Tag: money

  • Say Grace

    Say Grace

    Matthew 5:20; Matthew 19:23–26; Romans 5:20–21

    As schools have begun, for high school junior and seniors this is when many start thinking about the next step…college, and if that is even for them. Colleges begin their paper and email of recruitment. Excitement builds as it seems everyone wants them.

    There are colleges that don’t recruit. They expect interested students to pursue them (the college). This is where dreams may be shattered.

    Students begin to learn that perfect GPAs are not everything. They learn that is hugely important, but still not everything. They learn that extracurricular activities only go so far.

    For many who want to go to the “best” schools, they learn that they (as near as they could tell) had done everything to get in to the college of their dreams, and it still wasn’t enough.

    ‘ words have pretty much the same impact. There is nothing you can do to earn you way into the of God.

    Jesus’ quip about exceeding the of the Pharisees and the scribes would have been depressing (if not horrifying) to his hearers. To their understanding the Pharisees and the scribes were the most of all. “If they can’t do it, how could I?”

    Jesus’ statement about the rich not making it in was incomprehensible, too! The rich were those blessed by God, it was thought (a false theology still alive today). If those who were so blessed by God couldn’t make it in, how could they?

    The larger understanding, which Jesus was undermining, was that entrance into the Kingdom of God was transactional. You paid enough and/or you followed the rules enough, that you made it in. Many Christians today still struggle with this thinking.

    Granted, in a very limited way, there is a transaction: accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It is that simple. Yes, it is profoundly deeper. It’s still simple.

    emphasis on is an attempt to wipe away the tendency to strive for goals of completion. By focusing on grace, Paul was trying to condition people to accept the freeing gift of God.

    It’s also this answer of grace that explains Jesus’ challenges. No one can earn their way into Heaven—into the Kingdom of God—it is an act of God’s grace.


    1) What is grace? Why does grace matter to you and your salvation?

    2) How do you explain grace to someone who thinks they have to earn their way into Heaven?

    3) Do you struggle or know someone else who struggles with thinking they have to “earn” their way into Heaven? How did that thinking develop, do you think?


    Heavenly , we thank you for the grace that you have shown to us. May we also show grace to others, especially your grace. Amen.

  • Cryptic Inheritor

    Cryptic Inheritor

    Genesis 29:16–30; Genesis 49:29–33; Galatians 3:27–29

    Having been to many cemeteries over the years, whether in the US or abroad, it can be amazing to see what people do as monuments. A war leader or emperor may have one. Rich and noble families would often have such a monument, collecting the remains throughout history. It isn’t new, by any stretch. David and many of his descendants were buried near one another.

    Abraham may or may not have intended to buy a family burial plot, but it ended up being such for a few generations. What is peculiar about Jacob’s time is that his favorite wife, Rachael, was not buried there. His first wife, Leah, who wasn’t the preferred one, was the one buried there, and where Jacob would be buried alongside.

    Family land has been fought over long before walked the earth. Even today, families fight over land and property fraying (if not destroying) family ties and loyalties. In some places, the national lines that divide governments attempt to divide families, yet instead, the family ties override the national division.

    The bitter part of all of this is that people often fight over that which is dead and gone. Other times, their plans (buried with Rachael the favorite) are overridden by circumstances (buried with second best).

    All the battles and all the woes are only for a time. As much as an inheritance (even the simple family burial plot) may seem important at the time, it more often magnifies the pettiness of worldly affairs. -to-Dust.

    That has long been one of the hallmarks of the Christian faith…this world is not your home. Or, said another way, your true inheritance is not here.

    Paul calls out this inheritance as something that crosses blood, and culture, and , and class, and gender. This imperishable seed of Abraham is not just something to grasp, it has already been given.


    1) When you hear “inheritance” what is the first thing that comes to mind?

    2) Why do Christians often fight over earthly inheritance or when they have the imperishable inheritance?

    3) How might a daily reminder of your inheritance how you interact with in the world? What can you do to put that reminder front-and-center in your ?


    God, may we keep our eternal home perpetually in mind, along with all those with whom we want to it. Amen.

  • Nope. I’m Good.

    Nope. I’m Good.

    Nope. I’m Good.

    2 September 2020

    John 8:31–41; Philippians 3:1–11

    What are you relying on? This is a question that we each need to ask ourselves on a regular (if not daily) basis. It becomes easy to slip into relying on something without realizing it.

