Tag: love

  • Look and See

    Look and See

    Jeremiah 31:31–34; Psalm 51:1–12Psalm 119:9–16Hebrews 5:5–10; John 12:20–33

    In Christian circles and theology, we talk about the New Covenant. When we read about the New Covenant from Jeremiah, the honest person might question which New Covenant Jeremiah was talking about. “They will no longer need to teach each other to know the Lord.”

    One of the primary ways the church has understood this over the years is the of the Spirit in believers. That’s a good way of thinking. When we add the instructions, we may begin to see a problem. Based upon the words of , we could simplify the instructions (which makes sense in of the New Covenant) to God and love .
    It is, however, this combination that can cause a person (especially a non-believer) to if the New Covenant has actually come. Depending on your circles (whether of happenstance or decision), we have seen our brothers and sisters behaving in ways that do not seem to be motivated by the love of God or others.
    As we say we are Bible-believing people, the Bible is going to be one of the first places that non-believers (in particular, those who seek to not believe) go to check what Christians are supposed to be. This is what we should be thinking about as we read the .
    • According to today’s passages (not just Jeremiah), what should a Christian display?
    • What happens when an apparent non-believer shows all the signs of a believer as an act of nature versus an act of will?
    Lord, we hold onto the that we are indeed New Covenant people. Guild us and strengthen us to live New Covenant lives. Amen.
  • Pursuit of Wholiness

    Pursuit of Wholiness

    Psalm 107:1–16; Isaiah 60:15–22; John 8:12–20

    In the US, Christians as a whole (versus individually), are disliked (if not hated), forbidden (i.e., closed-minded, intolerant, bigoted, prejudiced, etc.), and culturally abandoned (granted, much of that is based upon Christians running for the “holy” hills and their church buildings). We are the modern Israel (insofar as Isaiah), which is not a good thing…at all.

    You might well be tempted to say “they” are the problem, but were we honest with ourselves, we are the problem. “Let them be one”, “known by their love”, “patient”, “kind”, “generous”…we’re not good at it. We’ve actually been pretty awful, in fact, and that’s just to each other. This doesn’t include non-Christians.

    This is not a let’s beat ourselves up. It is a of our fallen nature. That doesn’t excuse us from the pursuit of . We may be muddy, dirty, bloody, cranky, angry, depressed, grieving, sad, or even happy and joy-filled. We are still to pursue holiness.

    The Prince of Peace is a mighty title. Lord of Lords is mightier still. Yet, peace is not our governor. We are not at peace, whether it be ourselves or each other.

    Looking at too much of the conversations between Christians, the of the World is not the light of our lives. We look to governments and politicians—not God—to guide our way. The Lord as our everlasting light? That is as it is supposed to be. It isn’t, however, as it is.

    told the Pharisees that they didn’t know him and that (by extension) they didn’t know the Father. Those are harsh words for people who firmly claimed to be God’s treasured possession. As we look at the list of “” characteristics, we should start to question whether we know Jesus, either.

    In Eastern traditions of varying kinds, there is an intent called, one of unknowing. The basic concept is to “empty” oneself. As many Christian theologians point out, though, if you empty yourself, something will fill the void.

    For Christians, perhaps, a related concept would be the “breaking” of self. By “breaking” who we were, we then ourselves the to be remade into the likeness of Jesus through the power of the Holy . On the surface, they may appear similar, but the inner working of the is uniquely Christian.


    • What is one of the characteristics of “Christian” that you struggle hardest with? Why do you think that is?
    • It can be hard to , do we really know Jesus? Why is important to regularly ask that question?
    • What is one area of “self” that has been broken in you and that the Holy Spirit has made new?


    Lord Jesus, please be the Lord of our hearts. Guide us. Lead us into and through the pursuit of holiness so that we may become more like you. Amen

  • Examples and Warnings

    Examples and Warnings

    Psalm 107:1–16Numbers 20:1–131 Corinthians 10:6–13

    Imagine saying, “Give thanks to the Lord because he is good, because his lasts forever,” to the Israelites at Kadesh. Those words would have been grating (at best) the ears of all the lashing against Moses and Aaron.

