Tag: freedom

  • A Little Prophesying

    A Little Prophesying

    Deuteronomy 13:1–5; Deuteronomy 18:20–22; Jeremiah 28:1–9

    Doomsday prophets are certainly a thing. There are a lot of them, and of varying kinds: epidemiologist (disease), environment, morality, political, sexuality, education, freedom, financial, and so on and on.

    Doom sells. Doomsayers may also be helpful to guide us toward some sort of preparation or change. At this point, however, there are so many doomsayers that there are only two logical conclusions: we’re doomed or they’re wrong. That is really the two paths regardless of which or all the “dooms”.

    What is interesting about “prophesying” in the Scriptures is that not all prophesying is alike. Some prophesying is more akin to teaching, lecturing, discipling. That generally would fall under categories as preaching, pastoring, and life groups.

    Other prophesying is more like visions, dreams, and euphoric states. This is what we, as a tradition (versus language), understand as foretelling or forewarning that is spiritually driven, and is our default interpretation when reading the in the Scriptures.

    The struggle is discerning whether the prophecy or “prophetic word” is from God, from other spiritual forces, or is it of self appearing to be “spiritual”. Especially (but not exclusively) with the , there are plenty of videos, blog posts, web sites all claiming some sort of divine connection.

    Sadly, there is no way to tag “fake ”. That takes wisdom, discernment, and positive .


    Holy Spirit, strengthen your discerning in us. God, help us to look through your word so that we can see when someone is using your word falsely. , help us to keep in mind that you told us that there would be many false prophets before your return. Amen.

    1) Have you had someone deliver a prophecy or “prophetic word” to/about you? How about as part of a public declaration (with or without you being the focus)?

    2) What are you actively doing to protect yourself from false prophesy or “prophetic word”?

  • Who Makes You

    Who Makes You

    Romans 9:14–33 (read online ⧉)

    A vignette from a life…

    “It’s your fault,” said the child.

    “How so,” asked the parent.

    “You knew, and you didn’t stop me,” responded the child.

    “Except I warned you before,” the parent replied.

    “So, what,” retorted the child. “What’s that got to do with stopping me?”

    Or, a different vignette…

    “It’s your fault.”

    “You were warned.”

    “You made me so mad, though, that I wasn’t thinking, and I did it. So, it’s your fault.”

    Paul’s use of Old/First Testament imagery causes many modern people to struggle with these verses. In the Wesley/Arminian , these words are a particular struggle, as they appear to not to be free will, a core belief in the tradition.

    However, what we miss is the rhetorical questioning that is going on in the Greek. A rhetorically adequate translation would be more along the lines of, “Yes, while God can make you, that does not make it God’s fault that you still chose your path.” One theologian argues, with some decent reasoning, that even when God hardens hearts (sometimes called judicial hardening), it’s not that the hearts weren’t already hardened. It is that God firms their already stubborn and ungodly hearts so that their immediate action will result in the display of God’s .

    In other words, God helps them be more firmly where they have already decided to be. Their decision was made first.

    Now, unlike some other traditions, this is not a one-way road. God is in the redemption business! Even when God hardens the heart for one action, there is often a redemptive action waiting in the wings. It is here that a person will choose to continue to harden their own heart or not.

    The potter and the clay? An analogy, not a description. This passage, too, is often confused as that Israel (and thus the of us) are lifeless clay. Paul asks, what if? Paul is not concluding that God made some people for wrath and some are not.

    God did not make us that way. Just as the passage of the Potter’s House, Paul is not saying that God did it so that people are separated from God. God made is so people choose to be separated from God.

    This, too, is hard. For those of us who know God, and have a saving relationship with God, it is beyond our comprehension that people would choose anything other than God. Be grateful that you have chosen.

    Paul’s ultimate conclusion is that God set out works for the people of Israel to do. They believe that is was the works (the tasks) they did to fulfill the Law that made them . This was all while the lesson of Abraham was right there in the …following and choosing God through .


    Gracious God, we thank you that we have been gifted the freedom to choose you in . May you our hearts and guide our lives that we can help others also choose you. Amen.


    1) Do you think you have ever experienced a time when God “hardened” your heart? Why or why not?

    2) Why do you think people believe that God designs people and plans for people to be inflicted by God’s wrath?

    3) What is the hardest thing to realize and feel about knowing that you have to daily choose God?

