrity and his faithful witness, despite the efforts of those around him.

    While perhaps only for a brief time, Darius honored Daniel’s faith and the God Daniel served. All this building up to even a greater witness.

    Imagine that. Being quiet, gentle, unassuming, and working for the benefit of others was Daniel’s greatest witness.

    These same characteristics apply to . As Paul noted, Jesus being God to serve the created. While not literally exiled from Heaven (unlike others), Jesus was in exile. Jesus was now in one heart with the created.

    Jesus surrendered in and mercy to a system and peoples (Jews and Romans) that unjustly crucified him. Jesus did it for all people. He was looking out for everyone else’s interests.

    ※What does Paul’s ending words in this passage tell you about Paul’s heart? ※


    Spirit, and mold us to be humble people that seek the welfare of others so that we are a faithful witness of your work in our lives. Amen.

    * not including Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, more commonly called Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

  • Speed Check

    Speed Check

    Isaiah 56:1–8; Ezekiel 2:1–10

    When you’re driving, do you continue to check your speed? What do you do when you check a speed limit ?

    A speed limit sign cannot make you stop speeding. A speed limit sign cannot make you speed up. A speed limit sign can only tell what the authorities have set as the maximum speed for the area.

    The law enforcement agency in charge of that area may have some grace about being a little over. If a lot of people are going over, they might let it go. If a person is weaving in and out of traffic and going over the speed limit, they may likely end up with a citation.

    While the Scriptures are the word of God, they are also similar to speed limit signs. There is guidance and in the Scriptures. There are many warnings. People can (and do) choose to do their own thing.

    God is not looking for rote obedience, obedience for obedience’s sake, or obedience for a reward. God desires obedience out of love.

    Take the eunuchs. In Deuteronomy 23:1, eunuchs were banned from joining the assembly of God. That doesn’t mean that they could not (or did) not God, but that they could not participate in any Temple aspect, including the sacrificial offerings.

    At the time, this was likely a response to the cultures (such as Egypt) that had eunuchs as ministers and in charge of harems. This would further the Israelites from other peoples.

    By the time of Isaiah, things hadn’t really changed in the surrounding cultures. Also, people would often seek and influence or were sent (e.g., political hostages) to foreign powers and were made eunuchs. Isaiah overthrows the concept of Deuteronomy, insofar as relationship with God is primary.

    In Jewish tradition, Isaiah is sometimes elevated over Moses and Isaiah (according to Jewish tradition) reduced the 10 Commandments to 2, justice and mercy. A faithful eunuch who pursued justice and mercy would true life to others. The ability to produce children was outweighed by a faithful .

    The eunuchs, then, were those who saw the speed limit signs and obeyed, rather than those that Ezekiel (and Isaiah) spoke of/to that disregarded the ways of God.

    This is, in some small way, a foreshadow of the . The Gentiles could not add to the tribe of Israel (for they weren’t of the blood). However, they could add to the Kingdom of God by for God.


    , guide us into all Truth. Especially guide and guard us in regard to justice and mercy. Amen.


    1) Take any issue (not a person or political party) right now. What would be just and merciful in that situation? If there is more than one side to that issue, what would be just and merciful all sides?

    2) Taking that same issue, trying (and it’s hard) to look at it from God’s perspective, what might God’s idea of justice and mercy be? Which “side” of the above does that match? Which “side” are you on?

    3) Why is the concept of giving Godly/spiritual life—rather than biological life—rated so important?

  • Whose Crown?

    Whose Crown?

    1 Samuel 8:1–22; Mark 10:35–45; 1 Corinthians 1:20–25

    One cannot say the beginning of the fall of Israel was at the point they demanded a king. God pointed this out to disappointed Samuel. Israel’s “desire” for a king showed that Israel’s continued to not focus on God.

    Samuel’s sons were a mess. In no way did they God or their . Just like many of us, and the world, the Israelites were looking at humanity rather than God.

    The failure of the Israelites wasn’t that they didn’t want Samuel’s sons in charge. That was actually . What they didn’t want, apparently, was a spiritual leader like Samuel. They wanted a “normal” king.

    When God tells Samuel that the Israelites were against God, God makes it clear that it isn’t Samuel’s fault. The hearts of the Israelites are at fault. What happens, though, is that while they get want, they want, it does eventually become a “be careful what you wish for.”

    The path of king never really ends for the Israelites. Eventually, the kingdom splits into 2. The Northern Kingdom (confusingly also called, Israel) eventually disappears. The Southern Kingdom (called Judah) remains, but over the years of exile and conquest never really stops having a king.