    In industries such as manufacturing, timber, construction where safety is a big issue, it can be easy to fall into ease. As organizations create stronger safety programs and better safety equipment, workers can into a sense of . Then they may overly rely on their safety equipment. Then they make mistakes that endanger themselves, , and the successful completion of their jobs.

    This can also be seen when people spend lots of money (often more than they make) to have a good . This somewhat works when the economy is going well, but things happen, and economies weaken.

    This can also be seen in politics, from local to international, as people make assumptions about their supporters or even their countries as they around and make deals.

    It is also seen in the . While the apparent dominance of the Moral Majority of the 1980s–1990s indicated that the “church” was strong, it showed that the church had lost its way. The church relied on politics and to make a difference, rather than the and grace of Jesus. As the church becomes culturally sidelined, there is a growing awareness of not just the earthly power lost, but also the gained and the power from on high that comes with it.

    The Jews understood and venerated their ancestors, particularly Abraham and Israel. They venerated Moses as the Prophet of the Most High. They had the Law.

    They had become reliant and comfortable. It seems strange for them to be comfortable with the Roman occupation. It was just the status quo, and no one wanted the boat to be rocked.

    Then along comes Jesus to rock the boat, and all the complacency came to a head. For too long the Jews had taken their (very) special place for granted. It was time for them to wake up.

    Part of ‘s awakening was through this as well. While he still proudly proclaimed his Israelite heritage, he set it aside for the greater identity of being a follower of Jesus. While he didn’t toss his heritage out (for it gave him the framework to understand the work of Jesus), he recognized it for what it was…a foreshadow of what was to come…the Body of Christ.

    ※ Prayer ※

    Jesus, may we be shaken daily by who you are so that we are never complacent. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※

    1) Where is your life of faith too complacent?

    2) Where do you see the life of the church too complacent?

    3) Where else in life (outside of faith) are you seeing complacency?

  • Heart of Money; Heart of Mercy

    Heart of Money; Heart of Mercy

    2 Corinthians 8:1–15; 1 Timothy 6:17–19

    Generosity is a good thing. A generous is a good thing.

    Paul encouraged generosity among the churches. The churches would care for one another as they were going through trials (famines, war, etc.). The graciousness of one gave to another church.

    The churches did not do this to receive; they did it out of generous hearts.

    The US churches have been known around the world for their generosity. The US churches were so effective, that they deeply affected US culture to also be generous.

    Except, that seems to be waning. Both the US church and the US population is becoming less generous. A lot of that is likely due to fear. However, much of that seems to also be an of reciprocity. In other words, “what do we get out of it?”

    The other part of the waning aspect may actually be the most concerning. This is the “washing of hands” part. I’ve given my to the cause (church, politics, NGO, etc.). I have done my duty, and I can go on living.

    We can be generous with money, but not with our hearts. We can be generous with our hearts, but not our money. However, being generous in one area and not in the other, really means that we are generous at all. It is an all or nothing situation.

    It sounds harsh. It is. It sounds impossible. It just might be. Or, at least impossible without God.

    How generosity actually takes place is not a fixed recipe. The people of Macedonia were generous to the best of their capability. The churches of Corinth may have had a greater capacity to be financially generous.

    The people of Macedonia were not absolved of financial generosity. It was to the best of their means and through generous hearts. They prayed. Pray generously!

    The people of Corinth may have been capable of far more than the people of Macedonia. That didn’t absolve them from praying. It is both/and.

    The church, as a whole, is struggling financially. The patterns of the past are broken. Truly, the church is in (or should be in) a hugely transformative process.

    While you may be giving as you have, just because a building (even the church building) is closed, doesn’t absolve you of the mission of loving people generously.

    What loving a person does to live generously at this time is a little strange. It could be going “old” school and calling people. It could be texting them. It could be emailing them. It could even be sending a letter.

    Giving financially is part of the Christian life, and so is living generously in ‘ lives. The rhythm of life may mean different forms of generosity at different times. However, a single form of generosity is not living life generously, it is living life monotonously.


    , us hearts that beat with your generosity. May we live generously through your . Amen.


    1) How do you give generously? How do you live generously?

    2) Why do you think both financial and life generosity are important?

    3) Which area do you need to live or give more generously? Why do you say that?

  • Clothed in Rags

    Clothed in Rags

    Psalm 94; Luke 6:27–36; 1 Corinthians 4:9–13

    Bless your enemies. Except “bless” means something more than just be nice or even help them. “Bless” means to ask for God’s divine favor to come on them.

