Tag: faithful

  • Only the Beginning

    Only the Beginning

    Psalm 104:24–35; Joel 2:18–29; Romans 8:18–24 (read online ⧉)

    We have lost a lot in the modern age. One of the things is awareness of the land. In the current COVID-19 situation, we may be regaining some of that, as prices go up with agricultural workers being unavailable due to illness.

    The health of the land was deeply tied to the health of its people. We’ve seen some strange perspectives of that with both environmental activists and blind corporate juggernauts.

    For many the environmental ties to a flourishing people are obvious. To others, not so much. In the era of Jesus and even today, when nature has severe weather, agriculture often takes the brunt of it. In ‘s age, they were very much aware of that, especially as there were a series of famines. Thus the land needing was quite obvious to any person.

    The land was tied to prosperity. An unhealthy land made for unhealthy people. It was also the case, which was Joel’s point, that an unhealthy people made for an unhealthy land. Paul noted that it was just humanity that longed for a Savior…the rest of Creation longed for it, too.

    wouldn’t seem to have much to do with that, yet, it is the empowerment by the Holy Spirit of the people of God, that would be the new shepherds to heal the land. Justice and mercy were not just to be attributes of God, they were to be attributes of his people.

    The land isn’t just the land and the animals, it is the heart of the people in it, too. The land, our land, is very sick. It is not just COVID-19, it is something far deeper and even more ill. There is an illness that is infecting the souls of the people of our and even the people of the Body of Christ.

    We may not be able to fix it all, and we certainly cannot heal it all. We can be the messengers of , grace, and mercy. In so doing, as we guard our words and actions, we will be different than the world that seeks to attack and destroy others.

    The love of Jesus Christ cannot back down, and the Body of Christ cannot just let the vileness that pervades continue to build and lash out. We are not called to lash out as the world. We are to say that Christ died for them to heal their pain. We can only walk them on the journey.

    ※ Prayer [BCPOnline] ※

    O God, who on Pentecost taught the hearts of your people by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit: Grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgment in all things, and evermore to rejoice in his holy ; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

    ※ Afterward ※

    Questions seem superfluous. The recent death of George Floyd has taken an anxiety-ridden world and launched chaos. The rise of mayhem and violence will not heal or reconcile. It will only harden hearts. We are called to be the church for such times as this. How we can and will respond in this and in all such, we can only pray that we bring honor and to God.

  • Blessings and Returnings

    Blessings and Returnings

    Jeremiah 29:4–9; Daniel 2:24–30; 1 Peter 2:11–17 (read online ⧉)

    The American experiment has certainly had its interesting times. During extreme times there have been many attempts to do something dramatic to “fix” things. The Civil War was an extreme that appeared to be a moral to a injustice. The FDR administration attempted grandiose programs in an attempt to recover an economy in shambles. Today we have Federal, State, County, and City governments doing all sorts of things in an attempt to protect the populace from COVID-19.

    As people become frustrated, whether being stuck at home, not going to work, watching things not succeeding or improving (or the perception thereof), or politicians making (human) missteps, we are seeing, hearing, and even experiencing strong reactions against a lot actions taken. In a healthy democratic republic, people speaking out in an informed way is helpful and can help build up and improve the country. However, it would seem that our democratic republic is not all that healthy. Certainly, people of most of the political parties (not just the top 2) are saying something to that effect. Your social media stream might even be filled with them, too.

    As Christians, we are to put aside our “rights”. Or, perhaps, it is better said, we ought to look to the Scriptures before we declare our “rights” as Americans. Of course, they don’t necessarily conflict, at least not always.

    As the Israelites went into exile, God did not say oppose your (oppressive) government. God said to work for its . That doesn’t mean don’t seek , but that their responsibility was to everyone else, too, not just this oppressive regime. There is also the truth that it was only after they “did their time” in captivity would the way back to the Promised Land be available to them. Their ability to go back was based on their ability to survive now. Their ability to thrive (not just survive) in their new circumstances was based upon their pursuit of the well-being of Babylon.

    Daniel was another case. He too was captive. He too was taken away. He was trained and educated to be an advisor to the ruler, and become a lower-tier ruler himself (along with his 3 companions). He was put into a place where he could have influenced the downfall of leaders. It’s not as if others didn’t have those plans. He chose not to. He followed the plan God had called him to, and it probably wasn’t easy. Did he try to lessen the load of his fellow Israelites, get this…the Bible doesn’t say. Perhaps that wasn’t Daniel’s purpose. Perhaps his purpose was to be a witness of and to God, and in so doing pursuing the best for Babylon and its people.