    By the time of Jesus, the “king” (Herod) really is just a governmental flunky of Rome. The Gentiles and their quests for (a constant theme of the Roman Empire) are what Jesus is likely referring to when he talks to the disciples. His point being who wants to live like that. Jesus had a better way.

    The better way was the way of God’s love (not just generic love) of both and . What need of worldly government and power would such a person have?

    When we focus too much on worldly power, we miss the reality that Jesus turned power upside down. If we focus on the world’s ways, we succumb to the foolishness of the world, rather than in and through the wisdom of God.

    When we rely on the world, we make the same mistake the Israelites did…we choose a king (even if it’s only for 4 years).


    Lord Jesus, as we try to live out being citizens of this world, help us to remember our deeper and truer citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.


    1) What are some reasons you think the Israelites wanted a king “like the other nations”?

    2) In what ways does the US political scene look at the president as King? What does that teach us about our (and our nation’s) heart?

    3) How might you live out the upside-down kingdom that Jesus brought to us?

  • Summary Path

    Summary Path

    Malachi 4:5–6; Matthew 17:10–13; John 1:19–28

    Jesus said that John was Elijah. John said he wasn’t Elijah. Who was right?

    The question is, who is Elijah? The other question is, who’s asking?

    First of all, let’s talk about Malachi’s words. Malachi prophesied that Elijah would come back to Judah heralding a massive . Malachi spoke to the Jews post-exile.

    Despite the of the temple, the people were overcome with and ennui. God didn’t meet their expectation of restoring everything to the way they perceived it having been before (even if its perfection was figurative). They were walking on the downward slope away from God, again.

    Malachi didn’t let them off the hook. God was coming, in God’s timing. People would come to God, or they wouldn’t, but something momentous would happen. The Day of the Lord was often synonymous with the end of the world. It was also used to indicate a God-driven cataclysmic change.

    Malachi’s words had transformed as the precursor to the Messiah. Elijah would come before the Messiah. This not a literal thing, as reincarnation was not part of Jewish thought. This “Elijah” would be “in the of Elijah” meaning a prophet of God, but with a particular focus on restoring the relationship between the people and God.

    So, why did John deny being Elijah? Probably because he didn’t see himself that way. The problem with being compared to a legendary figure is that you know you’re not the legendary figure. There was a lot of weight and expectation, and John probably didn’t want to bear that burden.

    Also, as there was so much build-up regarding the Messiah, there was likely just as much build-up around Elijah, and much of it was probably wrong. Why would John want to be a part of that?

    There is also the last part of it, which is who Elijah was really couldn’t be evaluated until the Messiah completed the return. John was dead before the fulfillment, and without himself seeing the fulfillment, he certainly would have questioned being “Elijah”.

    Jesus, on the other hand, knew what was coming, and knew what had gone before. He had the to be able to John “Elijah”. In the spirit of Elijah, the Messiah (Jesus) did indeed reset the Day of the Lord. It was only through the , , and of Jesus that John could fully be called “Elijah.”

    Often, our own perspective of our lives is twisted and/or minimized, for we (like John) cannot really see what came before and what will come after. We do not know the hearts we’ve changed, the paths we’ve diverted. Only at the end will God let us see it all from an eternal perspective.

    That we are faithful to God. That we pursue God. That we follow God. That we try to help others follow God. This is what God will let us see at the end. For now, we can only put one step in front of the other.


    Father God, help us to accept that we cannot see the eternal effect of our lives. Lord Jesus, help us to follow you that the eternal effect brings you . Holy Spirit, guard and strengthen our hearts for those times when we are discouraged because we don’t see that we’ve made a difference. Amen.


    1) There are 2 kinds of eulogies. One that is written by the deceased for reading at the funeral, and the ones that are written in the hearts of others. Which one matters most? In what ways does the eulogy matter for both?

    2) What concepts and feelings come to mind when you hear the phrase, “The Day of the Lord”? Why might that be?

  • Washing Branches

    Washing Branches

    John 13:1–11;  John 15:1–10

    Just in case you didn’t catch it before, John 13–17 is all during the Last Supper. It certainly does beat Moses’ Book of Deuteronomy in length. These chapters do, however, us a deep insight into as his final hours are approaching (The Jewish day started at Sunset, so the “day” of the Last Supper was the “day” of Crucifixion).

    The washing of the feet has long been a symbol of Jesus’ (which it was), intimacy, and vulnerability. He put aside his seniority to his disciples. Yet, this emphasis also misses other important pieces of the story.

    Feet were dirty (no closed shoes, no socks, no pavement). They were the most visibly dirty part of the body. Dirty feet could well imply status in society.

