Tag: Holy Tuesday

  • Poison Pills

    Poison Pills

    Psalm 70; Isaiah 50:4–9a; Hebrews 12:1–3; John 13:21–32

    Taking insults is hard. Taking insults in today’s culture is reality…especially on social media. It’s not just social media, though, not by far. It is pervasive.

    Isaiah faced plenty of insults. He was spat upon. People physically pulled the hair from his beard (Ouch!). He did not hide from them. Yes, we attribute these descriptions (rightly) to Jesus. They are also Isaiah. They aren’t descriptive of many Christians.

    Even among Christians, the willingness (sometimes, it seems, eagerness) to verbally rip another person into shreds is appalling. The willingness to question another’s faith-based upon what you think the other person believes all too often means that a Christian has put themself in the place of God. Even Jesus avoided that while on earth. If we’re Christ-followers, we should probably do the same.

    The writer of Hebrews talks about the that trips us up. Truthfully, much of the slander, belittling, and (well) judging falls under the simplified “don’t gossip” in regards to the Ten Commandments. It’s sinful. Before you state something about another, perhaps there out to be a litmus test that you put before God.

    I’ve been party/witness to far too many statements from fellow Christians that really don’t pass my litmus test of Godly (and I hold my litmus test lightly). I wish taking the red or blue pill would fix the problem (an allusion to both the movie the Matrix, and the Democrat/Republican color-coding). Maybe a purple pill will fix it (purple alluding to Christ’s royalty as king).

    There is no quick pill. It’s a long walk together toward the and purity that is in Christ Jesus. That’s the endurance part of the run.

    We will have to endure the shame for not choosing a political party first, and instead choosing Christ. Most Christians when given the choice between their political ideology and Christ will say, “Christ”, but live differently. Instead of living for Christ and eschewing politics, we choose our politics and try to shove God in the ballot box.

    We condemn Judas Iscariot for selling Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver. We’ve probably sold Jesus out for a seat at the political table. Insults? You’re not a Christian if you voted for or supported __________! That’s not just judging, that is betraying Jesus.

    Judas Iscariot, despite all his faults and , seems to have been a friend of Jesus. I have a hard time understanding that, too. He wasn’t one of the close ones, but that he remained for 3 years? We condemn Judas (understandably), but Jesus loved him. For that, we should be grateful.

    If Jesus could love someone who betrayed him, that means he loves us, too. Jesus loves us despite our dabbling with worldly powers. Jesus loves us when we hurt fellow Christians. Jesus loves us when we drive others from his . Jesus loves us every time we betray him.


    • Why is demeaning or belittling of other Christians bordering on a betrayal of Jesus?
    • Why do we allow our politics to come between us and Jesus, and between us and other Christians?
    • How can we be mutual witnesses to Jesus when our politics and even worldviews are different?


    Assist us mercifully with your , Lord God of our salvation, that we may enter with upon the meditation of those mighty acts by which you have promised us and immortality; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the , one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [Holy Tuesday Collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • Time to Move

    Time to Move

    Psalm 71:1–14; Isaiah 49:1–7; 1 Corinthians 1:18–31; John 12:20–36

    There are times of waiting (“Are we there, yet?”). There are a lot of times of waiting (“How much longer?”). There are way too many times of waiting (“I’m bored.”). Then comes the time to .

    ‘ journey to the cross is almost over. Almost like a long drawn-out movie, we’re getting there. Then a seemingly innocuous catalyst shows up, and the acceleration is almost like whiplash. Enter the Greeks.

    It’s not that Jesus hadn’t interacted with non-Jews. Quite the contrary. There was something special about these Greeks who sought Jesus. How were these Greeks were the catalyst? Gentiles sought Jesus by . They sought Jesus through the disciples. Something was happening.

    Some commentators conclude that these Greeks were “the first” to seek Jesus as Lord and Savior (as Messiah). While the Greeks were in God’s plan, perhaps it was not quite the time.

    Now, though, Jesus is being public about his purpose. When the people talk about the Christ, they imply that they know Jesus is implying that he is the Christ. Jesus tacitly confirms it. That is not a small thing to devout Jews.

    We see in the passage of John the miracle-demanding Jews that Paul comments on. The Greeks that Paul was talking about? Probably not the kind that asked to see Jesus. The Greeks and Jews that Paul was referring to were not Christians. In Paul’s eyes, those that followed Christ were Christians who were cultural Jews and Greeks, they were no longer Jews and Greeks. They had a new that overrode—and yet was intertwined with—the old.

