Tag: Holy Spirit

  • A Different Kind of Backsliding

    A Different Kind of Backsliding

    Acts 10:30–47; Acts 15:5–12; Galatians 2:11–16 (read online ⧉)

    Peter was called/sent to the first “real” Gentile converts, post-Resurrection. There is some fuzziness in this as we cannot that there were no other Gentile converts. The likelihood was that they, prior to Cornelius, were converts to Judaism first.

    This is an important distinction, as there seemed to be no question of Cornelius’ devotion to God. However, the language and framing of the story draw the conclusion that Cornelius had not done a full conversion to Judaism.

    In the earlier part of the story, Peter invited the servants of Cornelius (likely themselves) inside for lodging, and one would presume food. Already, Peter seemed to have a clue about his earlier about clean versus unclean (Acts 10:1–29). He dared (against more rigid Jewish protocol) to provide shelter and food for Gentiles.

    Later, as the church spreads, the conflicts between Jewish expectations and Gentile realities start to affect the of the church in doctrine, rule, and expectation. So, they had a meeting. Who knows how long the meeting really was. It does feel like it was abbreviated in the .

    Peter stood up and familiarized or reminded people of his story. While we (rightfully) call the Apostle to the Gentiles, Peter was the first. As the “rock” of the church, Peter had a first among equal standing. His words carried weight. James, too, as one of the original Apostles also had significant weight.

    With this as the groundwork, it would seem completely obvious that everything was resolved, and that the Law was finally set aside as a guide and a history, and not the road of salvation.

    Except…apparently that was only for a time. The list of people Paul accuses of backsliding is interesting: Peter (the “first” Apostle to the Gentiles), James (the Apostle that gave a further argument in defense of Gentile requirements), Barnabas (partner in Gentile travels with Paul). There were also that had backslid into the Law.

    This is not a minor issue, hence Paul’s concern, and his willingness to put ink to paper to exclaim it. Reverting to the practices of the Law denied Jesus’ grace. It also separated Jew from Gentile, which was, it seems, Paul’s biggest issue.

    The bloodline that separated Jew from Gentile was erased by the blood of Jesus. This was unreasonable and opposed the Gospel. Paul did not just let it stand.

    The is that it is easy for any of us to fall into old habits and thought patterns, especially those that were experienced during childhood or under the influence of personally significant people. It is not unexpected that Peter would revert to those tendencies, nor the others. Paul didn’t seem particularly surprised, just upset.

    Apparently, this was resolved, yet this kind of thing is forever a shadow in the church.

    ※ Prayer ※
    Father, Son, and , constantly guide us in all Truth. Shape and form us to be better conformed to your will. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※
    1) What is an old religious habit that you keep fighting? Is it a “rule” or a way of thinking?
    2) What do you think the original intent of the “rule” or way of thinking was?
    3) What does the cast of characters tell us about ourselves and the church? What does it show how we are to correct or admonish one another?

  • Serving Service

    Serving Service

    Acts 6:1–7; 1 Corinthians 12:4–11; 2 Corinthians 9:1–15 (read online ⧉)

    One of the struggles that the as in this day (without COVID-19) is people to serve. The seven that were chosen by the people and deputized by the Apostles had a particular service to the widows of the .

    The Apostles set out some expectations. They would not wait on tables. We, probably, think that it’s obvious that the Apostles wouldn’t be waiting on tables. However, that they used that wording tells us that at least some of the people had that exact expectation.

    Once we all return to “church” (as in the building), all the patterns that make for a worshiping and serving community will be ready for a . This is not because anything in particular was bad, but because it is a time for renewal, and all the habits that were built up have been destroyed.

    Each person has a particular calling or two for the church. It doesn’t mean that we can’t or won’t do multiple things, it just means that there are one or two that are our sweet spot between God’s call on our lives and our talents and our gifts.

    Caring for one another, however, is very important, and for many, it is quite difficult. This is not necessarily because they are bad people (or even introverts), it is because they have developed habits that are less gregarious than others. The whole COVID-19 for them is probably making these habits worse. They may well be the ones that struggle the most when we get back .

    The other interesting and frustrating part about COVID-19 and physical distancing is that creates an uncomfortable, and almost irreconcilability to the call to serve one another and to stay away from each other. Many people need service, but yet to be responsible we are to stay away.

    Some have found a balance. Some haven’t. Yet, it is something we all need to wrestle with, and this will still be the case when we come back together. When we come back together may indeed be the hardest to find a way to serve each other and yet maintain our distance.

    ※ Prayer ※
    Lord Jesus, you commanded us to one another. Help us to figure out what that means when we are torn between things that seem to be opposed. Let the guide our hearts and minds so that we are able to and experience the loving and mercy of God the Father. Amen.