    We all want , but we are being called to ask for God’s blessings for those who make our lives difficult, miserable, or (in some extreme cases) seek to kill us. This is a high bar of expectation. It’s a hard high bar of expectation.

    In many respects, this may be the hardest teaching of Jesus. To assuage our own feelings of anger, , and trespass, we want vengeance! We want victory! We want !

    “For [the Most High] is gracious to the ungrateful and evil.” (Luke 5:35)

    “That is foolish,” proclaims the world. The world is right, from the world’s . From God’s perspective, however, foolish is following the world.

    declared himself a disgraced spectacle that the world spat upon. Yet, Paul was determined to carry on. He chose a path to bless others and to be gracious to others.

    This world could use a lot more of this, don’t you think?

    However, the problem is that we want others to do it first. This isn’t the path that Jesus set out.

    The world has taught us that a win-win scenario is false. Or to put it another way, that life is a zero-sum game. The world is correct. It is their math that this the problem.

    The world’s math does not include God. The world’s math does not include Jesus (unless he can be used to make money). The world’s math is incapable of including the Holy Spirit.

    So, why, as believers…as children of God…do we the world’s math is correct?

    Yet, we do. We say # and live as if the world’s math is correct.

    What has also become increasingly clear is that the church has long been dressed-up in the world. Now the world is handing us filthy rags to wear, and we are offended. We took the nice clothes from the world already, if the world is done with us, why would they want to us nice things?

    So, what are we to do with the rags of the world? Realize they are the rags of a world that is passing away. We still have our “clothing of white”. Even in its “not yet” state (i.e., we don’t have it yet), it is still better than the finest clothes of the world.


    God, help us to look at the world as you do…a place that is passing away. Help us recall where we are called to live eternally and to look at the world through your eternal eyes. Amen.


    1) What is something that you need to to the world?

    2) What is something that you need to surrender to God?

    3) How are these two things the opposite side of the same coin?

  • Calling One; Calling All

    Calling One; Calling All

    Luke 3:7–16; 2 Peter 1:3–15

    What is calling? For pastors, their calling is…being a pastor. Even how “being a pastor” changes depending on , passions, and context.

    However, due to the influence of the Roman Catholic church (statement not fault-finding), most Protestant traditions (there are some exceptions) use the “calling” for only one “calling”…being a pastor.

    There was some famous person who once wrote that a butcher lovingly caring for his customers (including not swindling them and them quality) was a greater giver of grace and than a pastor (supposedly, this was Martin Luther, but no quote could be found).

    A butcher as a greater herald of grace than a pastor? Yes. Now, in earlier ages, apprenticeship to one’s father or to another usually meant that one’s career was set for life. Farms and herds were passed down generation to generation. For a time, businesses were the same.

    In that context, calling was to something “greater” than one’s apprenticeship and it was usually to the church. However, in our context, that is no longer the case. One’s career isn’t limited. While it is still uncommon, people do regularly change trades or careers. Thus, re-examining “calling” has become essential.

    The soldiers and tax collectors that John spoke to were likely in the habit of extorting extra due to their power. John told them to be satisfied with their set (i.e., official) . In such a place, a soldier or tax collector doing such would be a powerful .

    When Peter talks about calling, he is more referring to the to follow Christ, yet the concept of “calling” still fits. Calling indeed refers to following Jesus and in Jesus’ steps. Yet, at the same time, each of us has our own path to walk.

    Where you are is where you are called. How that works for you and anyone is between you (or them) and God. What isn’t a question is that you are called to bear witness to the life, death, and of Jesus Christ, and the between humanity and God through that.

    Sometimes it will be speaking into their pain. Sometimes it will be not doing something others do. Sometimes it will be encouragement. Sometimes (though less often and with great care) it will even be goading them.

    You are called to bear witness. You are called to testify. You are called to lead others to Jesus. You are called to do this where and when you are right now.


    God, give us wisdom and discernment to see our calling and to faithfully fulfill it. Amen.


    1) Where are called right now? Is that different than it was a year ago?

    2) How do you know you are called right now to where you are? What does that mean in regards to how you live your life?

    3) Why is it critical that all Christians understand their calling? Why is it critical to understand where “pastors” and “spiritual leaders” are not called in your life?

