Tag: kingdom

  • Little Pieces Together

    Little Pieces Together

    Psalm 104:24–35; Joel 2:18–29; 1 Corinthians 12:4–11

    Before churches had stained glass, there were two ways the would decorate and—more importantly—tell the stories of the Bible (and the church) in pictures. The first was primarily on the wall and ceilings, and that was paintings. The second was primarily on the floor, but also sometimes on walls, and was mosaics.

    Many ancient sites were discovered to be churches often because of the mosaics. As they were made of stone and/or ceramic, they would withstand dirt, mud, and being buried. If you have the chance to check out YouTube, you should be able to find videos where you can watch archaeologists unbury and then restore the beautiful mosaics to their former glory (in time-lapse, of course). Symbolic of we humans restored by the blood of Christ from messy and dirty (and buried in and ) to the beauty of God’s child.

    As an art form, mosaics are often made from broken pottery and put into a larger picture. Whether it is the church, humanity as a whole, or as a whole, they are made up of smaller pieces that are often broken or damaged and are a beautiful bigger picture. One could even say that each is greater than the sum of its pieces.

    Within the respective circles of church, humanity, and Creation, there is a cycle of death, birth, and growth. The psalmist says that God makes the face of the earth new again (Psalm 104:30). The cycle of is both renewal and . Nothing is ever quite the same.

    Through Joel, God tells the people that things will be good again in regard to land, crops, security. Even so, underlying that is the reality that things will never be exactly the same. Things certainly won’t be as they were in David’s and Solomon’s time (especially as David and Solomon’s time would have grown into mythic proportions).

    The relationship between the people and God would be restored. The Promised Land would be restored. The people’s place in the Promised Land would be restored. Still, things would not be exactly the same. Other prophets also told the people that they would be restored, but it would be different and in a good way.

    Jesus’ advent was even more so a new way of things that the world needed to adjust to (and is still adjusting to). With Jesus’ departure, the coming would change things all the more. People had had their roles to play. Some were moved by the Holy Spirit. This new coming, however, was different. Roles were one thing (still are), but gifts were a new thing.

    Now everyone had a . Each of those gifts had a purpose and place in the here on earth. All the gifts together (the mosaic) make Jesus’ beautiful bride, the church.


    What makes a gift “spiritual” versus “natural” or “trained”? Do you know which spiritual gifts you have? If so, what are they, and what are they doing? If not, God to guide you in searching, that you may have a greater effect for the kingdom (Don’t worry. It can take time.)


    Lord, may we be renewed and empowered to do your will. Amen.

  • Hand Power

    Hand Power

    Psalm 115; Numbers 8:5–22; Titus 1:1–9

    In Numbers, the outline for priestly behavior is pretty minimal. Do your job. They also have an date, 50. Yes, there were other concerns (as the children of Eli showed in 1 Samuel). By and large, though, the duties of the priests were what set them apart, not their . However, there is an aspect of their installation (i.e., becoming priests) that is well worth looking at. The people laid their hands on the priests.

    This might sound kind of strange, and even unrelated, to us. In “priestly” circles, laying on of hands has long been a . In non-Evangelical circles, it is an expected rite and theologically necessary. Traditions such as the Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Anglican hold to an unbroken chain of laying on of hands since Peter. Based upon the tradition of Levitical priests and the laying on of hands, it actually is pretty reasonable from a Jewish and Christian .

    The of the Nazarene doesn’t particularly hold to the “unbreakable” aspect of the laying on of hands, but it does hold on to the tradition itself, as each ordained person has hands laid on them during their ordination by both the presiding Superintendent, but also all those who are ordained within the confines of the district (except in weird times as now).

    When a pastor is called to a church, during the installation, the Church board will lay hands (and often the congregation). Often, when a board is elected by the membership of church, hands are laid upon them by the congregation.

    There are multiple meanings within the laying on of hands. For the Israelites, there was an aspect of confession and there was an aspect of commission. The priests were set apart for the direct ministerial work of God on behalf of all of Israel. They were God’s “portion” (or “tithe”) of the people of Israel. So, the laying on of hands was integral to their mission for the people.

    With ordination, it is different. This is in recognition of the laying on of hands in the New Testament which would be accompanied by the imbuing of the (correlation, not causation). While it is important both as and ceremony, it really is an “inside” thing.

    However, the interaction between the pastor, board, and congregation is significant. What it isn’t is an abdication of responsibility. What it is is a bestowal of authority and a recognition of submission to the designated (bestowed upon) authority.

