Tag: meet

  • Moneyed Futures

    Moneyed Futures

    2 Samuel 7:12–21; Matthew 6:33–34; James 4:13–5:6

    If you’ve ever listened to Dave Ramsey, you’ve probably heard of the “emergency” fund. When you start his Financial University program, this is the first thing to be done. His point being that credit cards and payday loan “emergencies” become less so when you actually plan for them.

    Ramsey goes so far as to say each family ought to have available funds to cover 3-6 months of expenses. That is often a large pill to swallow. Yet, as many people are struggling to make ends meet, and are looking at losing their jobs, homes, and even health care much would have been easier if all were so prepared.

    In to the 25%+ foreclosure rate during the Great Depression, the federal loan agent Fannie Mae was created in 1938. As homes and property were assets, there was some tolerance for it. Though one can look at the current housing market and wonder if Fannie Mae (and its “sibling” Freddie Mac) were a good idea.

    In 1950, Diner’s Club International created the credit card. American Express followed a few years later. Bank of America followed them (eventually creating Visa). Then came Master Charge (now MasterCard). People were now able to borrow themselves into oblivion.

    Then we add things like personal loans, auto loans, and student loans, it has become a real mess. The way the US tax code is, even companies are encouraged to do massive loans for tax benefits. The sad part is how much inflation all these loans (and the ability to get them) have probably caused.

    However, what is interesting is that Generation Z has experienced and witnessed this, and all the companies that make off of loans may be in real trouble. Gen Z already (barely into the workforce) has the highest rate of savings since those who grew up during the Great Depression.

    The reality is that all these loans, and all that is spent, buys nothing in the eternal kingdom, at least not by itself. James’ words are rather harsh, but as we look around us, we can see that perhaps James wasn’t harsh enough.

    A certain aerospace company contractually forced its subtiers (and their subtiers) to continue production of a plane that was grounded internationally. The rate of manufacturing was elevated at such a rate that hundreds of planes are now sitting, unsold. All the contractually obligated subtiers are also sitting on what is now likely at least a year’s (and likely 2-3) worth of inventory, with no one to send it to.

    The arrogance of large corporations can be seen in James’ words. Also, as we look at all of our political leaders, we can see that arrogance regarding the is just as much an issue for them as for companies.

    Normal folks encouraged to have loans they can’t afford, look at the corporations and politicians who, by and large, escape the consequences. Normal folks are the ones losing their jobs. The politicians are keeping theirs.


    What are some lessons that we as Christians and as people of the US can from the economy and the COVID situation? How do we apply them to our walk moving forward? How might the lessons how we treat others and even exercise our freedoms and responsibilities?


    Lord, you are our and our firm foundation. May the Holy continue to guide us toward a holy view of money that we might be better citizens of the US and also the . Amen.

  • Are You There Yet?

    Are You There Yet?

    Romans 7:15-20; Philippians 3:12–21; 1 John 1:6–2:6

    If you’ve ever been on a long trip, whether as a parent or a child, “Are we there yet,” is a common question. So common that some people can time when the next time the question will be asked. The “are we there yet” question is an event- and time-based question with an answer.

    “Are we there yet,” when asked as a spiritual question is something completely different. In a performance-based culture, such as ours, there are often attempts to assess and evaluation the successfulness of our holiness.

    If we are not careful, this can become overwhelming, and even deadly to our spiritual growth. If we are so concerned about how we are evaluated and what the measure is, we are often tempted to meet the “requirement” of without the heart- that we seek.

    When we perform “holiness” through tasks and checkboxes we become as overburdened as the Jews had been for so long with their Law. Thus our “holiness” becomes an act of will. So, when we are tired, discouraged, down, or something else, our holiness house of cards comes tumbling down.

    wasn’t there yet. In Romans, he expresses his /frustration/reality that he keeps missing the mark of things. He recognizes a conflict between our nature bent towards its own gratification, and our God-nature desiring to be in God’s grace, mercy, and love.

