Tag: gain

  • Win Some; Lose Some

    Win Some; Lose Some

    Matthew 16:21–28; Mark 8:27–38; Luke 9:18–27

    You are probably the most familiar with the translation in Mark saying, “What good is it for someone to the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” It has been made famous in a number of songs. It has been used in many sermons. What if, however, we lost the focus?

    As you read Matthew’s and Luke’s understanding of the same scene, you’ll see self or (depending on translation). These along with soul are all correct.

    Yet, the problem is that when we focus on soul, we jump to and as Lord and Savior. That isn’t the point. The context of picking up one’s cross daily to deny self. In Mark’s larger context, it even comes with the denial of Jesus.

    The danger in focusing on salvation is that it misses the whole point of . Salvation, ultimately, is what happens at the (yes, this is a simplification). The passages are talking about life.

    A person may perceive that they have not lost their “soul”, and yet do horrible things. One could say that then they don’t “know” Jesus. That could be true. However, the same people who often focus on the “soul” have a “turn or burn” theology that allows a -less life to be judged as “saved”.

    The intent is to have a Jesus-filled life. The self in question that needs to be laid aside is the worldly self. The self that is lost and tossed is the life of somewhat who has given themselves to Jesus.

    Sometimes, it seems, it would be easier to be a monk or a nun, separated from the world. When we from many of these cloistered people, it seems that many struggle just as we do it setting down the worldly self.

    The full life with Jesus is the life of today, tomorrow, and forever. It is always “and”; it is never “or”.


    Jesus, may the life we seek be the one you want for us. Amen.

  • Message Over Mammon

    Message Over Mammon

    Luke 10:1–9; 2 Corinthians 12:1–14

    There are many people who attract attention naturally. Some do it with mere charisma. Some do it with . Others do it with the words (positive and negative).

    There are others that do it out of . Whether it is to gain the attention of people or to feel power, or success (all still people-based, really), gaining attraction to puff oneself up isn’t Christ-like.

    When sent out the 72 disciples he gave an interesting direction: don’t houses. In other words, if you were invited into a house in a town, stay at that house until you leave the town. As they were representatives of the famous prophet, they would likely be treated well. It might even mean that people would compete for their presence.

    The concern with this is that the message would lose weight as the disciples would go from house to house. What gravitas would the “ of Heaven” have if its disciples (emissaries, ambassadors) traipsed from one place to another following the food and the sandal-licking (they didn’t have boots, then). If people competed over the fame and flattery of having one of the disciples, would they really care about the message?

    The next concern would be the effect upon the disciples. Being “wined and dined” could have a potentially huge negative effect on their spiritual growth and their witness. It could even lead to some of the same bullying behavior of the Jewish religious leaders. That would have been very bad.

    We see how it did evolve through Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. The “super” apostles were, it seems, spiritual abusers. They -tripped people to give more money. Based on Paul’s language, the super-apostles used language that implied that the Corinthians were being spiritually blessed by them (the super-apostles) so much money.

    When Paul apologizes that he didn’t for money or to be taken care of, there is a realization that the Corinthians had been hoodwinked. They had bought wholeheartedly into the swindle of the super-apostles. In so doing, they lost the of the Gospel.

    By succumbing to the words of these super-apostles, they reattached the chains of bondage. Paul was heartbroken. The of the message of freedom in Christ had been lost.

  • Who Is Family?

    Who Is Family?

    Psalm 2; Acts 13:32–41; Galatians 4:1–8

    I was Luke Skywalker for . I was attired like he was when we first see him in Star Wars (now re-titled “Episode IV: A New ”). Needless to say, I was excited to see The Empire Strikes back a few years later. Then my world was shaken. My hero, Luke Skywalker, had his arm chopped off and Darth Vader (the archetypal bad guy) reveals that he is Luke Skywalker’s .

    (the scene of Luke trying to escape Darth Vader who reaches out his hand and says, “Luke…I am your father…,” and Luke screams, “NO!”)

    Granted, Leia was more shocked when she learned that she was Luke Skywalker’s sister and thus also the daughter of Darth Vader, whom she would have been raised to oppose (though I will say that the acting of both Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher left a lot to be desired for that scene).

    There are likely many of us who would say they have not had such a revisionist event in their lives. If you were raised in the from childhood, coming to know Jesus Christ is not the same life-altering experience as it could have been.

    This is not the case with all, for some wandered away in their hearts while still showing up in the building and mouthing the words. walked out, cursing, drinking, smoking, or whatever other issue that some church person got all offended about. Some of these indeed did have that life-altering experience, which is why they came back to the family of God.

