Tag: freedom

  • My Rules Not Yours

    My Rules Not Yours

    Mark 10:1–9; Luke 1:69–75; Galatians 3:1–5

    The rule of having to wear masks when going out into public (with some exceptions in the US and elsewhere) is grating. Really. Who wants to wear a mask all day? No one wants to.

    Many are concerned that we are being conditioned to wear masks and have our freedoms curtailed. That concern is reasonable, up to a point. What’s particularly interesting is the social experiment regarding rules.

    The political “right” is generally a law and order type of people. Yet, that group is resisting the mask rule. The political “left” is (theoretically) more of a “no rules” yet practices many rigid rules.

    This is not to pick on either, but to show that even in our “crystal clear” political bents, we are often not clear ourselves. Yet, one of the core pieces of theology, especially Protestant theology, is from the Law.

    Of course, someone will often that the Law is different than rules. Yes, the Law is a series of religious rules that defined appropriate behavior and a penalty for when that behavior was violated.

    The “trick” became that the people treated the Law as if it were the relationship that mattered, rather than their relationship to God. That is also a simplification of it. Another way to say may be, they focused on the rules so much that they neglected the relationship.

    gets the rules of divorce question. Is that really the question, though? Is the question more along the lines of, “what can I do that I think makes me happy while still getting to Heaven?” The question of divorce is a question of relationship on one hand and what can be gotten away with. The way Pharisees brought this to Jesus was about the law. It wasn’t about a man looking for a younger wife or a prettier one, or even one the nagged him less. It was about using the Law to break relationship.

    When anyone becomes more concerned about the rules (whether to follow them or disobey them) than the that the rules are about, we lose of people. Zechariah’s (from Luke 1) is all about the relationship. Zechariah would have been one of those concerned about the rules (he was a priest). The relationship with God and God with God’s people mattered more.

    The other side of the rules, and a significant focus of the Protestant reformation, was the thought that one could earn their way into Heaven by following rules, rituals, or purchasing one’s way in. The last of these 3 is not ‘s concern in his letter to the Galatians. What concerned him was that the Galatians seemed to have tossed out and relationship and embraced rules.

    This is not to say rules are not important. They provide guidance and boundaries, which we seem to need to thrive. Yet, if we adhere to the rules (or oppose the rules) without understanding the why and the who that the rules are about we skip the people that we are called to love.


    1) Thinking of relationships regarding authority, how do rules and relationships work with and against each other?

    2) What rules that bother you? Why? What relationships might those rules impact?


    Jesus, you came to earth to show us the Way of . Help us to find both the freedom and constraints of following you. Amen.

  • Message Over Mammon

    Message Over Mammon

    Luke 10:1–9; 2 Corinthians 12:1–14

    There are many people who attract attention naturally. Some do it with mere charisma. Some do it with money. do it with the words (positive and negative).

    There are others that do it out of gain. Whether it is to gain the attention of people or to feel , or (all still people-based, really), gaining attraction to puff oneself up isn’t Christ-like.

    When sent out the 72 disciples he gave an interesting direction: don’t houses. In other words, if you were invited into a house in a town, stay at that house until you leave the town. As they were representatives of the famous prophet, they would likely be treated well. It might even mean that people would compete for their presence.

    The concern with this is that the message would lose weight as the disciples would go from house to house. What gravitas would the “” have if its disciples (emissaries, ambassadors) traipsed from one place to another following the food and the sandal-licking (they didn’t have boots, then). If people competed over the fame and flattery of having one of the disciples, would they really care about the message?

    The next concern would be the effect upon the disciples. Being “wined and dined” could have a potentially huge negative effect on their spiritual growth and their witness. It could even lead to some of the same bullying behavior of the Jewish religious leaders. That would have been very bad.

    We see how it did evolve through ‘s letter to the Corinthians. The “super” apostles were, it seems, spiritual abusers. They guilt-tripped people to give more money. Based on Paul’s language, the super-apostles used language that implied that the Corinthians were being spiritually blessed by them (the super-apostles) so much money.

    When Paul apologizes that he didn’t for money or to be taken care of, there is a realization that the Corinthians had been hoodwinked. They had bought wholeheartedly into the swindle of the super-apostles. In so doing, they lost the of the Gospel.

    By succumbing to the words of these super-apostles, they reattached the chains of bondage. Paul was heartbroken. The heart of the message of freedom in Christ had been lost.

  • Kinda Stuck

    Kinda Stuck

    Kinda Stuck

    7 September 2020

    Leviticus 4:27–31; Leviticus 5:14–16; 1 John 1:6–10

    When we talk about , we often operate with the presumption of commission of sin. In other words, we did something. There is also the sin of omission. In other words, what we didn’t do.

