Tag: jealousy

  • Wise Wisdom

    Wise Wisdom

    Psalm 119:121–128, 1 Kings 3:16–28, James 3:13–18

    ‌James’ words should deeply with us. His words should our conversations and even our thoughts. Let’s also be clear, and in and is rarely celebrated. Most celebrities, from actors to CEOs to politicians, are not generally known for their humility and wisdom. Humility, especially, is actually contrary to their functioning in their roles, and especially gaining their roles. It often takes a fair amount of (dishonest?) arrogance to persuade that the person in question is right for the position.

    ‌Theoretically, each should should be evaluated by their past successes and failures, yet, it just doesn’t seem to actually work that way. We Christians are often complicit in this. While we are called—whether by James, the wisdom of Solomon, or the Psalmist—to be wise, we often succumb to the world’s to follow the arrogant.

    , rivalry, slander, partiality, hypocrisy are all things James brings to mind as contrary to pure, -loving, gentile, willingness to yield, compassionate, and good deeds.

    ‌The Psalmist reminds us that we are to seek God, especially in regard to getting rid of those patterns of behavior contrary to godly wisdom. We ought to keep asking for that; this includes not getting frustrated when it doesn’t happen immediately.


    ‌Of James’ list, which one seems the easiest? Which one feels like it’s aimed at you?


    ‌God, grant us the godly wisdom you want us to have so that we can draw people to you, and to make our lives into conformance with yours. Amen.

  • And Now What?

    And Now What?

    Psalm 98; Isaiah 42:5–9; Acts 10:34–43

    It is not, by far, unique to American Christianity to be tied to a country. God fought for England, Scotland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Russia, and plenty of other places supposedly, as leaders quickly pulled God in their plans of military conquest (or defense). God, and in particular the brand (i.e., Roman Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, etc.), was used to support the war (often against other Christians, sadly).

    If historians and critics were honest and while the church often was part of it, most of it was really about , power, jealousy, and wealth (maybe some ). The Israelites were set apart as a of God-followers. They were unique as being the nation of God and the People of God. No human could take that away from them. It remained part of their self- even as they wandered from God.

    Isaiah’s was transformed from that of an Israelite to the Israelites, to that of an Israelite to the world. That this was in the midst of relocation, the threat of deportation, and the reality of being dominated makes it especially powerful. When one is assaulted, one tends to turn inward. If one turns outward, it is usually on the attack. Isaiah reached outward (in a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ) to restore, reconcile, and call the world to God.

    Thus, Peter’s words are really nothing more than the conclusion to the stage that was set with Isaiah all the way back to Abraham. God is for the world to be to God!

    The message of Christ—the message of God—seems to have been lost by the church, who is called to be the messenger, ambassador, and bride of God.

    Many of us have not learned the basics of our faith. Many of us have not learned how to speak well of our faith. Many of us have not learned how to be brave in the face of those who do not believe.

    We are called to reflect and respond. What God has called us to do, we should be doing, even though we may be very bad at it. While God will the results, God cherishes the hearts the pursues the aim of God… of the world to the one who created it.


    What are your thoughts about how you will be responding and learning to respond to God’s call on your ?


    Jesus, we are called by your title—Christ. Help us to be called by your mission, that we bring the world to your embrace. Amen.

  • Wages of Worth

    Wages of Worth

    1 Corinthians 9:1–16

    are not a small thing. There have been a number of studies that for the same position and experience women make less than men, and minorities make less than whites. The results of such studies can be quite disheartening.

    Numbers can be deliberately misinterpreted or mishandled or presented in a deceiving fashion. Numbers don’t lie. People do.

    If numbers were to portray the value of people, many of the remuneration studies would “say”: “white man” > “white woman” > “minority man” > “minority woman”. This is even the case in technical organizations that function in numbers and where skills and experience supposedly guide the way.

    I have been in a position to know the pay of . Some were paid more than others due to experience, skillset, and talent. Others were paid more than others because they came at a time where their skillset (even if normally inadequate) was needed (premium pay). To my , no one was paid differently because of their or gender, but that part was never part of my purview.

