Tag: love

  • Cast Off

    Cast Off

    Matthew 23:13-15; Acts 15:1–22; Colossians 2:4–13 

    There is no question about Jesus’ attitude toward the scribes and the Pharisees in this verse. It seems pretty straightforward. What if it isn’t? What if Jesus was instead using their language in a way so as to make a point? 

    The Pharisees, with their belief in the afterlife, would certainly not want to be headed for Hell. They intended to go to Heaven. Jesus told them that while they think they are the bouncers for God, they’re not getting in either. There was probably some dismay there. 

    Jesus piled on with the various traditions (versus Biblical law) that the Pharisees and the scribes held everyone accountable for. Frankly, it was unbearable. That was Jesus’ point. They held onto traditions that made their lives Hell on earth. Jesus made it clear that it also prevented them from Heaven.  

    Jesus knew their hearts were stubborn. His greater concern was not them, but all those they dragged along with them. The concern for people who were now burdened with more than their hearts could bear. What if they decided they would rather be Hell-bound than bound with all the rules and traditions that made the they were living hellish? 

    Sounds extreme, but this was exactly Peter’s point to the elders of the Jerusalem church. They and their ancestors could not withstand the misery. The people that were being drawn to the and of Jesus Christ were being threatened with rules and traditions! Most of them the same that they (of Jewish descent) wanted to be freed from, and who believed that Jesus had done so! 

    Paul often had to deal with the Judaizers who kept trying to bring Jewish customs into the community and imposing them on Gentiles. It made Paul quite angry at times. 

    You may have run across Christians who try to follow some of the Jewish law (particularly the dietary ones). They were free of the Law before they were born yet seek to be bound by laws that were not theirs to bear. 

    This is also something we need to be careful of ourselves. One of the big lessons of many missionaries was trying to impose Western thinking on non-Westerners. Western thinking got tied into the message of Jesus Christ, often putting burdens (things we would think of as burdens) on people that the did not call them to bear. 

    The church in the Western world is fading. Ultimately, it must rediscover what it means to evangelize and be missional. Of course, the biggest group to which we must be missional are the people we are already comfortable with. We do not look at them with missionary eyes. We are too close. Even more than the Jews had to cast of their traditions, we may have to cast off much of what “makes” us Westerners so that we can be the messengers of salvation to our neighbors. 


    1) What might be your cultural blind spots that weaken your ability to evangelize? 

    2) How does our Western culture in ways similar to the Jewish laws of old? 


    Lord, soften our hearts and open our minds. May we feel your for and to ourselves for the sake of others’ salvation. Amen. 

  • Foundational


    Matthew 19:16–26; Hebrews 9:1–14; Romans 10:8–13

    The story of the rich young ruler, in my experience, has always been presented in one way…he cared too much for his stuff. This is true…to a point. Is the conclusion that we have often been led to actually correct? Or perhaps we, too, are missing which point Jesus was trying to make.

    The opening question by the man was about eternal . Jesus gives the Great Commandments as the response, plus a few ones that had been problematic with the religious elite. We could question the truth of the man’s statement but note that Jesus didn’t.

    Yes, Jesus could have just been condescending, however, Jesus’ words were not particularly sharp, which tells us that he accepted the man’s words. There was likely a have-been/continue-to-do-so tension, meaning that it was an ongoing practice, not just a past one.

    This is significant as by straight reading the man had lived in such a way as to have eternal life. We who follow Jesus might question that, but that Jesus gave such a response is critical. For those who might conclude that this is a universalist response, the man was still a Jews, and thus one of the .

    However, was eternal life really the question? The man believed that despite the seemingly positive response he still lacked something. Jesus let him have it. Yet was that really the answer? We conclude so because the man walked away. It could be truly a matter of the heart.

    Our earthly responses often seem to affect our response to the security of our . The writer of Hebrews noted that much had to be done on a regular basis by the Temple priests to keep things “okay” between God and man (this is by the Law, not ). The writer of Hebrews goes on to explain that Jesus is the perfection of restorative relationship. Jesus’ mere in Heaven (and as part of the Trinity) is a perpetual “offering” on our behalf.

    In the heart of the man is a question I hear from many people, and in my darker moments, I ask myself. “How do I (really) know that I am saved?”

