Tag: mercy

  • Following Further

    Following Further

    Acts 18:24–19:5; 1 Corinthians 3:5–15; 1 Corinthians 3:18–23 (read online ⧉)

    Continuing from yesterday, Peter and Paul were, and remain, examples to follow. In particular, it is their faithful following of Jesus Christ and their wrestling with the for themselves and others.

    Not too long into things, however, already following fell into camps. Peter and Paul were the “original” camps and later, that of Apollos. The separation of camps was certainly not the intent of Peter, Paul, or Apollos.

    The primary concern of the Corinthians was Paul and Apollos. Paul did note that Peter (Cephas) was tied into this as well. One can imagine that the 3 camps were broken into apparently ideological categories: old/Apostolic guard (Peter), Jewish guard (Apollos), Gentile/revolutionary guard (Paul).

    Was this really the case for these 3 men? Neither the nor Church histories provide any evidence of it. This was something that likely started with and attraction.

    We see this today, as people will follow a particular pastor. If that pastor moves on, so do they. We also often seen this camp development as a precursor to church family splits.

    People will settle into camps over many issues: political party, environment, , taxation, “freedoms”, immigration, world events, and so on. People will often find and focus on more that divides, rather than unites.

    In this environment of being divided and then further subdivided, and then divided again, followers of Jesus should buck the trend and figure out how to unite. Currently, we are on the same path as the of the world in that regard and that does not.

    We also know from the Scriptures and Church history that the early leaders did not all agree on everything at all times. Yet, their paramount allegiance was to Jesus Christ.

    One could dismiss their agreement on the reality that they were oppressed or at least strongly opposed. If that’s the case, perhaps instead of greater freedom, we should pray for further difficulty (dark humor).

    It wasn’t easy to stay unified. It also isn’t as if they were unified on everything. They were being unified over Jesus, which is all we can really ask of one another. That isn’t happening today.

    As we always look for and at those who are one step ahead of us, we must still keep our eyes upon Jesus. The person we follow may turn away, and if we blindly follow, we too will walk away from Jesus. Keeping our eyes upon Jesus will help keep us going toward him, and not away.

    Jesus, while we look at others to help us in our Christian walk, help us to keep our eyes on you. Amen.

    1) Which people are you watching or following right now? How do they lead you to Jesus?

    2) Is Jesus (not “being Christian”) your lens when looking at and listening to others?

    3) How do you converse generously in love, , and with others whose understanding of following Jesus is different than yours?

  • Following Followers

    Following Followers

    Matthew 16:13–20; Acts 11:1–18; 2 Corinthians 11:16–30

    Peter appears to have been the first one to put it all . He declared that was the Messiah.

    We often look back at Peter, thinking, “Well, that was obvious!” There were actually a number of people wandering around saying they were the messiah. Jesus wasn’t the only one.

    The other (false) messiah’s had followers, a lot of them. Some of the false messiah’s sought to overthrow the Roman government. They and their followers were killed (crucified) as rebels.

    The religious leaders weren’t any better than the Roman government, as many of them were in league with them. Also, the religious leaders had certain expectations of the messiah (some Scripture-based, many not) that no one could fulfill (and note that Jesus didn’t fulfill all of theirs).

    Peter’s declaration of the Messiah was a big deal. He assembled the “clues” together. Despite the failures and deaths of other messiahs, Peter still declared it. There would be a cost for that.

    It doesn’t matter whether one takes Jesus’ statement about “the rock” as literal (i.e., the Roman Catholic church), a figurative based upon Peter’s declaration (most Protestant traditions), or the fact the Peter was the first leader of the church. Peter’s place in Church history as both leader and declarer of the Messiah is undeniable.

    Peter is also the one that was first called to reaching the (non-Jews) with the saving message of the . Thus, as most of the Church is now “Gentile”, Peter’s place should be unquestioned.