    The Psalmist also wrote, “So they cried out to the Lord in their distress, and God delivered them from their desperate circumstances.” Except that is not the story in Numbers. Instead of crying out to God, the condemned, blamed, and judged Aaron and Moses. Instead of crying out to their and Rescuer, they passed around blame and bemoaned their freedom from slavery.
    The are full of stories. Many of them include the failings and failures of families. We the bad choices that people make, including followers of God, that are nowhere near the intent or desire of God.
    There have been many people that have claimed that God endorses many things (slavery, abuse, polygamy, etc.) that appear in the Scriptures, solely because they appear in the Scriptures. This has been the case with Christians and non-Christians alike. It also is a really bad idea.
    Just because it shows up in the Scriptures certainly does not mean endorsement by God. Paul comments on this. Paul notes that the intent of the descriptions of human failures is intended to be descriptive and instructive. They are not to be prescriptive.
    Paul reminds and encourages us to that we are not alone in any temptation or failure. We are in quite the company, in fact. The lie we tell ourselves and that others couldn’t possibly be tempted like us, or that have succumbed as we have is put on display by Paul.
    Paul, while displaying the lie, also encourages us to recall that God did not tempt us, just as God did not endorse or encourage the sins of those in the Scriptures. Ultimately, it is the weakness of our fallen condition. Which is not unique to an individual, but is part of the state of all of humanity.


    Why is it important to understand that we are all tempted? How does that mean we should treat others who have succumbed? What should we do when we succumb? Why and how are these related both in our interactions with fellow Christians and those who are not ?


    Lord, you set us free from the ultimate consequence of …death. Help us in our lives to be free of sin and help others to break their chains and to heal their wounds from sin. Amen.

  • 45 Days Countdown

    45 Days Countdown

    Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22; Daniel 12:5–13; Ephesians 1:7–14

    We countdowns. Before service starts, we have a countdown. Every sporting event has a countdown. Part of its attraction is the pressure. It moves us.

    Another attraction of a countdown is finitude. We know there is an , even if our team is losing (or maybe especially). It will end.

    As we read Daniel, it’s often about the visions and their exact meanings. They are visions. Sometimes I trust interpreters of visions about as much as I trust an interpreter of dreams. After a few psychology sections on dreams, I realized that what people determined the meaning of certain objects would not connect with me. So, when it comes to the greater vision of God and God’s vast perspective, we should be cautious in our interpretation.

    In this passage, what struck me was not the vision, or that it would be sealed, but the time. Happy are those who make it to 1,335 days. The bad stuff timeline is 1,290 days. The difference from misery to happiness is 45 days. For comparison, that 1,290 days is more than a quarter gone since the beginning of the COVID era (not that the vision and COVID are comparable or related.

    The vision doesn’t state that the 45 days will be easier than the 1,290 before it. It could be inferred that the 45 days will actually be worse. Can you imagine counting down those 45 days, and knowing that you would be happy?

    It would be similar to the climax mentioned by in Ephesians. It would be that moment when all, for no matter how long or short, would be well.

    This countdown mentality, however, can also be the greatest detriment to our . If we are so focused on “that” will make me happy, we miss so much of what God has already graced us with. As Paul told the Ephesians, we have the down payment (the ) of our inheritance, why are we looking for more, right now?

    Should we not be using what we have to make a difference now, rather than effectively burying our inheritance in the ground where it does not even gain interest? We are often told to be , though perhaps it is the results that we are to be patient with, not with what gets us there.

    In a place I used to live, hay was grown. When growing hay (and many crops) time is of the essence, and sometimes just timing. Certain farmers planted their hay just a week earlier than . More often than not, they could get 4 cuts (i.e., 4 harvests), while those (their neighbor) who planted a week later got 3. It was all based on temperature and rain. The third cut was usually the cut that you went financially from red to black. The fourth cut was profit.