    It is through the author of Hebrews and the words of that we get this answer. These words are first laid upon the solid foundation that is Jesus Christ, whose , mercy, , and are truer than we are capable of understanding.


    1) What do you understand from our passage in Hebrews that applies to the sureness of (y)our salvation?

    2) What do you understand from our passage in Romans that applies to the sureness of (y)our salvation?

    3) Why do you think it is so hard for us to accept the truth revealed by the regarding our salvation?


    Triune God, you created us. You gave us life. You gifted us salvation. You graced us with eternal life. Help us to seek that it is not our works that save us, but you alone. Amen.

  • Can God Get A Witness?

    Can God Get A Witness?

    Deuteronomy 9:25–9:29; Titus 2:1–15

    wit·ness: One who can give a firsthand account of something seen, heard, or experienced.

    Deuteronomy is, in effect, the “Last Will and Testament of Moses”. Moses provides a contrasting snapshot of the Israelite witness and the Mosaic witness. The Israelite witness was unimpressive at best, destroying(?) at worse.

    What was their witness? Stubbornness, wickedness, and .

    The Mosaic witness? Yep, they are stubborn, wicked, and sinful. Please them, be gracious to them, and have on them anyway. Do this for the of your holy name and to fulfill the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

    Paul admonished Titus to teach those in his care “…so that God’s word will not be slandered.” Paul continues, “Your message is to be sound beyond reproach, so that any opponent will be ashamed, because he doesn’t have anything bad to say about us.” Even slaves were to be “demonstrating utter , so that they may adorn the teaching of God our Savior in everything.”

    This passage in Titus can be used inappropriately. Paul’s focus isn’t explicitly behavior, but how God’s word, teaching, and message comes across to others. All the behaviors weren’t a list of dos and don’ts so much as a be aware of the witness you are to others about God.


    What is your witness? How do you witness? Why do you witness?

    ※Part of the Post-Communion Prayer, 2019 Book of Common Prayer※

    And now, , send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as witnesses of Christ our Lord. To him, to you, and to the , be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen.

  • You’re MINE

    You’re MINE

    Luke 9:49–56

    feuds can be long and painful. Some people are relieved that they won’t be traveling for the annual family gathering during Thanksgiving.

    The Jews and the Samaritans were family. They were at one point, at least. Over the generations, things continued to get worse, until they became enemies.

    Peculiarly, the Samaritans still retained some semblance of God . Even that created some tension, as both Jew and Samaritan viewed “their” understanding of God as right, and the other as wrong.

    That came to the Samaritans recognizes that they still had a place in God’s family. Jesus’ earthly ministry focused on the Jews, but the Samaritans were there in the margins.

    There was no question that the Samaritans viewed Jesus in a positive . In this passage, though, we see that there is still some aspect of us versus them.

    The Samaritans were upset that Jesus would “abandon” them for Jerusalem. This was a problem of misunderstanding and . They had some view of Jesus as theirs, despite him being a Jew.

    Jealousy such as this isn’t all that uncommon. The problem is that we frame famous people with our own beliefs. We will often look at them and interpret everything they did or said through the lenses of our beliefs.

    Christians have done the same thing. We take our beliefs (communism, capitalism, , nationality, culture) and Jesus. We’ve seen that a lot this chaotic year.

    Yet, if we read the and the views of other Christian people (especially from other cultures or theologies), it tends to shake our lenses a bit. Sometimes more than we like.

    We like our Jesus just like we like our politicians and celebrities: safe for us, but not for them. The Samaritans were much the same.

    However, at least with Jesus, if he is safe for everyone, then we can be sure that that’s a false view of Him.


    1) What false views of Jesus have you held?

    2) What are the dangers of false views of Jesus?

    3) What are the best ways to determine if we have false views of Jesus?


    Jesus, help us to truly know you so that we are not lead astray from you, your , or your message of and love to the world. Amen.

  • Salvation Balance

    Salvation Balance

    Matthew 16:13–17; Romans 10:6–14

    In the US, individuality is all the rage, and it has been since at least 4 July 1776. Individuality is not a bad thing, automatically. While there are many aspects to our faith that are indeed communal (and must remain that way), there are others that are certainly individual.