    He also writes to the Philippians much the same way. He knows he is “there” yet. That doesn’t stop him from reaching toward the “goal” with all his might. In many respects, Paul’s “forgetting” is key to moving . We are all inclined to remember our failures (especially when they are painful). It is especially important to have someone to to and be held accountable by. Oddly, that seems to help us move on.

    Then there is the “confession” that has been used for generations in some traditions regarding confession and . The sin is an issue. The unconfessed, unrepented, and unreconciled (can be read as unforgiven, but not entirely accurate) sin is the bigger issue. When John talks about not being in fellowship, it is the unconfessed, unrepented, and unreconciled sin that “shows” we are walking in .

    Paul and John (and others) know full well that we have an advocate who is looking to judge us but to forgive us.

    ※Prayer of Confession from the Book of Common Prayer (2019)※

    Almighty and most merciful Father,
         we have erred and strayed from your ways like lost sheep.
    We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts.
    We have offended against your holy laws
    We have left undone those things which we ought to have done,
         and we have done those things which we ought not to have done;
    and apart from your grace, there is no health in us.

    O Lord, have mercy upon us.
    Spare all those who confess their faults.
    Restore all those who are penitent,
         according to your promises declared to all people in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    And grant, O most merciful Father, for his sake,
         that we may now live a godly, righteous, and sober life,
         to the of your holy Name. Amen.

  • Disciple, Baptize, Teach

    Disciple, Baptize, Teach

    Matthew 28:16–20; 1 Corinthians 1:14–25

    One of the measurements of a ‘s growth is the annual number of baptisms. If we were to review the church’s (and, by this, generally all American churches), the percentage is not particularly great. It certainly does not the so-called New Testament numbers.

    A lot has changed over the years. In certain traditions, infants are brought to be baptized into the life of the church. While the Church of the Nazarene generally dedicates infants, functionally it often ends up being the same.

    Is a good measurement? Yes…and no. Baptism does not a make. It would be nice if it were that easy.

    There is probably a reason why the order is disciple, baptize, teach. The two primary modern pathways are baptize/teach and teach/baptize. seems to not be part of the primary paths.

    Yes, the disciple is used a lot. The actually as a disciple seems to be lacking. But, you say, we have a discipleship class or book or…really, something that teaches.

    The evidence of a lack of discipleship is all around us. Look at our culture. Look at our news. Look at our sports.

    ‘s words somewhat feed into that. He states that he was not sent to baptize, but to preach. Now we often immediately equate preach to teach (not just because it rhymes). Paul seems to that.

    Especially in the apologetic intellectual Christianity of today, preaching is often used as teaching. Paul calls his preaching foolishness. Paul’s foolishness wouldn’t seem to be the same as today’s preaching.

    It might even mean that the wise, the teacher of the law, the debater of the age might very well be the church and its practices. This is not to tear down the church, but to examine it. This is meant to examine us.

    , you commanded your disciples to make disciples. Help us to do our part. Amen.

    1) What is discipleship? What does a disciple look like?

    2) What is the difference between being a disciple and being taught?

    3) Do you think Jesus meant the three (disciple, baptize, teach) in a particular order or to actually separate them? Or do you think Jesus had something else in mind? If so, what?

  • Criminal Christian

    Criminal Christian

    Luke 23:32–43; 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11

    A criminal is saved on the cross. Talk about a “bedside” or “execution” ! He was on the cross when he was saved.

    Look at the words the criminal stated. Look at the words that spoke. We often have longer phrases and understandings (even from Jesus’ own words) of what it takes to be saved. There probably is no quicker salvation story.

    That being said, it could be that the rumors and news about Jesus was so strong and flowing, that the criminal even from prison knew about Jesus. We don’t know what seeds had already be sown when the man sought salvation.

    However, we can say that by all appearances the criminal didn’t meet even the lowest standards of salvation as we often understand it. Does this diminish his salvation? No. It does show the amazing and mercy of God.