    Other crops have a different problem. Once the crop starts to ripen, you have 2-3 days to get all the fields done. Some of these farms were really large. I watched the equipment still working in the dark as the harvest continued for 24 hours a day for 3 days.

    Sometimes you have to wait at the beginning. Sometimes you have to wait at the end. We just cannot assume that all waiting is the same or always appropriate.


    • What can you think of that you waited too long before acting?
    • What can you think of that you acted too quickly instead of waiting?
    • What is your process to determine when to act and when to wait? How is God part of that? How is wise council part of that? When do you listen to those outside your comfortable circle?


    , guide us when to wait and when to act. Soften our hearts and open our ears so that we will listen to you. Amen.

  • Chosen


    Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22; Genesis 9:8–17; Ephesians 1:3–6

    I don’t elementary school sports very much. I do know that while I was never picked first, I was rarely picked last. I was neither particularly good nor bad at sports, hence being a middle pick. I did have preferences for whose team I wanted to be on, though. While I didn’t, therefore, have the angst of being picked last, I certainly didn’t want to be on just any team. I wanted to be on my choice of team.

    In some ways, I think of both passages as God saying, “I choose you!”

    God chose you, too!

    In team sports, there is some sort of of performance. Every year, professional teams hold a draft, competing with each other for the “next best” young player. Big- colleges will scout and try to recruit high school players.

    The difference between God’s selection and a draft is God isn’t looking at performance (we already blew it), God is looking at the . God calls everyone. However, just like a draft, one can refuse.

    We often try to justify ourselves. Sometimes we try to justify our very existence. God just said, “I chose you. I you. That is the justification of your existence.”


    • What does being by God mean to you?
    • Why is it hard to understand why a person would not want to be chosen by God?
    • Is being chosen by God a , a , both?


    Thank you, Lord, for choosing me. May I continue to strive to the gift. Amen.

  • In God We Trust?

    In God We Trust?

    Psalm 19; Exodus 19:1–9a; 1 Peter 2:4–10

    is a scarce commodity. True trust. You and I trust that the person approaching the intersection will stop, but we’ve all had enough experience to undermine that trust (we even might be the reason we are this way at intersections).

    All our actions operate on trust. In general, we “trust” for two reasons, (1) cultural training, (2) “enlightened” self-interest. We are culturally trained to trust people during transactions, though when lawyers are involved, maybe we don’t (no offense intended if you’re a lawyer). “Enlightened” self-interest really means that most people won’t do majorly wrong things out of of getting caught with the consequences.

    The sad is that often our trust in and of God is the same. We trust God insofar as we think of God’s “enlightened” self-interest. If you read that aloud, you might have detected a note of scorn or sarcasm. It certainly is there, but it is self-aimed rather than God-aimed.

    As we are and much of our interaction, trust, and of the world is based upon our experience, how could we not dangerously put God in the same spot as our fellow humans? Immediately, you might be saying, “not me!” Most of the time indeed it probably isn’t you.

    It is the times that it is you (or me or anyone) that we need to examine openly with . As much as we often want to overlook our weaknesses, it is those weaknesses that make Christ a stumbling block even for his followers.

    “…they refuse to believe in the .” The Word is Jesus. Jesus is God. Perhaps the harsher truth is that we trust the Word as much as we trust the world.


    • Whom do you trust? Why? When have they betrayed the trust? How did you (and your with them) beyond the ?
    • Do you trust God more than you trust the world?


    Lord, trust is endangered in and by the world. Help our trust in you to be strengthened beyond all measure and exceed our distrust so that it is no more. Amen.

  • To Live As Sacrifice

    To Live As Sacrifice

    Psalm 105:1–11, 37–45 Genesis 22:1–19; Hebrews 11:1–3, 13–19

    Post-traumatic stress is a real thing. There are many sources of trauma. We generally think of violence as the only source of trauma, but damaged are equally the source of trauma for many individuals. Just like other forms of emotional scars, trauma may take years to heal if it ever does.

