Tag: freedom

  • The New Communal

    The New Communal

    Psalm 133; Daniel 1:1–21; Acts 2:42–47

    Most of us have at least one food dislike. I read this story of Daniel and I’m not sure how I would do with Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Only vegetables? Eventually, I suppose, I would get accustomed to it, but…just ew. Vegetables.

    At this point in my family, there is tension over vegetables. One member has gone vegetarian (mercifully, not vegan). You can imagine the dinner difficulties between that person and myself. Finding ways to eat together becomes challenging. Eating together is one of the big features of communal living.

    Even in monasteries and convents, meals are more communal than and prayer time (usually). There is just something about it that breaks barriers. Greatly dysfunctional and unloving families can actually get along while food is being consumed.

    It’s not hard to imagine that Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah ate in the presence of the other “competitors”, but were viewed as strange due to their lack of meat and wine consumption. That probably solidified both their with one another. It also likely reinforced their “Jewishness”. Communal activities are significant in forming mutual identity. It is no coincidence that the grew despite opposition. Communal identity was formed through worship and daily meetings.

    This is one of the biggest issues facing the US at this point…a lack of formative communal activities. The formative piece is important. We are all part of various communal activities. It could be walking the neighborhood and greeting neighbors. It could be sitting in the same season ticket seats for a sporting event (Go, Tips! Go, Kraken!). It could be leading or participating in community fundraisers. There are so many options!

    The of choice also means that people may have a singular common interest, but not any . When you have a communal activity with one group during a set time (like a hockey game), that doesn’t mean you will have communal time with those people at other points. In fact, you both may have other competing communal activities.

    The time of COVID has had some dramatic effect upon this. People have become more isolated than before. Children who used to play together were often prevented from doing so. People have been consuming all sorts of content to fill the “gaps”. Most of this consumption was alone…sort of.

    What it takes to build a communal identity hasn’t really changed, but the modes have. People are building real relationships through the (not Facebook “friends”, Twitter “followers”, or YouTube “subscribers”). They are forming identities on and through the internet (extremist and conspiracy theory groups are prime examples).

    It is hard to grasp how people will form communities without the frameworks that we are familiar with (in-person church, sporting events, potlucks, etc.). The question isn’t whether, it is how.


    • What communal relationships and identities can you think of for yourself?
    • How were these relationships and identities formed?
    • Do you feel as connected to these relationships and identities as you have before? What has changed? What has remained the same?


    Almighty God, you show those in error the light of your so that they may turn to the path of righteousness: Grant that all who have been reborn into the fellowship of Christ’s Body may show forth in their lives what they profess by their ; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. [ Thursday Collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • Pursuit of Wholiness

    Pursuit of Wholiness

    Psalm 107:1–16; Isaiah 60:15–22; John 8:12–20

    In the US, Christians as a whole (versus individually), are disliked (if not hated), forbidden (i.e., closed-minded, intolerant, bigoted, prejudiced, etc.), and culturally abandoned (granted, much of that is based upon Christians running for the “” hills and their buildings). We are the modern Israel (insofar as Isaiah), which is not a good thing…at all.

    You might well be tempted to say “they” are the problem, but were we honest with ourselves, we are the problem. “Let them be one”, “known by their love”, “patient”, “kind”, “generous”…we’re not good at it. We’ve actually been pretty awful, in fact, and that’s just to each other. This doesn’t include non-Christians.

    This is not a let’s beat ourselves up. It is a reflection of our fallen nature. That doesn’t excuse us from the pursuit of . We may be muddy, dirty, bloody, cranky, angry, depressed, grieving, sad, or even happy and -filled. We are still to pursue holiness.

    The Prince of Peace is a mighty title. Lord of Lords is mightier still. Yet, peace is not our governor. We are not at peace, whether it be ourselves or each other.

    Looking at too much of the conversations between Christians, the light of the World is not the light of our lives. We look to governments and politicians—not God—to guide our way. The Lord as our everlasting light? That is as it is supposed to be. It isn’t, however, as it is.

    told the Pharisees that they didn’t know him and that (by extension) they didn’t know the . Those are harsh words for people who firmly claimed to be God’s treasured possession. As we look at the list of “” characteristics, we should start to question whether we know Jesus, either.

    In Eastern traditions of varying kinds, there is an intent called, one of unknowing. The basic concept is to “empty” oneself. As many Christian theologians point out, though, if you empty yourself, something will fill the void.

    For Christians, perhaps, a related concept would be the “breaking” of self. By “breaking” who we were, we then ourselves the to be remade into the likeness of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. On the surface, they may appear similar, but the inner working of the Holy Spirit is uniquely Christian.