    Do you want to be the criminal? All done. All saved. All good. Nothing more to do.

    The criminal is not the ideal follower of Jesus. Truly, to a select group the criminal is a beacon of hope. For the rest of us, though, the criminal is a criminal for something completely unrelated to the cross.

    He doesn’t live out his faith. He does, for a few hours, but it’s really not the same. Faith and salvation are tested and refined through the long and many trials of .

    It can be reasonably argued, and has been by many, that salvation is only the beginning. Yes, in our salvation, we walk through the door to of God. It’s a big kingdom, though. Do you really only want to stay at the entrance?

    The fuller life, the rich life of God, is the full and complete promise of life with Jesus. We are often satisfied with so much less. Even more disturbing is that so many want salvation, but they don’t want the transformative live with Jesus.

    Some people this being “on ” for Jesus, except that it can devolve to being obnoxious in the name of Jesus. We don’t really want to be “on fire” for Jesus. We should want to be “on fire” by Jesus.

    For Jesus usually comes from our strength and emotion. By Jesus means that it is fully (and lovingly and..and…and…) reliant upon Jesus to do the work in us through the Holy .

    Is this merely semantics? Perhaps. However, there are a lot of people out in the world trumpeting the church (the Body of Christ), but aren’t living fully within it. Some show up on Sunday. Or, maybe they’ll show up digitally.

    Living the (truly) rich live means living it together in community. We must seek, foster, and that community. It won’t just come.

    Or we can just be a criminal on a cross.


    Jesus, help us to want a full and complete life with you. Help us surrender everything to the Holy Spirit to form and shape us for your will. Amen.


    1) How’s your faith community? Not just church (though that too), but your daily faith community?

    2) How does one know whether one is living the Christian life of the criminal on the cross, or the fullness of the Kingdom come?

  • Summary Path

    Summary Path

    Malachi 4:5–6; Matthew 17:10–13; John 1:19–28

    Jesus said that John was Elijah. John said he wasn’t Elijah. Who was right?

    The question is, who is Elijah? The other question is, who’s asking?

    First of all, let’s talk about Malachi’s words. Malachi prophesied that Elijah would come back to Judah heralding a massive change. Malachi spoke to the Jews post-exile.

    Despite the restoration of the , the people were with despair and ennui. God didn’t meet their expectation of restoring everything to the way they perceived it having been before (even if its perfection was figurative). They were walking on the downward slope away from God, again.

    Malachi didn’t let them off the hook. God was coming, in God’s timing. People would come to God, or they wouldn’t, but something momentous would happen. The Day of the Lord was often synonymous with the end of the world. It was also used to indicate a God-driven cataclysmic change.

    Malachi’s words had transformed as the precursor to the Messiah. Elijah would come before the Messiah. This not a literal thing, as reincarnation was not part of Jewish thought. This “Elijah” would be “in the of Elijah” meaning a prophet of God, but with a particular focus on restoring the relationship between the people and God.

    So, why did John deny being Elijah? Probably because he didn’t see himself that way. The problem with being compared to a legendary figure is that you know you’re not the legendary figure. There was a lot of weight and expectation, and John probably didn’t want to bear that burden.

    Also, as there was so much build-up regarding the Messiah, there was likely just as much build-up around Elijah, and much of it was probably wrong. Why would John want to be a part of that?

    There is also the last part of it, which is who Elijah was really couldn’t be evaluated until the Messiah completed the return. John was dead before the fulfillment, and without himself seeing the fulfillment, he certainly would have questioned being “Elijah”.

    Jesus, on the other hand, knew what was coming, and knew what had gone before. He had the perspective to be able to call John “Elijah”. In the spirit of Elijah, the Messiah (Jesus) did indeed reset the Day of the Lord. It was only through the life, , and of Jesus that John could fully be called “Elijah.”