    Therefore, when Jesus washes their feet and says that they are entirely clean (which we all know that isn’t the case), there is something else going on. A tidbit might be “The Way”. A person “walks” in the . If one walks in the light, one walks on dirty ground (i.e., the world). One will again need to be clean.

    The parable of the vine, interestingly, provides a different point of view. Almost tossed into this little parable is the declaration, “…you are already clean…” They are already clean, and yet they need to stay connected to the true vine…Jesus.

    In both cases, they are clean from a ritualistic standpoint (important from a Jewish ) and still continue to need refreshment. Whether the refreshment is regularly having the dirt of the world washed off or gaining the nutrients and nourishment from the true vine, Jesus is the source.

    Whether it is the feet being cleaned, or the branches being nourished, it is Jesus doing it.

    Confession (washing) is essential. Absolution (declaration of being clean) is done by Jesus. The entirety of the process, however, is in Jesus’ will and command.

    While we can do our best to produce fruit, we can only be open to receiving the nutrients of Jesus.


    Lord Jesus, help us to view you to be, believe you to be, and as if you really are the Lord of our lives. Amen.


    1) What are you doing regularly to be washed?

    2) What do you think would be nourishment?

    3) In what way(s) is it important that we are declared clean, and yet still require regular washing? How does that apply to nourishment?

  • Wholly New or Newly Whole

    Wholly New or Newly Whole

    2 Corinthians 5:14–21; Titus 1:1–3

    The “new ” is an often-quoted phrase. Like many verses in the Scriptures, it can stand on its own. However (you knew that was coming), in context its meaning is so much more important than a mere new creation. It is a creation with a purpose.

    While it is accurate to say that we are new creations through Christ, it also leaves too much interpretation to the speaker and the hearer as to what exactly that means. The common first is (along the lines of), no longer a sinner, or, to God, or a child of God.

    All of these are theologically accurate. The problem is they are also very selfish and self-centered. These statements are about us. Being a new creation is about us. It also about God.

    In particular, what is our purpose? Why are we a new creation? Why does being a new creation even matter?

    The answer comes earlier, “…so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the one who died for them and was raised.”

    Let’s be honest with ourselves, we still live for ourselves. We often make decisions based on our desires or through seemingly logical decisions. Sometimes we’ll even “pray” about them. Are the results really about Jesus Christ?

    Now, this really could go down a road that did not intend. Paul didn’t mean for a blacksmith (for example) to stop being a blacksmith and stop making blacksmith decisions. Nor did Paul mean that one stops being a parent (adopted or biological). Yes, both of those are possibilities, but that isn’t the point.

    Really, the new creation is more along the lines of thinking of for their benefit because Jesus Christ thought of your benefit, even while you were estranged from God.

    In this comes the question, is the new creation a completely (wholly) new thing or is it the old thing made whole. Either answer still ultimately results in something new, it’s just the emphasis that has changed.

    Once the “new” has come into its fullness, then this new creation seeks to draw people to Christ by loving them, thinking well of, and for them, even if it gains no worldly benefit. The new creation is to bring the not-yet-made-new to a point in their lives to be made new.

    Bringing along the not-yet-made-new may take a while. Even God, as Paul tells Titus, took time to reveal the fullness of God’s saving message. It will take time for us to reveal it to others, too.

    We are called, as new creations, to be faithful in bringing more people into the fold of God’s family, no matter how long it may take and how many setbacks there are.

    We are called to all in their hate, their fear, their jealousy, their ignorance. We also do this knowing that we still have hate, fear, jealousy, and ignorance in us, too.


    Lord, make us new every day. Help us to put yesterday in its place, and step into today in the fullness of your , mercy, and love. Amen.


    1) If you have saving in Jesus Christ, what was your first “symptom” of being made new? If you do not yet have such a saving faith, what might (or should) someone look like who has given their to Jesus Christ? Why?

    2) Why does it matter if we are wholly new or newly whole? What is the difference?

    3) What was the last decision you prayed about? What makes you think the answer was the Jesus answer?

  • Wicks Asmoldering

    Wicks Asmoldering

    Isaiah 7:1–9; Philippians 4:4–9

    Ahaz received encouraging words from God through Jeremiah. Jeremiah, often called the weeping prophet, was not exactly known for positive words. Ahaz, not altogether , received a positive message.

    In many respects, Christians in the United States are like Ahaz. Far too many are lukewarm. They think they do “enough”.

    Ahaz wanted enough of God to be safe, at the moment. Over the long-haul, however, Ahaz wasn’t so faithful, and in fact, destroyed much of the temple to worship another God.