    And it is that last piece that is the rub for so many. We all are more than willing to give all the “grunt” work to others, but we often don’t want to recognize the submission aspect. Of course, coming from a pastor this may seem self-centered. Honestly, I have others do “my” grunt work, too. We all do, to some degree.

    As fellow members of the kingdom and of God, we all need to be willing to dig in for others, for the benefit of others and not ourselves, and ultimately produce fruit worthy of God’s children.


    • Have you ever experienced have hands laid on you? Why? What was your feeling resulting from it?
    • Have you ever laid your hands on someone? Why? What was your takeaway from participating in that?


    Lord, we minister to each other through touch. We cannot always answer how or why, but we know that the is present. May our touch bring others closer to you. Amen.

  • How We Wait

    How We Wait

    Psalm 1; John 17:6–19; 1 John 5:9–13; Acts 1:15–17; Acts 1:21–26

    One of the most heart- and eye-opening realizations for me was when I recognized that the provide didn’t provide all the of , but did provide a framework from which to operate. Some call this a , but the reality is that worldviews may be slightly different among the same group.

    When we look at the selection of Matthias, we can question the of selecting a disciple by casting lots. Though in this case, it’s really a toss-up (pun intended). The disciples had narrowed it down to two, which is pretty amazing. While we elevate the original 12 disciples (though it’s funny that we seem to remove Judas Iscariot automatically without thinking about there only being 11), Acts tells us that there were a total of 14 that spent the greatest amount of time with . Barnabas went on to be a successful evangelist and is closely associated with Paul (the “13th Apostle”). In other words, the events that followed seem to validate the result of the lots.

    Every Jew would understand the significance of there being 12. They would understand that this was a symbol to them; this was part of their legacy.

    The stage is being set. The Disciples are getting . Jesus told them to in Jerusalem. They didn’t wait in a state of inaction. They readied what they believed was right and in such a way that they could respond. Then they waited for the fulfillment of the promise Jesus made.


    When have you waited for God passively? When have you waited for God while preparing? How did God move in those different situations? How did you respond in those different situations?


    Jesus, we know that something is coming, for your is never still. Help our hearts and minds and looking for where you are moving. Amen.

  • The Next

    The Next

    Psalm 47; Deuteronomy 34:1–9; John 16:4–11

    Who will come next is part of the “calculation” of many things. Psalm 78:4 speaks of telling the next generation about God. Proverbs 13:22 tells of leaving an inheritance for grandchildren. In 1 Timothy 1:2, tells Timothy that he (Timothy) is his (Paul’s) true child in the .

    The last chapter of Deuteronomy reminds Moses (and the Israelites) that God did marvelous things from the beginning (before the Israelites became the Israelites), and that the next step is coming. It also reminds us that while God worked miracles through Moses, there was a consequence for certain behaviors, even though their relationship seems not to have otherwise changed.

    The person to follow Moses (the “next”) was Joshua. While Joshua is often raised up almost to Moses’ level, Joshua missed the biggest lesson that Moses taught him, the next. This, of course, is inferred from the lack of Scriptural mention of a successor to Joshua, and the Scriptural mention that everyone forgets with the next generation. The next is really a form of individualized, focused, mentoring, and . Part of the whole process is further illustrated by Jesus. When we realize that all we have for him covers 3 years of his ministry (yes, plus a few childhood vignettes), he really did spend most of his time with the 12 that would train them to walk in his ways and footsteps. It is these words that we should pay particular attention to, as these were the words that struck his disciples as important.

    This is deeply illustrated by John 16:4. He flat out tells them that he didn’t tell them everything in the beginning. It may well have taken years to get the ground (the disciples) ready for the entirety of Jesus’ message. It was revolutionary, after all.

    We live in a world that wants everything now. We may not be looking for instantaneous, but certainly quickly. In comparison, the early would usually 3 YEARS to baptize a convert (this is after Paul). Yes, there was probably some filtering out of bad apples. There was also theology that was deeply placed on hearts.

    Our baptize them now thought process—and this is only one of many such things in general, not just Christianity—would not be able to withstand waiting. Truly, not only would the person being baptized likely not have the , but many of the leaders, elders, pastors don’t either.

    Perhaps being more like Jesus means leading 12 for 3 years to a deeper with Christ.


