Tag: meet

  • Too Busy To Live

    Too Busy To Live

    Exodus 5:7-9; Romans 8:5-8, 12-17

    Recently, there was a song going around the called the “Rich Men North of Richmond”. It mostly speaks to the anguish of a working man who is striving and working and is not making ends meet, and, yes, there are some digs that many are questioning, and sometimes just questioning those who are supporting the song.

    There seems a lot of truth, or a lot of perception of that this is the truth, that below middle-class wage earners (and many middle-class ones, too) are working their fingers, bodies, souls, minds off to make ends meet. How many are the like the Hebrews at this point in Exodus, who are trying to make ends meet without a basic component previously supplied, and now not.

    In a culture that has idolized working hard to the nth degree, why are we surprised that rest and worship are viewed as a measure of luxury and a sign of laziness. There is, of course, too much rest, but our culture, at this point, does not value rest.

    COVID seemed to have reset the rest aspect, but we are now watching it fade away. Mindfulness and meditation apps were all the rage during COVID. It doesn’t seem so now. As worship, especially the type depicted in the Pentateuch of no work (arguments over what defines normal, aside), is not normal work (which, of course, is the point), it must be rest, and rest is not to be trusted.

    As the culture turns away from organized faith, it appears to diminish and deride worship as well. We can see this among people who used to call the a home. We know that the human body itself cannot function without rest. Neither can the human mind. Binge-watching television, youtube, or tiktok, isn’t resting, or relaxing. It is, in so many words, medicating. It is helping us bury our lack of rest.

    I if many people are so leery of rest and so leery of a set time of difference, that times of gathered singing, , prayer, and thoughts (i.e., sermon or homily), are to be avoided. It may be that we are watching even many of whom were thought to be walk away from gathered worship because it is different. And we avoid the different, and different includes worship and rest.

    Whether it is the drive to make money, for person or corporation, would have fill our lives with activity without rest, we can see that we do not value rest, and that we are no different than pharaoh and looking at rest and worship it’s nothing more than laziness.

    We can see it in the old (in internet ) FOMO ( of missing out) and YOLO (you only live once). FOMO has fear in its name. YOLO is really the same, just with a positive twist. It seems we almost might fear rest.

    Whether we’re looking at the world or reading the , fear is not always fully understood (or desired to be understood). The fear noted in Romans may seem different that the fear of FOMO and YOLK, but the fear is still fear. The paarticular type of fear of YOLO and FOMO can lead to parents, meaning well, burying their children in activities so that they don’t miss out on something. What if my child is a hidden talent? What if my child is the greatest to humanity in something? They must know!

    However, perhaps they are missing out on what is most needed, us. What if, too, we keep them busy because we are to fearful of rest? True rest.

    ⁜ Reflection ⁜

    • How do you view and experience rest? How does worship (gathered singing, praise, prayer, and thoughts) fit into that?
    • Who in your circle of influence do you see as needing rest? How can you encourage them to take rest?
    • What activities in yourself and others do you see as attempting to be rest, but actually aren’t?

    ⁜ Prayer ⁜

    Jesus, you didn’t call us to work to the bone. You called yourself the Lord of the Sabbath while telling your disciples that Sabbath was made for humanity. Help us to continue to recover what it means to rest as was intended for us, not for how we see it. Give us the courage to say, “no” and help us not self-condemn when we seek rest. Amen.

  • The God of Where

    The God of Where

    Psalm 123; Jeremiah 7:1–15; 1 Corinthians 4:8–13

    The change between Jeremiah and Corinthians cannot be overstated. The clash between law and is right there before us.

    The CEB (the primary translation currently being used to write and to read for this devotional) and NRSV translated Jeremiah 7:7 as, “…only then will I dwell with you in this place, in the land that I gave long ago to your ancestors for all time.” The NIV and CSB translate more like, “… then I will let you live in this place…”These different translations would seem to add something else to this , yet, the understanding from a Jewish standpoint was God was present in the place, thus being allowed to live in this space (NIV/CSB) is very much along the lines of with them (CEB/NRSV).“With” is very particular though. Living with a person is specific. One lives with a spouse. Children (for a time) live with their parents.

