Tag: integrity

  • Trail Blaze

    Trail Blaze

    Psalm 46, Genesis 45:25–46:7

    The King James Bible is arguably the single most significant book of the English language. Because of its centrality to the British Empire and the of England, the King James Bible had the unique placement to be the primary English language teaching and formation book for centuries, including all the colonies that the British Empire launched.

    What people may not realize is that the King James Bible was the fourth English translation of the Bible. In fact, some of its language and interpretation is owed to the previous translations that were banned for a time. You might recognize the of the predecessor translations: Tyndale, Wycliffe, Cloverdale.

    It is those 3 English translations that are the real launching point for our visit with the Scriptures.

    When we read this passage from Genesis, we are missing a few important pieces. First, the Hebrews had a long history with Egypt. Abraham and Isaac sojourned there for a time (also during famines). The one time Jacob was about to enter Egypt, God stopped him.

    In a very unorthodox way, Joseph was sent before his . Joseph’s , , and managerial skills allowed Joseph to be second only to Pharaoh. And, really, if you read that part of the story, it seems that even Pharaoh only kept a little for appearances sake.

    Now, however, Jacob was to go! God promised him as the God of his (Jacob’s) predecessors. This is God’s testimony to Jacob that God continues to be to the first , and that this is part of the fulfilling of the promise. What is striking is that God uses the promise of many promises to echo the previous ones, making it all but assured. It only required that Jacob go.

    Tyndale, Wycliffe, and Cloverdale were not universally for their translations. Part of the King James’ directive for the “Authorized” version was translating the scriptures so as to justify the Episcopate (Archbishops and bishop hierarchy of the Church of England) and the “Divine right” of kings. That’s pretty self-serving for the translation of Holy Scriptures. This would override some of what Tyndale, Wycliffe, and Cloverdale had done.

    Tyndale, Wycliffe, and Cloverdale would have likely (mostly) supported the KJV because it did what they had wanted. It brought the Scriptures into the language that the people actually used. Despite the less than happy ending of their translations, it seems likely that without them going before, the importance of an English Bible would not have been seen or understood until much later.

    Who went before us we may never know. We may never know who we went before.

    It not for us to know. It is for us to .



    • Who went before you?
    • Who follows behind you?
  • Rooftop Shenanigans

    Rooftop Shenanigans

    Jeremiah 17:9–11; Luke 12:1–12

    If you have a smartphone, you are probably aware of this little program installed on it, which is supposedly an assistant. “Hello, Google, Siri, Bixby, Alexa.” This program can be helpful.

    Yet, there is often weirdness associated with it. There have been plenty of experiences where Facebook suddenly shows stuff in a person’s feed that they were just talking about. There have even been acknowledged failures where the microphones sent sounds to headquarters when the devices were not being interacted with by their “owners”.

    This was not the way Jesus likely intended, “whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the , and what you have whispered in an ear in private rooms will be proclaimed on housetops.”

    People don’t really want their private lives splayed out on anybody’s hard drive, whether it be the government or corporation. This holds true even when they have nothing to hide. There is a feeling of violation.

    The implication of Jesus’ words is that those that seek and the downfall of others will eventually receive their reward. Whether it is on the tabloids at the supermarket, the entertainment blogs, or the roofs of Heaven itself one’s darkest secrets are fair game when in conflict with the .

    It might sound harsh. However, for many proud hearts it was only when their secrets and shames came out did repentant hearts blossom. Others steadfastly continued their ways and made the way for those who followed easier without compensation.

    What many people is how they look to their fellow humans. They don’t want their secrets out. They don’t want to be belittled. We all have in us, some more than others.

    People will sometimes go to stupid extremes to maintain their secrets, for they fear those who can bring (whether it be death of name, popularity, riches, or itself). Often, far too often, they do not fear (enough) the one they will see after their time here on earth is done.

    A person of integrity, it is said, does the same in the dark as in the light. It’s a good general rule. It’s probably not 100%.

    Just like the world, the church is filled with those who lurk in the dark. Sometimes those who have the greatest darkness hide in the places of greatest light, thinking to hid in plain . For who would look for them there?


    Father, you know and judge the hearts of all. Holy , shape and mold us into hearts of light. Amen.

  • Substantial Character

    Substantial Character

    Daniel 6:1–24; Philippians 2:3–16

    Adventure! Drama! Let’s see the big scene!

    Daniel and the Lion’s Den is a dramatic story. No question about that. It’s a great one for kids.

    Daniel, himself, is a great character. Daniel has great character. If you read the story carefully, you’ll notice something interesting. Daniel only has spoken words at the end when he assures Darius that all is well.

    This also speaks to Daniel’s character. As much as the Book of Daniel is Daniel’s story, the Book of Daniel is about God’s plan and redemptive action regarding the people of Judah in their time of exile.

    Daniel (along with others) was called to work for the they were in (for the Generations community, that was the topic of the last two sermons). He was called to work for the benefit of the kingdom. He was not called to power.