    ※  ※
    1) What is a new thing you could do to serve others? What is a new thing you could do to serve the church?
    2) Are any of the above something you could do now? Why or why not?
    3) When you think of church, are you primarily serving, or are you primarily being served? What can you do to “flip the script”?

  • Throne of Hearts

    Psalm 47; Job 23:3–12; Job 26:2–14; John 1:43–51 (read online ⧉)

    The Stone of Scone is a stone that supposedly all the “legitimate” rulers of Scotland were/are crowned on. After one of the many wars between England and Scotland, the English King Edward I took the stone to England, where it generally remained until 1996 as the coronation “cushion” of the (soon) British Crown. One of the legends of the stone was that when the “real” heir to the Scottish throne was crowned, the stone would groan.

    The legend, of course, probably had more to “prove” that the English nobility had no “true” right to the Scottish crown than anything else. There was also the knowledge that the stone’s home was really Scotland, but became the cushion of the usurpers.

    Thrones were/are the symbols of legitimate authority over a nation or community. There is still plenty of royalty who sit on thrones. As monarchies die off and lose their importance, thrones have been replaced.

    In the United States, the Oval Office could be considered at least a throne room. If you were to look at the arrangements of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court, you will see similarities between the chairs of leaders and thrones. That isn’t by chance.

    We seek throne rooms and thrones. Not always for ourselves, but to understand who is in charge, and often who we can blame.

    Job seeks the throne of God to plead his case (another reason people seek thrones). Job believes that were he only to get there and plead his case, everything would get better.

    Job defends or describes God with many positive terms and observations of God’s power. Yet, Job talks about God obscuring the throne. This could be an observation, however, where it is among Job’s words, it is likely a complaining observation (God is making it hard to find him).

    With God, though, while it may seem while God is far away or hidden, it is often our hearts that are truly far away. Job’s story is not about God’s lack of , it is more about Job’s .

    We see just how close God is to us through the of . Jesus calls people into his presence. His throne is with him at all times. Jesus drew people to him that dismissed on the very outset (such as Nathanael). Sometimes the throne we are seeking is right there next to us, but we are looking for something that God does not always make known the way we want God to. God’s throne could be the sun, the Milky Way, the person next to you, in your and soul.

    The last “throne room”, though, is the one we like the least. It often reminds us of how small we are. It also reminds us of how spiteful or petty we are. That’s not the throne room we are looking for. It is also the throne room that tells us that we have far to go; we are not there yet.

    Dear Heavenly Father, help us to see the throne you occupy in our lives. May we see your majesty and royalty. Jesus, thank you for the cleansing work in our lives, help us to keep the Godly throne room in our hearts and souls clean. , guide our work so that we do it all for God’s and not our own. Amen.

    1) How do you envision a throne room?

    2) If you had to choose the most important throne room of the world, where would it be? Who would be in it? (Note: context of the world; God/Jesus is not this answer)

    3) What kind of person draws you closer to them? What does that tell you what you look for in regards to God? What way might that mean you are not looking to God?

  • Silence is Not Always Golden

    Deuteronomy 5:1–31; Matthew 26:57–62; Acts 6:8–15 (read online ⧉)

    Perjury is a crime. Knowingly providing false under oath is a criminal offense, as it should be. Knowing our system, however, perhaps the penalty is not severe enough. People speak “white lies” thinking they are doing the right thing (again, in a court case). People speak blatant falsehoods to change the results.

    Depending on the falsehood can result in a guilty man being freed and an innocent man being sent to . One of the other oldest legal codes—Hammurabi’s Code—sets the penalty for such perjury as death.

    There is no question that bearing false witness was a sin according to God. Yet, in the 2 instances that we read today— and Stephen—that “minor” sin, that could easily be blotted out with a “minor” sacrifice, resulted in the death of innocent men.

    Matthew and Luke (the author of Acts) make it a point to state that the witnesses are knowingly bearing false witness. Was this an incidental miscarriage of justice, or was this a systemic one? While we really can draw too firm a conclusion, this is an indication that justice and truth were often not met.

    We often wonder why we have so many laws, and then we read stories like this (and these are not that unique in history). There were the false witnesses. Those who either paid or otherwise recruited the false witnesses. There were those who were the “lawyers”. Then there were those who were the leaders of this travesty.

    All were party to it. All had culpability in it. By the letter of “the Law”, only those who were “actual” witnesses would be “guilty”. This would also assume that those who knew they were guilty actually did something about it. Of course, they didn’t for they achieved their goals.

    We all struggle with those who lie. It is that which empowers the lies that is the greater issue. With no culture of lying, lying becomes rare. A culture that disgraces the truth encourages lying. A structure that encourages lying creates a culture that sends innocent people to death or punishment.

    This is also a culture that ceases to honor God. Instead, it uses God to strengthen the perception of itself, so that no one will struggle or oppose it. God becomes a word—a tool—and the relationship that the word is supposed to represent dies.


