Tag: Holy Spirit

  • Full Joy

    Psalm 126, Isaiah 12:1–6

    Around Christmas, is used a lot. Many Christmas songs use the , a lot. What is joy? Without defining it, we leave it to the world to define it for us, which is dangerous, for the world misses so much without God. For us, we need to look at joy as a deep-seated emotion that provides assurance, resolve, positive outlook, and is through building up of self and and is based upon the character and nature of God—, , and .

    Is this an all-encompassing understanding of joy? Probably not. In fact, joy is often used, even in Scripture, to mean something different. This is why it is so important to set our expectations for joy and what we are actually looking for when we seek joy.

    True joy is fully dependent upon our with God. A person who touches on the joy of God (such as having children) gets a taste, but it is not the full expression of joy. In many respects, we will not fully understand joy in this life. Even the most devout believer still only gets a taste of joy on this side of things. So, imagine the person who doesn’t have that depth with God. The “taste” they get is even less than the taste experienced by believers. It makes sense that joy is often confused in the world.

    1. Why should we put such a strong point of God being integral to joy?
    2. If you were to change the definition of joy given about, what would you add, remove, or change?
    3. Why is it important to look for joy?
  • Herald of the King

    Isaiah 40:3–11, Malachi 3:1–2, Luke 1:39–44, Luke 1:59–80 (read online ⧉)

    It has been said (by Christians, of course) that John the Baptist was the last Old Testament prophet. By that, they meant that (and his life, death, , and the subsequent of the Holy Spirit) was the New Testament. In some ways, they are correct. The New Testament is about the life and work of Jesus Christ, and the new work of the Holy Spirit (through the church). John the Baptist was the last one (though not really) to say that God was coming before God actually came. John the Baptist sounded like many of the prophets of old.

    It seems peculiar to John the Baptist, well, the Baptist. According to the , perhaps he should be John the Herald. It would certainly be appropriate. It would also call to mind John’s purpose, heralding the coming of God, rather than focusing on his acts of baptism. It’s not that the baptisms he performed were bad, but ultimately they were a to the coming of Jesus.

    That John, in the womb (!), “leaped” at the of Mary is startling (though babies do recognize voices in the womb). Even in the womb, John was heralding the coming king. It is sad, in some ways, that John’s place seems to have been decided from a young , yet he could have made a different decision.

    Ultimately, John’s purpose was fulfilled by heralding Jesus’ arrival. Like so many do, he could have opposed Jesus, and many would have listened. He didn’t. By his actions, he fulfilled the words of his . John guided the people to the only one whose way is the path of .

    1) John’s place was definitely one of number 2. Have you ever been a number 2 or lower? How did you feel? Did you just spiritualize your answer?

    2) Why do you think “the Baptist” became John’s title rather than “the Herald” or something else?

    3) What do you think about John going to the wilderness when he grew up? Why do you think he did that? Do you think he was alone?

  • The First Sunday of Advent

    Psalm 122, Isaiah 32:1–20, Ezekiel 37:26–28 (read online ⧉)

    There was a (awful) Superman movie in the ’80s called the Quest for . In it, Superman takes care of the bad guy (of course) and takes care of (i.e., eliminates) all the nuclear weapons (which the US and USSR were rapidly building up at the time). The superhero movie genre hadn’t broken out, yet. In the movie, there was a kernel of this American (and some would say Christian) optimism that if we get rid of all the weapons, there would be no war or strife.

    That, sadly, is not demonstrated by humanity over the years. Humanity doesn’t seem to do well in peace. Despite the and 24-hour news, we currently live in a time when fewer people are dying in wars than ever before, and that even includes terrorism. However, almost as if there is a perverse understanding that this couldn’t possibly be the case, we are deluged with stories about bloody conflict after bloody conflict.

    David’s psalm starts with a focus on rejoicing on praising God. David continues on with the focus on praying for peace within walls and within brothers and friends. We all want peace at home, whether it be in our country, state, city, neighborhood, or behind the doors of our homes. While we all seem to understand this almost unachievable peace, we still pursue it.

    God’s peace has a strong tendency to overthrow the status quo and . Isaiah calls nobles fools and important people scoundrels. Isaiah notes that the will pour out, and our perspectives will . and will spread, and peace will be its fruit.

    The as the underlying producer of peace makes sense with Ezekiel, as God declares a new covenant of peace. God will establish. God will multiply it. God’s new covenant is by God’s power, not by ours.

    1) What is the difference between God’s peace versus mankind’s peace?

    2) Why is God needed for true peace?

    3) What is one thing you can do to encourage true peace in and for ?