    • What is one of the characteristics of “Christian” that you struggle hardest with? Why do you think that is?
    • It can be hard to , do we really know Jesus? Why is important to regularly ask that question?
    • What is one area of “self” that has been broken in you and that the Holy Spirit has made new?


    Lord Jesus, please be the Lord of our hearts. Guide us. Lead us into and through the pursuit of holiness so that we may become more like you. Amen

  • Examples and Warnings

    Examples and Warnings

    Psalm 107:1–16Numbers 20:1–131 Corinthians 10:6–13

    Imagine saying, “Give thanks to the Lord because he is good, because his faithful lasts forever,” to the Israelites at Kadesh. Those words would have been grating (at best) the ears of all the tongues lashing against Moses and Aaron.

    The Psalmist also wrote, “So they cried out to the Lord in their distress, and God delivered them from their desperate circumstances.” Except that is not the story in Numbers. Instead of crying out to God, the condemned, blamed, and judged Aaron and Moses. Instead of crying out to their and Rescuer, they passed around blame and bemoaned their freedom from slavery.
    The are full of stories. Many of them include the failings and failures of families. We witness the bad choices that people make, including followers of God, that are nowhere near the intent or desire of God.
    There have been many people that have claimed that God endorses many things (slavery, abuse, polygamy, etc.) that appear in the Scriptures, solely because they appear in the Scriptures. This has been the case with Christians and non-Christians alike. It also is a really bad idea.
    Just because it shows up in the Scriptures certainly does not mean endorsement by God. comments on this. Paul notes that the intent of the descriptions of failures is intended to be descriptive and instructive. They are not to be prescriptive.
    Paul reminds and encourages us to remember that we are not alone in any temptation or failure. We are in quite the company, in fact. The lie we tell ourselves and that others couldn’t possibly be tempted like us, or that have succumbed as we have is put on display by Paul.
    Paul, while displaying the lie, also encourages us to recall that God did not tempt us, just as God did not endorse or encourage the sins of those in the Scriptures. Ultimately, it is the weakness of our fallen condition. Which is not unique to an , but is part of the state of all of humanity.


    Why is it important to understand that we are all tempted? How does that mean we should treat others who have succumbed? What should we do when we succumb? Why and how are these related both in our interactions with fellow Christians and those who are not ?


    Lord, you set us free from the ultimate consequence of . Help us in our lives to be free of sin and help others to break their chains and to heal their wounds from sin. Amen.

  • Get Lifted

    Get Lifted

    Psalm 25:1–10; Psalm 32; Matthew 9:2–13

    Have you ever carried something really heavy for a while and then put down? Do you that moment when you put it down? That feeling of ?
    That is should be just a taste of the feeling that the Psalmist brings out:

    The one whose wrongdoing is forgiven,
    whose is covered over,
    is truly happy!

    The one the LORD
    doesn’t consider guilty—
    in whose there is no dishonesty—
    that one is truly happy!

    For many Christians, they actually don’t have that release. Those who grew up in the may have never had the kind of they perceived as such a gap between themselves and God. came to through intellectual decisions. As such, they often cannot grasp that feeling either. Another group is the one that cannot forgive itself and so struggles to accept the forgiveness that God has given.

    Lent is a definitely a time to process our mortality and sin which brought into the world. However, the intent is not to be morbid, it is meant to free us. While we focus on this during Lent, we all (I think) know what ends Lent. At the end of Lent is the freeing from the burdens of sin and death.

    The end is what makes the Lent-ing do-able, worthwhile, and not-so morbid.

    Perhaps the invalid was like so many of us in our hearts, to and trusting of God, but something was missing to connect. Maybe it wasn’t just to the legal experts he was speaking to. Perhaps the invalid needed to understand what exactly was meant. His burden was lifted. He was lifted. His sins were forgiven.


    Does being free of you sins really feel (or did it feel) as if a burden was lifted? If not, why not?


    Lord, help us to be weighed down by our sins and our mortality so that we experience (or experience again) the freedom of our burdens lifted by you. Amen.

  • Off To Where

    Off To Where

    Psalm 46; Genesis 12:1–9; 1 Corinthians 7:17–24

    A number of years ago, Randy Craker (our District Superintendent), shared a message with the college-aged students of our ministry. He talked about how their time, whether being in college or not, was their time before going out of the “land” they knew.

    One of the hardest things about leading college ministry wasn’t the students. They were a joy. The frustration was with people who didn’t understand why we (whether us as leaders or the church in general) would invest time and effort in people who weren’t going to stay. It was hard to understand that the entire point of the ministry was to launch the students and to “take” God with them wherever God would take them.

    DS Craker understood that these young people were already called out of the places they called home and would be headed into the world. Air Force Officer, teacher, nurse, pastor, mom, dad are some of the titles/responsibilities of these students. Who were we to question where God was sending them?

