Tag: light

  • You Stink!

    You Stink!

    Do you smell like life or death? It depends.

  • Help Me Understand

    Help Me Understand

    Psalm 102:12–28; Job 6:1–13; Mark 3:7–12 The recent Super Bowl reminded me of the first Super Bowl victory of the Seattle Seahawks. Having grown up in the San Francisco Bay Area and experiencing the 49ers and the Raiders, a Super Bowl championship was exciting, but not region-stopping. Super Bowl XLVIII was a disappointment in gameplay,…

  • In All Things

    Revelation 2:12–17 A conversation that I have had many times, and you may, too, is why are there so many denominations? Aren’t we all one? Don’t we all believe the same thing? There are some things that are common among Christian denominations: God “the Father”, Jesus Christ (God “the Son”), the Holy Spirit, the Trinity…

  • Breaking Ties

    Breaking Ties

    The Church cannot successfully wield the world’s power and remain the Church.

  • Flame Bright in the Dark

    Flame Bright in the Dark

    Matthew 25:1–13 The Nicene Creed (one of the statements of belief that cross all Christian denominations) is as follows (maybe even read it aloud): We believe in one God,        the Father, the Almighty,        maker of heaven and earth,        of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,…

  • Funny Smelling

    Funny Smelling

    Exodus 30:22–38; Acts 22:2–16 Have you ever had the experience of a particular smell, either good or bad, that triggers memories? There are a number of smells that will trigger memories of my grandparents’ house. My daughter has also shared experiences where certain smells trigger her memories, and they are often of her grandma’s house…

  • Burning Light

    Burning Light

    Just as “Star of Bethlehem” drew Gentiles (the “wise” men or magi) from afar, so does the speaking and reading of the Scriptures bring light into the world that is in pain and dying. Similarly, a lighthouse casts its light into the dark seas, providing guidance and the promise of security to ships.

  • Joy in the Questions

    Joy in the Questions

    “Then Mary said, ‘Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.’ Then the angel departed from her.”—Luke 1:38 (NRSV) When it comes time for the Advent season and thinking about the story of Christmas—Jesus coming to earth for all humankind…I often think of Mary and Joseph.…