Tag: Kingdom of Heaven

  • Mixing It Up

    Mixing It Up

    It can seem strange to question and particularly the unity of disparate people, but that is what is happening here. Jew and Gentile united in a single . The Jew and Gentile outside that faith assaulted it.

    Unity is a great thing. The church is supposed to be a place of unity. Yet, the church also remains the most divided. It is divided by culture, , skin color, money, location and many other reasons.

    Yet, the “obvious” isn’t all bad. Really. If we didn’t have divisions, well, there would be one pastor…one…for everyone. Already, we know that wouldn’t work.

    Some sociologists state that our effective relational capacity is approximately 100. This “tribal” view of humanity would certainly explain much of what each of us experience in . It also explains the church.

    In many regards, the divisions that we see in the world are not that surprising. As the ability to connect the whole world in real-time expands and becomes embedded in our lives, we are all experiencing the stress of a “tribal” size beyond our capacity to deal with and understand.

    This does not spare us the responsibility to and understand. The “tribal” concept may be about to be turned upside down.

    The church of Iconium, for example, broke the “tribal” boundaries. The tribal-breaking church remains the world’s greatest hope. It is this that makes the divided church so painful.

    The world needs an enemy. Tribes need enemies. The enemies may not be ones of warfare. They may be economic or cultural or something else.

    The church is called to cross enemy lines not to defeat the enemy, but to reconcile the enemy, so that there are no more enemies.


    • Which “tribal” identities do you identify with?
    • Which “tribal” identities do you struggle most with?
    • How do you think the early church overcame “tribal” identities?


    Lord, grant us the and to follow the example of your along with the first churches, that we can truly be the witnesses to the world of your great love. Amen.

  • Power to…

    Power to…

    Jeremiah 31:10–14; John 5:19–40

    If you had the power to anything and everything, would you? If you could eliminate war, disease, hatred, bigotry, misogyny…would you?

    If you could judge people perfectly…would you?

    The structure of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy ) is a conundrum. The Father is God; the Son () is God; the Holy Spirit is God. The Father is neither the Son nor the Holy Spirit. The Son is neither the Father nor the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not the Father nor the Son. Yet, one God, three-in-one.

    It might seem peculiar to bring up the Trinity, as the passage from John is about the Son (Jesus) and the Father. We see that Jesus says that he is not able to do anything apart from the Father, and that the Father gave all judgement to Jesus.

    What Kingdom is that? If a human had all the power to judge (perfectly), why would they that up? At best, a human has the power to judge okay, but with far too many errors. The Father gave it to Jesus.

    The Judge (Jesus) will raise each person, whether good or bad, to answer for their life. How this works, who knows? Will a person watch a movie of their life and condemn or justify it? Is our soul weighed on some sort of scale? Many such have been asked; many have been given.

    The underlying is that each and every person, even those who think of Jesus as nothing more than a nice guy in history, only want to imagine being accepted by Jesus.

    According to Jeremiah, the Kingdom will redeem, refresh, and water (with the Water) people. As a result, they will be strong, -filled, and satisfied.

    These verses declare God’s kingdom. However, one verse later foreshadows the evil that happens after the Messiah, the harbinger of the Kingdom, is born. No great (or even mediocre) kingdom avoids the evil in the hearts of men, unless it is the .


    God, may our hearts love and accept you, that we are your children, and that we have a place with you. Amen.

  • Kingdom Justice

    Kingdom Justice

    Psalm 7; Revelation 19:1–9

    “They got what they deserved.”

    We long for justice. In fact, much of the separation between political parties and people, in general, is defined by justice. When we look at emotionally charged issues such as racism, justice is often the biggest piece.

    The person negatively affected want to feel heard and, more importantly, things to get better (i.e., “more just”). The person who appears to benefit from racism often assumes that the justice of the affected will negatively affect them. Until both come to a logically, emotionally, and spiritually satisfying definition of justice and what justice looks like.

    This sounds pretty close to impossible, doesn’t it? It is. This is why those who seek justice often become frustrated, which often develops into anger, whether they are the aggrieved or the established.

    As much as we often think that the US is unique, we aren’t. There are countries with greater racism problems, and there are countries with lesser. It doesn’t change that it is there. Often the tensions are just as strong elsewhere, sometimes even stronger. The question is, how do we resolve it?

    The answer lies in Rwanda. Decades ago, there was a massive shift between the two primary (but not only) groups, the Tutsi and Hutu. Through a combination of internal , German and Belgium historical politics, and Roman Catholic historical misunderstandings, there was a mass killing (often called genocide) of Tutsi people.

    This is a prime example because the entire scenario is a mess. According to some historians, the “separation” of the Tutsi/Hutu is a 20th Century (political) invention. Others claim that they have always been distinct. Add internal animosities, colonialist history, and religious teachings, there is no singular cause. It just blew up.

    In such a scenario, there is . There is a village where both victim Tutsi and aggressor Hutu. In a recent interview, a man and a woman talked about their lives in the village as neighbors. You heard the love they have for each other, and how they look out for one another. Then you heard that the man killed the woman’s .