    Often, our own perspective of our lives is twisted and/or minimized, for we (like John) cannot really see what came before and what will come after. We do not know the hearts we’ve changed, the paths we’ve diverted. Only at the end will God let us see it all from an perspective.

    That we are to God. That we pursue God. That we follow God. That we try to help follow God. This is what God will let us see at the end. For now, we can only put one step in front of the other.


    Father God, help us to accept that we cannot see the eternal effect of our lives. Lord Jesus, help us to follow you that the eternal effect brings you . Spirit, guard and strengthen our hearts for those times when we are discouraged because we don’t see that we’ve made a difference. Amen.


    1) There are 2 kinds of eulogies. One that is written by the deceased for reading at the funeral, and the ones that are written in the hearts of others. Which one matters most? In what ways does the eulogy matter for both?

    2) What concepts and feelings come to mind when you hear the phrase, “The Day of the Lord”? Why might that be?

  • Want


    Exodus 20:1–21; 1 Kings 3:16–28; 1 Corinthians 13:1–13

    The tale of envy and spite in the story relayed in 1 Kings is abominable to most of us. How could any person ever do that, even if it is not their child?

    Yet, there are far too many tragic stories of people treating their children—their —with something beyond contempt. The children don’t meet a “need”, or even worse, the death of the child meets the “need”.

    The amazing depravity of humanity is often overwhelming.

    In the story in 1 Kings, there is probably much more than the visible story. Why it was significant to the writer that the women were prostitutes was significant is a matter of conjecture. With something like that we can only guess what else might have been going on.

    One possibility is that the “wise men” didn’t want to deal with the “dirty” prostitutes on a case with no evidence or witnesses (like those who might have been present at the birth or circumcision). So, they handed it off to the new king to test him. This would be well within the norm even today when new figures come into power, they are tested by ally and enemy alike.

    To our ears, Solomon’s solution is over the top. Kill the child? However, some commentators believe that Solomon had discerned who the real mother was and was looking for a justifiable pretext of her son to her.

    The story also shines a light on one of the big human issues: envy. There is a reason that this was on the list of Commandments. It can often be one of the most destructive emotions in human .

    Envy drove a grieving woman to grasp for another’s baby and then be open to the child’s death instead of “losing”.  Envy drove a person to sacrifice a child to hurt another person.

    Envy drives people to do things that are often not rational. Sometimes people will put themselves into so much debt so that they can be just like . Other times they will hurt themselves, as long as they can hurt others.

    No one is immune to the pull of envy. We often think envy is only for big things, but envy is even more dangerous regarding small things. It is easy to excuse or justify the envy of little things. However, once we succumb, envy gains momentum, and our hearts turn toward darkness, and away from .

    , guard our hearts against envy. If the shadow of envy had taken hold, we ask for your saving work to preserve your love in our hearts. Amen.

    1) What is the first “don’t” of love, according to ? Why do you think Paul mentioned that first?

    2) What was the strongest feeling of envy you’ve ever had? What happened?

    3) What is the “flip” side of envy? Or, how is one driven to envy? (hint: see Paul’s list)

  • Passionate Rightful Love

    Passionate Rightful Love

    Luke 11:14–28; Romans 12:9–21

    Can you think of a house that is divided? It shouldn’t be hard at this point. It is displayed for the whole world to see.

    The States has a motto: E pluribus unum. It means, “Out of many, one.” Yet it seems that instead, it ought to be, “E pluribus chaos”.

    There is little that appears orderly at this time. While the US looks first to itself, and other countries, too. Even the countries that ridicule the current US situation have their own divisions to deal with.

    Within our states, cities, and even homes, the division has increased. seems further away and harder to grasp. Regardless of which person wins the presidency in 2020, they will have the unenviable (and likely impossible) task of trying to reunite a divided .

    The church is not any better at this point. The church is divided, too. An even harder task will be the church trying to be united after it is over.

    What will happen? Only God knows. What will the church do to reunite?