    Peter’s words to the Christians in the diaspora weren’t much different. The Roman government was much the same as the Babylonian one, especially from a Jewish standpoint. What did he tell them? Submit to them! Peter’s words might even be harder than then ones from Jeremiah. Submit! Not all the people that Peter wrote to were outside Roman circles, some of them were true Roman citizens, which was no small thing. The message was the same, though.

    When we accepted as our Lord and Savior, we accepted that any citizenship we had on earth was superseded by the one in Heaven. As such, our concerns are to be first of Heaven, then of earth. That is not to say, however, that we are not to seek the success of the kingdoms of earth, it’s just that our standing on earth is secondary. There is an implied issue in Jeremiah’s words, if you become too comfortable in the place you are, you will not to the Promised Land. The story of the return was indeed part of that. Only some retained their citizenship as the People of God. They returned. Those that surrendered their citizenship remained in Babylon.

    God, as we walk through these times, help keep our eyes on you and our citizenship in Heaven. Help that motivate our actions and responses to the world. Amen.

    1) What are you doing to help your community thrive in the midst of COVID-19?

    2) What does it mean for you to work for the success of earthly kingdoms while keeping your eye and on your citizenship in Heaven?

    3) How do we balance the submission to earthly authorities with the to be salt and ? How is it different in a democratic republic (like the USA) versus an authoritarian regime?

  • Die to Resurrect

    Psalm 98; Micah 7:7–9, 18–20; 1 Timothy 6:11–20 (read online ⧉)

    Micah’s unwavering loyalty and trust in God can be hard to swallow for many. Micah believes that he can wait for and trust in God.

    What is fascinating with Micah’s words is that he admonishes his enemy who is gloating over Micah’s fallen state. Micah doesn’t defend himself. In fact, he openly and forthrightly acknowledges that he has sinned against God. What a fantastic pattern that we should all follow! When we hide our sins in the dark, they can fester and rot deep within us. Yet, when we shine the light on them, they cease to rot. The consequences may be awful and shameful, but the light cleanses them.

    Micah owned his transgressions. Micah owned the consequences.

    Micah believed that God would redeem and him. He had decided to wait upon God’s timing for his restoration. That is often courageous for us when we are in the midst of trials and tribulations. Micah was in the middle of them, too.

    The redemptive expectation that Micah had of God was immense. He understood that God’s grace and mercy were beyond comprehension. In addition to his own , he looked to the redemption of his people…of God’s people. Micah understood that the people were far off from God. Micah also understood that God’s faithful and unfailing love was always waiting to Resurrect the repentant heart.

    While the Jews had the Law to define the particulars of their holy calling, gentiles (non-Jews) still had the Imago Dei (the Image of God) in them telling them deep down what they were doing was not in line with the Creator of the universe, even when they didn’t understand. Hence that is why talks to Timothy about fleeing from much of what is common to the temptation of humankind. Timothy was both Greek and Jew (thus dirty to both “sides” of the family). He probably has some awareness of the Jewish Law, but he would have also been quite familiar with what was common (and considered acceptable) in Greek/Roman circles.

    Thus Paul was calling Timothy to something greater than either bloodline or culture. He was calling Timothy to Christ. When Paul recalls Timothy’s “good” confession. Instead of confession, a better (and longer) way of saying it would be a strong, firm, public declaration of allegiance. Timothy had (effectively) declared that Jesus Christ was more important than all of that, and Paul was holding him to it. Timothy, as the “successor” to Paul and a leader in his own right, was to hold on tight to what he “confessed” he believed, and to not let others draw him away.

    Paul reminded Timothy that all that was going on now was in preparation and was before the age to come, the age of . The underlying being that if Timothy let go of the in the here and now, the age of Resurrection might very well not come to him.

    Timothy may not have had the depths of that Micah did, though it’s likely that his heart was broken at the (martyr’s) death of Paul and other Christians. For Timothy, the Resurrection life held in the midst of pain. The Resurrection life that Micah was expect was, without question, different in scope than Timothy was expecting. Both, however, were dependent upon a with God.

    God, may we continue to place our sins and failures before you in hopeful expectation, not to avoid the consequences of our actions, but to restore and maintain right relationship with you. May your father’s heart continue to be gracious to us. May the sacrifice of you, Jesus, continue to remind us of the cost, drawing us closer to you through the counsel of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    1) How do you balance the fear of and concern for punishing or consequences with hope and faith with God?

    2) The life of a Christian is full of many little deaths. What is the latest death that you have experienced that has drawn you (or is drawing you) closer to God?

    3) There is an old saying that a coward dies a thousand deaths, and a hero only one. What is the difference between that and the deaths that a Christian experiences?