    One of the misleading aspects of this is that the “calling out” is done at that point. Many people as if the will only come when we’re young. Abram wasn’t a young man. The call disrupted his life.

    There is no “magic” or place when God calls you. If we learn anything from the Old Testament, God will call a person regardless of age.

    Often, we want God to call us out of the place we are in. At other times, we want God to keep us where we are at. Often, though, God calls us exactly where we are.

    Imagine how those who heard ‘s letter read out loud (that’s how these letters were originally shared) felt. “If you’re a slave, while you’re free in Christ, you’re still a slave. Be happy.” If you were a slave, celebrating your freedom in Christ, and then this.

    The Greeks likely still felt a bit “second” to the Jews. They were probably relieved (especially the men) that circumcision was discouraged.

    Paul’s comment to the Jews was interesting. Apparently, there were Jews that were now trying to be Greek (or Gentile). How that was happening is unclear. There is some mocking as it was, at that time, impossible to become uncircumcised (theoretically, it is possible with today’s medical technology).

    Paul’s words are somewhat prescriptive. We should not expect that choosing to follow will our circumstances, nor might it change the where and when of our lives. The biggest change, of course, is the we take with us.


    • Why do you think that some people are called out of their circumstances/places, while are called to remain?
    • Why is it important to understand that both calls are equally valid?
    • Looking at Paul’s letter, what is common among believers? Why is that important?


    Lord, may we follow your calling on our lives. Grant us the discernment whether we are called to stay or called to move. Regardless, give us the to know that we in your will. Amen.

  • Breaking Ties

    Breaking Ties

    Psalm 86; 2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1

    “But thank God, who is always leading us around through Christ as if we were in a parade. He releases the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere through us.” —2 Corinthians 2:14 (CEB)

    I have to admit, I tried to be optimistic that I would be able to stop alluding and directly addressing US politics after the election. Bluntly, it gets rather tiring. However, as I see my brothers and sisters in Christ responding to the world, it may well be that politics is the greatest worldly vice that the church needs to confront. As a pastor, I cannot help but believe that addressing church politics may be a call for a while.

    Much of the reason is that the church is hurting. As much as certain people would like to blame the current president for the situation, that is really denying reality. The (yes, blessing) of the current (yes, soon to be former) president’s time in office is that the church, in particular the white evangelical brand, has had to confront how much it has been in the pocket of politics.

    What has followed quickly behind, is the awareness that the so-called liberal (not sure the label applies) “side” of the church (universal) is equally in the pocket of politics, just a different side’s. We, as the church, need to that we are in bondage to sin…political .

    The Corinthians have been turning away (or withdrawing their affection) from , as local influencers are successfully convincing them that Paul is a sham. Who these influencers are exactly is open to interpretation, but much of the challenge is due to the apparent difference in Paul’s tone and “” when he is away versus when he is physically present. Paul calls out the Corinthian church for being “yoked” to these unbelievers, rather than Jesus Christ.

    The church has been unequally yoked with US politics and has seemed to cast off the yoke of Jesus Christ.

    To be clear, I follow many Christians on both “sides” (which in and of itself is a sad of the church) of politics. The general lack of grace given to Christians and leaders of opposing political views breaks the heart of God. Whether we’re talking about splinters and logs (Matthew 7:2–4), abortion, the death penalty, homelessness, unemployment, COVID, we are called to love one another…ESPECIALLY our brothers and sisters in Christ.

    In a republic, but even in a dictatorship, the church should use what influence it has to make the world look just a little bit more like the Kingdom of God. That can be a tall order. The world, however, has been successful in turning the Church into a loyal voting block rather than a witness against the ills of the world.

    Being “unequally” yoked is an odd turn of phrase in this context. Yet, it is due to one thing…the world’s power is not the Church’s. The Church’s powers are not the world’s. The world seems to know that its power is not the same, so tries to convince the Church that the world’s power is the best way to “reach” the world. The ? The Church cannot successfully wield the world’s power and remain the Church.

    Paul’s admonition to the Church of Corinth is regarding the church allowing unbelievers to tell the church how to treat and behave toward fellow believers. That admonition stands today.


    • What do politics and politicians tempt you (personally) with? How might that interfere with Jesus’ call on your life?
    • As harsh as it sounds, why might political power be a sin? How might it not be?
    • As Christians, we are called to God’s Kingdom. As earthly citizens, we are called to exercise our right/responsibility to vote. How do we balance the 2 powers, and be to being salt and ?


    Lord, forgive us. Help us have the patience, endurance, love, and grace to be healers of our homes. Amen.

