Tag: move

  • Worship Even Here

    Worship Even Here

    Psalm 20; Numbers 9:15–23; Revelation 4:1–8

    God is hard. Trusting that all things work for good is hard. How can COVID be good? How can a bad economy be good? How can not being able to be with our loved ones be good? A lot of this hasn’t been good.

    For the psalmist, that isn’t the question. For the psalmist, it is that God hears, , and remembers. This doesn’t mean that everything will be easy going . It means that God is with you.

    Assuming that this written by or about David, note that there really isn’t a mention of . Not really. David had experienced many hard times (some as a consequence of his own actions). God didn’t spare him hard times. God was with David and responded to David in the hard times. Much of this would seem to come from David’s rhythm of worship and with God. From what we can gather (which is, granted, limited), David had a regular practice of seeking God.

    The pattern that the Israelites had wandering in the wilderness was different. Most of us cannot imagine being wanderers, whether the Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula or the homeless around the corner. The Israelites had a wandering pattern for 40 years.

    The pattern wasn’t fully predictable. For those of you have traveled with children, or been in the military, the ability to gather everyone and their stuff in a short amount of time is trying. Imagine trying to do that every day. Most nomadic cultures about seasonally, but the Scriptures imply that more than once they got settled down for the night, and had to pack the next day.

    During pauses between travel time, the Tabernacle (or The Tent of Meeting) would be assembled, and worship would begin. While we can read the takedown and set up, what we miss is the worship that goes along with it. The cloud was the of God. We can assume that on the Sabbath that they would not travel (it’s a safe assumption, at least).

    While this seems strange to us—especially for those that worship at the same building week after week—we can read in Revelation worship that is beyond our comprehension. 24 people praising God day and night, and saying the same thing. While this is really a , thus not necessarily exactly how it will work, the difference between the Israelites wandering and the people praising would seem to be stark.

    It is. It is, that is, only if you focus on the how. Worship of God is not limited to a building one day a week. Communion with God is not necessarily in that perfect time. Both can happen at any time. We just need to be looking for it.


    • What do you think these different visions of worship and rhythms tell us about God?
    • What do you think these different visions of worship and life rhythms tell us about ourselves?
    • Do any of these cause to reflect on any changes that are possible for you worship rhythms?


    , guide the worship rhythm’s of our hearts. Help us to find ways and places to worship God in the face of all circumstances. Amen.

  • Pridefully Divine

    Pridefully Divine

    Psalm 29; Isaiah 5:15–24; John 15:18–20, 15:26–27

    When we read about “divine beings” we, understandably, think about angels. What, however, makes a divine being…divine? Apart from God, there is no divine being that isn’t of God. Which becomes a little daunting theologically when we recognize we have the Imago Dei in us.

    To be clear, we are not gods (except, perhaps in our deluded fallen minds). We a created beings with the spark of divinity inside of us. It may be a fine line to some. It is a line as large as itself to . Yet, part of the divine spark responds to God, and God completes us. So, it’s not wrong (totally) to think in terms of the divine beings in Psalm 29:1. Just like those divine beings, we are called and made to glorify God.

    This seems contrary, in some ways, to the initial verses of Isaiah. Humanity will be brought low. Yet, it is often the arrogance of humanity that results in wars, animosity, and the general inability of getting along. It is also that particular thing, that when brought low, places humanity in the position of accepting God. One cannot truly accept God through arrogance.

    Even as we read further, the arrogance continues with demanding that God hurry up and accomplish God’s work. This all merely so humanity can understand it. Perhaps arrogance is the wrong . Self-absorbed is probably closer, while arrogance remains part of it.

    There there is a lot of doom.

    The last of today’s verses in Isaiah though starts with purifying. If you catch the wording, “ of fire”, might it remind you of when tongues of fire appeared? In this case, the tongues of fire are more of purification rather than empowerment. But that God and the “holy one” are tied into the same verse as “tongues of fire” really do seem to be somehow tied to Pentecost. Then again, that very well be reading too much into it (but it’s fun).

    And, while it doesn’t seem to be related when we understand the pride and arrogance of humanity as observed in Isaiah, Jesus’ words to his disciples (and thus to us) make more sense. The fallen nature of humanity has striven against God. For far too many, it evolved into hate. To be, once again, more along the lines of a divine being rather than fallen creation would indeed cause striving fallen humanity to hate and lash out at those who have been touched by God in such a way.