  • Too Small

    Too Small

    Deuteronomy 7:7–11; Judges 6:13–16; Matthew 13:31–33

    One of the best scenes in the movie, The Princess Bride is when Princess Buttercup and (the Dread Pirate Roberts) Wesley are about to enter the Swamp. Buttercup looks at Wesley and asks, “what about the R.O.U.S.s?” “The Rodents of Unusual Size? I’m sure they don’t exist.” He says the as an R.O.U.S. makes an appearance, and Buttercup’s back is to it and is oblivious.

    Size makes a difference. Often, we are overwhelmed by a problem. As a child, we could have been overwhelmed by something being so much bigger than we were.

    When we hear about the monumental amount of money some people have, and compare our meager bank accounts, size makes an impact. If you’ve ever been in a small car with a big semi coming up quickly behind you, size can be terrifying.

    On the other hand, ants can carry 10–50 times (depending on species and gender) their weight. Humans can indeed lift such weight, but not actually walk and carry over long distances. Grasshoppers can jump 20 times their length from standing. The world record for running long jump is not even 5 times.

    Size does matter, but just not always in the way we think.

    The people of Israel were not a powerful people. They had no place to provide them . Yet, this weak people God would take and overturn the ways of the world.

    After years of oppression, God took the weakest man of the weakest of the weakest tribe to remove the oppressors from the land.

    Jesus uses a mustard seed to show the of the Kingdom of God but notice that it is not a power of domination. It is a place a habitation and a place of new life. Yet this place of life and birth starts very small.

    The Kingdom of God starts small in each of us. We often look at the tiny thing in us and how we can make it through.

    Yet, we must always keep in mind that it is God’s seed in us. The smallest thing of God is larger than the largest thing of humanity.

    Oh, and the R.O.U.S.’s were defeated by using the power of the mind, not strength.


    Jesus, thank you for the seed of . , thank you for the nurturing of the seed in our souls. Heavenly Father, thank you for being the tree that gives us home and life. Amen.


    1) What is one of the first memories you have of your size in comparison to another’s? What was the feeling like? Did it cause you to change focus or intent?

    2) Why is it important to understand the imagery of the Kingdom of God in the image of the mustard seed?

  • Storied Reflections

    Storied Reflections

    Jeremiah 2:1–13; Matthew 9:35–38; John 7:37–39

    Jerusalem was heading at full speed away from God and toward destruction. In many respects, this passage is God’s lament for Jerusalem. It is also, in many regards, the lament for the entire heritage of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

    When we read, “Israel was to the LORD, the first fruits of his harvest (Jeremiah 2:3),” we can readily see that this was indeed not only about Jerusalem. Then when we read about the Lord of the Harvest, it’s easy to tie ‘ words to the concept in Jeremiah.

    There are two important aspects to this. First, is that from a Law standpoint (and even to the offerings of today) God is the Lord of our . This means that we recognize that we are God’s beneficiary and respond in .

    The second aspect is the implication that Israel was not the only harvest. Yes, they were the first fruits. That leaves the rest of the harvest, which is the rest of the world. In other words, it’s us.

    Something that needed to be addressed was Jerusalem’s arrogance about God. The overwhelming opinion was that they didn’t need God, and all these other gods were good enough or even better.

    Some will be quick to point at a particular country, and say, “yes, that is why the country is…” The reality is that Israel is the country called. The rest are a people called.

    Jerusalem (and the world) had long fallen into the lifeless hands of useless idols. People were eager to do so. They do so today.

    Thus, it becomes a critical point regarding water. It shouldn’t be lost on us that “ Water” is used here. For Christians, it is easy to tie “Living Water” to Jesus. This also shows that Jesus was tying himself to/as God when he used that language.

    In many respects, the objection is that Jerusalem acts as if it is independent and pulled itself up by the bootstraps (using a more modern phrase). Jerusalem, as part of its story, should know the .

    The same could be said of us. Even we Christians, especially American ones, can tend toward so-called self-reliance, which is like building our own cracked cistern. It holds water, for a time. It ages. It leaks. And the water is stagnate.


    Lord, help us to wisely look at the story of Jerusalem and Israel, applying your Truths to our lives. Help us to put all things in , that we may live fully under your wings. Amen.


    1) What does harvest look like in your life? How do you apply first fruits—not just —to your life?

    2) What in your life has been more like the cistern than Living Water?

    3) Why is it important to keep in mind that we are called as a people, and not as a ? Does that mean how/where the nation goes is not important?