    Where’s the justice? Exactly. Whose justice? The woman who will never get her family back? Will she live and writhe in anger? The man? Who followed others, yet took responsibility, and still has nightmares of what he did? Especially, as he hurt a woman that he knows and loves.

    The justice of the of Heaven is so different than the justice we comprehend. Even justice we believe is guided by the love, , , and holiness of Christ through the Spirit is still lacking.


    What do you think of different people having different understandings of justice? How about in the context of both being followers of Jesus? How do we work through justice issues as fellow followers of Christ, when our starting points are different?


    God of Mercy and Justice, help us to be your hands and feet. Guide us to reconcile our own hurting hearts and the hearts of others, that we all may better bear your light and love into the world. Amen.

  • Whose King

    Whose King

    Psalm 95:1–7a; Ezekiel 34:11–24; Matthew 25:31–46; Ephesians 1:15–23

    Christ is King. We often say that to ourselves and to others. The real question that we need to ask is, do we believe it?

    As the 2020 US political season wraps up, the victors and the losers each have their speeches to give, and much to reflect upon. We, too, have much to reflect upon. This isn’t just a need for the US. The entire world was watching this election.

    The harsh is political parties are not . This is by definition. Political parties’ very nature is that of the kingdom of earth. Too many people have tried to put the Heavenly mission into the earthly basket and are disappointed when it fails.

    When Ezekiel talks about God rescuing the flock from the , it certainly seems politics is part of the darkness. Despite often wedding ourselves to a political party, God still talks about bringing us back, us, and strengthening us.

    “Isn’t it enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the of the pasture with your feet? Or isn’t it enough that you drink the clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?” (Ezekiel 34:18, CSB)

    How much of that sounds like Christians have been treating each other? Far too much.

    Probably the biggest reason why politics don’t mesh with the Kingdom of Heaven is what motivates each of them. Politics are about power (yes, it should be more). The Kingdom of Heaven is about .

    One cannot bring about the Kingdom of Heaven through politics. One either loves and has power of influence, or one has power and loves little. It would be nice if the two could work , but humanity seems incapable. Humanity certainly is incapable of any cohesion of the two without the indwelling of the Holy .

    The Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus, the King of Heaven, should overwhelm our earthly politics with love.


    What does it say about the depth of our when politics often overrides our faith? How does your faith inform your politics? Have you ever had the experience of choosing a candidate from “the wrong party” because they appeared more closely aligned with your faith than the candidate from “the right party”? If not, can you imagine what it would be like, and what might drive that?


    Lord, we declare you our king. Help us live it out. Amen.

  • Moneyed Futures

    Moneyed Futures

    2 Samuel 7:12–21; Matthew 6:33–34; James 4:13–5:6

    If you’ve ever listened to Dave Ramsey, you’ve probably heard of the “emergency” fund. When you start his Financial Peace University program, this is the first thing to be done. His point being that credit cards and payday loan “emergencies” become less so when you actually plan for them.

    Ramsey goes so far as to say each ought to have available funds to cover 3-6 months of expenses. That is often a large pill to swallow. Yet, as many people are struggling to make ends meet, and are looking at losing their jobs, homes, and even health care much would have been easier if all were so prepared.

    In response to the 25%+ foreclosure rate during the Great Depression, the federal loan agent Fannie Mae was created in 1938. As homes and property were assets, there was some tolerance for it. Though one can look at the current housing market and if Fannie Mae (and its “sibling” Freddie Mac) were a good idea.

    In 1950, Diner’s Club International created the credit card. American Express followed a few years later. Bank of America followed them (eventually creating Visa). Then came Master Charge (now MasterCard). People were now able to borrow themselves into oblivion.

    Then we add things like personal loans, auto loans, and student loans, it has become a real mess. The way the US tax code is, even companies are encouraged to do massive loans for tax benefits. The sad part is how much inflation all these loans (and the ability to get them) have probably caused.

    However, what is interesting is that Generation Z has experienced and witnessed this, and all the companies that make money off of loans may be in real trouble. Gen Z already (barely into the workforce) has the highest rate of savings since those who grew up during the Great Depression.

    The reality is that all these loans, and all that is spent, buys nothing in the eternal , at least not by itself. James’ words are rather harsh, but as we look around us, we can see that perhaps James wasn’t harsh enough.

    A certain aerospace company contractually forced its subtiers (and their subtiers) to continue production of a plane that was grounded internationally. The rate of manufacturing was elevated at such a rate that hundreds of planes are now sitting, unsold. All the contractually obligated subtiers are also sitting on what is now likely at least a year’s (and likely 2-3) worth of inventory, with no one to send it to.

    The arrogance of large corporations can be seen in James’ words. Also, as we look at all of our political leaders, we can see that arrogance regarding the is just as much an issue for them as for companies.

    Normal folks encouraged to have loans they can’t afford, look at the corporations and politicians who, by and large, escape the consequences. Normal folks are the ones losing their jobs. The politicians are keeping theirs.