    The second person that was the greatest impact on the Gentiles for the Church was Paul. Paul was almost exclusively a missionary to and a leader of the Gentiles. He, like Peter, was accused of “watering-down” the Word of God by not requiring Jewish practices for the Gentiles.

    Paul, more-so than Peter, could make a “Jew-of-Jew” claim. Paul did this so that his Jewishness would not be questioned, and neither would the , love, and of God toward the Gentiles.

    It is hard to imagine how the message of God’s love through Jesus’ death on the cross would have been shared and spread without these two. Both had significant flaws. In today’s overly sensitive world (in regards to all streams of to morality), both men would likely be attacked.

    When following Jesus, sometimes our best path is to follow the guidance of those such as these two.

    Father God, you have called many people to follow your Son. , you have enlightened many to lead people to the Son. Jesus, you have many who are your followers. May we hear and obey the , and being the light of the world. Amen.


    1) What words would you use to describe Peter? How about Paul?

    2) Why is it important to recognize not just their place as “doctors” of the Church, but also their humanity?

    3) What do they teach you about being a follower of Jesus? What does it mean to follow a follower?

  • Money Change

    Money Change

    Luke 7:36–8:3; Luke 24:1–12 (read online ⧉)

    In Jesus’ day, women held a “lesser” societal role. It’s not that they held no role. In Roman culture, women’s roles were actually in somewhat of a cultural disarray as “free” marriage was opposed by Augustus Caesar who wanted a “traditional” male-dominant marriage. Marriage differed between “noble” and “common” people, too.

    In Jewish culture, women did have a lesser role, but today rabbinical holds to matrilineal which is estimated to have begun in Jesus’ lifetime! In other words, “the fathers” that were held in apparent esteem, would no longer be the “line”.

    This means that in the time of Jesus’ ministry, there was likely a lot of turmoil regarding women’s roles in both Roman and Jewish societies. Having named (versus anonymous) women listed as Jesus’ followers could either have been a cultural shock or no great surprise.

    Currently, the general consensus has been that the women’s presence with Jesus would have been a shocking thing. Yet, even the words of the Sadducees and Pharisees don’t mention the women as followers. In the first of today’s verses, the scandalous (“sinner”) woman was pointed to. Jesus was questioned for pardoning her sins. Her presence didn’t seem overly surprising.

    As Jesus continues his story of the debtor, the gender is irrelevant to God’s grace and . We go from hair being used to wipe feet, a parable of the debtors (money), then the jump to the financing of the mission of Jesus. We learn that women appeared to be the financial backers (or at least the mentioned ones) of the mission. Judas Iscariot may have “held” the purse strings (John 12:6), but he obviously was not the fundraiser.

    These women had all had (apparently) miraculous encounters with Jesus, so they supported Jesus’ ministry. Joanna is culturally the most interesting, as her husband was Herod’s household manager. In some respects, her presence may have caused some to be more hesitant when it came to dealing with Jesus, for who knew what Joanna could have had happen. Perhaps not in reality, but people will invent large stories in their , to justify their inaction.

    According to Luke, Mary Magdalene and Joanna were two of the women (Mary at the grave of Jesus on the Day of Resurrection. That these two women showed up, which means that they viewed Jesus as , for they were taking on the role of family caring for the dead.

    The transformation of these 2 women, in particular, is a good lesson. Jesus saved them. They responded in () and following (discipleship). Then they became family (possibly sanctification).  What their role was after that is, sadly, unclear. It may not matter in the . That they allowed Jesus to continue to upend their is what matters.


    God of our transformation, help us to have hearts of peace as you upend our lives. May our lives be continually transformed so that they can display your light. Amen.


    1) Other than COVID-19 itself and the general upending of all our lives, what is the biggest thing being challenged and changed in your life?

    2) How have you experienced the initiate, transform, and sustain life change?