    For those, though, whose encounter with Jesus was life-trajectory-altering this glimpse of a truly messed-up family dynamic (from Star Wars) makes sense. While not the seemingly negative change of being identified with the galaxy’s number 2 most evil and hated person, coming to identify oneself as a child of the creator of everything is definitely a change for many.

    For those of a more intellectual bent, we can assent to Jesus being Lord and Savior, and even assent to being a child of God. The emotional switch to go from assent to embrace (mind to heart) can be significantly altering.

    For those of a more emotional bent, we can have a heart that loves Jesus, and is grateful that he is Lord and Savior. Our hearts will be formed (whether twisted or beautiful) by our family/life history, and the change to embrace the fullness of being a child of God can be almost impossible as our hearts are stuck in their ways (hearts often being harder to change than minds).

    The significance of this is that many, even most, of “the church” body may not have had that experience. This makes it hard to reach people for whom this experience will have to happen for them to come and know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

    Often, all we can do is pray and be to be there when their world shifts.


    1) Who do you identify with the most, the intellectual, the emotional, or the trajectory-altered? Why?

    2) Why is it important to understand how much of a change—just on an emotional and intellectual level—is being “asked” of those who do not yet know, or need to come back and know, Jesus?

    3) How does understanding what was a brand-new way of life, thinking, and belong meant to the early church (i.e., in Acts and Galatians) impact or should impact how we in the church today operate and think?


    Jesus, through the of the Spirit, and as children of God the Father, help us to and/or never lose the life transformational understanding of what a with you means. Amen.

  • Substantial Character

    Substantial Character

    Daniel 6:1–24; Philippians 2:3–16

    Adventure! Drama! Let’s see the big scene!

    Daniel and the Lion’s Den is a dramatic story. No question about that. It’s a great one for kids.

    Daniel, himself, is a great . Daniel has great character. If you read the story carefully, you’ll notice something interesting. Daniel only has spoken words at the end when he assures Darius that all is well.

    This also speaks to Daniel’s character. As much as the Book of Daniel is Daniel’s story, the Book of Daniel is about God’s plan and redemptive action regarding the people of Judah in their time of exile.

    Daniel (along with ) was called to work for the they were in (for the Generations community, that was the topic of the last two sermons). He was called to work for the benefit of the kingdom. He was not called to gain power.

    ※ Why do we often think we must have “power” to change things or make things better? ※

    Daniel did gain power. However, he did not act as if it was his to do with as he pleased. This contrasts with the two other administrators and all the satraps.* who sought greater power and control of their own. As Daniel was successful as a leader for the empire, pursuing their own success and power was then not working for the empire.

    As we watch the unfolding of political events around the world (not just the US), all too often people use the emotions of others to draw people it…to gain power and influence. Most of the bureaucrats that are often maligned are putting aside their gain to their best (as they understand it) for their nation.

    Does that mean there aren’t any “bad actors”? Of course not! It does mean there are likely as many “bad actors” as there are anywhere else, or as few. Yet, a cabal like the one portrayed here is really beyond the US system (despite the conspiracy theories, yes, I’m stepping in a minefield).

    However, culturally, it was normal. In fact, there are still examples of it today throughout the world. Thus, the best witness that Daniel could be (the one he was called to) was to serve God well through the place and time he was.

    ※What is the witness of this time and place for you? ※

    Daniel truly embodies the Christ-like characteristics of unselfish ambition looking to the benefits of Darius and the Median empire. His character was so resolute that even his adversaries recognized it.

    Daniel became a true and devout servant of the empire, even going so far as to submit to being setup. Daniel maintained his integrity and his witness, despite the efforts of those around him.

    While perhaps only for a brief time, Darius honored Daniel’s and the God Daniel served. All this building up to even a greater witness.

    Imagine that. Being quiet, gentle, unassuming, and working for the benefit of others was Daniel’s greatest witness.

    These same characteristics apply to . As noted, Jesus set aside being God to serve the created. While not literally exiled from Heaven (unlike others), Jesus was in exile. Jesus was now in one heart with the created.

    Jesus surrendered in grace and to a system and peoples (Jews and Romans) that unjustly crucified him. Jesus did it for all people. He was looking out for everyone else’s interests.

    ※What does Paul’s ending words in this passage tell you about Paul’s heart? ※


    Spirit, and mold us to be humble people that seek the welfare of others so that we are a faithful witness of your work in our lives. Amen.

    * not including Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, more commonly called Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

  • Join the Feast

    Join the Feast

    Matthew 22:1–14

    When you were a child, perhaps one of your favorite times was when you were invited to a birthday party. For some, an invitation was proof that they were actually “seen”. Even if that person was thought to be a friend, it was a surety that the friendship was true. If your parent(s) said you couldn’t go, oh, the drama!