  • On the Other Side of This

    On the Other Side of This

    Matthew 18:15–20; 1 Peter 1:13–24 (read online ⧉)

    Once, an old warrior told a young man that the young man’s was killed by a certain . The young man later confronted the certain individual and learned that the certain individual was actually his father. The young man then confronted the old warrior said that it wasn’t a lie, it was the told from a certain point of view.

    There are many perspectives floating around at the moment. Most are carried with verve and vigor. Many are carried with pain. Many are carried with anger. Many are carried with fear. Many are carried in vengeance.

    In the midst of chaos and strife, it is easy to get caught up in the emotions, especially the negative ones. People will often watch or other otherwise consume media that reinforces their viewpoint. This further entrenches the hearts of people, making the divides wider.

    Right now, there are many paths being laid, and the sad truth is that each will walk a path, and there is little likelihood of reconciliation. It is not just our country, it is our cities, our state, our world. The saddest place of division is in our churches.

    While we are going through the COVID-19 situation, to have the additional stress and strain of societal disruption (regardless of right or wrong) will result in hearts that harder then they were already.

    There are cultural and societal sins at play. Individuals are not guilty of these sins, but they are responsible for them. We as ambassadors of the Heavenly —where our citizenship rests—are called to be of one mind.

    Being of one mind is hard, especially when we focus on all that separates us. If we were, for example, to focus on Christ, what Jesus has done for us, the freedom that he has given us, our ability to move beyond our earthly desires should improve.

    This does not mean that sorrow, grieving, repentance, and reconciliation don’t need to happen. They, in fact, do need to happen. It is through these that the walls between us are broken down and we can truly be .


    Lord, as our hearts ache and our tempers flare, grant us . As we look to the world in disarray and fear, give us peace. As the world seeks and healing, make us peace. Amen.


    1) What do you plan to do to heal the rifts between fellow Christians?

    2) As barriers , how will you lovingly break them down?

  • Shear Time

    Shear Time

    Psalm 122; Isaiah 61:1–9; John 15:1–8 (read online ⧉)

    The year of the Lord’s is probably not this year. The ever-changing nature of this year, and all the odd and bad things that are going on would in no way seem to be the harbinger of the Lord’s favor.

    What if, however, we are looking at it wrong? Perhaps instead of looking at the disasters and troubles, we should be looking for God. Who or what is God stirring around us? If we become too obsessed with the world, we could miss God.

    This is not to say don’t pay attention to the world. In fact, part of the words of Isaiah is exactly why we should be looking for God in : , heal, liberty, freedom, (even) vengeance, , crown, festive.

    This is not to say that God desires bad things. God will use the bad things (whether natural or depravity) to mold and shape if we seek God. If we are not seeking God in these things and through these things, we are far more likely to have hearts that become harder and more resistant to love, whether it is being or loving others.

    Isaiah’s words aren’t necessarily comfortable, either, especially to those who are in power or who have advantages (even if they are unaware). God doesn’t seek, necessarily, to make us comfortable (though God will comfort us). God seeks to us from the inside out. Often, though, we only change (or seek change) under stress. Well, there’s plenty of stress now.

    Rejoice in suffering because God is with us. Not because it’s fun.

    When we are part of the vine ( Christ), we’re going to be pruned. Whether it’s our biases, our fears, our (non-Godly) allegiances, God will prune them. We will often try to graft them back on, and in so doing we are susceptible to diseases of the soul. A diseased branch will be tossed into the .

    It is beyond our capabilities to see what fruit we could bear once God is done pruning us. God, though, is the great vinedresser and will seek the maximization of fruit, not our destruction. We just feel that way sometimes.

    There is a running joke out there…what was the worst purchase in 2019? A 2020 planner. There is so much going on that is unexpected, and for which we are unprepared. Instead of groaning or burying our head in the sand, let us embrace the opportunity to be formed by God into his image of us (our unique expression of the ).

    ※Prayer [Billy Graham]※

    Lord, whatever I have to face, through it let me learn more of Your love and compassion. Amen.


    1) Is anything new being added to God’s pruning list for you? If not, why do you think that is?

    2) What is the best side-effect when looking for God’s movement in times of suffering and trial?

    3) How does suffering lead to a “Year of the Lord’s Favor”?

  • Opprobrium


    Matthew 9:18–26; Mark 5:21–43; Luke 8:40–56 (read online ⧉)

    People often use scripture to justify certain things, or at least state that whatever “this” is, it is nothing new. One of those is a thought that the woman in today’s had been bleeding due to a botched abortion. This, of course, is conjecture. There are several other medical conditions which this could fall under, so making this kind of conjecture is often not helpful. This is especially the case when such conjecture takes away from the mystery that is already present in the Scripture.