  • Humble Feasting

    Humble Feasting

    Mark 7:1–8; Mark 12:38–40; Luke 14:7–14 (read online ⧉)

    To some degree, we all have a desire to be needed, acknowledged, valued, and heard. Often these are decried as pride. Yet, research (and ) consistently show that a child who is acknowledged, valued, and heard (and even needed to a degree) will up emotionally healthier than those who lack these things. Yet, if they are over-acknowledged, -valued, -heard, -needed (helicopter-parents, anyone?), they also grow up unhealthy emotionally. There is a balance.

    One of the biggest indicators of a healthy measure of need, acknowledgment, value, and being heard is whether a person is satisfied at the cost of or not. This isn’t a zero-sum game. It is quite possible to be valued and not devalue others.

    When the Pharisees and scribes challenged ‘ disciples’ lack of washing, they were elevating their understanding of the and traditions of the elders over God and the people. God had set the boundaries, but the elders put a bigger “fence” around the original Law in an attempt to “protect” the Law and the holiness of God as if either the Law or God needed it. The larger issue was that the fence was a huge burden to people, and wore down their hearts and souls. This was, in effect, bullying of the weak.

    Jesus’ perspective becomes more apparent later on when Jesus’ assault on the behavioral patterns towards widows, and toward others. Their expectations of how they were to be treated were over and above what they should be expecting, especially as their expectations would often happen to the detriment of others, especially those for whom they were supposed to care for. Their desires and expectations were certainly unhealthy for everyone, even themselves.

    In the parable of the feast, Jesus notes that people will often rate themselves higher than they ought. It wasn’t just a matter of wealth or privilege, it was who was valued by their relationship with the host. It was, honestly, also who could do the most for the host. Which is why Jesus addressed that, too.

    The reality is that we are all in places where we could overvalue ourselves, and place ourselves in our own harm’s way. There is also the chance that we do not value ourselves as highly as others (though we have to be careful about false humility, too).

    In the conversations of today, whether we are talking about race, gender, equality (of varying sorts), , humility is where the conversation begins. None of us is the Savior. There is only one person in that role.

    ※Prayer [Cheryce Rampersad]※

    Heavenly , I come before Your throne of grace and mercy to that You bring humility into my life. Allow me to not be filled with pride, , or boastful gestures toward those around me. Let my heart be filled with , joy, peace, and happiness for my fellow men. [Amen]


    1) Have you ever had the experience of publically being knocked down a peg or two? Was it justified? Does that matter? How did you feel?

    2) Were you ever honored or valued publically beyond what you thought you deserved or expected? What was that like?

    3) Why is it important to be humble (maybe even pray for humility) before having a deep or significant conversation with a person with whom you believe you disagree or have had different experiences than?

  • Only the Beginning

    Only the Beginning

    Psalm 104:24–35; Joel 2:18–29; Romans 8:18–24 (read online ⧉)

    We have lost a lot in the modern age. One of the things is awareness of the land. In the current COVID-19 situation, we may be regaining some of that, as prices go up with agricultural workers being unavailable due to illness.

    The health of the land was deeply tied to the health of its people. We’ve seen some strange perspectives of that with both environmental activists and blind corporate juggernauts.

    For many the environmental ties to a flourishing people are obvious. To others, not so much. In the era of and even today, when nature has severe weather, agriculture often takes the brunt of it. In ‘s age, they were very much aware of that, especially as there were a series of famines. Thus the land needing healing was quite obvious to any person.

    The land was tied to prosperity. An unhealthy land made for unhealthy people. It was also the case, which was Joel’s point, that an unhealthy people made for an unhealthy land. Paul noted that it was just humanity that longed for a Savior…the of Creation longed for it, too.

    Pentecost wouldn’t seem to have much to do with that, yet, it is the empowerment by the Holy Spirit of the people of God, that would be the new shepherds to heal the land. Justice and were not just to be attributes of God, they were to be attributes of his people.

    The land isn’t just the land and the animals, it is the heart of the people in it, too. The land, our land, is very sick. It is not just COVID-19, it is something far deeper and even more ill. There is an illness that is infecting the souls of the people of our nation and even the people of the Body of Christ.