    As a ruler and public person, culturally, the king would be expected to have a (semi-)public feast, where at least the connected or (at least of) the correct blood would be invited. Also, the cultural would be—barring something truly serious (illness and being about it)—to accept the invitation and attend.

    So, the same people were invited again. Those that went on to their mundane (i.e., not culturally serious enough to not attend) tasks insulted the king in one way. By abusing and even killing the king’s servants, the others found a different way to insult the king. Servants were often the “carriers” of the king’s will, so killing them would be similar to declaring war.

    Which helps explain the next part. The king declares war. Some sort of retribution to salvage his honor would be required. Add to that the killing of his representatives…nothing good would come of it. ‘ listeners would understand.

    Those originally invited were, to the hearers and our understanding, the Jews (who were the remnant of Israel). So, why waste the feast? It would be shameful to have an empty feast. So, all the unconnected and non-blood were invited. For those keeping track, this would be the (most of us).

    It is here that there is another unexpected twist. Culturally, everyone would be expected to show up dressed appropriately. This is not the tuxedo or suit, but a more common, yet special, overwear that displayed that one was honoring the host.*

    The man dishonored the king. The king had had enough dishonoring, but at least he only tossed the guy out. The commonness of the “overwear” means that this was a deliberate choice. That shows it was more than being poor. It was something more.

    Jesus’ concluding statement, though, tells us something far more. All too often, people believe they are called to God (they are). However, they allow the things of the world to be a priority over God. Others think that God’s magnanimousness is carte blanche to do whatever, as long as they “just” show up.

    While the Jews, at the time, were accused of caring more for the world (and the forefathers) more than God (and God’s prophets), others (in general, could be Samaritans or Romans or other Gentiles) were also being accused of wanting the spoils without even showing the slightest care for the one who gave them.

    Truly, these accusations can be justly put at the feet of all of us at some point in our lives. There is an ebb and flow to each. Yet, the Lord of the Banquet calls us to the Feast, and we have to be at least somewhat prepared.


    Lord of the Feast, help us prepare the ways of so that we come to the table hungry for you. Amen.


    1) Can you think of a time when some wore inappropriate attire to a gathering? What was the gathering? What made it inappropriate?

    2) Have you ever made an excuse to not attend a function that you were otherwise perfectly able to attend? Why? What did it you not to attend?

    3) While it appears the king had an open door invite to the feast, that really wasn’t so. What kind of other situations have you experienced like that?

    *This is more of a guess than anything. Several commentators leave it as a , yet as we look to the for clues, we see garments of white with the implication of them being over the stained (representing ) clothes that we wear. Hence, my conclusion.
  • Pour


    Matthew 25:14–30; Luke 19:12–27 (read online ⧉)

    If you’re like most people in the US, you have a retirement account. If you’ve retired, the stock market swings may not affect you very much, except for secondary investments. If you are not retired or have other significant investments in the stock market, your stock funds—your financial future and security—might seem pretty shaky.

    If you’ve been taught to treat the stock market with a “long game”, then the current volatility isn’t too concerning. If you haven’t been taught that, you’re watching the stock market with acid indigestion when it falls and elation when it rises.

    We really do understand the concept of investing when it comes to . We don’t do so well investing in people.

    Over the last few decades, as the focus on schooling increases (along with its costs), mentoring is talked about a lot, and done very little. There seems to be an that people will now self-educate. There is good in that, as true education (versus regurgitation) requires self-direction. The problem that then arises is a lack of and loyalty.

    In Luke’s version of the minas (i.e., talents), the nobleman who left his servants behind expected self-direction. In this version of this tale, 10 servants are each given a mina (for a total of 10 minas). We only about the super-successful servant, the quite-successful servant, and the vocally ungrateful one. The prologue to the tale indicates that the vocal servant probably voiced the feelings of them all. He was just the only one who said anything.

    What about the other 7 servants? Did any fail and declare bankruptcy? Did some only earn 1 or 2 minas? Did some at least put it in the bank and interest?

    The and difficulties of parables and illustrative stories such as these are that we can miss differences. Most of us read into this Lukan version what we read in Matthew. We see the 3 and miss the 10. The differences in these 2 versions mirror similar tales in our days. Magazines, blogs, TV shows will focus on the super- and quite-successful entrepreneurs and leaders. They rarely pay attention to the burying type but are vicious wolves when they do.

    Except for election season, the remaining 7 are ignored. Leaders will all too often focus on the 3, and not the 7. They will pour 80% of their effort (even its nothing more than taking credit) into the 2, get 800% back, evaluate themselves as successful, and cast-off the 1. The 7? Only God knows. Their potential has been completely squandered.

