Tag: Holy Spirit

  • Stingless


    Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24; Genesis 1:20–2:4a; 1 Corinthians 15:50–58

    God created humanity in God’s own image. When we read , it may be easy to conclude that this is only a spiritual image. In many respects, it is indeed a spiritual image. On the other hand, as God made us even our physical being is an expression of God.

    Through , however, death and decay were brought into the world. One could that Adam and Eve’s sin began the decay and from the decay came death. Decay and death…consequences of sin.

    Yet, before we decay and death all the “”, let us recall the real issue…sin. Decay and death are symbolic of what occurs with us spiritually in regard to our relationship to God.

    The ways of the world are to draw everything to its decay and death. This includes, and often even focuses upon, our relationship with God. If the innocence of a newborn child was the starting point, then the decay would begin immediately. Just as with all things rates of decay depend on environment, nutrition, love, guidance.

    However, if we were to strictly rely on the world to reduce the rate of decay, then there still would be no hope for anything except death. That isn’t much to hope for.

    The hope we have is that death’s has ultimately been broken. Thanks to the cross, we have something beyond to look forward to. While death causes us pain in the here and now, ultimately we understand that death is merely a stage for us. The pain we feel can be attributed to the “God-shaped” place in our beings that understands that death is not the way things ought to be. It is our reality that we will miss those we love. Our hope is the hope we in the midst of and in the face of what would otherwise be the hopelessness of death.


    O God, who by the glorious resurrection of your Son Christ destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light: Grant that we, who have been raised with him, may abide in his and rejoice in the hope of eternal glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the , be and glory, now and for ever. Amen. [Tuesday of Easter week collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • Look Alive

    Look Alive

    Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24; Genesis 1:1–19; 1 Corinthians 15:35–49

    One of the biggest struggles that Christianity has in sharing about Christ the Resurrected Lord and Savior is…the . Our entire Enlightenment and scientific basis struggles with this concept. If we are honest with ourselves, we too struggle with it. If someone told us that a buried person rose from the dead, we’d question their sanity.

    That is one of the conflicts that we ourselves have with our faith. We take it as (not just faith) that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. On the other hand, were it anyone else we’d question it. We do, of course, justify this conflict by calling Jesus (rightly) the of the God Most High.

    When we read the story of Lazarus (John 11:1-44) we may be overwhelmed with the story and the miracle (understandably). Our experience in , however, tells us that this is something we can never experience at least in the same way. How the whole resurrection thing works is a mystery, which frustrates us when we try to be so logical.

    Lazarus, it would seem, was not a true resurrection, “merely” coming back to life (similar to medical techniques and equipment that we have). Jesus’ resurrection was something yet different still.

    Then there is Paul’s understanding of each of our resurrection. Earthly bodies would be similar to the ones that were part of the Creation (perhaps) of Genesis. Heavenly bodies are those of the resurrection. They are different according to Paul, but perhaps it really is beyond our understanding.

    The question for each of us is do we truly believe in the Resurrection? It is easy to get lost in the drama of …the drama of . It is easy to be drawn in the positive and hopeful message of Easter, especially after (and the last year).

    That is a great emotional lift. Emotions ebb and flow, however, and that is part of the problem. It is easy to believe in the Resurrection on Easter. That’s one day a year. We need to not just believe it. We need to live it out.


    • What does it mean to be a person of the Resurrection?
    • Does the resurrection influence your daily life? If so, how?


    Grant, we pray, Almighty God, that we who celebrate with reverence the Paschal [Easter] feast may be made worthy to attain to everlasting joys; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the , one God, now and for ever. Amen. [Monday of Easter week collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • The Dead Eat

    The Dead Eat

    Psalm 114; 1 Corinthians 5:6b–8; Luke 24:13–49

    Those guys (and women) didn’t know what they were talking about! Really? The tomb is empty, and you think he’s alive? A of an angel? Really? God doesn’t do that anymore.

    The Resurrection just happened mere hours before and the are already flying. Those 2 disciples on their way to Emmaus probably were not the only ones questioning things.

    Why Jesus approached them is a question to in Heaven. It’s a good question. The Bible doesn’t say why.