    We may not be able to fix it all, and we certainly cannot heal it all. We can be the messengers of love, , and mercy. In so doing, as we guard our words and actions, we will be different than the world that seeks to attack and destroy others.

    The love of Jesus Christ cannot back down, and the Body of Christ cannot just let the vileness that pervades continue to build and lash out. We are not called to lash out as the world. We are to say that Christ died for them to heal their pain. We can only walk them on the journey.

    ※ Prayer [BCPOnline] ※

    O God, who on Pentecost taught the hearts of your faithful people by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit: Grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgment in all things, and evermore to rejoice in his holy ; through Jesus Christ your our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

    ※ Afterward ※

    Questions seem superfluous. The recent death of George Floyd has taken an anxiety-ridden world and launched chaos. The rise of mayhem and violence will not heal or reconcile. It will only harden hearts. We are called to be the church for such times as this. How we can and will respond in this and in all such, we can only pray that we bring and glory to God.

  • Serving Service

    Serving Service

    Acts 6:1–7; 1 Corinthians 12:4–11; 2 Corinthians 9:1–15 (read online ⧉)

    One of the struggles that the as in this day (without COVID-19) is people to serve. The seven that were by the people and deputized by the Apostles had a particular service to the widows of the .

    The Apostles set out some expectations. They would not on tables. We, probably, think that it’s obvious that the Apostles wouldn’t be waiting on tables. However, that they used that wording tells us that at least some of the people had that exact .

    Once we all to “church” (as in the building), all the patterns that make for a worshiping and serving community will be ready for a . This is not because anything in particular was bad, but because it is a time for renewal, and all the habits that were built up have been destroyed.

    Each person has a particular calling or two for the church. It doesn’t mean that we can’t or won’t do multiple things, it just means that there are one or two that are our sweet spot between God’s call on our lives and our talents and our gifts.

    Caring for one another, however, is very important, and for many, it is quite difficult. This is not necessarily because they are bad people (or even introverts), it is because they have developed habits that are less gregarious than . The whole COVID-19 for them is probably making these habits worse. They may well be the ones that struggle the most when we get back .

    The other interesting and frustrating part about COVID-19 and physical distancing is that creates an uncomfortable, and almost irreconcilability to the call to serve one another and to stay away from each other. Many people need service, but yet to be responsible we are to stay away.

    Some have found a balance. Some haven’t. Yet, it is something we all need to wrestle with, and this will still be the case when we come back together. When we come back together may indeed be the hardest to find a way to serve each other and yet maintain our distance.

    ※ Prayer ※
    Lord Jesus, you commanded us to love one another. Help us to figure out what that means when we are torn between things that seem to be opposed. Let the Holy Spirit guide our hearts and minds so that we are able to share and experience the loving and mercy of God the Father. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※
    1) What is a new thing you could do to serve others? What is a new thing you could do to serve the church?
    2) Are any of the above something you could do now? Why or why not?
    3) When you think of church, are you primarily serving, or are you primarily being served? What can you do to “flip the script”?

  • Unyielding Prayer

    Psalm 39; 2 Samuel 12:13–23; Luke 18:1-8 (read online ⧉)

    It’s hard to grasp why God would appear to condemn an innocent child to die. How it occurs is a mystery. We can infer that David understood that the child would die and that God would not save it. This would be in contrast to God sentencing a healthy child to death. In other words, what if the child had a definite birth defect and would die shortly after birth. God had the capability to save the child, yet the child died of natural causes, rather than supernatural causes. Yes, this isn’t much of a help. However, there are other circumstances around the child that ought to be considered, too.

    David’s fathering left a lot to be desired. The drama surrounding his family (and his life) would do a soap opera proud. The poor child, a product of adultery and murder, would have had a horrible childhood, and probably an awful adulthood. Again, it doesn’t help much, but perhaps God was wise.