    However, we (the church) are no longer the church of 1 Corinthians 1:25–31. At least in the West, we are not particularly poor. Many of us are more educated than the most educated person of Jesus’ day. Most of us are no low-class or low-life. While there are redemptive works happening in and through the church, and people are being redeemed and restored, the Western church is a stone growing moss.

    We are fools to the world not because of Christ, but because many of our decisions, behaviors, and actions were not put at the feet of Christ. We are fools to the world because of everything in us that is not of Christ.

    It is time to clear the moss off the stone and off of our souls. It is time to move.


    O Lord our God, whose blessed gave his back to be whipped and did not hide his face from shame and spitting: us to accept joyfully the sufferings of the present time, confident of the glory that shall be revealed; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the , one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [ Collect, Book of Common 2019]

  • Holy Tuesday

    Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 71:1-14; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31; John 15:1-16 (read online ⧉)

    Isaiah’s lament is that of a lover of God who cannot the hardened hearts of others. Isaiah knows what his anointed purpose is. He also is experiencing some difficulties in getting the people to to God. He has not lost . His hope and trust are in God, not in the people of Israel actually responding. His value is in his obedience, not his .

    ‘s words to the Corinthians while not as heavy-hearted as Isaiah’s lament still carries in it the reality that God’s message will not always be heard. God is supposed to be the stone upon which Israel was built, so Paul described the of the cross a stumbling block. The treasured (or hoarded) wisdom and , so Paul called the mystery of the cross foolishness.

    When we begin to draw upon the true vine, the mystery of the cross becomes a stepping stone and foundation, and not a stumbling block. The mystery of the cross becomes our wisdom as we draw on God’s wisdom, rather than the world’s.

    As we all draw upon the vine, we become more “of one mind”. Our way of thinking transforms from selfishness to selflessness. That doesn’t mean we all don’t have more transforming to do, but it is by drawing on the True Vine that we can do it.

    As we become of one mind with each other, we become (ever so slowly, it seems) of one mind with Christ. We no longer have to be directed for each step, but through the transforming of the Spirit, we act as Jesus would.

    1. Much of the world looks at Christianity as foolishness, if not downright dangerous. Are you able to see what they see when they look at Christianity? If not, how can you relate Christianity (and therefore the Gospel) to them?

    2. Selflessness can grow without Christ. How does it do so?

    3. Can you be selfish and a Christian? How do you reconcile that with the growth of selflessness in the Christian?

  • Holy Tuesday

    Psalm 89:19–37, Isaiah 52:13–53:3, John 12:20-43

    Imagine all the rumors you were hearing about Jesus, who had dared to ride into Jerusalem as a king. There were Greeks that were ever looking for Jesus. For some that just proved Jesus was not really the Messiah or a righteous man. To , it added something else to the that was this Jesus. Many years later, some people took the Gentile (e.g., the Greeks) interest in Jesus as a symbol that now it was time because even non-Jews were now interested in the Messiah. The way John approached it, however, the Greek interest does seem to be some sort of trigger. In general terms, Jesus talks about and how that leads to new . That new life would not be just for one, but for many. Jesus then says words that prefigure the words in the Garden of Gethsemane regarding the coming cross.

    That God speaks from the clouds in to Jesus, as Jesus noted, was not for his sake, but for the sake of the people around him. This would have included his disciples. The cross was both torture and humiliation, plus death. From a Jewish or even Roman , there is no way that there was any —or could possibly any glory—with the cross. It was inconceivable.

    In response, his listeners quote Psalm 89 to Jesus regarding the Messiah. Are they asking for scriptural proof, or are they looking for the scriptural veto? Jesus gives a quick encouragement about staying in the light and then disappears. The Light of the World disappeared. Another that prefigured an event (the tomb) that was to come. John quotes Isaiah to then show the hardness of heart of the people who surrounded Jesus. As much as we can carry the light into the world, we should. We just need to keep in mind that we are not Jesus. People who could put their hand out and touch Jesus did not believe in him and even many of those that did chose this life over the promise.

    1) Every day we often have to choose between the promise and this life. In what areas of your life are you struggling with this?

    2) Many times we can shake our heads at those who could see Jesus, but still denied him. We think ourselves unable to do that. However, do you really see the image of God in everyone you ?

    3) Why is Jesus’ parable of the wheat important? What does it tell you about your legacy?