Tag: Gentiles

  • Prayer Filled

    Prayer Filled

    Psalm 19; Matthew 6:7–15; Romans 8:18–27

    We decided to get “weight management” dog food for our dog. She is a little overweight. Strangely (and this should have been a big clue), she got a greater volume of food with the “diet” food than with her normal food. Instead of a cup-and-a-half per meal, she got 2 cups per meal.

    Anyone who understands basic physiology would understand that the more food one eats, the stomach “learns” and expands. Our dog has become accustomed to the larger amount of food and had made it quite clear that she is hungrier than she used to be. Not a real help for losing weight.

    It is, however, why the “diet” food requires more volume than the regular food that is of importance…filler. The manufacturer puts more “filler” into the food, so that the dog is “deceived” into thinking they’re getting enough food. At least in our dog’s case, that trick doesn’t seem to work.

    Often, we fill our prayers to God with filler. We deceive ourselves that the amount of words mean that we are praying better. Sometimes, it’s with the standard speaking filler words such as: uh, um, like, okay, and. Other times it’s filled with: , God, , Spirit, Father God.

    It seems strange to consider God’s names as filler. If we were to speak to people in front of us using their in every sentence, it would get awkward quickly. When it comes to , specifically public prayer, filler has become the norm.

    The prayer filler, in this case, isn’t automatically bad. It does indicate, however, that we may need to re- lessons from the .

    The Psalms are short and long. The longest, Psalm 119, is a poem using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet as a starting point. Don’t use that as your determiner of prayer length. Psalm 19 isn’t really a prayer yet verses 12–14 summarize what a prayer could contain. It has breadth. It also has limits.

    The words, in many respects, are less important than “the meditation of the heart.” The groanings of our innermost being (Romans 8:26) gets to God. We don’t need to use lots of words, for the is with us.

    However, often this becomes, spew it out, let God sort it out. When it comes to the “groanings”, we seem to operate this way, but Paul’s groanings were wordless (or there are no words to say it), not lots of words.

    Perhaps the greatest gift of the Lord’s Prayer is organization. We have a pattern. As we publicly or privately pray, let’s look to the Lord’s Prayer as our map. The Lord’s Prayer is simple. It is deep and profound. Yet, it is simple. Jesus’ preamble about the many words use gives us some boundaries for our prayers. We get what to pray for and how not to pray.


    1) In keeping with “the meditation of the heart”, what is the state of your heart when you pray?

    2) Do you organize your prayers and petitions, or do you just speak? What is the difference between rote and organized prayer?

    3) Is silent prayer ineffective? Why do we seem to judge the worth of our prayers by the number of the words we speak, rather than by the heart with which we speak?


    Holy Spirit, guide the meditations of hearts and the words from our mouths to be holy and sanctified prayers that bring you, the Holy , glory and honor. Amen.

  • Join the Feast

    Join the Feast

    Matthew 22:1–14

    When you were a child, perhaps one of your favorite times was when you were invited to a birthday party. For some, an invitation was proof that they were actually “seen”. Even if that person was thought to be a friend, it was a surety that the was true. If your parent(s) said you couldn’t go, oh, the drama!

    As a ruler and public person, culturally, the king would be expected to have a (semi-)public feast, where at least the connected or (at least of) the correct blood would be invited. Also, the cultural would be—barring something truly serious (illness and death being about it)—to accept the invitation and attend.

    So, the same people were invited again. Those that went on to their mundane (i.e., not culturally serious enough to not attend) tasks insulted the king in one way. By abusing and even killing the king’s servants, the others found a different way to insult the king. Servants were often the “carriers” of the king’s will, so killing them would be similar to declaring war.

    Which helps explain the next part. The king declares war. Some sort of retribution to salvage his would be required. Add to that the killing of his representatives…nothing good would come of it. ‘ listeners would understand.

    Those originally invited were, to the hearers and our understanding, the Jews (who were the remnant of Israel). So, why waste the feast? It would be shameful to have an empty feast. So, all the unconnected and non-blood were invited. For those keeping track, this would be the (most of us).