  • Peace By God

    Psalm 122, Isaiah 32:1–20, Ezekiel 37:26–28

    ‌There was a (awful) Superman movie in the ‘80s called the Quest for Peace. In it Superman takes care of the bad guy (of course) and takes care of (i.e., eliminates) all the nuclear weapons (which the US and USSR were rapidly building up at the time). The superhero movie genre hadn’t broken out, yet. In the movie, there was a kernel of this American (and some would say ) optimism that if we get rid of all the weapons, there would be no war or strife.

    ‌That, sadly, is not demonstrated by humanity over the years. Humanity doesn’t seem to do well in peace. Despite the internet and 24-hour news, we currently live in a time when fewer people are in wars than ever before, and that even includes terrorism. However, almost as if there is a perverse understanding that this couldn’t possibly be the case, we are deluged with stories about bloody conflict after bloody conflict.

    ‌David’s psalm starts with a focus on rejoicing on praising God. David continues on with the focus on praying for peace within walls and within brothers and friends. We all want peace at home, whether it be in our country, state, city, neighborhood, or behind the doors of our homes. While we all seem to understand this almost unachievable peace, we still pursue it.

    ‌God’s peace has a strong tendency to overthrow the status quo and . Isaiah calls nobles fools and important people scoundrels. Isaiah notes that the will pour out, and our perspectives will . Righteousness and will spread, and peace will be its fruit.

    ‌The Holy Sprit as the underlying producer of peace makes sense with Ezekiel, as God declares a new of peace. God will establish. God will multiply it. God’s new covenant is by God’s , not by ours.

    • ‌1) What is the different of God’s peace versus mankind’s peace?
    • ‌2) Why is God needed for true peace?
    • ‌3) What is one thing you can do to encourage true peace in and for ?
  • Dressing the Part

    Matthew 6:25–34, Romans 13:11–14:1, Galatians 3:19–28 (read online)

    Have you ever put on clothes, whether someone else’s or at the store, and say, “that is not me?” There are a number of shows about clothes, and a lot of them are about what the clothes say about the person. The shows state a belief that the clothes say more about what the person thinks of themselves.

    If you wear really baggy clothes (skipping the supposed in fashion part), you could just want to be comfortable, or you are so uncomfortable with yourself that you use the clothes to hide. That’s silly, you might say. However, if you really think about it, what clothes we were do affect how we think about ourselves. You may not wear a tux or a ballgown often, but when you do, it affects you. This is part of the reason we do see so many struggles with clothes.

    One of the first things we judge a person we haven’t met before is their clothes. If you dress casually normally, and they’re dressed up, you may think they are too stiff or formal. If you normally dress up, you may think another person is too casual, and thus lazy or uncaring. These views often show up at , but they also show up in other social settings.

    “Dress the part,” is often the advice given to people applying for a new job, or seeking to move up in an organization. If, for example, the president wears a suit, you wear a suit. There are, of course, exceptions when it comes to that as certain occupations require certain clothes. Even there, though, if you don’t take care of the clothes you’ll receive a different reaction.

    tells us not to worry about the clothes we wear. Yet, we do. In Jesus’ time, clothes are often a luxury. By and large, in the US, people can get fairly decent clothes for a relatively cheap price. However, obsessing about the latest fashion is probably not the most thing. On the other hand, lecturing for their expensive fashion is not our place either (the world does enough judging of its own there).

    While not included in today’s passages, there is a time when Jesus speaks about having food that others do not know about and being the water. These words can help us reason with Jesus’ words, especially when we read ‘s words. While Jesus was concerned with people’s well-being on earth, His other concern was the life to come. There the clothes and food we concern ourselves about today, will not even be a whisper of a thought.

    This leads us to Paul’s words. “Put on Jesus.” Is Jesus a coat or a robe that I just put on like clothes? This phrase often strikes people as odd. Unless you’re putting on an Edgar suit (see MIB), you don’t put on a person. If we’re honest with ourselves, putting on a Jesus suit seems pretentious, false, and, well…“not me”.

    Putting on the Jesus suit is awkward. It doesn’t feel like us. It isn’t. In religious/spiritual/psychological circles we talk about changing from the inside-out. In Christian-speak, we would say the transforms us from the inside-out. However, the Jesus suit puts that into question. It’s where borrowing from a different Christians is helpful. In the Reform circles, there is an emphasis on imputed . In other words, we’re because God said so. They (and we) know that we still aren’t righteous. God is still working on us from the inside.

    Yet, when we became Christians, we were issued a Jesus suit.

    1) Assuming that your Jesus suit was white when given to you, what color do you think it is now?

    2) Think about a piece of white clothing that gets washed over and over (and especially with other colors of clothing). What color does it turn into? Do you think a Jesus suit would discolor (i.e., no longer be white) after lots of washing?

    3) How does a Jesus suit get washed?

    4) Why a Jesus suit, and not a costume?