    The “with” sounds awesome, but as you look at the verses surrounding it, you can see a lot of requirements. We look at these, and we say, “of course!” Truly reform your ways and actions. Treat each other justly. Don’t take advantage of the immigrant or the orphan or the wide. Don’t shed innocent blood. Don’t follow other gods.

    The last few years have seen Christians, as a whole and around the world, fail each one of these. Many of these failures were very visible in the eyes of the world, and each damaged the witness of the . In other words, Christians of all types, nations, political leanings, and so on would have failed to these “easy” requirements outlined in Jeremiah.

    In contrast, “You’ve been filled already!” Filled with what? Filled with the Spirit. Filled with God! God isn’t with. God is in! Perhaps we might better combine the ways of the Jews “with” and the way “in” to “within”, for God is both with us and in us. That is a great blessing as we Christians have not been the givers of cold water (refreshing, live-) as we should be, as we are called to be.

    Unlike the list in Jeremiah (which is a very short version of the Law, with much removed), God within calls for a change of , rather than obedience to rules. This does not spare us from obedience. It changes (or should change) our perception and motivation from fear to .

    Much of what has occurred over the last few years, but really over history, is that fear often motivates us far more than love. The fear that the orphan may lie, cheat and steal. In my family history, there was an adoption that indeed went horribly wrong in exactly that way. It was used as a lesson to fear the orphan. The stories of witches (the classic, not the modern neo-pagan) often revolved around the widow, who became maligned, unknown, and eventually feared. Immigration, especially during the era of the modern state (last 300 years or so), has also grown to a place of fear.

    Fear over love.

    When we fear, we become powerless. When we love (with God’s love), only God’s is greater.


    • How do you see God “with”, “in” and “within” your life, both in the past and today?
    • How does fear impact who you love and how you love them? (It may not be fear of them, FWIW)
    • How does love become interpreted as fear?
    • How might (or should) the “with”, “in”, and “within” of God affect your fears and love?


    God, may we deepen our awareness of you being with us, in us, and within us. Amen.

  • Knowing Limits

    Knowing Limits

    Psalm 88; Leviticus 21:1–15; 2 Corinthians 8:16–24

    What is your limit? Or, perhaps, who is your limit? Republicans? Democrats? Communists? Libertarians? Capitalists? Roman Catholics? The homeless? The hungry? A different skin color? A different nationality? A different religion? Neighbors? Friends? Family? Children? Spouse?

    Relations and are some of the biggest variables in existence. One child may sacrifice everything to take care of their parent. Another child may do nothing at all. The driver of the car in front of you may money to a panhandler, and you may not (a description, not a judgment).

    For early and non-Western cultures, the family was a critical . Not having a family was risky. The family was what defined and supported you. Unless that is, you were the High Priest of Israel.

    Commentators come to different conclusions about what was meant by leaving the . Some commentators interpret verse 12 as only apply when family died to keep them safe from defilement. Other commentators propose that the High Priest never left, though none of those commentators could figure out ultimately how that worked.

    Regardless, the COVID-era gave us an idea of the kind of sacrifice required by the High Priest. People lost ones they could never visit. Loved ones died and funerals and memorial services didn’t happen. Many people were angry, sad, and hurting for they lost the opportunity for closure. A taste of the High Priest’s sacrifice for us all.

    It may be a stretch, but there is a similarity between the passage of Leviticus and 2 Corinthians; doing right in the eyes of God.

    definitely was concerned about “doing right” in the eyes of others. It was, though, secondary to doing right in the eyes of God. What is the point of being right in the eyes of men, if you will be wrong in the eyes of God? Of course, one has to be careful about that.