    It is here that there is another unexpected twist. Culturally, everyone would be expected to show up dressed appropriately. This is not the tuxedo or suit, but a more common, yet special, overwear that displayed that one was honoring the host.*

    The man dishonored the king. The king had had enough dishonoring, but at least he only tossed the guy out. The commonness of the “overwear” means that this was a deliberate choice. That shows it was more than being poor. It was something more.

    Jesus’ concluding statement, though, tells us something far more. All too often, people believe they are called to God (they are). However, they allow the things of the world to be a priority over God. Others think that God’s magnanimousness is carte blanche to do whatever, as long as they “just” show up.

    While the Jews, at the time, were accused of caring more for the world (and the forefathers) more than God (and God’s prophets), others (in general, could be Samaritans or Romans or other Gentiles) were also being accused of wanting the spoils without even showing the slightest care for the one who gave them.

    Truly, these accusations can be justly put at the feet of all of us at some point in our lives. There is an ebb and flow to each. Yet, the Lord of the Banquet calls us to the Feast, and we have to be at least somewhat prepared.


    Lord of the Feast, help us prepare the ways of so that we come to the table hungry for you. Amen.


    1) Can you think of a time when some wore inappropriate attire to a gathering? What was the gathering? What made it inappropriate?

    2) Have you ever made an excuse to not attend a function that you were otherwise perfectly able to attend? Why? What did it you not to attend?

    3) While it appears the king had an open door invite to the feast, that really wasn’t so. What kind of other situations have you experienced like that?

    *This is more of a guess than anything. Several commentators leave it as a mystery, yet as we look to the for clues, we see garments of white with the implication of them being over the stained (representing ) clothes that we wear. Hence, my conclusion.
  • Stirring


    Isaiah 43:8–13; Romans 11:13–29

    What or who are you fighting for? If you are not fighting for God, then are you fighting for an ?

    Often Christians dismiss the Israelites of the Old Testament as the clueless. They were the people that didn’t get it. This view seems to be reinforced by ‘ words, yet were they really that clueless?

    They valued the of God. They valued traditions. They valued theology. They valued being Jewish. These values, it seems, were more a barrier between them and God, rather than

    How much are we just like them? Would we really recognize Jesus on the street or the internet?

    Christians have been accused of being blind and deaf to Jesus. This has come from Christians and it has come from the world. We are often quick to dismiss these words, rather than contemplate them.

    We are human. We will be blind. We will be deaf. In many ways, that is how we are able to go through life without losing our minds or succumbing to fear.

    There really isn’t a prescription so that we all know and can all be certified to be Christians. That would be nice. It takes practice. It takes a lot of practice.

    The statistics are showing that many churches will not recover post-COVID. Some are saying that only 30% will return. Imagine your church only having 30% of its people.

    Perhaps this will be the winnowing that the church needs.

    This is along the same line of thought, though different, that had regarding his fellow Jews. He knew they were passionate about the word of God, , theology. They still had a problem.

    Paul wanted the Jews to look at the Gentiles and want what they have, freedom in grace and mercy. In addition, the Gentiles (along with the Jews that became Christian) began to develop a of faith and that transcended culture and blood.

    We Christians, though, have now been around long enough that we have developed tradition, a of God’s word that doesn’t necessarily include reading it, and we have theology.

    We are likely now at the point where we need a Paul to get us stirred up. We need to be what Paul wanted the Jews to be…jealous for God.


    , may we be stirred up for your plan and glory. Amen.


    1) What does it mean to be jealous for God?

    2) Why can love for God’s word an incomplete understanding of the word of God in our lives?

    3) Why do you think people won’t return? What can we change to encourage people to stay and return?

  • Speed Check

    Speed Check

    Isaiah 56:1–8; Ezekiel 2:1–10

    When you’re driving, do you continue to check your speed? What do you do when you check a speed limit sign?

    A speed limit sign cannot make you stop speeding. A speed limit sign cannot make you speed up. A speed limit sign can only tell what the authorities have set as the maximum speed for the area.

    The law enforcement agency in charge of that area may have some grace about being a little over. If a lot of people are going over, they might let it go. If a person is weaving in and out of traffic and going over the speed limit, they may likely end up with a citation.