  • Humble Knowledge

    1 Samuel 2:1–10, Job 36:1–4, 2 Peter 1:3–8 (read online)

    is power, so it is said. One of the great gifts of the Enlightenment was indeed the removal of knowledge from the monopoly of the . Knowledge, when freed from the shackles of human power and control, can grow.

    Knowledge, by the way, does not mean wisdom. Wisdom is something completely different (though it often looks similar). Societally, we value knowledge. We lift those up with lots of education. We often put them on a pedestal as if they are of greater value than we are. The problem truly comes when one views the knowledge they have as giving some authority, insight, and/or power that is not theirs.

    Hannah’s prayer covers that to some degree as she talks about not boasting, or speaking arrogantly. She notes that God has all the knowledge. As God has all the knowledge, God is able to weigh everyone’s actions. No matter how much knowledge we have, or anyone has, we will never have all the knowledge of God even with all the technology we have now, and will have. Only God has the knowledge of all people and all situations.

    As Elihu speaks, we should all be cringing. How could anyone be so arrogant they have complete knowledge? Sadly, this is exactly how many people and . In fact, such speakers are given accolades. Lest you forget, that is exactly what we are getting in our politics these days, and it will probably be worse next year. That is unless we take a stand. This is not the stand of my way is THE right way, but the stand of I may not be right and should be open to . This doesn’t mean we will all agree, all of a sudden. Often if we are willing to listen, the of our approach may hearts. However, even if opinions aren’t changed, bridges can still be built instead of walls.

    For Christians, it should be a deepening knowledge of God through and the Spirit that we should seek, both in ourselves and in others. Peter reminds us that this is how we deepen our . If we keep increasing our knowledge of God…we won’t be useless. That means if we do keep increasing in our knowledge we are useful to God. Sounds pretty good.

    1) Do you find yourself overly respecting those with knowledge?

    2) How are you deepening your knowledge of God? Is it with purpose, or is it aimless?

    3) How can we gently correct those full of knowledge, who are full of themselves?

  • Service of Response

    2 Kings 6:18–24, Romans 12:3–8, Colossians 2:8–23

    Service can take many forms. The story of Elisha and the Arameans is an interesting form of service. In this roundabout case, it was the service of . Elisha prayed for the blindness of the Arameans. Instead of taking advantage of the ‘s blindness by killing them, he merely led them away. He then served them a feast and let them go. Normally, we would not consider this an of service, yet that is exactly what it is. Acts of service may occur in many ways.

    lists some of the ways that serving occurs in the as each person is gifted by the . This not an exhaustive list. Nor should it be used as a limiting list. In other words, just because you (or someone else) are unable to put an act of service into Paul’s list doesn’t mean it doesn’t fit and isn’t a blessed act. One could put Paul’s list as a general classification, and be okay, as long as one recognizes that some acts don’t fit neatly into boxes.

    It might seem strange to pull this passage of Colossians into this , however, there is a tendency to elevate acts of service, in particular, to something they are not. Acts of service should be an outpouring of our response to God, rather than an act which is supposed to get us something. Acts of service are not rules, but expressions. We express and connect.

    1) Have you ever had someone question what you “are doing for the ”? How did that feel?

    2) Does what you are doing as an act of service fit into Paul’s list? If not, what “big picture” category would you put it in?

    3) Why is important for us to realize that an act of service is an expression of who we are?

  • Remember the Gone

    Matthew 22:23–33, 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18, Romans 8:26–30

    All Day was established to the saints of the . As we talked about yesterday, it is also a good time to reflect upon those that helped shape your faith. By so doing these people were doing the work of saints. Now, let us be clear, over the years, the church (whether it be the church universal, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant) has put saints on a pedestal that the saints themselves knew they didn’t belong. It is normal behavior to do this. The saints are a “class” of people that when we think about it, we don’t believe we belong to that class. It is only by the of God that any could be called saint, for it is the work of the Spirit in them that shaped them.

    One of the biggest common characteristics of saints is that they are dead. We have all lost people we to the ultimate consequence (on the finite side of things) of sin…. Death is a fact of . The reason to bring in All Saints Day is that some in the church lost the understanding of saint. So, the Saints (especially, those without their own named day) had this day to cover all of the Saints of the church. As a consequence, some traditions have a day for the (dearly) departed after All Saints Day. This day is called All Souls Day or Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. Really, it’s about all those day-to-day Christians that had more to do with your faith journey than the Saints seemed to have.

    We have inherited the legacies of the Saints and the everyday saints. What will we do with it? What is a saint? Well, the way Paul puts it, it seems we are all saints. It seems that Paul perceives all of the children of God as saints.

    1) Whose death do you mourn most at this moment? Were they a believer in as Lord and Savior?

    2) Why do we mourn those that knew Jesus as Lord and Savior?

    3) What is the difference, if any, between a saint and a perfect Christian?