    The two men were convinced that Jesus had been the Messiah, but they felt that the crucifixion showed that Jesus wasn’t.

    There was no question in anyone’s minds that Jesus had been tortured, crucified, died, and was buried. Alive? That’s impossible!

    It is not insignificant that Jesus reinforces his resurrection around meals. First, meals were a cultural gathering time. They were often a time where identity and history would be reinforced.

    Jesus’ on the road to Emmaus was first teaching, but then through the breaking of the bread, these 2 disciples began to not just understand, but to feel, and believe.

    Yet, again, the remaining 11 had to be told. They weren’t there (again). Then Jesus shows up and eats. Tortured? Yes. Crucified? Yes. Died? Yes. Buried? Yes. Alive? YES!


    Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Jesus Christ overcame and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord’s resurrection, may, by your life-giving , be delivered from sin and raised from death; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. [ Collect, Book of Common 2019]

  • The Dead Speak

    The Dead Speak

    Isaiah 25:6–9; Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24; John 20:1–18

    The stone. We always talk about the stone on Easter. There was no question it was a big stone so that it was moved without human intervention was a big deal. As much as the stone is represented simply, it isn’t simple.

    Mary ran back to inform the disciples. Peter and John raced to the tomb. John entered first, but it is not like simply walking through a doorway. There were actually some gymnastics involved. Whether there was actually light coming from the outside (some of the ancient tombs were not configured that way) or if John and Peter brought a lamp isn’t important. However light made it in, there was light to see.

    There are two mentions of cloths. The first refers to the wrappings that were around the body. Bluntly, a grave-robber is not going to leave them behind, for often the wrappings were what contained the expensive spices, and grave-robbing is not the kind of thing where one carefully removes the wrappings and leaves them.

    The other cloth, though, was folded. There is no hurry to leave here. There is care implied with the folding (or rolling) of the cloth. Some commentators interpret this as if had “left the table” with plans to return (referring to the Second Coming). The facecloth was usually used to tie closed the jaw of the deceased.

    It might be reading too much into it, but bear with me. Sin and had closed the mouth of God. Sin and death and silenced the Word of God. The of God removed the cloth. The mouth of God was opened. The Word of God was released to the world.

    Christ has died! Christ has Risen! Christ will come again!


    O God, who for our gave your only begotten Son to die upon the Cross, and by his glorious resurrection delivered us from the devil and the of death: Grant us to die daily to sin, that we may live with him in the of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy , now and for ever. Amen. [Easter Collect, Book of Common 2019]

  • Wood and Metal

    Wood and Metal

    Psalm 22; Isaiah 52:13–53:12; Hebrews 10:16–24; John 19:16–30

    Perhaps instead of , it should be Great Friday. The greatness of God succumbed willingly to the , , and hatred of humanity. The purpose was to provide a path for humanity to to God that humanity had abandoned.

    We could talk about all the theology of the cross. We could talk about the theology of atonement. There’s the Justification Theory. There’s the Penal Theory. There’s the Ransom theory. There’s the Relational Theory. There’s the Redemption theory.

    They are all great theories. All of them have an aspect of the Truth in them. Until we God face-to-face, the mystery of the cross is not something to be understood by the mind of humanity. The mystery of the cross is…a mystery.

    All the theories are about “how” it works as if that really matters. That God did it. That is what matters.

    Good Friday is that time where we have to face the Truth. We are the reason for the cross. We are the reason that the only blameless died on a cross.

    The cross is morbid. It is brutal. It is in the midst of life on earth.

    I used to lead a Good Friday service. As part of the service, I drove 3 big nails into a wooden cross: BANG, BANG, BANG for each nail. Three hits each for 3 nails. The cross was on a hollow wooden floor. Each hit on a nail could be felt by everyone. That I drove the nails into the cross, into the symbolic representation of the sacrifice of my Savior, affected me deeply.

    After I was done with the teaching, each person was invited to write something on a piece of paper and nail it to the cross. I never read any of them. Not even my kids’ or my wife’s. That was their “thing” to nail to the cross.