    The most significant aspect is our salvation. US Evangelistic created almost a creed out it, “Do you know Christ as your personal savior?” It certainly isn’t a bad question.

    One of things it opposes, however, is a longer running tradition of the with is infant and child . Infant and child baptism generally falls under the rubric of collective salvation. This is not to say it is invalid, quite the contrary. It is just a that is different. Sadly, though, it was definitely a tactic use to divide certain traditions (Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist) from others (Baptist, Pentecostal, and non-denominational).

    However, once a person is able to right from wrong all traditions recognize that salvation has become individual. Whether by baptism or by confirmation, there is some recognition of the individual’s acceptance of Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

    There is a danger, though, in regard to individual salvation. The danger is a mental one. Many people can get to the point of intellectual assent. Others can get to the point of emotional assent.

    It is not to say that only having one means that you are not saved, for God works through all aspects of our personalities and can redeem them. It is to say that is only through both intellect and emotional that we “…may be able to comprehend with all the what is the length and width, height and depth of God’s , and to know Christ’s love that surpasses …” (Ephesians 3:18–19, CSB)


    1) Is it easier for you to intellectually understand God, or emotionally? Why do you think that is? Where else in your do you see that?

    2) Why do you think intellect and heart are needed in our relationship with God?

    3) How might a person maintain balance between intellect and emotion? What practices do you have to do so?


    Jesus, to know you is to know God. May the knowledge of hearts be equal to the knowledge of our minds when it comes to relationship with you. Amen.

  • Are You There Yet?

    Are You There Yet?

    Romans 7:15-20; Philippians 3:12–21; 1 John 1:6–2:6

    If you’ve ever been on a long trip, whether as a parent or a child, “Are we there yet,” is a common question. So common that some people can time when the next time the question will be asked. The “are we there yet” question is an event- and time-based question with an answer.

    “Are we there yet,” when asked as a spiritual question is something completely different. In a performance-based culture, such as ours, there are often attempts to assess and evaluation the successfulness of our .

    If we are not careful, this can become overwhelming, and even deadly to our spiritual growth. If we are so concerned about how we are evaluated and what the measure is, we are often tempted to the “requirement” of without the -change that we seek.

    When we perform “holiness” through tasks and checkboxes we become as overburdened as the Jews had been for so long with their Law. Thus our “holiness” becomes an act of will. So, when we are tired, discouraged, down, or something else, our holiness house of cards comes tumbling down.

    wasn’t there yet. In Romans, he expresses his /frustration/reality that he keeps missing the mark of things. He recognizes a conflict between our human nature bent towards its own gratification, and our God-nature desiring to be in God’s , mercy, and love.

    He also writes to the Philippians much the same way. He knows he is “there” yet. That doesn’t stop him from reaching toward the “goal” with all his might. In many respects, Paul’s “forgetting” is key to moving forward. We are all inclined to remember our failures (especially when they are painful). It is especially important to have someone to confess to and be held accountable by. Oddly, that seems to help us on.

    Then there is the “confession” that has been used for generations in some traditions regarding confession and . The sin is an issue. The unconfessed, unrepented, and unreconciled (can be read as unforgiven, but not entirely accurate) sin is the bigger issue. When John talks about not being in fellowship, it is the unconfessed, unrepented, and unreconciled sin that “shows” we are walking in darkness.

    Paul and John (and others) know full well that we have an advocate who is looking to judge us but to forgive us.

    ※Prayer of Confession from the Book of Common Prayer (2019)※

    Almighty and most merciful Father,
         we have erred and strayed from your ways like lost sheep.
    We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts.
    We have offended against your holy laws
    We have left undone those things which we ought to have done,
         and we have done those things which we ought not to have done;
    and apart from your grace, there is no health in us.

    O Lord, have mercy upon us.
    Spare all those who confess their faults.
    Restore all those who are penitent,
         according to your promises declared to all people in Christ our Lord.
    And grant, O most merciful Father, for his sake,
         that we may now live a godly, righteous, and sober life,
         to the glory of your holy Name. Amen.