    The morning confession in the Book of Common Prayer reads
    Most merciful God,
    we confess that we have sinned against you
    in thought, word, and deed,
    by what we have done,
    and by what we have left undone.
    We have not loved you with our whole heart;
    we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
    We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
    For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ,
    have on us and forgive us;
    that we may delight in your will,
    and walk in your ways,
    to the of your . Amen.

    In many respects, this confession is hard, because in it we confess that we are not loving God and as God has called us to do. On the other hand, this confession is freeing, as we aren’t required to go down all the items we messed up on (and some days that can be quite a lot).

    When we read Leviticus, we can often get bogged down in all the rules. Yet, if you read the rules in today’s verses, there is grace in them. In them, while the rules regarding are stringent, at the same time there is the recognition that someone may not recognize the act while in the middle of committing it.

    We all make mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes are sins. Sometimes they aren’t sins, per se, but still hurt others. We aren’t supposed to beat ourselves up about it. We are supposed to confess, repent, and on.

    Even in Leviticus, barring a few acts, there isn’t a “no repeat” rule. This means that God will gracefully accept our confession and repentance. While we will often continue to sin (sometimes even the same thing), if we are truly repentant in our hearts and confess, God moves on, and so should we.

    Yes, we are called to be better than we were yesterday. Being better than we were yesterday also means better to ourselves than we were yesterday. People will often continually condemn themselves about their failures. When we condemn ourselves, we are often closer to the than God.

    Through the Holy Spirit, God convicts. The purpose of that conviction is to free us from the and reconcile us to God. The enemy condemns. That condemnation will often tear our hearts and souls into pieces, leading us to further separate ourselves from God.

    This is not God’s intent. Yes, we are to be aware of what separates us from God. We are to confess and work on what separates us from God. It’s hard enough to improve our walk with God, let us not help the enemy take us further away from the reconciling heart of God.


    Lord, help us be true to you through our confessions and our to you. Amen.


    1) Is there a sin or struggle in your life that you can’t seem to get a handle on, and are concerned that God just won’t let it go? Is it God, or is it you that won’t let it go?

    2) Why do we often let our mistakes and errors bind us?

    3) One aspect of the Good News of the Gospel is freedom from chains. How will you with others the chains you have been freed from?

  • Nope. I’m Good.

    Nope. I’m Good.

    Nope. I’m Good.

    2 September 2020

    John 8:31–41; Philippians 3:1–11

    What are you relying on? This is a question that we each need to ourselves on a regular (if not daily) basis. It becomes easy to slip into relying on something without realizing it.

    In industries such as manufacturing, timber, construction where safety is a big issue, it can be easy to fall into ease. As organizations create stronger safety programs and better safety equipment, workers can grow into a sense of comfort. Then they may overly rely on their safety equipment. Then they make mistakes that endanger themselves, , and the successful completion of their jobs.

    This can also be seen when people spend lots of money (often more than they make) to have a good . This somewhat works when the economy is going well, but things happen, and economies weaken.

    This can also be seen in politics, from local to international, as people make assumptions about their supporters or even their countries as they around and make deals.

    It is also seen in the . While the apparent dominance of the Moral Majority of the 1980s–1990s indicated that the “church” was strong, it showed that the church had lost its way. The church relied on politics and to make a difference, rather than the love and of . As the church becomes culturally sidelined, there is a growing awareness of not just the earthly power lost, but also the freedom gained and the power from on high that comes with it.

    The Jews understood and venerated their ancestors, particularly Abraham and Israel. They venerated Moses as the Prophet of the Most High. They had the Law.

    They had become reliant and comfortable. It seems strange for them to be comfortable with the Roman occupation. It was just the status quo, and no one wanted the boat to be rocked.

    Then along comes Jesus to rock the boat, and all the complacency came to a head. For too long the Jews had taken their (very) special place for granted. It was time for them to wake up.

    Part of Paul’s awakening was through this as well. While he still proudly proclaimed his Israelite heritage, he set it aside for the greater of being a follower of Jesus. While he didn’t toss his heritage out (for it gave him the framework to understand the work of Jesus), he recognized it for what it was…a foreshadow of what was to come…the Body of Christ.

    ※ Prayer ※

    Jesus, may we be shaken daily by who you are so that we are never complacent. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※

    1) Where is your life of too complacent?

    2) Where do you see the life of the church too complacent?

    3) Where else in life (outside of faith) are you seeing complacency?

  • Flying Free?

    Flying Free?

    Isaiah 28:14–22; Luke 4:14–21

    “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.”

    ― Corrie ten Boom

    What does it mean to be a captive? What does it mean to be free?