    Holy , as we walk through this , counsel our hearts and to speak truth and to be truth-seekers. Guide our hearts and minds to bring the light of Jesus’ Truth into our lives and the lives of . May all that we do bring honor and glory to you, oh, God. Amen.

    1) Why is it important to talk about more than just the lier? How does its relative importance to the commandment of false witness mean for you?

    2) What do you think other tribunals in front of these people were like for day-to-day things?

    3) How can and will you encourage a culture of truth?

  • In the Meantime

    Exodus 28:39–29:9; Exodus 32:1–21; Romans 5:1–11 (read online ⧉)
    The pomp, display, mystery, pageantry (and politics) that surrounds the elevation of a cardinal (or, per rule, any Roman Catholic male) to the position of pope is pretty amazing and can be quite stirring. It should not be lost on anyone that there are “liturgical” steps that are followed for every pope.

    The Old Testament is filled with many “liturgical” steps itself, particularly for the priests. Aaron was going to be anointed and appointed High Priest of the entire of Israel. His sons would also receive the same. For a people that escaped and left Egypt through the miraculous works of God, this should have been a sure personal coup for Aaron.

    God was talking to Moses about this, in the meantime, Aaron was definitely acting as a high priest, just not of God. One could even see a foreshadow of the priests (High and other) during the time Jesus. No courage of conviction (or perhaps no real conviction) when confronted by the people.

    Aaron’s place as Moses’ second (we always have to keep in mind that Aaron was the mouthpiece of Moses) couldn’t be ignored. The people are too impatient to (What’s waiting 40 days in comparison to 430 years?) and are quick to abandon their God and their leader.

    That whole thunder on a mountain, pillar of smoke by day, pillar of by night, annihilation of the world’s biggest army,…meh, too much time. And then, eventually, there was a new nation, a bunch of prophets, exile, return,…and silence for another 400 years.

    Another 400 year period of silence, then John the Baptist showed up. The time of silence was over. Jesus, the of God, walked on the Earth…

    …in the meantime, people lived. People died. People sinned, and sinned, and sinned. Jesus died.

    It was “finished” on the cross that day. Jesus Christ died for people who were sinning right up to that very moment, and Jesus Christ died for all those who sinned afterward.
    Aaron’s call had very little to do with Aaron, and everything to do with God. Jesus’ death on the cross had little to do with us, and everything to do with God.

    That last sentence probably jarred you a bit. We are taught (and the Scriptures state, such as this passage in Romans) that God died for our sins. Yet, in many respects, God died to be true to God’s self…self-sacrificing for others. In other words, while our sins were the trigger, God’s very nature was the reason.


    O God, whose Son Jesus is the good of your people; Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calls us each by , and follow where he leads; who, with you and the , lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [BCP]

    1) In the case of Aaron and us, God is doing something great for us, while we are often doing something against God. What does that tell us about God and ourselves?

    2) Why is it critical to understand that Jesus Christ died for all sins through all time?

    3) How does Romans 5:1 relate to Aaron’s consecration?

  • Commandments and Following

    Deuteronomy 4:3–9; Mark 12:28–34 (read online ⧉)

    Imagine walking around and loudly announcing that ALL of God’s commandments are . How long before people would denounce you and unfriend you? Even those who might believe similarly to you might distance themselves.

    This part of Moses’ to the Israelites is definitely part of a “ra-ra” kind of speech. Our God is great! Only our God is actually with us! Only our God listens to us! Only our God gives us righteous rules to follow!
    Only our God!

    It’s not that God has changed, and really not that this was intended to be a ra-ra speech. Moses was indeed trying to invigorate the people before he died. Moses wanted to make sure they started out well. From a cultural , the Israelites were going into another god’s domain. Culturally that would mean they are the weaker party…and they are entering for battle. Moses was telling them that God was with them regardless of country (many of the gods were territory based). God was saying, I am with you.

    Perhaps not quite the same as Moses’ speech, talked about the Great Commandments. The reality is, though, that we love the Lord our God because of the very pieces that are part of this ra-ra speech. The righteous statues are part of the Second Great Commandment.


    , Son, and , God, unchanging and ever loving, we thank you for the Great Commandments that lead us into the of who you are. Amen.

    1) How does the triumphal pieces of Moses’ speech guide you in regards to the Great Commandments?
    2) In what ways do you think the Old Testament laws apply to today, and in what ways do you think they don’t?
    3) What is important about Deuteronomy 4:9, and how does that apply to today?

  • Seeing Nothing or Something

    Joel 2:27–32; Acts 10:1–16 (read online ⧉)

    Visions. In our current culture, visions are portrayed as “mystical” to the point of being unbelievable. We now have organizational statements which, if we’re honest, seem to be about as unbelievable as the visions that we think are part of fantasy and magic. Yes, that’s probably a bit cynical. Vision statements have grown into a business. An organization will often hire consultants whose entire job is to help an organization develop a vision statement. Too often, though, the vision statement is merely a placard that hangs on a wall and is part of an email signature.