    ※ Why do we often think we must have “power” to change things or make things better? ※

    Daniel did gain power. However, he did not act as if it was his to do with as he pleased. This contrasts with the two other administrators and all the satraps.* who sought greater power and control of their own. As Daniel was successful as a leader for the empire, pursuing their own and power was then not working for the empire.

    As we watch the unfolding of political events around the world (not just the US), all too often people use the emotions of others to draw people it…to gain power and influence. Most of the bureaucrats that are often maligned are putting aside their gain to their best (as they understand it) for their .

    Does that mean there aren’t any “bad actors”? Of course not! It does mean there are likely as many “bad actors” as there are anywhere else, or as few. Yet, a cabal like the one portrayed here is really beyond the US system (despite the conspiracy theories, yes, I’m stepping in a minefield).

    However, culturally, it was . In fact, there are still examples of it today throughout the world. Thus, the best witness that Daniel could be (the one he was called to) was to God well through the place and time he was.

    ※What is the witness of this time and place for you? ※

    Daniel truly embodies the Christ-like characteristics of unselfish ambition looking to the benefits of Darius and the Median empire. His character was so resolute that even his adversaries recognized it.

    Daniel became a true and devout of the empire, even going so far as to submit to being setup. Daniel maintained his integrity and his faithful witness, despite the efforts of those around him.

    While perhaps only for a brief time, Darius honored Daniel’s faith and the God Daniel served. All this building up to even a greater witness.

    Imagine that. Being quiet, gentle, unassuming, and working for the benefit of others was Daniel’s greatest witness.

    These same characteristics apply to . As Paul noted, Jesus being God to serve the created. While not literally exiled from Heaven (unlike others), Jesus was in exile. Jesus was now in one heart with the created.

    Jesus surrendered in grace and mercy to a system and peoples (Jews and Romans) that unjustly crucified him. Jesus did it for all people. He was looking out for everyone else’s interests.

    ※What does Paul’s ending words in this passage tell you about Paul’s heart? ※


    Spirit, shape and mold us to be humble people that seek the welfare of others so that we are a faithful witness of your work in our lives. Amen.

    * not including Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, more commonly called Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

  • Forward


    Job 1:1–5; 2 Corinthians 1:8–14 (read online ⧉)

    The story of Job is a famous story. It seems to be a story of a man going through unjust trials and misery. Job is often used in times of trial as a sort of encouragement, as if to say, if it could happen to Job, it can happen to you.

    Job, depending on translation, was a person of complete integrity or blameless and upright. Either one is hard for us to measure up to. How many of us, truly, would think of ourselves as being of complete integrity?

    During an interview, the question was asked of the interviewee, “are you honest?” The interviewee said, “yes.” The interviewer then asked, “have you ever lied or stolen?” The interviewee answered, “yes.” The interviewer then asked, “are you honest?” The interviewee again answered, “yes.”

    The test was not whether the person was honest, per se. Rather, it was if they had the integrity to answer the “ever lied or stolen” question with a “yes.” If they had answered, “no” to that question, the interview would have been over, for no one (other than , and perhaps Job) was that good of a person.

    When we read the story of Job, the story isn’t about Job’s “greatness” or “”. The story is about Job’s faithfulness to God. Despite all his troubles, he never gave up on God, even when his wife told him to.

    While God is always faithful, we often are not. It is our faithfulness, though, that intimately affects our individual life. When Paul and Timothy were going through a period of affliction, Paul noted that they received from God. Note the language that Paul used; overwhelmed beyond their own strength. By whose strength, then, could they succeed? God’s, of course.

    Paul’s faithfulness to God was rewarded with the strength to carry on. Except, reward is not exactly correct. We all have this exact strength available to us, too. Through our trials and tribulations, through COVID-19 and riots, we have the strength to persevere.

    However, many Christians do not believe they have that . That is the work of the adversary. The adversary isn’t necessarily the Devil either. The world, in this instance, can be the adversary, too. As the world (all of ) languishes in the results of broken (sin), it cannot understand how to overcome. It is lost in .

    Christians often succumb to that despair. Instead of faithfulness to God, they attribute to themselves (and often to God) the faithlessness of broken .

    As a mother bird gathers her young in her wings, so you do for us, oh, God. May we the warmth and love of your wings, as they gather us together, and help us to trust that you are for us. Amen.


    1) What are symptoms of despair that you see in the world? How about yourself?

    2) What are ways that we can help others strengthen their hearts against despair?

    3) How does despair affect things like hatred, discord, and the like?

  • No Face Value

    Genesis 20:1–18, 1 Samuel 16:7, Proverbs 21:2, Romans 1: 18–25

    When you look at someone, can you tell they are a ? If you can, there are a few reasons why: (1) Pride…yours for God knows and weighs the ; (2) Their and show ; (3) is there a 3rd one?

    In the Scriptures, we are cautioned to not assume that a person is right with God. Abraham made that mistake and almost caused a man to commit adultery who was innocent. Abraham assumed Abimelech did not God. Abraham may have been right when it came to the surface. However, Abimelech listened to God.

