Tag: freedom

  • Freedom From Earned

    Genesis 15:1–6, Romans 5:1–11, 1 John 1:5–2:2

    One of the ongoing struggles that people have is earning their . They think they can, or that they must. This is what is often called “works” in circles. Theologians have discussed what “works” is from a more philosophical . Some have argued that Abraham completed a “work” when he believed. argue that belief is not a work as it is not an action (especially an action to receive something in ).

    Paul follows Abraham when he states that we (Christians) have been declared because of our faith. Because of that, we have peace between us and God. However, it’s what follows this that starts to cause problems for many. People will wear the costume of endurance, character, and , often treating the costume as a way (still) to earn salvation, as if faith is not enough. The other “costume” problem is that we often think of ourselves as never having enough endurance, character or hope. We then conclude we don’t have faith. This is a significant trap. If we have no improvement in the simple things, how could we hope to improve in the harder areas…like sin.

    There is great freedom, if we accept in, in John’s words. There is a statement of fact: we have sinned. However, the forgiveness of our sins doesn’t rely on our effort (our works). It relies on . We are to trust (i.e., have faith) that it is enough. “Works” as help us train our minds and hearts away from wrong behavior. “Works” cannot save us.

    1) What good are works (yes, there is good)? What is bad with works?

    2) Why do you think it is bad to try to “earn” one’s salvation?

    3) Why do you think Paul echoed Abraham’s story? Do you think his audience connected the stories?

  • Starting at Home

    Psalm 2, Colossians 3:1–17, Acts 11:19–26

    One of the and one of the curses of being American is the freedom to decide who we are. One of the biggest struggles between immigrants and their children is the change of . As much as most immigrants truly seek to join their new country, there are things that just don’t work for them. Their children walk the line between new and old, along with all the stress that goes along with that (think differences over music but over everything).

    The was that second generation, and then some. A way to think of it is the child of a Tibetan immigrant and the child of an Argentinian getting married. The strains of their parents’ cultures, plus their new adopted (American) culture, plus the different culture of their spouse. That was the church.

    The “children” of Judaism, Greece, Asia Minor, Rome were, by-and-large, no longer part of their “native” culture, and could not really be part of a “different” culture. The Followers of the Way (the prior to Christian) were following a weaving and winding path between multiple cultures, nations, and languages. They lived in between. Even their identity as “Followers of the Way” was still deeply tied to Judaism, so even that was not particularly solid.

    The key to identity was made in Antioch. Only God knows who coined the term Christians. They could have been called Nazarenes, but Christians became the label. Even with a “formal” label, it still took years, and even today it seems that while the label is active, there is not a unified Christian culture. If there were a truly Christian culture, the hour on Sunday would not be the most segregated hour of the week. If there were a truly united Christian culture, Facebook, Twitter, and other places wouldn’t be in the state they are in.

    If the church were united, as Christ calls us to be, we really could be the healer for a culture and country in . Instead, we are just as miserable, angry, bitter, and pained as everyone else. We are not perfect, we just need to be better in how we treat people especially fellow Christians for it starts “at home”.

    1) As people are quick to jump on bandwagons, praying for the hurting (good), questioning violence (good), discussing freedom (good), trying to be the (good), be even quicker to pray and prior to posting. What are you presenting to your fellow Christian? How about the world?

    2) As the country, and world, seems to be tearing apart, we Christians are still to be Followers of the Way, winding our way between people, cultures, and perspectives. What skills and practices do you need to develop to be better walking on the Way?

    Why do the nations rage
    and the peoples plot in vain?
    The kings of the earth take their stand,
    and the rulers conspire together
    against the LORD and his Anointed One,
    Let’s tear off their chains
    and throw their ropes off of us.
    —Psalm 2:1–3

  • Power to Divide or Unite

    Matthew 5:3–12, Romans 13:1–10

    Authority is an issue. Authority is not the same as power. Plenty of people have power. In fact, most of us have power. We may not be aware of it, but we have it. One of the greatest powers we have on earth is our vote. It often doesn’t seem like it. Politicians, traditional media, social media all try to convince that we need to make the right choice, and then tell us how our vote doesn’t count because someone else has the power to change our vote or take it away.

    Often we confuse power and authority. Power can make people do things. Authority, however, is the right (as in ) to orders, commands, and make decisions.

    We have a mutual agreement between our fellow citizens here in the United States. It is actually a mutuality of submission. We don’t think of it that way. We think of it as our “rights”. Through that mutuality of submission, we give authority to .

    As much as we may not like politicians we still, collectively, elected them. We don’t like that . It doesn’t change it though. In comparison to the era in wrote, we do have power and authority in regards to our government. As much as we feel we have no control, in comparison to Paul, we do.

    When Paul tells us to submit it’s not quite the same for us. Yet, there is a truth. We are not called to beat our chests or shake our fists. We are called to reach out with open hands. The sad part is that right now the two “sides” have split Christians. Both sides (the parties are a completely different issue) have ideals that are Christian. We have allowed ourselves to be divided.