    The church has forgotten, in many ways, what it means to be the church. is first. Earth (and its powers) are maybe second. Perhaps second is rating it too high.

    Romans 12:9 starts out with “ unhypocritically” or “love without dissimulation”. At this point, the people of the church are not doing this very well. Political allegiances or motives come before loving one’s brothers and sisters in Christ.

    So-called “” Republicans and Democrats espouse love of fellow man and yet castigate one another in hatred. Perhaps it’s not “real” hate, but the hardening of hearts is undeniable.

    Let us call on one another to have a Romans 12:9–21 political season. Imagine what would happen if the world saw that.


    Lord, your follower gave us wisdom from long ago. Help us to apply to all we and especially all with whom we disagree. May your love flow more strongly from us than our worldly beliefs. Amen.


    1) If you don’t know the word, look up dissimulation. How might dissimulated love be different than hypocritical love? How are they the same?

    2) How does following the guidance in Romans how you will interact with ?

    3) How does following the guidance in Romans show the world Jesus? Is that important to you?

  • Ready! Set!

    Ready! Set!

    Luke 5:1–11; Luke 6:12–16; Luke 9:1–6; Luke 9:28–36; Luke 24:44-49; Acts 2:14 (read online ⧉)

    What’s your 6-month plan? What’s your 12-month plan? What’s your 3-year plan? What’s your 10-year plan?

    Some variation of this question is often asked of high school students, college students, recent graduates, job interviewees. In this particular time of COVID-19, it seems a little far-fetched to even make a plan.

    Depending on your personality and training/learning, you may have a plan laid out for even 10- or 20-years. Others look at their past and the , and say why bother? Who knows what the next monkey-wrench will be.

    Businesses have begun to learn, thanks to the start-up culture, that rigid plans are deadly. There is a term for it, agile. Businesses are now called to be agile by their stockholders. It’s a necessity as the next technological disruption is just around the corner. Other disruptions, like COVID-19, are much harder to be agile toward, however, companies that already had some agility were better able to respond.

    If you look at the verses from Luke in sequence and ending with Acts, you see a in plans. Peter is a major focal point as he moves from fisherman, to acquaintance, to follower (i.e., disciple), to inner-circle follower, to faith healer and herald, to an even smaller inner-circle, to transformed (by the Holy ), to preacher and leader. This was not part of Peter’s plan.

    At the point we Peter, his lifetime plan is fisherman. Three years later he’s the leader (of leaders) of a religious movement! Peter met Jesus, and the plan…it was gone.

    It’s not that plans are bad. Jesus even praised (Luke 14:28-32). However, we have to be ready and willing to toss out our plans when Jesus calls.

    Plans are our way to control our circumstances. This is why we have planning departments. This is even how we have modern agriculture. Planning is good.

    Planning still has to yield to Jesus’ . That’s where we often fail.

    There will be many churches, businesses, cities, and even families that will not recover from COVID-19. In many cases, no amount of planning will prevent that. On the other hand, churches (especially) chose to not be agile, because that is not the way we’ve done it before.

    Churches chose to die, rather than respond to Jesus Christ’s call for them to be agile in how they performed their . It could be, sadly, that they forgot the only mission that they had, “Go and make disciples…baptizing them…teaching them…”

    On a personal level, just like an organizational level, we need to be agile. Our plans (as much as we want them to be) cannot be rigid and inflexible.

    Whether it was the leaders (it was) or the people (it was) forgoing the mission for the sake of “the plan”, it means that “the plan” became the mission, and Jesus became a mascot.


    Lord, us your plans. Help us to release our plans. May we be the salt of the earth that you have called us to be. Amen.

    1) What would be your response if God were to turn your plans upside down? What in your current life would you be willing to give up to follow God’s plan?

    2) What are your plans right now? If you have none, why not? Should you? If you do have plans when was your last time to renew/refresh it?

    3) Why do you think churches have a hard time changing plans?