    In the ongoing COVID season this isn’t quite straightforward. Many people feel captive in their homes (voluntary or not) and captive to government. In , many are proclaiming their (in the US, at least) and acting out some sort of resistance.

    One of the things though about both captivity and freedom is that often what is captivity to one is freedom to another. Take the opening quote from Corrie ten Boom. Certain people live their believe that they are free to hate. feel free after they have relieved the hate.

    Which person is correct? Both versions are correct…from a certain point of view.

    Take the inhabitants of Jerusalem. They felt themselves to be free after they had, effectively, made an agreement (so-to-) with the god Mot, the Canaanite god of . What is particularly interesting is that Mot was the adversary of Baal, the Canaanite god of life and fertility.

    Baal had long been a god the Israelites then the Jews kept returning to in lieu of God. That in the face of the pending Assyrian regional dominance they chose the antithesis of Baal is truly strange. However, being allied with the god of death was thought to be a shield from surrounding enemies.

    The Jews seemed to view God as their captor. They chose the “freedom” of other gods. As they learned to their dismay, God freed them from…his protection. They learned that the freedom they longed for was actually the chains of captivity.

    Without question, in the middle of these verses from Isaiah the tested stone, precious cornerstone, sure foundation is , at least from a Christ-centered point of view. Jesus is the sure foundation.

    While the Jews are making their alliance with death, God is setting the groundwork for True life…the Messiah.

    When we read the Gospels, we often infer that Jesus is setting all the Jews free from religious trappings and false teachings. He is. However, we should primarily be looking at ourselves to see what Jesus wants to free us from.

    We each have burdens we bear. We each have scars that we have hidden (some well, some not). We also have many things that we believe are freeing but have really become burdens and chains. The problem often is that we view so much from the , and not God’s.

    It’s not that we are God. We do have the Scriptures to guide us. As we the word freedom, let us recall that what we view as right or as a right may not be what God seeks for or from us. It may lead us away from God and into chains.


    Lord, open our eyes to your freedom. Amen.


    1) What is a freedom you appreciate? How could it also be a chain of captivity?

    2) What is a cornerstone? How does that apply to Jesus?

  • Stirring


    Isaiah 43:8–13; Romans 11:13–29

    What or who are you fighting for? If you are not fighting for God, then are you fighting for an idol?

    Often Christians dismiss the Israelites of the Old Testament as the clueless. They were the people that didn’t get it. This view seems to be reinforced by Jesus’ words, yet were they really that clueless?

    They valued the word of God. They valued traditions. They valued theology. They valued being Jewish. These values, it seems, were more a barrier between them and God, rather than

    How much are we just like them? Would we really recognize Jesus on the street or the internet?

    Christians have been accused of being blind and deaf to Jesus. This has come from Christians and it has come from the world. We are often quick to dismiss these words, rather than contemplate them.

    We are human. We will be blind. We will be deaf. In many ways, that is how we are able to go through life without losing our minds or succumbing to fear.

    There really isn’t a prescription so that we all know and can all be certified to be Christians. That would be nice. It takes practice. It takes a lot of practice.

    The statistics are showing that many churches will not recover post-COVID. Some are saying that only 30% will return. Imagine your only having 30% of its people.

    Perhaps this will be the winnowing that the church needs.

    This is along the same line of thought, though different, that Paul had regarding his fellow Jews. He knew they were passionate about the word of God, , theology. They still had a problem.

    Paul wanted the Jews to look at the Gentiles and want what they have, in and mercy. In addition, the Gentiles (along with the Jews that became ) began to develop a of faith and trust that transcended culture and blood.

    We Christians, though, have now been around long enough that we have developed tradition, a love of God’s word that doesn’t necessarily include reading it, and we have theology.

    We are likely now at the point where we need a Paul to get us stirred up. We need to be what Paul wanted the Jews to be…jealous for God.


    Spirit, may we be stirred up for your plan and . Amen.


    1) What does it mean to be jealous for God?

    2) Why can love for God’s word an incomplete understanding of the word of God in our lives?

    3) Why do you think people won’t return? What can we to encourage people to stay and return?

  • Under Yoke

    Under Yoke

    Jeremiah 27:1–11; Jeremiah 28:1–17; Matthew 11:28–30

    One of the ongoing themes of contemporary Christianity is to look at stories such as Jeremiah, and say, “of course he’s God’s prophet!” Looking back it is obvious to us. We’ve had a lot of history since then.

    We know that Jeremiah was one of the 66 books of the Bible that was affirmed. We know that Jewish tradition also upholds Jeremiah. It’s obvious to us.