    • What do you think makes a discipling relationship?
    • Why might mentoring be different than ?
    • Who is discipling you?
    • Who are you discipling?


    Lord, help us find those who will us, and help us find others to disciple. For we know that we must be purposeful in both to bring your here on earth. Amen.

  • Alien Calling

    Alien Calling

    Psalm 23; Genesis 46:28–47:6; Acts 4:1–4

    I have moved around 15 times in 25 years. I have told that to even some military families and they look at me in shock. That is, honestly, a stupid number of moves. Some were big. Some were small. All were disruptive. My childhood was somewhat similar. My biological parents had divorced by the time I was 2. I went to my dad’s on weekends and spent the week with my mom. As a child, where home was, well, questionable. Many of us have some part of us that is unsettled. Whether it is dissatisfaction at home (I pray not, but it is reality), work, school, or even , we may not feel welcome or whole or as if we belong. It can be spiritual, emotional, financial, or even something else.

    We shouldn’t be particularly surprised by this. We have the image of God () in us. This world, as the saying goes, is not our home.

    Jacob (Israel) and his settled in Goshen. Goshen became (for all intents and purposes) the home of the Hebrews. Yet, even while there, from beginning to , it was not really their home. The Promised Land was to be their home. The place their children’s children’s…children would be.

    Those that joined the Way (one of the original names for Christians) both joined a new place of belonging and alienated their origin belonging (whether Jew or Greek). They became aliens in their own land.

    Being (or strangers) in one’s own land can seem to be peculiar. That is actually one of the issues that American Christians have (or perhaps should have). American Christians are often that…Americans that happen to be Christians. That isn’t quite as strange as Christians that happen to be American. Seems the same? Except the primacy is different. first; American second.

    And I lost some people right there. None of us want to be strangers in the country in which we were born. Perhaps, though, we are called to be strangers more than familiar.


    • Why might it be more important for a Christian to be a stranger in rather than a citizen of the country in which they live (even if born there)?
    • What can a stranger often see that the comfortable cannot?


    Lord, we are ambassadors of your . Thus, we are not of this world. Help us to realize this in the depths of our souls. Amen.

  • Living Speech

    Living Speech

    Psalm 133; Daniel 2:24–49; John 12:44–50

    One of the gifts of being is speech. One of the curses of being human is speech.

    Perhaps the whole reason for the King of Babylon’s test of all the magi and wise men was that they all talked too much. Perhaps (as many paid consultants today) they were more than happy to share all their words (with some being wise, maybe) with the king. Perhaps the king was done with all the words and just wanted an answer.

    Of course, his demand for the wise men and magi to know the dream without being told it was pretty harsh. Yet, perhaps the desire to no longer having to listen to empty words created the opportunity to words of weight. Daniel spoke God’s word to the King of Babylon. By faithfully delivering God’s word to the King of Babylon, Daniel was obedient. Daniel also used the human of speech as a vector of grace and . This doesn’t mean that it would be listened to, or that it would be transformative in any long-term way. That wasn’t Daniel’s responsibility.

    Even as the Son of God—part of the Trinity—Jesus spoke as God directed. Jesus spoke with , grace, and love. Jesus’ summary of his words (no judgment, not his words, people won’t necessarily listen).

    What is interesting is how Jesus says all this is really just a result of God’s commanded speech, which is life.

    Eternal life. Jesus’ speaking was eternal life.


    • Is your speech of God? Is your speech produce eternal life?
    • As a follower of Jesus, how do you temper your speech so that is more of God and less of you?
    • What makes human speech of “eternal life”


    Heavenly Father, you have delivered us from the dominion of sin and , and brought us into the of your beloved Son: Grant that, as by his death he has called us to life, so by his love he may raise us to eternal joys; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy , one God, now and for ever. Amen. [ Saturday Collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • Can’t Wait to Wait

    Can’t Wait to Wait

    Job 14:1–14; Lamentations 3:1–9, 19–24; Psalm 31:1–4, 15–16

    “Jesus, 33, of Joseph and Mary, was crucified and died yesterday. Survived by mother Mary. Wandering prophet who proclaimed the Kingdom of God was near. Performed miracles. Challenged the status quo. Caused the leaders heartache.”

    Even in our days, dying in one’s 30s is sad, but doesn’t have the same resonance as dying in one’s 20s or younger. There is something about that leads us to directly evaluate a person’s death. If they lived to 90 or 100 or beyond, no one really it. As our modern lifespan increases, we may begin to push at that, but not by much.