    Paul chided the Corinthians about their tight-fisted-ness. Based on previous verses, it is likely that people are maligning Paul either because he doesn’t take payment or because others were getting paid. As a bi-vocational pastor, I have been told I was (and have been treated as) not a “real” pastor because I wasn’t paid. I was also told that a “real” pastor wouldn’t be working a second job (even though that’s the one feeding my ).

    To protect the innocent, I will say there once was a with a pastor and his family (and this isn’t about me). They paid their pastor so poorly (and the church was in a wealthy ) that their pastor was on food stamps. In outrage, one of the board members successfully pushed a pay increase, putting the pastor over the food stamp eligibility. The only problem is that because of that, the pastor and his family went into a higher tax bracket, and he made less. The family was worse off. The board was fine with it, as the optics of their pastor on food stamps was removed.

    These differences in the treatment of pastors (my experience and the innocent pastor) me a good reason to look at Paul. This weird dichotomy of it’s bad that Paul isn’t paid to it’s bad these leaders are paid makes a person’s head hurt.

    Paul’s biblically grounded of, “Yes, I have earned the right to be paid; you have the obligation to pay me,” and then saying, “but I choose not to be paid so that I am not a burden to you,” is amazing. His defense of his fellow leaders, who were getting paid, displays a lack of or a sense of being where he belongs.

    The whole situation might seem strange. However, as we look at our own society and culture, we can recognize similarities. “You get what you pay for,” would put Paul in question as he was “free”. “I can get a better orator or cheaper speaker here,” would put the other leaders’ wages in question. If we’re honest with ourselves, many businesses (we should that churches wouldn’t do this) can look at an employee and see which one costs more. If they have a family, they will naturally require a higher wage. A young unmarried person has nothing to tie them down (they might work more), so they can accept a lower wage.

    We say that people are equal, but we often don’t treat them that way. Wages should not define a person, but we often treat them as the test of their worthiness. God forgive us.

  • You’re MINE

    You’re MINE

    Luke 9:49–56

    feuds can be long and painful. Some people are relieved that they won’t be traveling for the annual family gathering during Thanksgiving.

    The Jews and the Samaritans were family. They were at one point, at least. Over the generations, things continued to get worse, until they became enemies.

    Peculiarly, the Samaritans still retained some semblance of God . Even that created some tension, as both Jew and Samaritan viewed “their” understanding of God as right, and the other as wrong.

    That Jesus came to the Samaritans recognizes that they still had a place in God’s family. Jesus’ earthly ministry focused on the Jews, but the Samaritans were there in the margins.

    There was no question that the Samaritans viewed Jesus in a positive . In this passage, though, we see that there is still some aspect of us versus them.

    The Samaritans were upset that Jesus would “abandon” them for Jerusalem. This was a problem of misunderstanding and . They had some view of Jesus as theirs, despite him being a Jew.

    Jealousy such as this isn’t all that uncommon. The problem is that we frame famous people with our own beliefs. We will often look at them and interpret everything they did or said through the lenses of our beliefs.

    Christians have done the same thing. We take our beliefs (communism, capitalism, , nationality, culture) and Jesus. We’ve seen that a lot this chaotic year.

    Yet, if we read the and the views of other people (especially from other cultures or theologies), it tends to shake our lenses a bit. Sometimes more than we like.

    We like our Jesus just like we like our politicians and celebrities: safe for us, but not for them. The Samaritans were much the same.

    However, at least with Jesus, if he is safe for everyone, then we can be sure that that’s a false view of Him.


    1) What false views of Jesus have you held?

    2) What are the dangers of false views of Jesus?

    3) What are the best ways to determine if we have false views of Jesus?


    Jesus, help us to truly know you so that we are not lead astray from you, your , or your message of hope and to the world. Amen.