    Oddly, there was something meaningful to many during that service. It wasn’t publicized, but it grew. I don’t know if it was the Savior Himself that drew them or the of being rid of a weight that drew them. I do know that people let me know that it was their “favorite” service.

    Sounds weird, doesn’t it? Yet, we all seem to know that there is always something else that we need to leave at the cross.


    • What does Good Friday tell you about God? What does Good Friday tell you about how God feels about you?
    • What is something that you need to put at/on the cross, and leave there with your Savior?


    Almighty God, we beseech you graciously to behold this your family, for whom our Lord Christ was willing to be betrayed and given into the hands of sinners, and to suffer death upon the Cross; who now lives and reigns with you and the Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

  • Together Time

    Together Time

    Exodus 12:1–4, 5–10, 11–14; Psalm 116:1–2, 12–19; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26; John 13:1–17, 31b–35

    The tie between Passover and the Last Supper is obvious just based on the fact that the Last Supper was in the context of Passover. Part of the first Passover was the blood of the Lamb that was placed upon doorjambs in obedience to God so that the plague of the death of the firstborn male would Passover the Jewish people. The sacrifice for the firstborn remained part of the Law, insofar as a blood sacrifice being needed to atone for the firstborn son.

    The road that ends on the cross tomorrow is the sacrifice of the firstborn of God, God’s only Son.

    Just as it appears that the of Egypt was in the place of the sacrifice of the firstborn (many outweighing the few), so too was God (the infinite) in the place of his Creation (us).

    Maundy Thursday (as this day is called) is, for me, the second hardest day of the Year. Meals are special. Especially as my kids are at the point of being so busy working and with activities and at school, meals together are even more special. For Jesus, this special meal may well have been the most important of his life. I cannot imagine having this high holy day overshadowed by betrayal, torture, and death. Then knowing that all but one would run away.

    Jesus still embraced the pain of that meal. Oddly, I think there was joy, too. Despite the failings of the 11 that would remain, there is something comforting being with people that you care for deeply, especially when confronting the darkness head-on. The 11 would carry-on the that you and I have inherited.

    Paul reminds the Corinthians that they were inheritors, too. The Last Supper was really the first supper. Just as I treasure the time around the table with my , we should all treasure our time around the table of Communion (the ). This is the place where the boundaries of time and space are thinned that all of the people of the Body of Christ can be joined together in this fateful and binding meal of .


    • What does Communion (the Eucharist) mean to you? If you missed it, would it bother you? Would you go without it? Why?
    • What is your favorite meal experience? A restaurant? Thanksgiving? New Year’s? St. Patrick’s Day? Are any of these traditions for you and/or your family? Why?


    Almighty , whose most dear Son, on the night before he suffered, instituted the Sacrament of his Body and Blood: Mercifully grant that we may receive it in thankful remembrance of Jesus Christ our Savior, who in these holy mysteries gives us a pledge of eternal life; and who lives and reigns with you and the , one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [Maundy Thursday Collect, Book of Common 2019]

  • Poison Pills

    Poison Pills

    Psalm 70; Isaiah 50:4–9a; Hebrews 12:1–3; John 13:21–32

    Taking insults is hard. Taking insults in today’s culture is reality…especially on social media. It’s not just social media, though, not by far. It is pervasive.

    Isaiah faced plenty of insults. He was spat upon. People physically pulled the hair from his beard (Ouch!). He did not hide from them. Yes, we attribute these descriptions (rightly) to . They are also Isaiah. They aren’t descriptive of many Christians.

    Even among Christians, the willingness (sometimes, it seems, eagerness) to verbally rip another person into shreds is appalling. The willingness to question another’s faith-based upon what you think the other person believes all too often means that a Christian has put themself in the place of God. Even Jesus avoided that while on earth. If we’re Christ-followers, we should probably do the same.

    The writer of Hebrews talks about the sin that trips us up. Truthfully, much of the slander, belittling, and (well) judging falls under the simplified “don’t gossip” in regards to the Ten Commandments. It’s sinful. Before you state something about another, perhaps there out to be a litmus test that you put before God.