    1) Politics and are two “bad” topics in social settings. How can we talk about them with the grace that we are to have through the ?

    2) Why do we allow ourselves to be torn apart by politics, especially when we are called into unity by Christ as his (the church)?

    3) How can we balance the and responsibility we have as citizens of the United States with the submission to authority that Paul calls for?

  • Freeing the Rules

    Psalm 119:153–168, Deuteronomy 6, Galatians 5:1–15

    Rules and regulations. We often don’t like them. At the same time, there are many who are calling for more and more rules and regulations. People want to control people’s thoughts and their expressions of their thoughts. People want to control ‘ behavior, but don’t want theirs controlled.

    When refers to the Law of the Jews (e.g., circumcision), there is a Jewish understanding that the Jews failed miserably to follow the Law perfectly. So, to do a better job of following the law that they couldn’t already follow, they added more laws.

    The whys of rules and regulations should often be more the focus than the actual rules and regulations. When Moses talks about the whys, it is contained within Deuteronomy 6:4–6. “Listen, Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. the LORD your God with all your , with all your soul, and with all your . These words that I am you today are to be in your heart.”

    It’s not that breaking the rules wasn’t serious. It was. What was of primary importance was a with God.

    Note also what comes after that, teaching and guiding others into that same relationship.

    Then, and only then, do we get to the rules. Many Bibles have a heading before verse 10 to the effect of Remembering God Through Obedience. So, the rules aren’t about the rules, they’re about God. For Christians, the “rules” of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers are more like guidelines, good and healthy guidelines for , but guidelines. They are for a time and place and context, which isn’t ours.

    So, Christians create more rules. These rules are in many ways far worse than the rules of the Law. Many people use the “new” rules to condemn people to Hell, without knowing them. The rules are often used with and intimidation. That certainly isn’t the that Paul was talking about.

    1) When you think of rules, what are your feelings? How do you feel when someone else breaks the rule? How about when you break the rules?

    2) Why do you think the rules and remembering are tied together? How does that affect the way you feel about rules?

    3) We all set rules and expectations regarding the behavior of others. What do you do when someone violates them?

  • Struggling in Unity

    John 17:20–23, Philippians 1:27–28

    E Pluribus Unum.

    If you look at US currency, most (if not all) will have this saying. In Latin, it means “Out of many, one.” While the US might be the gathering place of people of many nations, it is the that should be out this saying more than any entity in .

    Jesus prayed that we (all the church, in all the world, in all of time) would be one, just as he (Jesus) and the Father are one. This is one of those areas of mystery and freedom for the people who make up the church. Our theology and tradition teach us that God is One. Our theology and tradition also teach us that as One, God is still (at the same time) Father, Son, and Spirit. In purpose and intent, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One. However, they are also separate (the great conundrum of the ), which should be kind of like us.

    United in intent and , and individual at the same time. As we can see, it hasn’t worked so well in the United States. It certainly could be worse. It certainly could be better. Jesus doesn’t us the excuse of, “it’s a republic.” We are to be united (a perfect single unit) so that the world knows that Jesus is the Messiah. This is not so the world knows we are Christians or good people, or we’re “saved”. Unity is the testimony that Jesus is who he says he is.
    Paul takes unity and puts it as a symbol of trusting in the Gospel. In other words, Paul is saying, “you’re preaching it, but do you believe it?”

    The church in general and even Generations Community Church has a problem with unity. Unity is hard work. Unity is never about our-self, it is about all of us…together.

    Whether you struggle with being united with an “opposing” political party, a different skin color, a different language, a different nationality, a different sexuality (or lack thereof), we are called to be united. We have seen denominations start the long and painful road to separation. Church history is filled with splits. Even positives, like the Church of the Nazarene (which united different churches), are outweighed by splits.

    It may seem abrupt to tie this in, but evangelism as a practice is in decline. Evangelism, not sharing the . Yes, there is a huge difference. Evangelism is often a whip. Sharing the faith isn’t. Unity is the example the world needs. Unity shows the world who Jesus is. Unity shows the world we believe what we say.

    1) Have you ever left a church for a reason other than moving? If so, why?

    2) What are you doing in this church to build unity?

    3) One of the biggest struggles in unity is speaking in love. To whom do you need to speak truth?

    4) Often the biggest struggle in unity is hearing truth spoken in love. What truths have people shared that you did (and/or do) not listen to?

  • Significance Over Wealth

    Psalm 49, 1 Chronicles 29:16–22, Acts 3:1–16

    Wealth and prosperity have long been a source of strife, envy, pointless striving, overwork, and abandonment of . In an achievement-driven culture, it became an even greater issue as an “achievement” of wealth is measured against those whose wealth is an astronomical amount (i.e., a person valuated higher than many countries). With the 2007/2008 bust, wealth was replaced by influence and likes (wealth was still significantly important). Then Generation Z comes along, and wealth and likes are important, but significance and satisfaction have started to override the others. Many are saying this is a of a “spoiled” and too wealthy generation, and a generation doomed to self-inflicted misery. What if, however, it is instead the greatest hope of the in the States?