    By measurements such as children (Jesus had none), wealth (Jesus had none), or influence (he was crucified), Jesus was a failure. It’s jarring to think that way. We look beyond Good Friday and Holy Saturday. We know what is next.

    In many respects, is the hardest day of waiting in the Christian year. The tragedy and horror of Good Friday. The promise and glory of Resurrection Sunday. No one wants to sit in the in-between time and wait. On Holy Saturday, our lives are often filled with activity. It is a “standard” day off from the 5-day work week. It is also the day we prepare for Easter celebrations. We don’t wait very well.

    Even the lectionary (the set of Scripture readings for each day) doesn’t wait very well. In there are 3 readings that were skipped as part of today’s devotional (1 Peter 4:1–8; Matthew 27:57–66; John 19:38–42) as there couldn’t “” between Good Friday and Easter when one includes them. In particular, is the shock, grieving, despair, and even the feeling of abandonment that is so central to Holy Saturday.

    I wish that the Church (and even I) could treat Holy Saturday as a pre-. Saturday for Jesus’ followers was a rest day, no matter how much they had to do to complete Jesus’ burial rites and process. Perhaps it may be time to have a 2-day Holy Day time, each with its own purpose.

    The one unique part of Holy Saturday that I have personally continued to come back to is how much it resembles our lives right now. We have been saved and reconciled to God: Good Friday and Salvation (no matter when our occurred). We are in a state of hopeful expectation: Easter, the of the Messiah, our resurrection, and eternal life. Our lives, our very living, are between the two.


    • We are all waiting for something in our lives, often in different aspects. What are you waiting for in regards to career, education, faith, , or other areas?
    • What your reflections on waiting? Are you good about waiting? What do you do with your waiting time?


    O God, Creator of heaven and earth: Grant that, as the crucified body of your dear Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy Sabbath, so we may await with him the coming of the third day, and rise with him to newness of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.[Holy Saturday Collect, Book of Common 2019]

  • Beyond Sight/Site

    Beyond Sight/Site

    Psalm 119:9–16; Haggai 2:1–9, 20–23; John 12:34–50

    Haggai and Zechariah were the two prophets that accompanied the Israelites from exile to home. Their primary focus was the restoration of Israel, not so much as a powerhouse, but as a people and nation of God, including both worship and the Davidic kingly line. Later on down the chronological line (beyond today’s readings), the temple is completed. However, the temple that was completed did not have the glory of the old one in physical status.

    As Haggai’s words are considered canonical (i.e., verified as the of God), then the Jews saw something much different than the literal (often our temptation when we are reading). From a Jewish standpoint (especially Haggai’s traditionalist ), the temple isn’t so much the point as a people faithfully pursuing God with one of the signs being faithful worship as prescribed in the Old Testament. What does it matter what it looked like today ( the original Temple was David’s plan, inspired by God, but not prescribed) when faithful worship and a God-fearing king were what was required?

    That Haggai was seeing beyond the immediate temple and even beyond the immediate kingly line tells us that ‘ words were not without historical precedence (as some have claimed). As we look beyond Jesus’ time on earth, we can see the fulfillment of Haggai’s words, as in Jesus Christ has changed the world. Though, sadly, many of those who cried, “Lord, Lord,” were liars, murderers, and -grabbers beyond the average struggling Christian.

    Haggai’s understanding of a God-honoring revolved around the temple. That is what tradition and the Scriptures taught. Haggai understood quite well, as he was coming from exile, that empty actions were not what was needed. It was actions that were firmly grounded in who God is, and that the Israelites were God’s chosen people.

    While Jesus’ words may have seemed revolutionary at the time, Jesus did answer the “Christ will be with us forever” in a way unexpected, though by pure reason, it probably should have been an idea. The Christ was with the Children of God forever…in their souls, their temple to God. Thus a relationship through the temple was now very personal, and the Christ was with them.

    Would Haggai have been able to recognize that Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of his prophecy in only a way that God could make it happen? Perhaps. We can only look at Haggai’s words and see Christ in retrospect.


    • What practices do you fulfill in relationship with God? How about in regards to the temple, both body and church?
    • What do you think is comparable to the Davidic kingly line in regards to lively rightly before God?
    • When was the last time you evaluated your habits through the lens of habit or “because you need to”? Why is it important?


    Lord, guide us ever deeper into meaningful and -changing relationship with you. Amen.