    Visions are not a small thing. So, this is not something you might necessarily want. Many of the Old Testament prophets were not particularly pleased with their visions. There are those today who claim that they have visions from God…did you just snicker or doubt? You probably did. If you didn’t, you’re one of the rare ones.

    Visions haven’t ended. We in the Western Developed nations have just turned them into dreams and targets of psychoanalysis and psychiatry. Our hardened hearts and closed minds are no longer as receptive to God’s moving in our lives.

    Those that are of a more mystical bent are often decried or sneered at. There are certain Christian circles that cannot seem to either understand nor be graceful toward those that are mystically-inclined. In places where faith is questionable, and jobs are technical (engineering, programming, general technology, manufacturing) this is especially true.

    The good side of that is that we are less susceptible to being deceived (in that area, at least). The bad side is that we cast aside something that God has used (and continues to use elsewhere) to draw people to him, them, form them, and especially chide them.

    Cornelius and Peter each had visions of the same coming event (in general). The result of both their visions was that the (i.e., non-Jews) would receive (quite dramatically) the Spirit, and Peter would begin to understand that when said the whole world…he meant it.

    This is not to say we should expect (or even want) visions. In many respects, what often comes with such visions is far more than many of us can bear. As notes in 1 Corinthians 12–13, no matter how great the (or vision), without it is worthless. Yet, we should not disparage nor deny God’s gifts that are beyond our comprehension.

    God, you are infinite; we are finite. To fully comprehend you is beyond us. Help us to not put you in our box of , whether it be of feelings, religion, or science. May we keep our “boxes” open to what you want to do in our lives. Amen.

    1) Have you ever had an experience that you would “mystical”? What about it makes it mystical?

    2) If someone, whom you otherwise respected and/or loved, shared with you a vision they had, how would you respond? Would you try to process it with them? How?

    3) If you had a vision, who would you tell? What is the first thing you would do? Why?

  • Unyielding Prayer

    Psalm 39; 2 Samuel 12:13–23; Luke 18:1-8 (read online ⧉)

    It’s hard to grasp why God would appear to condemn an innocent child to die. How it occurs is a mystery. We can infer that David understood that the child would die and that God would not it. This would be in contrast to God sentencing a healthy child to death. In other words, what if the child had a definite birth defect and would die shortly after birth. God had the capability to save the child, yet the child died of natural causes, rather than supernatural causes. Yes, this isn’t much of a help. However, there are other circumstances around the child that ought to be considered, too.

    David’s fathering left a lot to be desired. The drama surrounding his family (and his life) would do a soap opera proud. The poor child, a product of adultery and murder, would have had a horrible childhood, and probably an awful adulthood. Again, it doesn’t help much, but perhaps God was wise.

    While this isn’t the focus of this devotional, it does lead into David’s prayer. David prayed, and prayed, and fasted, and prayed, and so on. He didn’t up. The prophet Nathan had given David no . David still prayed. God (through Nathan) had made the pronouncement. David still prayed.

    The lesson isn’t solely that David prayed for something he “knew” wasn’t going to happen. After not getting what he prayed for, David returned to “normal” life and worshiped God. His child died and he worshiped God. It’s not to say he didn’t mourn. We are long past the of high infant mortality rates (though some still experience such momentous losses). Yet, any person that has lost a child understands the loss that David felt. It’s not that David was happy the child died. David knew that worshiping God was also important.

    The persistent widow never gave up. This seemed a matter she would not give up until she died. That is persistent prayer. How long was she pursuing it? doesn’t say. It isn’t Jesus’ point. This was a woman who did not give up until she either received what she sought or death (hers or her adversary’s). Note that Jesus did not say she was right in what she was pursuing, though it is implied as the judge was unrighteous. This is important, too, as it helps us to think that God is righteous and we are not, so what would God do?

    How many people, however, are not like David? They pray for something (whether minor or major) and it doesn’t happen. They do not (as the song goes) thank God for unanswered prayers. They get angry with God. It’s not that anger at God is a sin. It’s when that anger at God draws you out of fellowship with God or to a place of doubting God that problems come. In and misdirected anger, people make themselves an enemy of God.


    Heavenly , as you are patient with us, grant us to be patient and enduring in our prayers. Jesus, may your words guide our hearts and prayers. , live and breathe in us, that we may pray in ways and for things that bring glory and to God. Amen.


    1) What is the longest you have prayed for something (or are praying for something)? If you have stopped praying for it, why? If you haven’t stopped praying for it, why?

    2) Do you see yourself more like David, the widow, or something/one else?

    3) What do you do say to those who are frustrated with their prayers not being answered?