  • Wholly New or Newly Whole

    Wholly New or Newly Whole

    2 Corinthians 5:14–21; Titus 1:1–3

    The “new creation” is an often-quoted phrase. Like many verses in the , it can stand on its own. However (you knew that was coming), in context its meaning is so much more important than a mere new creation. It is a creation with a purpose.

    While it is accurate to say that we are new creations through Jesus Christ, it also leaves too much interpretation to the speaker and the hearer as to what exactly that means. The common first response is (along the lines of), no longer a sinner, or, reconciled to God, or a child of God.

    All of these are theologically accurate. The problem is they are also very selfish and self-centered. These statements are about us. Being a new creation is about us. It also about God.

    In particular, what is our purpose? Why are we a new creation? Why does being a new creation even matter?

    The answer comes earlier, “…so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the one who died for them and was raised.”

    Let’s be honest with ourselves, we still live for ourselves. We often make decisions based on our desires or through seemingly logical decisions. Sometimes we’ll even “pray” about them. Are the results really about Jesus Christ?

    Now, this really could go down a road that did not intend. Paul didn’t mean for a blacksmith (for example) to stop being a blacksmith and stop making blacksmith decisions. Nor did Paul mean that one stops being a parent (adopted or biological). Yes, both of those are possibilities, but that isn’t the point.

    Really, the new creation is more along the lines of thinking of for their benefit because Jesus Christ thought of your benefit, even while you were estranged from God.

    In this comes the question, is the new creation a completely (wholly) new thing or is it the old thing made whole. Either answer still ultimately results in something new, it’s just the emphasis that has changed.

    Once the “new” has come into its fullness, then this new creation seeks to draw people to Christ by loving them, thinking well of, and for them, even if it gains no worldly benefit. The new creation is to bring the not-yet-made-new to a point in their lives to be made new.

    Bringing along the not-yet-made-new may take a while. Even God, as Paul tells Titus, took time to reveal the fullness of God’s saving message. It will take time for us to reveal it to others, too.

    We are called, as new creations, to be faithful in bringing more people into the fold of God’s , no matter how long it may take and how many setbacks there are.

    We are called to all in their hate, their , their , their ignorance. We also do this knowing that we still have hate, fear, jealousy, and ignorance in us, too.


    Lord, make us new every day. Help us to put yesterday in its place, and step into today in the fullness of your , , and love. Amen.


    1) If you have saving faith in Jesus Christ, what was your first “symptom” of being made new? If you do not yet have such a saving faith, what might (or should) someone look like who has given their to Jesus Christ? Why?

    2) Why does it matter if we are wholly new or newly whole? What is the difference?

    3) What was the last decision you prayed about? What makes you think the answer was the Jesus answer?

  • Owed


    Luke 4:14–30; John 7:1–9; Romans 13:8–10

    is a powerful force. Jealousy, envy, and are also powerful forces.

    Over time, love does win over jealousy and envy, but it often takes a lot of time, and the hurt and can take a long time to heal (if it ever does). It’s the short term where the effects are quick and brutal.

    When returns to Galilee, he’s home. Like all homecomings, it was full of -filled laughs, parties. You know, the new prophet preaching the coming would be welcome to town. Except, as we know (and as we read), that wasn’t the case at all.

    And it didn’t get any better. His brothers piled on. For those with siblings (or are parents of them), they probably understand. Brothers are brothers.

    wounds or wounds of friends that are like family can be awful.

    However, this is where ‘s words come in. We don’t owe others anything (including vengeance) except love. Sounds kind of strange.

    We often operate in life as we owe people something. That may be true. That is what Paul wants to reset in our hearts.

    If we do things for others because we love them—truly, selflessly—that is revolutionary.

    What about owing them? That seems rather odd. Why would we “owe” them? Perhaps it is because of whose we are.


    Lord Jesus, help us be people of love, because you first us. Amen.


    Love as owed. What is your immediate to that?