    While the Scriptures are the of God, they are also similar to speed limit signs. There is guidance and wisdom in the Scriptures. There are many warnings. People can (and do) choose to do their own thing.

    God is not looking for rote obedience, obedience for obedience’s sake, or obedience for a reward. God desires obedience out of .

    Take the eunuchs. In Deuteronomy 23:1, eunuchs were banned from joining the assembly of God. That doesn’t mean that they could not (or did) not God, but that they could not participate in any Temple aspect, including the sacrificial offerings.

    At the time, this was likely a response to the cultures (such as Egypt) that had eunuchs as ministers and in charge of harems. This would further separate the Israelites from other peoples.

    By the time of Isaiah, things hadn’t really changed in the surrounding cultures. Also, people would often seek and influence or were sent (e.g., political hostages) to foreign powers and were made eunuchs. Isaiah overthrows the concept of Deuteronomy, insofar as relationship with God is primary.

    In Jewish , Isaiah is sometimes elevated over Moses and Isaiah (according to Jewish tradition) reduced the 10 Commandments to 2, and mercy. A eunuch who pursued justice and mercy would true life to others. The ability to produce children was outweighed by a faithful heart.

    The eunuchs, then, were those who saw the speed limit signs and obeyed, rather than those that Ezekiel (and Isaiah) spoke of/to that disregarded the ways of God.

    This is, in some small way, a foreshadow of the Gentiles. The Gentiles could not add to the tribe of Israel (for they weren’t of the blood). However, they could add to the by living for God.


    Holy Spirit, guide us into all . Especially guide and guard us in regard to justice and mercy. Amen.


    1) Take any issue (not a person or political party) right now. What would be just and merciful in that situation? If there is more than one side to that issue, what would be just and merciful all sides?

    2) Taking that same issue, trying (and it’s hard) to look at it from God’s perspective, what might God’s idea of justice and mercy be? Which “side” of the above does that match? Which “side” are you on?

    3) Why is the concept of giving Godly/spiritual life—rather than biological life—rated so important?

  • Even to…

    Even to…

    Acts 11:1–18; Galatians 3:27–29

    Depending on the translation, Acts 11:18 is phrased something akin to, “even the got the .” It’s not exactly the most positive . It shows us that at the beginning of the the new reality of a faith that transcended Gentile and Jew still had to be learned.

    We are still confronting this today. As of right now, the current cultural memes of concern are women and minorities (specifically, African-Americans). While there are understandable scriptural interpretations in other denominations and traditions not allowing women as leaders in the church, it often has gone hand-in-hand with demeaning women.

    Even in the Church of the Nazarene (the denominational from which I attempt to write), there has been the theological acceptance of women as leaders, but the cultural acceptance of such has been a significant issue.

    While the Church of the Nazarene has been effective in other nations and cultures, within the confines of the US, the denomination has been predominately white. Both situations leave the Church of the Nazarene in conflict with itself.

    The blessing of the cultural memes that have been disrupting our society is that the Church of the Nazarene just might be confronting the incongruities with a plan to fix it. Just as in society-at-large, the fix will be slow and hard.

    The denomination is trying to fully live out what it does believe but has been mired in the culture from which it came.

    What does this have to do with, “even them”? One of the founding churches of the Church of the Nazarene (it was a number of churches that decided to band ) was in the “skid row” area of Los Angeles. Alcoholism, drunkenness, prostitution all had a prominent and visible place there.

    “The least, the last, the lost” were those served by that church, and who the church sought to bring into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

    This comes from the older “Wesleyan” , where John Wesley preached outdoors to the miners who were often banned from church as the coal would follow them. They were a new kind of “unclean.”

    Even they were called into relationship with Jesus Christ. Even to them was the Gospel message sent.

    “Even” sounds so belittling, yet we use similar language and constructs when we talk about “Democrats” or “Republicans” or “Trump-ers” or “Never Trump-ers” or immigrants (documented or not) or Muslims or Hindus or…you them.

    Why do we try to limit the Gospel? What is it we hope to achieve?