  • Work-Out Regimen

    Work-Out Regimen

    Luke 7:36–50; Philippians 2:12–16

    The scorn of the Pharisees toward Jesus was pretty easy to see. They were effectively declaring that Jesus could not be an actual true prophet, because he dared to accept the anointing by the woman. “If he only knew what she was like,” they said.

    Jesus did and her anyway. He didn’t her any less or any more because of her “unclean” state or status. He loved her because she was a person made in the image of God.

    A more recent way of that exact same thinking is, “when you get yourself cleaned up, come to , and get to know Jesus.” Or (even sadder), “I’ll come to church when my is cleaned up.” That was not Jesus’ attitude. THANKS, BE TO GOD!

    The woman came to Jesus. Jesus declared her sins pardoned. She never sinned after that. Oh, wait…

    For the vast majority of people, “getting clean” is a lifelong process. For a drug addict, “getting clean” from the drug is only step one. They then need to “get clean” from friend circles, ways of thinking, and sometimes the physical place they are at. It is not an easy road.

    Oddly enough, Jesus seems to forgive sins pretty easily. It’s not that the sins are minor. They are acts that us from God. The problem isn’t God, it’s us.

    We want to keep doing what we did because it is comfortable. Even those who seek and desire change (and are even change-agents) like comfortable.

    Paul calls on the Philippians not just to declare Jesus as Lord. Paul calls on the Philippians to be changed. Just like us, they needed to change their habits. They need to change thought processes. None of these things change salvation. They change us.

    “…by holding firm to the of .” There is a play on words here, for the word is the message (salvation through Jesus), the word is the , and Jesus is the word.

    The easy answer is to hold onto Jesus for dear life. The life answer is that holding onto Jesus allows us to trust him so that we are free in our hearts and minds to remove all in our life that separates us from wholeness in him.


    1) When was the last time you were like the Pharisees? Why is that the issue that causes this ?

    2) When was the last time you were like the woman? With what did you anoint Jesus’ feet (this can be a symbol)?

    3) How and with whom are you working through your salvation? How can you deepen that?


    Jesus, as you have brought us into the light, help us to release our darkness so that we can draw to you. Amen.

  • Mindset


    Ephesians 1:17–19; Philippians 4:1–9

    There is a pernicious thought floating around that if Christians really believed what they say they do; they would all think similarly. Sadly, that often comes from Christians who perceive they are not being heard or perceive that someone with whom they is being heard.

    In my immediate family, I am the person who hates tomatoes. Yes, they’re fine as ketchup and pizza sauce. Sometimes they’re okay as salsa (very rarely). Otherwise, no thank you. My wife, on the other hand, tomatoes. Out of 3 of our kids, 2 like tomatoes, 1 not so much. We’re related! How could we not like the same things?

    That is the same thought process required for all Christians to think the same.

    Not seeing things the same is quite . We are all the culmination of our experiences, the experiences of trusted , our hurts, our fears, our hopes, and our love. No one person is the same when you total all of that together, even identical twins (though they’re probably the closest).

    How we disagree, however, is much bigger. If we could all disagree well, groupthink wouldn’t be an issue. When we disagree well, we each “feel” heard. When we disagree well, the decided path may not be ours, but because trust has been built, we are able to accept it.

    That would be a wonderful way to live. Instead, the is divided. It could be political lines. It could be music styles. It could be preaching styles.

    The trick often is not responding out of our emotions and trigger-responses. Often, it is thinking, talking, and working it out together over time. Why do we think one path will work better than another? If we don’t have the answer to our own path, we will often dismiss other perspectives out of unconscious .

    The other side effect is that our bonds are tested because people feel dismissed or ignored when there is no significant . Without significant conversation, misunderstandings occur, feelings are hurt, and the church’s is damaged.

    One of the great tests of the is how they love one another. How we argue with one another and discuss deeper things must be an outpouring of that exact same love.


    1) What is something that is bugging you regarding a Christian brother or sister? Have you talked about it with that person, why or why not?

    2) How do you dismiss the thoughts and perspectives of others (Christian or otherwise)? Think of the last time you disagreed with someone. Did you talk it through, or did you just do or command your way?

    3) How do you reconcile with someone you perceive dismisses you? How will you reconcile with someone whom you dismissed.?


    Lord, you want and direct us to love one another. Help us to do that well, especially when we disagree. Amen.