    In our era, a person such as the High Priest would be looked down upon for abandoning his family to serve God in such a way. Granted, our understanding of things has somewhat changed, both in regards to family, priests, and ritual holiness. If we were to such a man today, we would probably think there was something wrong with him.


    • Where have you found conflict in your in pursuing God’s glory versus the acclaim of man?
    • Have you experienced what you thought was following God’s plan and then discovered it was not?


    Lord, help us to know your will. Holy , guide us to learn the right things before you and our fellow humanity. Amen.

  • The Right Food

    The Right Food

    Psalm 130; Isaiah 28:9–13; 1 Peter 4:7–19

    The Psalm is a cry to people to hold onto God. Not the “opiate of the masses” that Karl Marx spoke of, but an active holding on that requires us to intimately with God, and pay attention to what God says to us. Our whole being is to on and wait in God. That is certainly no opiate (dulling of the senses or thought processes) that Karl Marx alluded to.

    The opiate that Karl Marx alluded to was more along the lines of “the people” dulling their through the “opium” of religion, dulling the senses and dulling the pain of life. Within the context of his writings, it made sense (and was in many ways correct) insofar as often the aristocracy (though now just as much elected leaders) used religion to suppress change. Hence many progressive Christians declaration that Jesus was a revolutionary that intended to overthrow organized religion.

    In many respects, Marx was correct. Religion “dulls” the pain of a senseless world. Religion provides a framework from which to view the world. Where Marx fell short, from a view, is that he still looked to people to solve the issue. For someone of Jewish descent who converted to Christianity, we might be able to grasp that perhaps Marx’s of religion might not be as insightful as many would like it to be.

    Truly, though, as we read in Isaiah, it’s not as if the Israelites were much better. Basically, Isaiah was calling the Israelites unweaned babies who couldn’t even speak coherently. “Tsav letsav, tsav letsav; qav leqav, qav leqav” is idiomatic wording for baby talk. Even by the time of Isaiah, from God’s point of view, it seems the Israelites hadn’t even gotten onto solid food (also see 1 Corinthians 3:1–23).

    God’s seems more to be, “okay, if you want to throw your childish temper tantrum because you don’t want to up in your and trust; so be it.”

    Right now, in the current age, it seems we are surrounded by people throwing temper tantrums…and some of them bear Christ’s name! Peter’s words that judgment is upon God’s own household…that’s us! You may feel that God’s choosing the issue on your heart. You may be right. You may feel that God is not choosing the issue that someone else sees. You may be wrong.

    The words from Peter that should catch us, “…if the are barely rescued…” Those words should take your breath away. Maybe they should cause you to fall on your knees in .


    • What do you think is religious baby food or milk? What makes it that?
    • What do you think is religious solid (“adult”) food? What makes it that?
    • Reading Peter’s and Isaiah’s words, what are signs of spiritual adulthood? Which ones are you displaying in your life?


    God, sometimes we succumb to our human frailties. Sometimes we just want to be kids again, and give up all responsibility. Help us to lead those around us, and those that follow us to be weaned followers of Christ. Amen.

  • A Different Movement

    A Different Movement

    Psalm 22:25–31; Amos 8:11–13; Acts 8:9–25

    The diminished place in American society that the American church is finally beginning to truly wrestle with is where the church was in many other Western countries many decades ago. As it processes what this means, the American church what it means when “its place” is not the one of honor nor .

    God, however, isn’t as concerned about the church, per se, but about its people. The people (e.g., the descendants of Psalm 22:30) will still proclaim the , , and love of God. How it’s done, however, will be changing rapidly over the next few years. This isn’t the first time.

    Much of what Jesus opposed during his time of ministry developed when God was quiet (the time between Malachi and John the Baptist). God was very quiet. Yes, there were pious and -led people during those times. They led the people and helped the people. Sadly, over that same time period, developed ways to “meet the mark” that resulted in broken hearts and spirits, and not in a good way.

    The Western church may be in such a place. On the other hand, some of the Western churches aren’t experiencing decline; they are experiencing revival! While they are the exception, it just shows that God is moving.