    This is not to say that everyone is capable of pouring into 10 people and making them all successful. However, the reality is that while the nobleman got something from 2, what does this tell us about his leadership for the other 8?

    All-, help us to see those you have put before us to lead and mentor. Help us be humble to for the guidance and of others. Amen.


    1) Which of the 10 servants (in Luke’s story) are you?

    2) Who are you pouring into, leading, and mentoring?

    3) Is mentoring and leading a role, or is it a relationship? Why would the difference matter?

  • Ends and Returns

    Psalm 126; Acts 1:3–11; Revelation 1:4–18 (read online ⧉)

    I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
    He was conceived by the power of the Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
    He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
    He descended to the dead.
    On the third day he rose again.
    He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the .
    He will come again to judge the and the dead.
    From the Apostle’s Creed

    “You are going to of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, because these things must take place, but the end is not yet. For will rise up against nation, and against kingdom. There will be famines,s and earthquakes in various places. All these events are the beginning of labor pains.”
    Matthew 24:6–8

    In the current COVID situation, life is a mess. It feels like an understatement, doesn’t it? A mess seems such a placid way to describe it. As usual, there are plenty of politicians, rabble-rousers, and religiousesque folks that are stirring up emotions in people. There are those that are convinced that this is a government (US, state, China, UN, etc.) conspiracy. There are those convinced this is Mother Earth getting her revenge. There are those that are convinced that this is the wrath of God.

    The real answer? The only answer? COVID is proof that the world is a fallen world, separated from God. Sadly, that is often not an acceptable answer, even by those that themselves Christian. We want answers. We want reasons and even responses that we can hold onto. Life is often not that way.

    Jesus warned his followers that there would always people stirring things up. These people would use even rumors to influence, guide, and even gain power. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

    There is a hope that this will end. Jesus will come back. That is the hope. Even that hope, however, is often used to manipulate people.

    The angels told the disciples that Jesus would the same way he left. The disciples probably still hadn’t recovered from their emotional valleys and mountains. Yet this was a hope they would rely on. John made it clear that he, even in his exile on the Isle of Patmos, was still hopeful and expectant that Jesus would return. John, by this point, had outlived all the other disciples, and knew many who had been martyred. He still held onto hope. By this point, it was likely that he no longer expected Jesus to return in his lifetime, but that didn’t change that he knew the person (Jesus) and trusted him regardless.

    Jesus, Savior of the World, Savior of my soul, I you thanks for the given to me through your disciples. May we be inspired and driven by your example to be ever better versions of ourselves, and looking toward our final unification with you, whether you return, or I go. Amen.

    1) Which do you think is better, Jesus returning now, or Jesus returning later? Why?

    2) If you had witnessed Jesus’ ascension, and heard the angels’ words, what would your response have been?

    3) Why do end times always attract our interest?

  • Trust, Truth and Restoration

    Daniel 9:16-19, Psalm 25:1-10, 2 Timothy 4:1-5

    Daniel knows that God is and . Daniel knows that the people of Israel are in exile and hopeless because they chose to ignore God and the many prophets that He sent. They chose to follow their leaders who looking to earthly things to personal value and . Daniel understood that the current situation was a consequence of unfaithful behavior.

    Yet, Daniel had enough in God to know that God would listen and that God, ultimately, wanted Israel restored, not just as a nation or people, but as a people of God. Daniel understood that it would only by God’s that Israel would be restored. He was confessing on behalf of an entire people that they had missed the mark, yet he still asked.

    1) In Psalm 25:6-7 (NIV), the psalmist writes, “, LORD, your great mercy and , for they are from of old. Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you, LORD, are good.”
    Just like Daniel, the psalmist was appealing the consequences based upon God’s mercy and love, knowing that both preexisted the errors of the psalmist. Daniel, too, that God’s mercy and love existed long before he did, or the tribe and nation of Israel existed. The underlying thought here is that there was something that needed to be forgiven; there was something that needed to be repented of. Is there something that you think could be a problem, but aren’t certain that it is a problem that God is concern about? Bring it to God, anyways! That small thing could very well help you heal in other areas in your life, or God may use it to show you what is really hampering your relationship with Him.

    2) In 2 Timothy 4:1-5, is warning Timothy that people will get to a point where they will not listen because they don’t want to. It is no different than what the people of Israel had done for generations prior to their exile. The very things Daniel was repenting of. We are often quick to say that there is false teaching all around us, even in our church!

    Have you thought there was false teaching? What did you do?

    Do we ever something false teaching that does not conflict with scripture, but appears to conflict with our understanding or traditions?