    What are some lessons that we as Christians and as people of the US can from the economy and the COVID situation? How do we apply them to our Christian walk moving ? How might the lessons how we treat and even exercise our freedoms and responsibilities?


    Lord, you are our and our firm foundation. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide us toward a holy view of money that we might be better citizens of the US and also the . Amen.

  • Following


    Matthew 10:21–22; Matthew 12:46–50; Luke 11:27–28

    Have you ever been in a …and it’s going well…and then it’s really digging in…and then someone interrupts? That feeling of…really? Couldn’t you have held out just a bit longer?

    Really? What was so important?

    . Except, in comparison to the , what is family? That might sound a bit harsh, yet for those who chose to follow when he was walking on earth and especially those that followed him after the , that was reality. For many, it was versus family on earth.

    In the 2 later passages (Matthew 12 and Luke 11), Jesus is teaching about the of God. Then people interrupt with the family on earth. In Matthew 12, it is a combination of those listening and his earthly family that interrupt the teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Jesus’ to that is to include all those around him as mother and brothers, as long as they do the will of God.

    Another time, a stranger interrupts Jesus to bless his mother, Mary. Not that her is a bad thing, but what does this have to do with the Kingdom of God?

    His response is similar to before. Blessed are those who follow God.


    1) Have you ever had a situation where the path before you appeared to be God or (earthly) family? If so, what regrets do you have for whichever path you chose? If not, why do you think you were spared that choice?

    2) How can the Kingdom of God replace our earthly families? What does the Kingdom of God seem to be missing (sometimes?) versus earthly families?


    , you have called us to be your children. We are still children in the world, too. Help us to look to you for guidance as we navigate the earthly family around us. Amen.

  • Rumble


    Exodus 19:17–20; Haggai 2:5–9; Hebrews 12:25–27

    We are often skeptical about God making the mountains tremble and the oceans roar. Our deeper understanding of the natural world makes us a little arrogant about things. We “know” that it’s really tectonic plate movement that causes that. The heavens don’t really shake, so we think. We “know” all about stars and gas giants and planets.

    While the often turn to (what was to them) mysterious events beyond their understanding, their underlying understanding matches our own. God created everything.

    The writer of Hebrews understood and shared that created things are not permanent. They will not last. The writer of Hebrews presents this in contrast to the of God which is .

    Often, we judge our lives, their successes, and failures, upon the frailties of created things. Sometimes we value our lives based upon career, , gathered things. Sometimes we value our lives upon people. Regardless, in the face of the , they are only temporary.

    In a time such as this, when society seems so unstable, it is good to understand that the is stable, everlasting, and unshakable.


    1) What is something created or temporary you find really important? Why?

    2) Even when science gives a mechanism or way to understand the natural world, why is it still critically important to who created it all?

    3) What’s “shaking” you right now? How can you put that on the sure foundation of the Kingdom of God?


    Lord, help us be assured that we are firmed rooted on your foundation. Amen.

  • Rooftop Shenanigans

    Rooftop Shenanigans

    Jeremiah 17:9–11; Luke 12:1–12

    If you have a smartphone, you are probably aware of this little program installed on it, which is supposedly an assistant. “Hello, Google, Siri, Bixby, Alexa.” This program can be helpful.

    Yet, there is often weirdness associated with it. There have been plenty of experiences where Facebook suddenly shows stuff in a person’s feed that they were just talking about. There have even been acknowledged failures where the microphones sent sounds to headquarters when the devices were not being interacted with by their “owners”.

    This was not the way Jesus likely intended, “whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the , and what you have whispered in an ear in private rooms will be proclaimed on housetops.”

    People don’t really want their private lives splayed out on anybody’s hard drive, whether it be the government or corporation. This holds true even when they have nothing to hide. There is a feeling of violation.

    The implication of Jesus’ words is that those that seek and the downfall of will eventually receive their reward. Whether it is on the tabloids at the supermarket, the internet entertainment blogs, or the roofs of Heaven itself one’s darkest secrets are fair game when in conflict with the .

    It might sound harsh. However, for many proud hearts it was only when their secrets and shames came out did repentant hearts blossom. Others steadfastly continued their ways and made the way for those who followed easier without compensation.

    What many people is how they look to their fellow humans. They don’t want their secrets out. They don’t want to be belittled. We all have in us, some more than others.

    People will sometimes go to stupid extremes to maintain their secrets, for they fear those who can bring death (whether it be death of , popularity, riches, or life itself). Often, far too often, they do not fear (enough) the one they will see after their time here on earth is done.

    A person of integrity, it is said, does the same in the dark as in the light. It’s a good general rule. It’s probably not 100%.

    Just like the world, the church is filled with those who lurk in the dark. Sometimes those who have the greatest darkness hide in the places of greatest light, thinking to hid in plain . For who would look for them there?


    , you know and judge the hearts of all. , shape and mold us into hearts of light. Amen.