    We often think we don’t limit the gospel, but what about that different person who walks through the door at church (if you’re worshiping there)? How about that person walking down the street talking to themselves?

    To even them…


    Jesus, thank you for your Gospel. , guide to those you have for us to share the message of Jesus with. Amen.


    1) Can you think of a people group that you are inclined to think of as “even them”? Why do think that is?

    2) Why do we often think in terms of us and them?

  • Whose Crown?

    Whose Crown?

    1 Samuel 8:1–22; Mark 10:35–45; 1 Corinthians 1:20–25

    One cannot say the beginning of the fall of Israel was at the point they demanded a king. God pointed this out to disappointed Samuel. Israel’s “desire” for a king showed that Israel’s heart continued to not focus on God.

    Samuel’s sons were a mess. In no way did they God or their father. Just like many of us, and the world, the Israelites were looking at humanity rather than God.

    The failure of the Israelites wasn’t that they didn’t want Samuel’s sons in charge. That was actually . What they didn’t want, apparently, was a spiritual leader like Samuel. They wanted a “normal” king.

    When God tells Samuel that the Israelites were against God, God makes it clear that it isn’t Samuel’s fault. The hearts of the Israelites are at fault. What happens, though, is that while they get want, they want, it does eventually become a “be careful what you wish for.”

    The path of king never really ends for the Israelites. Eventually, the splits into 2. The Northern Kingdom (confusingly also called, Israel) eventually disappears. The Southern Kingdom (called Judah) remains, but over the years of exile and conquest never really stops having a king.

    By the time of , the “king” (Herod) really is just a governmental flunky of Rome. The Gentiles and their quests for (a constant theme of the Roman Empire) are what Jesus is likely referring to when he talks to the disciples. His point being who wants to live like that. Jesus had a better way.

    The better way was the way of God’s (not just generic human love) of both and discipline. What need of worldly government and power would such a person have?

    When we focus too much on worldly power, we miss the reality that Jesus turned power upside down. If we focus on the world’s ways, we succumb to the foolishness of the world, rather than living in and through the wisdom of God.

    When we rely on the world, we make the same mistake the Israelites did…we choose a king (even if it’s only for 4 years).


    Lord Jesus, as we try to live out being citizens of this world, help us to our deeper and truer citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.


    1) What are some reasons you think the Israelites wanted a king “like the other nations”?

    2) In what ways does the US political scene look at the president as King? What does that teach us about our (and our ‘s) heart?

    3) How might you live out the upside-down kingdom that Jesus brought to us?

  • Following Followers

    Following Followers

    Matthew 16:13–20; Acts 11:1–18; 2 Corinthians 11:16–30

    Peter appears to have been the first one to put it all together. He declared that Jesus was the Messiah.

    We often look back at Peter, thinking, “Well, that was obvious!” There were actually a number of people wandering around saying they were the messiah. Jesus wasn’t the only one.

    The other (false) messiah’s had followers, a lot of them. Some of the false messiah’s sought to overthrow the Roman government. They and their followers were killed (crucified) as rebels.

    The religious leaders weren’t any better than the Roman government, as many of them were in league with them. Also, the religious leaders had certain expectations of the messiah (some Scripture-based, many not) that no one could fulfill (and note that Jesus didn’t fulfill all of theirs).

    Peter’s declaration of the Messiah was a big deal. He assembled the “clues” together. Despite the failures and deaths of other messiahs, Peter still declared it. There would be a cost for that.

    It doesn’t matter whether one takes Jesus’ statement about “the rock” as literal (i.e., the Roman Catholic ), a figurative based upon Peter’s declaration (most Protestant traditions), or the fact the Peter was the first of the church. Peter’s place in Church history as both leader and declarer of the Messiah is undeniable.

    Peter is also the one that was first called to reaching the (non-Jews) with the saving message of the Gospel. Thus, as most of the Church is now “Gentile”, Peter’s place should be unquestioned.

    The second person that was the greatest impact on the Gentiles for the Church was Paul. Paul was almost exclusively a missionary to and a leader of the Gentiles. He, like Peter, was accused of “watering-down” the of God by not requiring Jewish practices for the Gentiles.