    Without question, each succeeding generation has had a “higher” starting line than the previous generation. Yet, the likelihood that the next generation will move “upward” financially is far less likely. This is not as bad a thing as many think it is. Due to this, the next generation is looking at what they can do to make a difference, and feel as if they are leading a of significance, and the difference and significance can be as small as their neighborhood or their job. This generation is also more aware of the impact their lifestyle has on the world around them. Being aware of your impact (both positive and negative) is very healthy.

    Solomon was a wealthy king. His father had set a very good solid base financially and militarily. In the beginning, at least, Solomon had a very good understanding of the wealth and success…God had given it, and in and thanks, Israel returned in . Stuff is always God’s, and God gave us the to choose what to do with it.

    Sometimes it isn’t just and power, it is our bodies. Just like the coming generation, there wasn’t much upward mobility in most of the Jewish context. You were at the place your parents were, and that was the way it was. If your body was broken, you “earned” a living for your family by begging. The man who was healed was one of those.

    It is more than the healing that the man got (though it was great) or the financial and material state of the United States (though it is significant), it is the words of Peter, “…why do you stare at us, as though we had made him walk…,” or Solomon’s “…all this wealth…comes from your hand…your people who are present here giving joyfully and willingly to you…”

    1) What area of your life do you struggle “giving” to God versus “earning” it?

    2) How do achievement and influence affect your with God? How do you see it affect others’ relationship with God?

  • Frameworks and Consequences

    Acts 10:9–35, Acts 15:5–34, Romans 14:13-23

    Rules are everywhere, aren’t they? Rules are a good thing. Often rules us the to for we have a pretty good idea what will do (assuming they know the rules). This is true in examples such as driving. We know (we ) what the other person will do, as they should have learned (and been tested) the same rules.
    Rules are often also put into place to better level the playing field. These rules are often disliked, not because the concept is bad, but because the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

    Another set of very important rules are those for leaders or in other responsible positions. People, for example, who are in charge of educating, children, and should all follow rules, so that everyone knows what their obligations are. Often, sadly, the rules are put into place after someone else has done something wrong, so the “good” folks don’t like to be treated like the bad ones. That is the whole rotten apple ruins it for everyone concept.

    Peter was schooled on the rules. In this case, these rules were put into place for the Israelites (then Jews) to follow. The problem was that God wasn’t just calling the Jews. The official reach had expanded. The rules that Peter lived by had outlived their usefulness, and now were a barrier to the world.

    After his and experience with the , he then had to remind his fellow Jews (whom he had previously told this story to) that they couldn’t live up to the rules either. They certainly had a quick revision of “the rules”.
    Yet, even in Rome (the “home” of the Gentiles) the rules were still an issue and were a hindrance to the and the hearts of its people. Rules are a framework of behavior. They should not crush spirits, or seek to destroy lives. Yet, the consequences of breaking the rules are not the same as the rules themselves. Consequences are the result of our choices, yet we often blame the rules.

    1) When have you found rules to be helpful at work, at home, at church?

    2) When have you found rules to be more crushing of , rather than a framework of guidance/protection?

    3) When do you find rules to be a problem? Have you ever analyzed your response to the rules to see if it is your pride or the effect of the rule that you are reacting to?

  • Let Them Loose

    Psalm 105:1-22, Romans 1:18–32, Ezekiel 20:39–44

    They were given over. God let them loose. Whether it was the Israelites or , God let them loose.

    The world is a very bad place. People hate. People steal. People lie. All sorts of things and behaviors are just wrong. God let it be.

    When writes to the Romans there is obviously an echo of God’s words to the Israelites (via Ezekiel). “Okay. Have it your way. There is an open offer of the good life, just come with me.”

    In our current culture, there is a heightened to Romans 1:26—27. However, the True and harsh reality is that this is only a piece of the puzzle. It only a square on the twisted and -filled quilt that makes up humanity. Look at all the other issues. Are you guilty of none of these?

    Yet, despite being freed to do wrong (to ourselves, , and God), there is still an open door. Even when God tells the Israelites, “fine, go,” there is something more. They—not bulls, not goats, not , not lamps, not doves, not wheat, not wine, not —will be God’s pleasing aroma. So much of the sacrificial system had “pleasing aroma” attached to it that this is not insignificant.

    The Israelites would one day to God in , even though they willingly walked away. God calls each of us, too, the same way.

    1) Why did God let people go do what they wanted?

    2) Most parents would not willingly allow their children to go astray. Why do you think God appears to? Does God really willingly allow this?

    3) In general, is poorly misunderstood and poorly used. How do you see that reality around you?