    For the Jews, it wasn’t so clear. Sure, the “real” prophets usually were not full of good news. However, the thought of submitting to Babylon felt like a bad joke. God wouldn’t allow that, would he?

    The cultural concept of American Exceptionalism and founding documents invoking God (honestly, though, more in a Deistic fashion, rather than a one) and individuality, a yoke is an awful thing to contemplate.

    A yoke means that one is not choosing the way. Another is choosing the way for you.

    A yoke is usually pairing two or more . So, not only is the way not of your choosing, but neither is your companion.

    If a yoke is born by a single person, they are carrying a very heavy load, and often the load would not be their own.

    This doesn’t fit into the thinking of many Americans raised and taught a particular “brand” of . While contemporary American thinking and Jewish thinking have differing perspectives of the yoke (individual freedom versus Babylon), the conclusion is the same.

    The yoke must be broken!

    The “prophet” Hananiah admonished Jeremiah. Hananiah, just like everyone else (even Jeremiah), didn’t want the yoke of Babylon.

    What they wanted, however, wasn’t what was necessary. Why was the yoke of Babylon necessary? Pride.

    Israel was quite prideful. Americans are quite prideful. Often that is what really hurts when we are confronted by yokes…our pride.

    Hananiah responded to Jeremiah (and God) in pride (and blind ). He broke the symbol of shame, and received a different yoke (death), and gave (through the example Israel followed) a heavier yoke for Israel.

    promises a lighter yoke. The heaviness of Jeremiah’s yoke (and subsequently Hananiah’s) is ultimately based upon our pride. Jesus’ yoke is his pride.

    This means that the yoke that Jesus offers us allows us to cast aside our concerns of our pride, for Jesus will take care of his own pride. Jesus’ pride was so humble and faithful, that it lead to his death on the cross.

    Another way to think of it is that if Jesus is paired with us, Jesus bears his and our weight. That is a very yoke indeed.


    Jesus, may we look for the lighter burden you seek to us. Help us to relinquish the yoke of our pride, so that we are paired with you. Amen.

    1) In what areas do you feel pride? What might the “yokes” be in those areas?

    2) Why is it often easier to bear our burdens and not the burdens of others? How does Jesus turn that upside down?

    3) Can a burden be so light that it doesn’t weigh you down? Does a burden always need to be compared to another burden?

  • Following Further

    Following Further

    Acts 18:24–19:5; 1 Corinthians 3:5–15; 1 Corinthians 3:18–23 (read online ⧉)

    Continuing from yesterday, Peter and were, and remain, worthy examples to follow. In particular, it is their following of Jesus Christ and their wrestling with the for themselves and .

    Not too long into things, however, already following fell into camps. Peter and Paul were the “original” camps and later, that of Apollos. The separation of camps was certainly not the intent of Peter, Paul, or Apollos.

    The primary concern of the Corinthians was Paul and Apollos. Paul did note that Peter (Cephas) was tied into this as well. One can imagine that the 3 camps were broken into apparently ideological categories: old/Apostolic guard (Peter), Jewish guard (Apollos), Gentile/revolutionary guard (Paul).

    Was this really the case for these 3 men? Neither the nor Church histories provide any evidence of it. This was something that likely started with relationships and attraction.

    We see this today, as people will follow a particular pastor. If that pastor moves on, so do they. We also often seen this camp development as a precursor to church splits.

    People will settle into camps over many issues: political party, environment, , taxation, “freedoms”, immigration, world events, and so on. People will often find and focus on more that divides, rather than unites.

    In this environment of being divided and then further subdivided, and then divided again, followers of Jesus should buck the trend and figure out how to unite. Currently, we are on the same path as the rest of the world in that regard and that does not.

    We also know from the Scriptures and Church history that the early leaders did not all agree on everything at all times. Yet, their paramount allegiance was to Jesus Christ.

    One could dismiss their agreement on the reality that they were oppressed or at least strongly opposed. If that’s the case, perhaps instead of greater freedom, we should pray for further difficulty (dark humor).

    It wasn’t easy to stay unified. It also isn’t as if they were unified on everything. They were being unified over Jesus, which is all we can really of one another. That isn’t happening today.

    As we always look for and at those who are one step ahead of us, we must still keep our eyes upon Jesus. The person we follow may turn away, and if we blindly follow, we too will walk away from Jesus. Keeping our eyes upon Jesus will help keep us going toward him, and not away.


    Jesus, while we look at others to help us in our Christian walk, help us to keep our eyes on you. Amen.


    1) Which people are you watching or following right now? How do they lead you to Jesus?

    2) Is Jesus (not “being Christian”) your lens when looking at and listening to others?

    3) How do you converse generously in love, , and with others whose understanding of following Jesus is different than yours?