  • Humble Feasting

    Humble Feasting

    Mark 7:1–8; Mark 12:38–40; Luke 14:7–14 (read online ⧉)

    To some degree, we all have a desire to be needed, acknowledged, valued, and heard. Often these are decried as pride. Yet, research (and life) consistently show that a child who is acknowledged, valued, and heard (and even needed to a degree) will up emotionally healthier than those who lack these things. Yet, if they are over-acknowledged, -valued, -heard, -needed (helicopter-parents, anyone?), they also grow up unhealthy emotionally. There is a balance.

    One of the biggest indicators of a healthy measure of need, acknowledgment, value, and being heard is whether a person is satisfied at the cost of or not. This isn’t a zero-sum game. It is quite possible to be valued and not devalue others.

    When the Pharisees and scribes challenged Jesus’ disciples’ lack of washing, they were elevating their understanding of the Scriptures and traditions of the elders over God and the people. God had set the boundaries, but the elders put a bigger “fence” around the original Law in an attempt to “protect” the Law and the of God as if either the Law or God needed it. The larger issue was that the fence was a huge burden to people, and wore down their hearts and souls. This was, in effect, bullying of the weak.

    Jesus’ perspective becomes more apparent later on when Jesus’ assault on the behavioral patterns towards widows, and toward others. Their expectations of how they were to be treated were over and above what they should be expecting, especially as their expectations would often happen to the detriment of others, especially those for whom they were supposed to care for. Their desires and expectations were certainly unhealthy for everyone, even themselves.

    In the parable of the feast, Jesus notes that people will often rate themselves higher than they ought. It wasn’t just a matter of wealth or privilege, it was who was valued by their relationship with the host. It was, honestly, also who could do the most for the host. Which is why Jesus addressed that, too.

    The reality is that we are all in places where we could overvalue ourselves, and place ourselves in our own harm’s way. There is also the chance that we do not value ourselves as highly as others (though we have to be careful about false humility, too).

    In the conversations of today, whether we are talking about race, gender, equality (of varying sorts), politics, humility is where the begins. None of us is the Savior. There is only one person in that role.

    [Cheryce Rampersad]※

    Heavenly Father, I come before Your throne of and to ask that You bring humility into my life. Allow me to not be filled with pride, , or boastful gestures toward those around me. Let my heart be filled with love, , peace, and happiness for my fellow men. [Amen]


    1) Have you ever had the experience of publically being knocked down a peg or two? Was it justified? Does that matter? How did you feel?

    2) Were you ever honored or valued publically beyond what you thought you deserved or expected? What was that like?

    3) Why is it important to be humble (maybe even pray for humility) before having a deep or significant conversation with a person with whom you believe you or have had different experiences than?

  • Strong Protecting Love

    Isaiah 26:1–6, Psalm 18:1–9, Nehemiah 6:15–16

    is measured in many ways. When you’re the one being attached, often it is by fists (or equivalent). Another way is deterrent. In other words, what will be the cost to attack? When a strong city is called out, it is a city that, yes, can defend itself. It is also a city that would not want to attack. This particular city, Jerusalem, had God as its ultimate defense.

    What country or military would want to attack God? This was the hope of the Israelites, that God would protect them.

    God does want to protect those who love God, and and God. The phrasing, however, gets odd when we talk about jealousy. Jealousy always seems to be bad. Even when we say God has a jealous love for us, it sounds bad.

    Rev. George Harrison calls jealousy the shadow of love. That doesn’t sound much better. However, he notes that what we often jealousy is actually love corrupted by envy. True jealousy—or righteous jealousy—is when wholesome love and devotion are denied, betrayed, or destroyed.

    God, then, is jealous when the love due by right (as Creator) and relationship (whether Israelite, or the not quite) is no longer. God’s jealous love is the of one betrayed. As the one whose love is faithful and never-changing, God would do just about anything for those God loves.

    1) Re-read the last paragraph. What do we have of this?

    2) Re-read the scriptures with this understanding of God’s jealous love. Does your understanding ?

    3) What is important to understand God’s jealous love and our lives, and how we live them?