    Some people have been miraculously cured of the various issues of trauma. They are not the norm. Many of those that still suffer from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) don’t even recognize that they have it as they have not been taught how to perceive it.

    Often, we don’t recognize potential PTSD in the . We often put it aside or dismiss any possibilities because “they were real ‘men’” then. Reminds me of the stories of the ’50s, and how great everything was with families and gatherings. The dark side of that being the mass amount of alcohol that was consumed not so obviously. One could easily conclude that the mass consumption of alcohol was a “tool” to numb the of World War II’s PTSD.

    Imagine Isaac—the recipient of Abraham’s and —when his father ties him up and puts him on the woodpile intended for the . The sole inheritor of Abraham and Sarah must have been shocked. He must have also felt betrayed. We can only imagine the effects that had on Isaac’s and Abraham’s .

    There may well have also been an impact on Isaac’s relationship with God. Many people feel betrayed by God because a loved one died, or because their isn’t what they want or imagined. Being a literal sacrifice to God didn’t seem to affect Isaac’s faith in God overall, but it’s hard to see how that didn’t color Isaac’s view of God either.

    Walking through life as “the almost sacrifice”. What a strange feeling, even at the end, that must have been.

    As Christians, we continually observe the sacrifice that Jesus Christ was for us and for all of humanity (and Creation). If Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for us, we too are almost a sacrifice.

    The Nation of Almost Sacrifices. What a fabulous ring it has to it! How could anyone not want to be part of that? Right? You just can’t wait to go there!

    Except the author of Hebrews notes that plenty of people died before the fulfillment of the Messiah. Many of them waited for the Messiah. Many of them were waiting for the first Nation of Israel. Others were waiting for the next Holy Nation of Israel. Some even today wait for the next Holy Nation of Israel.

    Waiting for God’s timing is indeed often a sacrifice. Sometimes it can be our pride (of nation, gender, profession, race, wealth) that needs to be sacrificed. Other times it is our assumptions that need to be sacrificed.

    The Walk often seems to be one of constant almost sacrifice. However, the almost isn’t one of, “I almost did it.” It is one of, “I surrendered it, and God gave it back.” So, no, we are not to be a nation of almost sacrifices. We are to be a nation that has sacrificed and sacrifices continually. This not a sacrifice of misery, but a sacrifice of response to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who sacrificed for us.


    • What does sacrifice mean to you?
    • What does it mean to live as an almost sacrifice? What about an actual sacrifice? What about living a life of sacrifice?


    Lord, we often don’t know what it means to live sacrificially or to live a life of sacrifice. Help us to know the cross that is ours to pick up. Amen.

  • All Are Called

    All Are Called

    Psalm 22:23–31; Genesis 15:1–6, 12–18; Romans 3:21–31

    You are loved by God. Yes, you. If you are reading this, and are not a believer in Christ, you are loved by God. If you are Jewish, and not a believer in Jesus Christ, you are part of God’s People. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you are a child of God.

    Whether non-Christian Jew, Messianic Jew, or Christian, we are called to , honor, and stand in awe of God. Actually, we are all (believer or not) called to praise, honor, and stand in awe of God.

    All too often, though, modern people make judgments about God when they do not understand the significance of the stories. The story of Abraham and the smoking pot is a story of vast significance, especially when we talk about this passage in Romans.

    The symbolism of everything surrounding the smoking pot can be summarized. God made a with Abraham. Abraham made a covenant with God. The penalty for breaking the covenant: . God took the place of Abraham and God as the covenanter who would pay the price upon violation of the covenant.

    “…God displayed Jesus as the place of …”—Romans 3:25

    Sometimes writing too much takes away from the . This is one of those times. Read again the passage from Romans with the or reminder that God had promised to die long before Israel (Jacob) was even born.


    • What does this tell you about God?
    • What does this tell you about us?
    • What are you going to do with this?


    Lord, let us not forget that you knew the price of loving us while maintaining your holiness. Thank you for your unending , , and love. Amen.