Tag: looktothefuture

  • Take the Message Forward

    Take the Message Forward

    Psalm 150; Jeremiah 30:1–11a; 1 John 3:10–16

    We have a lot in front of us. The end of the COVID-era seems to be approaching. Although there seems to be a step back for every step , at least we are moving forward. This doesn’t mean we’ll be going back to . In fact, the normal we knew before is dead.

    Many of will grasp for the past looking for the comfortable. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, if the past we hold onto results in two steps back for every step forward, then that is not effective, nor does it fulfill our mission to Go and (p)Reach. The promise of that we find in Jeremiah is indeed a message of . In it, though, is an underlying . The restoration is to the place of home/old with a new model.

    The exiles would certainly enter the Promised Land again. However, they wouldn’t to either the ways that led them to exile, nor would they return to the glory years of David and Solomon. It would be something new.

    For those who remembered the old Temple, the new (to be built) temple would be a shadow of the old, and they would (understandably) mourn its loss while rejoicing with the new. Others would have only legends, dreams, and “when I was your age” stories. They would not be able to rely on the old ways. They would have to forge a new way of being in the midst of their ongoing identity.

    Part of our new way of being is the reality that Christians are a minority, and even the treasured Evangelical is almost a curse at this point. It right and understandable to mourn and grieve. It is also expected that we will be in a mode of reflection and repentance for a while, as we try to heal the rifts of our own brokenness, and the division solidified because of it and the brokenness of others.

    John writes that we shouldn’t be surprised that people of the world hate us. Nor should we look for their hatred, which sometimes seems to be our default response. Nor are we to behave in a way that will solidify their hatred or their negative opinion of us. Of course, this does not mean we water down the message of , repentance, change of heart, and resurrection.

    How we do it is in a state of flux. Relations are definitely a way to allow communicating the message. There will always be a place of action of the heart (i.e., compassionate ministries). There will also always be a place for preaching. There is no one way, anymore. In fact, there never was.

    We are in an awkward place where we need to be functioning in a reconciling, repenting, and heart-changing relationship with our fellow Christians. That may indeed need to come first, and only a church will reach the world (and denominations have their place, too). Only when Christians aren’t ripping into each other and living the moral life that they are called will the world bother to listen to us. Maybe, just maybe, then they will be open to hearing about Jesus.

    The future is never fully in focus. The church may be a shell. It may be completely reinvented. It may return to the First Century. The church may change, but the message never will.


    • What has been the hardest thing about interacting with people the last year or so? What has been the greatest thing?
    • What is the one thing you are holding onto from our pre-COVID era? What are you grieving about that we are losing from the pre-COVID era?
    • These things that we are holding onto, are they for the benefit of the mission to reach the world for Christ, or are they our place of comfort?


    Lord, the Giver of Life, we need to find the path that will lead us in such a way as to bring life and life-giving water to the world. Help us to be strong in the face of difficulties and change. Fill us with your and love so that we see others as bearers of the image of God, no matter about which we disagree. Amen.

  • Time to Move

    Time to Move

    Psalm 71:1–14; Isaiah 49:1–7; 1 Corinthians 1:18–31; John 12:20–36

    There are times of waiting (“Are we there, yet?”). There are a lot of times of waiting (“How much longer?”). There are way too many times of waiting (“I’m bored.”). Then comes the time to .

    Jesus’ journey to the cross is almost over. Almost like a long drawn-out movie, we’re getting there. Then a seemingly innocuous catalyst shows up, and the acceleration is almost like whiplash. Enter the Greeks.

    It’s not that Jesus hadn’t interacted with non-Jews. Quite the contrary. There was something special about these Greeks who sought Jesus. How were these Greeks were the catalyst? sought Jesus by name. They sought Jesus through the disciples. Something was happening.

    Some commentators conclude that these Greeks were “the first” to seek Jesus as Lord and Savior (as Messiah). While the Greeks were in God’s plan, perhaps it was not quite the time.

    Now, though, Jesus is being public about his purpose. When the people talk about the Christ, they imply that they know Jesus is implying that he is the Christ. Jesus tacitly confirms it. That is not a small thing to devout Jews.

    We see in the passage of John the miracle-demanding Jews that comments on. The Greeks that Paul was talking about? Probably not the kind that asked to see Jesus. The Greeks and Jews that Paul was referring to were not Christians. In Paul’s eyes, those that followed Christ were Christians who were cultural Jews and Greeks, they were no longer Jews and Greeks. They had a new identity that overrode—and yet was intertwined with—the old.

    However, we (the ) are no longer the church of 1 Corinthians 1:25–31. At least in the West, we are not particularly poor. Many of us are more educated than the most educated person of Jesus’ day. Most of us are no low-class or low-. While there are redemptive works happening in and through the church, and people are being redeemed and restored, the Western church is a stone growing moss.

    We are fools to the world not because of Christ, but because many of our decisions, behaviors, and actions were not put at the feet of Christ. We are fools to the world because of everything in us that is not of Christ.

    It is time to clear the moss off the stone and off of our souls. It is time to move.


    O Lord our God, whose blessed Son gave his back to be whipped and did not hide his face from shame and spitting: us to accept joyfully the sufferings of the present time, confident of the glory that shall be revealed; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy , one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [ Collect, Book of Common 2019]

  • Not Yours, But God’s

    Not Yours, But God’s

    Psalm 69:1–5, 30–36; Genesis 17:1–13; Romans 4:1–12

    “Abram” translates to “exalted ancestor”. “Abraham” translates to “ancestor of a multitude”. While Ismael was Abraham’s (the son he had with Sarah’s servant), it didn’t quite connect with Abraham as Ishmael wasn’t a result of him and Sarah (his wife and ).Both names had their own sting. “Exalted ancestor” requires more than just the son of a servant, but grandchildren. “Ancestor of a multitude” probably stung worse, for that would seem to imply even more. He had only one.

    Yet, as Scriptures attest to (and recapitulates) Abraham trusted God, and Paul notes that God “attributed” to Abraham righteousness. The strong implication for many commentators was that God “considered” Abraham righteous because of his faith/trust, not because of his actions. In addition, many infer that it also means that God viewed Abraham as righteous in spite of any possible failings or sins that Abraham had.

    Circumcision was the act that in some respects “remembered” the covenant that God made with Abraham. One could view it as God choosing Abraham’s descendants, setting them aside, and treating them as righteous, even when they weren’t. The Israelites were set aside for God. The males bore the mark.

    The similarity between circumcision and are often drawn. Especially in the Christian traditions that baptize infants, it is quite simple. Even in the traditions that perform believer’s baptism, the imputation of righteousness is still there.

    When we are baptized (as infant or believer), the righteousness we receive is that of Jesus. It isn’t ours. Just as in circumcision, or even infant baptism, the is performed before the child has a choice.

    The reality is that almost the entirety of our with God…the entirety of our becoming more like God…is because of God.

    Paul draws baptism and circumcision together. Paul needed his Jewish brethren to understand that baptism was a valid entrance into the of God. He also needed the Gentiles to understand that baptism was part of that went back in time, tying them to a tradition and people and God they were only beginning to understand.


    • What traditions family, cultural, and/or religious tie you to the past? Why is being rooted in the past helpful when going ?
    • The majority of traditions/theology (there are outliers) believe in only one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Why do you think that is?


    God, your word goes to a past we do not fully know. Your word also goes forward to a time we cannot see. Thank you for the guidance that your word provides us, and may we share the gift of your word to others. Amen.