    Think about the other healings that Jesus performed. In the other healings, he was approached then would act. He was just on his way to heal someone else, and this women surreptitiously approaches him and just touches his clothes to be healed.

    The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) have slightly different tellings of the story. Yet, the woman’s initiative to approach Jesus and touching his clothing to be healed is consistent. Both Mark and Luke talk about the crowds surrounding Jesus. This took courage for this woman.

    The primary thought that this bleeding was similar to menstrual bleeding (hence the aforementioned piece about abortion). If that is so, while the woman would not have to declare “unclean” as a leper, should would be ceremonially unclean, and probably unwelcome, if anyone knew. She, probably some sort of outcast, would have to go among those who likely mocked and scorned her. If she was successful, for 12 years, to keep her condition secret, then she would have likely been overwhelmed by guilt and inadequacy.

    In Mark and Luke, this story takes on another interesting twist. She approached; she touched; she was healed. There was no “” by Jesus. This unique aspect should be one of those moments where we stop and wonder, what is different?

    Anything is conjecture, as the Bible does not directly say anything. One possibility is that in this story we see God and Man. The Godly power left Jesus. Jesus the Man was surprised. Both aspects of Jesus were in full display. There is even this odd hint of the Water of being spent, which would then be refilled by God.

    On the other hand, there is an echo of the time in Eden after Adam and Eve had eaten the Fruit of the of Good and . Adam and Eve had heard God walking in the Garden and hid because they were naked. God asked where they were. Adam and Eve revealed themselves in shame. Sounds somewhat like the woman who revealed herself.

    There is also the beauty of trust that this woman has. It isn’t just trust of being healed, but when she reveals herself and tells her story, there is a vulnerability that requires an explicit trust in Jesus.

    This woman has no in the Scriptures (outlined here). Her cured affliction has been noted for history, but the shame of her condition is not tied to her name. Just as the shame that once weighed her down was gone, so was what needed . She left it behind. Her gift was that her legacy was not her condition. She moved forward in freedom.

    Lord, we thank you for taking our shame. Though we may still bear the scars and pain of it, the shame is gone. May this freedom that you have given us, not be misused or unused for your glory. Amen.

    1) Why do you think each of the writers (especially Matthew), chose to tell the story the way they did? What do you think of the additional piece that Mark and Luke have?

    2) What is your biggest takeaway regarding the woman of our story?

    3) What do you think the response was of those who were acting on Jairus’ behalf?

  • Glorious Cleanliness

    Exodus 19:1-9; 1 Peter 2:4-10; Psalm 19 (read online ⧉)

    Have you ever had a period of that seemed completely crazy and unbelievable? The Israelites were living it! It was a hard life in Egypt, but it was still home for generations. They left. This big sea to cross to , and a powerful ‘s army coming after them. The sea splits open and they cross on dry ground. And a powerful nation’s army disappears forever. They have their first military battle and unbelievably win! They have a weird food that just appears with the morning dew, then disappears.

    Then they take a .

    Moses meets with God, and God explains. God is calling these people to be his priestly . They are his treasured possession, above the rest of the earth, which is God’s, too.

    God’s requirements are simple, obey God’s and keep the . This is foundational to between God and the Israelites. Their lives are to be aligned to the covenant, and the relationship it represents. In the same way, Peter calls believers in Jesus to have Jesus as their cornerstone, so that they (we) become the spiritual home of the , and become a holy priesthood.

    Just like the Israelites, followers of Jesus have a task. Theirs (ours) is to proclaim the acts of God who called them (us) out of the darkness we were in.

    As the psalmist writes, all of Creation pronounces the of God. We, too, have our part in declaring and showing the glory of God and being the light (reflectors of God) in the world.

    1) What has kept you from believing you are called to and capable of declaring God’s glory?

    2) The covenant represents a type of cleanliness. You house the Holy Spirit. How do you keep the Holy Spirit’s home in you clean?

    3) What more can you do to keep it clean, or get it cleaner?

    4) How does this cleanliness help to declare God’s glory?

  • Do You See What God Sees?