    There are plenty of Simons in the world. They are successful. They have influence. They have money. Yet, there will be those who, like Simon, will find the message about Jesus to be irresistible and abandon it all.

    Like Peter, though, we will still need to disciple them so that they understand what it means to follow Christ. Even in the church today, there are people who bargain with God. Some will give so that God will give them what they think they want. There are a lot of Simons even in the church.

    How God will , how God will , how people will are all in question at this point. We cannot make any assumptions. Nor can we remain comfortable or complacent. God will act, let’s hope we’re beside God as it happens.


    • What changes in church do you see?
    • What changes in you do you see toward God’s movement?
    • How do you see how you will share about Jesus changing?
    • What are your expectations for how God will move?


    Lord, as we for your movement, help us to be aware of the little movements all around us, so that we may be present when the big movements come. Amen.

  • Wood and Metal

    Wood and Metal

    Psalm 22; Isaiah 52:13–53:12; Hebrews 10:16–24; John 19:16–30

    Perhaps instead of Good Friday, it should be Great Friday. The greatness of God succumbed willingly to the , sin, and hatred of humanity. The purpose was to provide a path for humanity to return to God that humanity had abandoned.

    We could talk about all the theology of the cross. We could talk about the theology of atonement. There’s the Justification Theory. There’s the Penal Theory. There’s the Ransom theory. There’s the Relational Theory. There’s the Redemption theory.

    They are all great theories. All of them have an aspect of the in them. Until we God face-to-face, the mystery of the cross is not something to be understood by the mind of humanity. The mystery of the cross is…a mystery.

    All the theories are about “how” it works as if that really matters. That God did it. That is what matters.

    Good Friday is that time where we have to face the Truth. We are the reason for the cross. We are the reason that the only blameless died on a cross.

    The cross is morbid. It is brutal. It is in the midst of life on earth.

    I used to lead a Good Friday service. As part of the service, I drove 3 big nails into a wooden cross: BANG, BANG, BANG for each nail. Three hits each for 3 nails. The cross was on a hollow wooden floor. Each hit on a nail could be felt by everyone. That I drove the nails into the cross, into the symbolic representation of the of my Savior, affected me deeply.

    After I was done with the teaching, each person was invited to write something on a piece of paper and nail it to the cross. I never read any of them. Not even my kids’ or my wife’s. That was their “thing” to nail to the cross.

    Oddly, there was something meaningful to many during that service. It wasn’t publicized, but it grew. I don’t know if it was the Savior Himself that drew them or the of being rid of a weight that drew them. I do know that people let me know that it was their “favorite” service.

    Sounds weird, doesn’t it? Yet, we all seem to know that there is always something else that we need to leave at the cross.


    • What does Good Friday tell you about God? What does Good Friday tell you about how God feels about you?
    • What is something that you need to put at/on the cross, and leave there with your Savior?


    Almighty God, we beseech you graciously to behold this your family, for whom our Lord Christ was willing to be betrayed and given into the hands of sinners, and to suffer death upon the Cross; who now lives and reigns with you and the , one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

  • In the Shadows of Triumph

    In the Shadows of Triumph

    Isaiah 42:1–9; Psalm 36:5–11; Hebrews 9:11–15; John 12:1–11

    Yesterday, we celebrated Palm Sunday. The Messiah, no, the King, no, God (!) entered Jerusalem! At churches around the world, children paraded waving palm branches. The triumphant entry is a big thing!

    I remember being part of a multi-church parade on Palm Sunday. We walked from one church to another. It was different. It provided some emotional and experiential context, but just as we read yesterday, the triumphal resulted in a quiet departure.

    Traditionally, there are a couple of events that are “assigned” to Monday. One of them is the anointing of Jesus by Mary. As Judas so kindly (sarcasm) pointed out, what she did was expensive. It could be seen as a waste. It was something used with a dead body, and Jesus wasn’t dead.