    As a , Christians have taken affirmations of faith at face value, for the very reason that we do not know the heart. does note in 1 Corinthians 12:3, that no one can say that Jesus is Lord without it being of the Spirit. However, in Romans 10:9, Paul also says that we are only saved if we believe in our hearts. One is an outward statement, and the Holy Spirit goes before all. The other is an inward statement that can only be between a person and God.

    There is a lot of finger-pointing in the world, and some of it involves avowed Christians (i.e., people who say they are Christians and/or follow Jesus Christ) pointing at other avowed Christians, and accusing them of apostasy (i.e., false teaching and/or walking away from the faith) or not being Christian. If we take the Scriptures seriously, then accusing another of not being a Christian because they don’t agree with us on certain issues (especially non-salvation issues) is not in line with what the Scriptures say becomes a very dangerous road to walk.

    1) Have you ever accused (whether out loud or in your mind) another person of not being a Christian, when they state they are one?

    2) What are some good ways to engage other Christians regarding important topics on which we ?

    3) When should disagreements be brought up, and when should they be left alone?

  • Everyday Morality

    2 Peter 3:8–15, 2 Corinthians 5:16–21

    Being human is not particularly easy. Our ability to think abstractly is a great . It is also a curse. With the ability to think abstractly, we also have gained a “higher” form of thinking…morality. From the Old Testament to Greek and Roman philosophers to the New Testament to today, morality is a reality. Many times political rhetoric is framed within a moral argument. Some times business and legal arguments are framed in moral terms. There appears to be an unconscious acknowledgment (for those who don’t consciously acknowledge it) that morals are a sure underpinning of existence.

    Peter is not addressing the philosophical of things, but the day-to-day practical. Morality underlies your very existence. When Peter uses the imagery of the Day of God as a thief in the night, it isn’t that of a criminal, but that of one who will not be announced. If your morality is aligned with God, all is well. Granted, Peter didn’t assume we all lived Godly morality at all times, for if that were the case, he wouldn’t have provided such a warning. In the warning, there is still for all those who do not live out the Christian life perfectly (i.e., everyone), “…make every effort…” How is that hopeful? Simple. The effort is the evidence of a turned toward God.

    This would be in contrast to those who live one way on Sunday, and another way the other 6 days of the week (especially, the “work” week). A number of years ago, there was a huge energy company. The board of this energy company would vote to suspend its bylaws and/or code of ethics, vote for something that violated it, then vote to resume the code of ethics. They called themselves ethical. They never “violated” their code of ethics, because they were “suspended” during the unethical votes. That is a small (disgusting and sad) example of not making every effort.

    The underlying reality of morality also directly affects the calling on our lives to be ambassadors for Christ. “Be to God.” If our morality is suspect, then how could our reconciliation be trusted. One of the first things a negotiator (especially true with police negotiators) is to build rapport with the other person. Then, and only then, do they begin to build . If one’s morality is in question, trust is hard (if not impossible) to build. If we, as Ambassadors, are seen as immoral (or amoral), then why would they trust us when we speak the of the ?

    Make every effort to be reconciled to God, for then you are able to help be reconciled to God.

    1) Morality and are often used interchangeably. What is the difference? Why does it matter?

    2) Why is understanding the difference between human morality and God’s morality important? Why is understanding the difference between church morality and God’s morality important?

    3) When do you not make every effort to live life for God?

  • Trusting Joy

    Trusting Joy

    Psalm 37:3-6, Joel 2:12-13, Isaiah 12:2-6, James 1:2-4

    Integrity, so it is said, is doing the right thing when nobody is watching. It can be tempting to do the wrong thing when no one is watching. It is often easy to do the right thing when everyone is cheering.

    It’s when no one is cheering, or people are even grumbling or threatening those who do right, that we come to the hard part of out our faith.

    “Trust in the LORD, and do what is good…”
    Psalm 37:3

    “…I will trust [the LORD] and not be afraid…”
    Isaiah 12:2

    When it gets tough to do right, all we can do is trust God. Sounds easy, but how often do we fail to trust God, and instead trust ourselves, others, or things?

    James calls on us to be filled with joy in these situations. Joy? Yes, even in these situations. Perhaps, joy is most critical in these situations. The freedom to feel joy is fully reliant on God.

    Let us pray:

    Dear Heavenly Father, we know with our heads that we need to trust you. As we are frail human beings, help our hearts to trust you further than yesterday, and even more so tomorrow. Grant us the peaceful assurance of your grace, compassion, patience and . Help us to continue to seek the coming Messiah, and to be filled with joy of knowing you.

    , be with us through the remainder of the season, stirring our hearts to not take Christmas for granted, but to be stirred into of joy-filled praise of the Father, , and You. Continue to quicken our hearts and aid us in our journey of faith.

    , Son of God, thank you for becoming like us. Thank you for experiencing a life like ours. We are thankful that you know temptation, yet did not sin, us strength to choose the God-lit path of faith that goes through the .

    Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we lift you up on our praise. Help us to joyfully sing your praise, for your glory.