  • Live Freely

    Live Freely

    1 Corinthians 6:12–20; John 1:43–51

    In the US, freedom is a significant cultural word. Often, we use language such as “free country”. The Declaration of Independence is quoted most often with, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are , Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

    The problem with such an ideology has been shown in the context of individual liberty. We are currently watching political extremes play out in the public “square” where one person’s pursuit of happiness in in direct conflict with another’s.

    The US Constitution is an imperfect document. It cannot deal with the myriad of people who want to rewrite it in their own image (equally an issue in the 2 primary political parties).

    The US Constitution is, in many respects, a contract. Far too many people read it just like the read the terms and conditions on credit cards, mobile phones, internet agreements, account usages, etc.. In other words, there are too many people (politicians, media hosts, regular people) who haven’t read the constitution.

    Yet, many people believe they have “rights” based on the tendency to misunderstand that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are not the same document and have completely different intents.

    So, what do “rights” and “freedom” have to do with Christ? A whole lot and very little.

    As a Roman citizen, had rights and privileges that many people didn’t. Since he was born a citizen (see Acts 22:28) and was a Jew (a Benjaminite), at a minimum his father had bought rights or was granted them. Thus, at birth, Paul was a citizen.

    Paul’s privilege may have well put him in a place of societal and political superiority of the Jewish world. He was an official part of Roman society and had special legal protection. From a legal standpoint, Paul’s privilege was not “white privilege” (as we today). From a functional viewpoint, however, it may not be far off.

    When Paul talks about freedom, therefore, we must understand that he knew quite well what his freedom was in comparison to many (even most) Christians. He could do things, own things, influence things in ways others could not.

    Recently, an acquaintance—George Holleway—wrote, “Christians, you may have freedom of constitutionally, but you don’t have it biblically.”

    The immediate was an argument that combined scripture with US culture and (and the constitution fits into both). It showed an ignorance of scripture and a presumption of culture that should deeply concern the .

    Paul’s words are slightly different than George’s, but both Paul and George have the same presumption…Christ comes first. Even the secular constitution has something with Paul’s words, others are important to our freedom.

    For the constitution, it was to protect the people from the overreach of government (, we elected them). For the church, and Christ, it is to protect people from Hell.

    Christians, we aren’t free to do whatever we want. We are free to do the will of Jesus Christ who came to earth to live and die, that we might be children of God.


    • Why is it important to understand the difference between constitutional freedom and freedom in Jesus Christ?
    • To you, what does “freedom in Jesus Christ” allow you to do? What does it—if anything—prevent you from doing?
    • What is the difference between “freedom of” and “freedom in”?


    Jesus, we you Lord and Savior. In our world, Lord doesn’t have the impact it should. Help us to truly understand what it means that you are the Lord of our lives. Amen.

  • Desolate


    Micah 2:1–13; Matthew 24:15–31

    Many people attribute motives to leaders, especially political ones, that fit a narrative, rather than the facts. Sometimes they fit both the facts and the narrative. The last few presidents have had a lot of that. Even our current governor has had a lot of that. We may not like their decisions, that doesn’t mean, however, that they are being malicious. Sometimes they are just doing their best to muddle through…just like the of us.

    Micah’s words are for any person who seeks the ill of . Whether it is political, financial, power, or something else, those who plan to take from others may well fall under condemnation. There is the motivation that is part of Micah’s words. “Limiting” our ability to as we are accustomed can often fall under the trying to do the best for all, rather than just some.

    Micah’s focus is more along the lines of those whose inheritances were taken, and whose people (particularly the women) were “taken” as profit, rather than looking at the best for the whole. This was about the elites who truly controlled everything, and took even more, effectively robbing the Promised Land of the promises of God.

    The strong implication in Micah’s words is that the people cannot break themselves out of the mess they are in. It really is out of their control. Thus, they need God to break their chains and lead them beyond the walls into . They need God to both direct them and protect them, just as a shepherd is supposed to do for the .

    It is times of disarray and chaos, just like these, that warns us about (in Matthew). We know we need the shepherd, even when “we” don’t believe that Jesus is the shepherd we need/want.  This is the time when false messiahs and, thus, false arises.

    People in their need will begin to follow others who appear to “know” the way. Those being followed may be religious leaders. They can be political leaders. They can be military leaders. They can even be business leaders.

    Jesus’ words imply that those that truly know Jesus will know when he comes back. There won’t be any as far as the believers are concerned (the world is different).


    Why is it important to understand that Christians will know when Jesus returns? How do you see people following “leaders” (especially those who think as you do)? Why might it be important that all of Jesus’ followers will be gathered from the “four winds” (or four corners) of the world?


    Jesus, we . Lord, we wait for you. Grant us to wait for your coming. Grant us endurance as we wait. Amen.v