  • Faithfulness Remembered and Expressed

    Psalm 119:9–16; Haggai 2:1–9; John 12:34–50 (read online ⧉)

    Haggai’s message was to encourage people who were feeling worn regarding the and its rebuilding. While the people of Israel were rebuilding their lives, the of the temple was not moving as well. There is the political climate regarding the difficulties that would arise with the surrounding powers with the temple rebuilding. For those who were old enough to , Haggai reminded them of the glory of the old temple, trying to stir them up so that they could invigorate . Through Haggai, God reminded them that he was faithful and that things could be great again, should they do their part to honor God through rebuilding his temple. God would then fill his temple with his glory.

    This God’s glory in the temple paradigm was to be cataclysmically changed with . God could no longer be viewed as distant, but now very much present. Like all huge changes in thinking, it was going to be painful and jarring. The of transition would begin with Jesus betrayed and hung on a cross. Jesus foreshadowed what was to occur, but the people seemed to have a sense themselves as they proclaimed that the Messiah would remain forever; a not-so-subtle dig that if Jesus ever died he was not the Messiah.

    Jesus did not allow the nay-sayers to his story. With his declaration equating denial of him and his words was denying God the Father and his words, Jesus made it clear that their understanding of the Messiah was not complete.

    He ultimately answered their challenge with:”…I know that his commandment [Jesus’ obedience to ] is life.” John 12:50

    In other words, only by dying will Jesus actually become the Messiah who remained forever.

    1. What is your reaction to Jesus’ obedience being death?

    2. When you think of martyrs who also were obedient, what is your to their choice? Why?

  • Firmly Wrong

    Psalm 107:1–16; Numbers 20:1-13; 1 Corinthians 10:6-13 (read online ⧉)

    The Israelites were out of water…again. They complained…again. Yet, there is something different here. It’s subtle. There seemed to be a stronger issue with the leaders (Moses and Aaron), rather than God. Oddly, despite an expressed desire to already be dead, God did not seem to take offense at their words. God then gave a simple instruction to Moses and Aaron…and they did not follow it.

    It would seem that Moses and Aaron had finally reached a breaking point. As Aaron generally had speaking duties, it is not unreasonable to think that he called the Israelites rebels. Note that as far as we know—and for this moment—God did not them rebels. Then there is a sense of self-importance when speaking, “…shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” Perhaps leadership (with a whole lot of miracles to go with it) had finally taken its toll. Lastly, Moses struck the rock…twice. Why twice? Probably a whole lot of irritation flowing out. Yet, God had only told them to, “… to the rock.” Aaron had already made plenty of errors regarding God, as had Moses. On the threshold of entering the Promised Land, they were blocked.

    Just as Moses and Aaron felt firm in things before God’s pronouncement of not entering the Promised Land, it seems many people in the of Corinth also felt firm and sure. Paul wanted them to not be so assured of themselves, that they knew it all, and were thus safe from judgment. Paul makes it clear that we will be tested, and that everyone goes through . Paul also throws out a lifeline…God. God will not allow us to be tested beyond our . That doesn’t mean we won’t fall—which is Paul’s point—but that God knows we can handle it if we rely on him.

    1) Has there been a time in your life or “regular” life where you were very sure of yourself and/or your standing…and all of a sudden fell down?

    2) What, do you think, is the difference between the fall of Moses and Aaron, and your own falling, or the falling of , including leaders?

    3) Often the biggest temptations that we fall to are not the ones of , but the ones that are not sins unless they lead us to not or rely on God. Can you think of anything like that in your life?

  • Flawed and Honored Vessels

    Psalm 107:1–16; Exodus 15:22–27; Hebrews 3:1–6 (read online ⧉)

    Water is essential to survival. Not having water was a sentence. What made the waters of Marah too bitter to drink can only be guessed. It would have been horrible to be thirsty (3 days in the desert) and find the saving source of water undrinkable.

    They had just experienced God doing a miracle by saving them from the Egyptians. Yet, here they were, 3 days later, complaining. There is a reasonable question, “what shall we drink?” However, it seems that it didn’t start there. It started with complaining.Much of Moses’ journey with the Israelites seemed to involve the Israelites complaining. They complained against God. They complained against Aaron. They complained against Moses. As their cultural history developed, Moses (rightfully) was granted a position of significance. The religion developed a hearty for God’s rescuing prophet. The first generation complained. The succeeding generations honored.