    Paul, more-so than Peter, could make a “Jew-of-Jew” claim. Paul did this so that his Jewishness would not be questioned, and neither would the , , and mercy of God toward the Gentiles.

    It is hard to imagine how the message of God’s love through Jesus’ on the cross would have been shared and spread without these two. Both had significant flaws. In today’s overly sensitive world (in regards to all streams of politics to morality), both men would likely be attacked.

    When following Jesus, sometimes our best path is to follow the guidance of those such as these two.

    Father God, you have called many people to follow your Son. Holy Spirit, you have enlightened many to lead people to the Son. Jesus, you have many who are your followers. May we hear and obey the , and being the light of the world. Amen.

    1) What words would you use to describe Peter? How about Paul?

    2) Why is it important to recognize not just their place as “doctors” of the Church, but also their humanity?

    3) What do they teach you about being a follower of Jesus? What does it mean to follow a follower?

  • Not Them Anymore

    Not Them Anymore

    Matthew 15:17–28; Ephesians 4:17–24 (read online ⧉)

    For I am the LORD, who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God, so you must be because I am holy. —Leviticus 11:45

    When the Israelites were brought out of the land of Egypt, it wasn’t going to be things as usual. We often focus on the slavery and the misery, for this was the reality of the Israelites in Egypt by the time Moses was born, and very much so after his return from Midian.

    Today, we would say that this was in the rearview mirror. That was their life. It was to be their life no longer. However, that also meant that practices that they copied from Egyptian culture had to be culled. Other than their bloodline, there were only three things that otherwise tied them , their story, circumcision, and a promised land that was not in Egypt. That’s it.

    We look back at them and say, YES! Many would argue that the United States couldn’t keep the “dream” of the Founding Fathers alive, and it hasn’t been 300 years! They waited over 400 years! How tightly they must have held onto those 3 things. Yet, there would have been a lot of other stuff that they took with them. They needed to understand that a line has been drawn. They are now called to be holy, for God is holy. The key (oversimplified) part is that God defined what is holy.

    The first piece (again, oversimplified) was don’t be an Egyptian (don’t even walk like one). That extended to other tribes and nations, too. The Promised Land contained the Canaanites. They were the people that the Israelites were supposed to drive out for they would cause the Israelites to fall away from God (so said God). They didn’t drive them out. So, down the timeline we have one of these Canaanite women come to so that he will heal her daughter.

    Here, as in other times with Jesus, that while he is first called to the Jews, to those that pursue, he would still respond. That Jesus would still respond to a generational tells us much about Jesus. It also tells us that being “called out of Egypt” is more than the story of Exodus. It can be our story, too.

    Paul sets this story forward in Ephesians, too. This letter was likely a circular letter passed among the churches of Asia Minor and found a permanent home in Ephesus (hence the ). Historians come to that conclusion for a number of reasons, but one of the more interesting points is that this letter is not addressed to anyone specifically (see other letters of Paul). Paul intended or expected this letter to have a life of its own (kind of like those forwarded emails and now Facebook messages that keep coming back year-after-year).

    That makes this particular passage from Ephesians even more interesting. He makes the statement that the hearers/receivers of the letters should not be like Gentiles. Sounds pretty straightforward, except that many (if not most) of them were Gentiles! Paul, so to , was telling them that they were now called out of Egypt.

    Gentiles are, to these Christians, a different people from themselves. They, who were once Gentiles, were called to be Gentiles no longer!

    ※ Prayer ※
    God, you called us out of the darkness of our souls to be something greater than we could be on our own. As we look with hopeful expectations for the returning to some sort of , help us to that we are daily called out of Egypt to be your holy people. Amen.

    1) Swap Gentiles with American (or whatever nationality is your “” nationality). How do Paul’s words feel now?

    2) Those of the so-called Western Civilization are often blind to the differences between the general culture and the Christian culture, often because we fail to understand what it means to be Christian. What is one thing you can think of that conflicts?

    3) Life as usual is not (really) the Christian life. What is unusually Christian about your life? Do any non-Christians practice the same? If so, now what?