    I’ve been party/witness to far too many statements from fellow Christians that really don’t pass my litmus test of Godly truth (and I hold my litmus test lightly). I wish taking the red or blue pill would fix the problem (an allusion to both the movie the Matrix, and the Democrat/Republican color-coding). Maybe a purple pill will fix it (purple alluding to Christ’s royalty as king).

    There is no quick pill. It’s a long walk together toward the holiness and purity that is in Christ Jesus. That’s the endurance part of the run.

    We will have to endure the shame for not choosing a political party first, and instead choosing Christ. Most Christians when given the choice between their political ideology and Christ will say, “Christ”, but live differently. Instead of for Christ and eschewing , we choose our politics and try to shove God in the ballot box.

    We condemn Judas Iscariot for selling Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver. We’ve probably sold Jesus out for a seat at the political table. Insults? You’re not a Christian if you voted for or supported __________! That’s not just judging, that is betraying Jesus.

    Judas Iscariot, despite all his faults and , seems to have been a friend of Jesus. I have a hard time understanding that, too. He wasn’t one of the close ones, but that he remained for 3 years? We condemn Judas (understandably), but Jesus him. For that, we should be grateful.

    If Jesus could love someone who betrayed him, that means he loves us, too. Jesus loves us despite our dabbling with worldly powers. Jesus loves us when we hurt fellow Christians. Jesus loves us when we drive from his . Jesus loves us every time we betray him.


    • Why is demeaning or belittling of other Christians bordering on a betrayal of Jesus?
    • Why do we allow our politics to come between us and Jesus, and between us and other Christians?
    • How can we be mutual witnesses to Jesus when our politics and even worldviews are different?


    Assist us mercifully with your grace, Lord God of our salvation, that we may enter with upon the meditation of those mighty acts by which you have promised us life and immortality; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy , one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [Holy Tuesday Collect, Book of Common 2019]

  • Time to Move

    Time to Move

    Psalm 71:1–14; Isaiah 49:1–7; 1 Corinthians 1:18–31; John 12:20–36

    There are times of waiting (“Are we there, yet?”). There are a lot of times of waiting (“How much longer?”). There are way too many times of waiting (“I’m bored.”). Then comes the time to .

    ‘ journey to the cross is almost over. Almost like a long drawn-out movie, we’re getting there. Then a seemingly innocuous catalyst shows up, and the acceleration is almost like whiplash. Enter the Greeks.

    It’s not that Jesus hadn’t interacted with non-Jews. Quite the contrary. There was something special about these Greeks who sought Jesus. How were these Greeks were the catalyst? sought Jesus by . They sought Jesus through the disciples. Something was happening.

    Some commentators conclude that these Greeks were “the first” to seek Jesus as Lord and Savior (as Messiah). While the Greeks were in God’s plan, perhaps it was not quite the time.

    Now, though, Jesus is being public about his purpose. When the people talk about the Christ, they imply that they know Jesus is implying that he is the Christ. Jesus tacitly confirms it. That is not a small thing to devout Jews.

    We see in the passage of John the miracle-demanding Jews that comments on. The Greeks that Paul was talking about? Probably not the kind that asked to see Jesus. The Greeks and Jews that Paul was referring to were not Christians. In Paul’s eyes, those that followed Christ were Christians who were cultural Jews and Greeks, they were no longer Jews and Greeks. They had a new that overrode—and yet was intertwined with—the old.

    However, we (the church) are no longer the church of 1 Corinthians 1:25–31. At least in the West, we are not particularly poor. Many of us are more educated than the most educated person of Jesus’ day. Most of us are no low-class or low-. While there are redemptive works happening in and through the church, and people are being redeemed and restored, the Western church is a stone growing moss.

    We are fools to the world not because of Christ, but because many of our decisions, behaviors, and actions were not put at the feet of Christ. We are fools to the world because of everything in us that is not of Christ.

    It is time to clear the moss off the stone and off of our souls. It is time to move.


    O Lord our God, whose blessed Son gave his back to be whipped and did not hide his face from shame and spitting: Give us to accept joyfully the sufferings of the present time, confident of the glory that shall be revealed; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the , one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [Holy Tuesday Collect, Book of Common 2019]