    In the passage from Isaiah, the two powers fighting over Jerusalem (the ones that terrified Ahaz and the of Jerusalem) were called smoldering wicks. This was not a phrase of respect. There was plenty of smoke (blustering) from the two, but no fire ().

    Ahaz took it for the moment, but he, like the rest of us, was overwhelmed by his immediate surroundings. His was not based on the sureness of God’s faithful . His faith was rocked to and fro by the strongest winds.

    Whether it is political parties, the media, social networks, rumors, the latest social fad, Christians are just as likely as to listen and follow the blowing smoke. In times like these, looking to Christ FIRST before a particular thought stream must be our first .

    The fractures in US society in particular, but even the rest of the world, has come into focus with simultaneous events. There, sadly, has often been an immediate response based on our political beliefs or any other biases that we each have. And we all have them.

    The most saddening part is how this affects our . When we respond to the social waves rather than to Christ, we diminish Christ. Even worse, by our actions, we say that Jesus Christ is less than a smoldering wick.


    Lord, help us keep the peace that surpasses all understanding. As the powers of the world try to influence us to follow them, rather than you, may you, , keep us firmly grounded in the faithful love of God. Amen.


    1) Who (more than one) are the smoldering wicks of today?

    2) When we follow people as they want, who are we showing the world (and ourselves) who we really have forefront in our hearts and thoughts?

    3) How does being lukewarm allow for listening to the “smoking wicks” rather than Jesus?

  • The Sent

    The Sent

    Jeremiah 1:4–10; Matthew 9:35–10:1; Romans 15:14–19

    When confronted by a calling on our lives, often anything but, “yes,” will cross our lips first. This doesn’t mean, “yes” doesn’t come later. If you’re reading this, in some way you’ve already said, “yes.”

    The question then is, what’s next? That’s often an uncomfortable, life-changing, or even dangerous question to ask. Will you be told to cross the globe, or to go next door?

    The revered prophet Jeremiah didn’t say “yes” to God, at first. We read the and it was immediate, but it’s also quite possible that God took a few days. We don’t know.

    We can see from ‘ lives though that God works on hearts for days, months, and even years. God nudges, cajoles, encourages, sends others to talk sense into us.

    God basically informs Jeremiah that his arguments are groundless. God had already set Jeremiah as a prophet. Jeremiah only had to be faithful. That is a big only, by the way.

    Jeremiah believed he was unqualified for the duty. He was probably right, from a human . God’s perspective was different.

    In many respects, prophets were “sent ones”. They were sent to the people of Israel by God.

    Shortly after the birth of the , the 11 disciples (and later Paul) were called Apostles. Apostle just so happens to mean, “sent one”.

    Jesus had the 11 for up to 3 years. They weren’t prepared for what it meant to follow Jesus (especially after the crucifixion). They certainly would have said, “Us lead a religious organization?”

    We look at the Disciples/Apostles as uniquely called and qualified people. In many respects, they were. They had unique callings, for sure.

    Yet, today the entire church is filled with apostles. We’re not talking the Apostles (as the specially defined ones), but apostles…the universally “sent” ones.

    Some might use the “missionaries.” The issue is that “missionaries” are often consciously and unconsciously presumed/assumed to be the apostles (sent ones) to other countries.

    Most are not called to another country, and maybe not even another state. They are called and are being sent into coffee shops, restaurants, laundromats, and every other workplace.

    The apostles—the sent ones—are you.

    There continues to be a presumption that missionaries, pastors, and other “called” people are the ones to reach the world. Were that the case, then why did the fall on more than just the 11 (original) + 1 (Matthias, added later)?

    Pastors are called specifically to equip the apostles to reach the world. The church (as a whole) is having to rediscover that. We, as Christians, need to not just assent to it. We need to embrace it.

    Paul encourages the Romans with the words that they are equipped! So are you!

    Does that mean that the equipping stops? Of course not. There is just the reality that no one, not even pastors, will be perfectly equipped for every situation and person.

    If you believe that you are unequipped, seek help! Yet, be aware that just because you believe that you are unequipped that God won’t still use you, or that (more importantly) it excuses you from your calling.


    Lord, may we acknowledge the you have made upon our lives, and share the self-sacrificing love that you give. Amen.

    1) What keeps you from sharing about Jesus?

    2) Which is scarier, sharing the with someone 15,000 miles away, or the unbeliever next door?

    3) Why do you think the church, pastors, and everyone else often believe it is the “professional’s” responsibility to share about Jesus?