    While this isn’t the focus of this devotional, it does lead into David’s prayer. David prayed, and prayed, and fasted, and prayed, and so on. He didn’t up. The prophet Nathan had given David no hope. David still prayed. God (through Nathan) had made the pronouncement. David still prayed.

    The lesson isn’t solely that David prayed for something he “knew” wasn’t going to happen. After not getting what he prayed for, David returned to “normal” life and worshiped God. His child died and he worshiped God. It’s not to say he didn’t mourn. We are long past the of high infant mortality rates (though some still experience such momentous losses). Yet, any person that has lost a child understands the loss that David felt. It’s not that David was happy the child died. David knew that worshiping God was also important.

    The persistent widow never gave up. This seemed a matter she would not give up until she died. That is persistent prayer. How long was she pursuing it? doesn’t say. It isn’t Jesus’ point. This was a woman who did not give up until she either received what she sought or death (hers or her adversary’s). Note that Jesus did not say she was right in what she was pursuing, though it is implied as the judge was unrighteous. This is important, too, as it helps us to think that God is and we are not, so what would God do?

    How many people, however, are not like David? They pray for something (whether minor or major) and it doesn’t happen. They do not (as the song goes) thank God for unanswered prayers. They get angry with God. It’s not that anger at God is a sin. It’s when that anger at God draws you out of fellowship with God or to a place of doubting God that problems come. In and misdirected anger, people make themselves an of God.


    Heavenly Father, as you are patient with us, grant us to be patient and enduring in our prayers. Jesus, may your words guide our hearts and prayers. Spirit, live and breathe in us, that we may pray in ways and for things that bring and to God. Amen.


    1) What is the longest you have prayed for something (or are praying for something)? If you have stopped praying for it, why? If you haven’t stopped praying for it, why?

    2) Do you see yourself more like David, the widow, or something/one else?

    3) What do you do say to those who are frustrated with their prayers not being answered?

  • Wholesome Speech

    Wholesome Speech

    Leviticus 19:11–18; 2 Corinthians 12:19–21; 1 Peter 2:1–5 (read online ⧉)

    Slander is one of the biggest things that divide people whether it be in families, churches, the internet, the world. Slander can be small things, it can be large things. The reality is that it often hurts the innocent and the guilty the same. Slander and gossip can be very destructive. However, while we often focus on the person who is being slandered or gossiped about, we often miss the larger picture.

    Let’s take any leader. If you heard them slandering or gossiping about someone else, it should make you pause. If they are willing to say that about a person who isn’t present, what are they saying about you when you are not present? Slander and gossip can undermine leadership, discipleship, , and most of all .

    This does not mean that we cannot vent or share our struggles or feelings regarding another person. That can be bad, too. What we share about needs to be considered carefully. Often we don’t carefully and prayerfully consider what we say about others. It is when we react with our responses that the greatest damage can occur. In our anger or pain, we often attribute characteristics to others that are more a reflection of our feelings than the other person.

    In fact, there is no simple way to do any of this. Human relationships are often a struggle. While we struggle to relate to one another, we are hurt by one another, and hurt one another. Some of the pains we experience and have yet to identify or process will come out in ways we do not understand or anticipate. Celebrate Recovery (a 12-step Christian recovery program) has a great and very useful saying for when we deal with other people:

    “Hurt people, hurt people.”

    It is simple. If we think about it, though, we can see the truth in it. Humankind has fallen from God’s intent. Out of our , and as a consequence of the sins of others, we hurt that which bears God’s image…each other.


    God, you show such , mercy, and patience with us your wayward children. Thank you for the gift of , giving us a way to overcome our frailties that does not depend on us. Holy , sharpen and heal us into a Christlike image that seeks to restore and heal others and ourselves. Amen.

    1) Can you think of a time when you believe someone slandered you or gossiped about you? What was that like?

    2) What is wholesome speech? What should the characteristics of wholesome speech be? What should the results of wholesome speech be?

    3) How do you heal relationships torn apart by gossip or slander?