    By the time of , Moses was just below God in some ways. Not that they worshipped Moses, but that he was used as the measuring rod of the of God. In Luke 16:29, we read, “they have Moses and the prophets….” Moses is raised above the other prophets, even above King David, a man after God’s own . The writer of Hebrews resets things, by raising up Jesus as the of God, not “just” a servant (as Moses was).

    The writer of Hebrews was incorporating Jewish understanding of God and (including Moses’ role) into a fuller understanding of who Jesus Christ should be to faithful Jews.As did regarding we being the temple dwelling of God, the writer of Hebrews says that Jesus Christ is building us into his house. The author of Hebrews equates us, amazingly, to Moses. Both (all) were houses built by God.

    1) Have you ever compared yourself to another, and said, “I could never be like that?”

    2) Have you ever heard someone another a lot and think, “how can I measure up to this?”

    3) What are your thoughts on being a house made by God, and being made just as you are, flaws and all?

  • You, The World, God

    Exodus 20:1–17; John 2:13–22; 1 Corinthians 1:18–25; Psalm 19 (read online ⧉)

    The 10 Commandments in Exodus. The cleaned out with whips. The foolishness of the Cross versus signs and . All 3 passages are passionate reminders of who God is, and each tells so in different ways.

    Exodus establishes the foundations of the God-Israel relationship (and speaks to ours, as well). The of John tells of the cleansing of the temple, removing man-made obstacles and the exposing duping of the faithful. ‘s letter to the Corinthians encourages them that they cannot base faith on mere Greek “wisdom” and the Jewish desire for signs.

    God sets some ground rules for righteous and loving interacting relationship with God and man. summarizes it this way, “…‘You shall the Lord your God with all your , and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” [Matthew 22:36-40]

    Through the cleansing of the Temple, Jesus cleared his Father’s house of that which distracted from worshiping God, and that which prevent right worship. Jesus made a point that his Father’s house has one purpose, worshiping God. He also called the leaders and merchants out on their corruption of a sacrificial law that was intended to bring people to God, while reminding them that they needed a bridge (blood) to cover their wrongs.

    Paul let Christians know that the world would never view them the same as it used to. Their interactions with the world would be strained, as they were considered fools by their beliefs. This of Jew and Gentile was confronted by the Jew and Gentile outside faith in Jesus, and how they no longer quite fit into the world they left behind.

    Much of our journey in faith can be summarized into these three areas: our relationship with God; our with others in the faith; our relationships with those outside the faith. We can even look at Jesus’ with these three facets, seeing the ebb and flow.

    At the beginning of our walk, we usually try to balance these three facets, but unlike a triangle or tripod, the three facets are not really able to be balanced. We tend to extremes in them all, bouncing from one to another. Many people have found that the best expression is the three concentric circles, starting with a small circle, which is circled by a larger one, which is circled by even a larger one.

    Of course, the question is what is the order of the circles?

    1) Going from inner to middle to outer ring, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each perspective?

    a. God / Others in the Faith / Others in the World

    b. Others in the World / Others in the Faith / God

    2) Which one are you?

  • Restart and Reset

    Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16; Romans 4:13–25; Mark 8:31–38 (read online ⧉)

    We celebrate people who reach the 100-year mark (or more). Reporters will how they’ve lived so long, and the person will say that they never did such-and-such, or always did such-and-such, or that it is all about . We are amazed at their . Of course, we are always seeing the once who are out-and-about and doing pretty well.

    If you asked any of them if they would like to have a child at their age, I’m sure they would look you as if you were crazy. Start all over again as a parent?

    Yet, here God is telling Abram, now Abraham, that he was going to be a dad…again. And 90-year old Sarai, now Sarah, will bear her first child.

    To top it all off, Abraham and Sarah would be the ancestors of nations! To see the proof of being ancestors to nations, Abraham and Sarah would either have to live a very long time, or they could God. They did live a long time, but neither saw a grandchild from their . They could only trust God.

    Trust and faith. By God, God called Abraham . Abraham trusted God, as God trustworthy, thus Abraham had faith that God’s would be fulfilled. While Abraham had a long walk in faith, there were probably many things he questioned as to God’s plan.

    Peter opened up with his doubts. He “knew” that God’s plan was wrong. corrects him swiftly and with brutal honesty. Jesus then takes that and expands upon it. Jesus tells his disciples that there is a “cross” for each of us to bear. Yet it is by carrying our cross that we step in concert with God…a walk.

    1) Paul writes about Abraham’s faithful walk with God. Why was Paul so adamant that faith was the driving force, rather than acts? How does this inform your walk with God?

    2) When you read about “picking up your cross”, what does that mean to you?

    3) As we “walk to the cross” through the time of Lent, is it time for you to lay down the cross you carry now, and pick up a new one?