    Genesis 1:26–28, Genesis 4:1–2, Genesis 5:1–3, 2 Corinthians 3:16–18, James 1:22–25 (read online ⧉)

    When we are born we may, or may not, be an image of our parents. As we get older, the comparisons become easier, and especially as we tend toward the of our lives, we really resemble our parents. “Spitting image” was an old phrase used to indicate that there was an almost identical image of child to parent, or “could be twins” is another. How we look is very much part of our self-identification. Often we are dissatisfied with the genes we were given and how our lives have played into or against those genes.

    If you read the 3 vignettes is Genesis you might have recognized that something was missing in the second one. In the first story, humankind (Adam and Eve) is made in the image of God. In the third story, Seth is in the image of Adam. In the second story, there is no mention of image. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Cain and Able were not stated as being the image of Adam or Eve. They were in the image of God as all humankind was, but not their biological parents. Were we the parents, would we not have if “our” children were not in our image (barring adoption, of course)? Is there some deep theological meaning here? Probably not. Yet, it is something that should cause us to question what exactly is occurring here. We will probably never know.

    Image still remains important, as image does have an important place in all of the . There were all the mentions of images of gods and creatures for , and how bad this was, and how it contributed to the Israelites walking away from God.

    takes image a new direction. Here he uses a mirror as the medium for us to see the glory of God inside each of us. Think of that! We can see the image of God inside of us! Yes, it is a figurative thing. At the same time, it should be a way of thinking about ourselves and seeing ourselves. We are often overly concerned about what we have done wrong, while not in the that we have in Christ. We ourselves try to put a barrier (the ) between ourselves and seeing the image of God in us.

    James alludes to this in his words, talking about looking at ourselves then “forgetting” what we look like. It does appear that James is thinking more that people are deliberately forgetting what they look like. As we tie this into Paul’s words, when we do not operate in the faith that God is loving and merciful, we forget who we are in Christ, which goes right back to Paul’s example of putting a veil back on.

    The world doesn’t want us to think in the way Paul and James want us to think. The world wants us to forget who we are in Christ. The biggest issue, and the one we fall prey to, is that they try to tell us that we are not a child (or children) of God when we fail. This is Paul’s real message of to and for us. Not only are we the children of God, we are also becoming the children of God, and it is only by willingly and lovingly looking at the image of God in each of us (and each other) that we continually are transformed into the purified expression and image of God that is in us, and that God sees in us.

    1) Why do you think neither Cain nor Able were not noted as being in the image of a parent, while their brother was? There is no right or wrong answer that we know of, but it is a question to ponder.

    2) Why do you think people put a “veil” on? What do you think Paul is referring to in your life?

    3) Why is it important to that we are and are yet becoming children of God?

  • Tuesday after the First Sunday of Advent

    Lamentations 3:16–18, Zechariah 8:18–23, Nahum 1:15 (read online ⧉)

    In the United States, is often perceived as having plenty. Peace, as many of the saints who walked before us learned, is not found in the plenty. It is found in the lacking. This does not mean that lacking, in and of itself, is a spiritual discipline. Not seeking more often is a spiritual discipline, however. In a country filled with plenty, there is far more than we seem to be able to acknowledge. Yes, there are those that have less than you…sometimes incredibly less than you. As many of us grew up hearing, “if you don’t eat this food, we’ll send it to…” This is an oversimplification, and (really) somewhat offensive. However, there are countries that will take the clothing that our charities (such as Goodwill and St. Vincent De ) won’t take because it is far better than what they have.

    This perspective becomes important when we do lose nice things when we realize that the prosperity we had is gone. The writer of Lamentations ties in this loss with peace. The writer also ties in their future and to this loss. The peace they lost, however, had more to do with the loss of a , rather than food, clothing, wealth, or freedom.

    Often (again, as the saints that went before us learned), the first lacking that is the most useful is food. In Zechariah, we read that the fasts will become a time of joy, again. They had become an onerous task that served no value. Yet, here the place of fasting as a time of connection with God, and setting aside for God’s will is restored. Imagine having people come to you because of the success of your fasting! It would not be because of your better figure (having lost weight), but it would be because of the peace you found when setting aside one of your most basic needs.

    This like all things becomes what it was intended to be when living in the of God. At the feet of peace’s herald, at the feet of God, celebration and joy. The ultimate of peace——is destroyed.

    1) Why do you think lacking helps us get closer to God?

    2) During the Christmas season, there are plenty of parties and food. Think of that in of our passages and reading. Where does that lead you?

    3) We are often attracted to the success of , and thus try to emulate their practices and disciplines. How can that be helpful? How can that be hurtful? How could it affect your relationship with God?