    It was, however, a foreshadowing of what would happen in a few days (granted, no one understood that). It was a beautiful teaching point. In the midst of the smell of (for the perfume was associated with that), Jesus lived!

    This not-so-insignificant event was at the home of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. A household that was already a place of significant events. This household seemed to have a pretty significant relationship with Jesus. The anointing of Jesus is also very intimate (which is telling, too) for only the immediate family would anoint the dead.

    That Jesus went from the triumphal entry to quiet to the home of this family probably has lessons for us if we knew more. We can only presume and . As Jesus understood his time was short, he wanted to spend some extra time with this family that was significant to him.

    Perhaps that is the lesson for us. We have spent the last year in a strange “space”. Time with was limited. Extend family was discouraged. We have learned some valuable lessons. Others are important, even for us introverts. As our times and interactions became limited, they became more valuable, and we began to choose which was the most significant to us.

    It’s probably a good time to contemplate the quiet, the time before the darkness; the contrast between the triumph and the quiet. The time to celebrate, and the time to take a breath…and the voice of the Holy .


    • Where do you “meet” Jesus most, in the triumph or in the quiet? Why do you think that is?
    • What do you see happening this week that will echo the emotional ups and downs of Holy Week?


    Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to but first he suffered , and entered not into before he was crucified: Mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the Cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the , one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [Monday of Holy Week Collect, Book of Common Prayer, 2019]

  • What Holy Ground?

    What Holy Ground?

    Psalm 19; Exodus 19:9b–15; Acts 7:30–40

    “What ground,” isn’t a rhetorical question. It’s a real one. What is Holy ground?

    The land surrounding the “burning bush” was Holy…for a time. Notice that it wasn’t important to God or Moses what happened after that encounter. It was only important during that encounter.

    How about the mountain? Well, we’re pretty certain we know which mountain. There certainly are Muslims who are certain which mountain it was. There is no on it where people God or have “Holy” experiences.

    Holy ground isn’t a small question. The people of the are trying to figure out a whole new reality to that question. Is digital Holy? If so, when? It’s also not that digital is forcing a new question to be asked. It is just so completely different to the understanding of church, , and gathering that it cannot help but be obviously different.

    Small groups have long been a staple in the church. The Wesleyan movement (of which we, the Church of the Nazarene, are a part) has high regard for the place of “classes” (groups of 8–20) and “” (groups of 3–6) for developing an understanding of being Christian (classes) and as a Christian (bands). Both classes and bands had experiences of Holy encounters. They became Holy places.

    In other words, the church (or the Wesleyan expression of it) already has a place of Holy ground that isn’t “the church” (Sunday morning worship).

    As of late, I have discovered a new Holy ground for me and my encounters with God. Of all places, it’s in my living room. It is next to the gas fireplace I use to disregard as a pathetic excuse for a fireplace (i.e., it doesn’t burn wood). Yet, I have learned that flipping that switch I belittled is now a quickener to focused . I’m already dreading Summer and not turning it on.

    Another Holy place for me is now Google Meets (Google’s answer to Zoom). I meet with my band and I meet with my class on Google Meets. My band used to meet at Starbucks, but now half my band is out-of-state. We still have Holy ground . My class started over Zoom then moved to Google Meets. We didn’t start in person, and probably never will meet as a class in person. We still have Holy ground together.

    Where you find Holy ground is not wholly irrelevant. However, if you are truly encountering God there, even in a garbage dump, then even the garbage dump is Holy Ground.

    Finding Holy ground is not (really) optional. As a follower of , we must find time and place to be with God. If we cannot find one, we must make the effort to do so.

    Susanna Wesley (the mother of John Wesley, the primary founder and leader of the Wesleyan movement) found her Holy ground underneath her apron in the kitchen. With a large number of children running (if they ran) around, it was there that she encountered God.

    Don’t look for that big or special place to encounter God. Look for that Holy ground in the everyday to encounter God.