    If we take all of today’s into the picture, it makes perfect sense why Jesus warns the disciples that no matter how much they now have (or will have after Pentecost), they are still not greater than God. A good warning, as not too long after Pentecost, Peter performed his first miracle. The Companion (Comforter, Counselor) would come, and they would be tempted to think more of themselves, and even be called gods ( and Barnabas).



    Lord, guard our hearts against the pride of the world. Let our pride be that you us and that you work through us recognizing that it is for you and for ourselves that we move about the world. Amen.

  • Moved To Change It Up

    Moved To Change It Up

    Psalm 104:24–34; Ezekiel 37:1–14; John 15:26–27; John 16:4b–15; Acts 2:1–21

    The Christian music artist Mandisa has a song, “Overcomer”. It’s a pretty simple song (and catchy, of course). It talks about “you” (the listener) being an overcomer by the grace and of God. It’s a cross-genre song (crossing into the pop-commercial genre) where people who are not believers the message, but probably don’t get it.

    The way Mandisa uses overcomer is slightly different than Ezekiel’s overcome by the Spirit, but there is a commonality…God. Mandisa’s overcomer is how a Christian has the ability to overcome the emotional and spiritual battles of life through the power of God and the . Ezekiel is overcome (perhaps, taken over) by the Spirit and through this brings life (in vision) to bones that are dead, dry, and useless.

    Pentecost (the coming of the Spirit onto the disciples) is that same sort of thing. The dry spiritual bones of the People of God imbued by the Holy Spirit revitalizes, changes, and reconciles the People of God to God. Just like in the Old Testament, however, not all the dry bones want to be alive again. Yet, here the disciples (as promised by Jesus) stand publically (in contrast to hiding away as they had been) declaring the glory of God.

    We do have to understand that it is Peter that is the frontman. While the were with him (or he with them), they were not the focus. Does that mean they had no place? Of course not, for the Holy Spirit “fell” upon them, too! Did they have some sort of impassioned impressive ? The don’t say they do, except that they were saying something, for they were recognized by others.

    You are probably not, in this context, Peter. Most of us aren’t. However, you are like one of the other disciples. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you have the Holy Spirit. You have the right, ability, and responsibility to to others about the redemptive work of God. You have been gifted to speak to at least one person in a “tongue” they understand, what it means to follow Jesus.


    • Who is your “one” that your hearts burns for, whom you are stirred to talk about Jesus with? How are you specially prepared or placed to speak to that person that others aren’t?
    • How will you commit yourself to God’s and your commission to tell a person, people, or even the world about Jesus in a way they will understand?


    Jesus, thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, the told us that we would be empowered by you to do more amazing things than He had done. While we cannot understand how that can be, we know that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit do not let the Truth fail. Amen.

  • How We Wait

    How We Wait

    Psalm 1; John 17:6–19; 1 John 5:9–13; Acts 1:15–17; Acts 1:21–26

    One of the most – and eye-opening realizations for me was when I recognized that the provide didn’t provide all the answers of life, but did provide a framework from which to operate. Some this a , but the reality is that worldviews may be slightly different among the same group.

    When we look at the selection of Matthias, we can question the wisdom of selecting a disciple by casting lots. Though in this case, it’s really a toss-up (pun intended). The disciples had narrowed it down to two, which is pretty amazing. While we elevate the original 12 disciples (though it’s funny that we seem to remove Judas Iscariot automatically without thinking about there only being 11), Acts tells us that there were a total of 14 that spent the greatest amount of time with . Barnabas went on to be a successful evangelist and is closely associated with Paul (the “13th Apostle”). In other words, the events that followed seem to validate the result of the lots.

    Every Jew would understand the significance of there being 12. They would understand that this was a symbol to them; this was part of their .

    The stage is being set. The Disciples are getting . Jesus told them to in Jerusalem. They didn’t wait in a state of inaction. They readied what they believed was right and in such a way that they could respond. Then they waited for the fulfillment of the Jesus made.


    When have you waited for God passively? When have you waited for God while preparing? How did God move in those different situations? How did you respond in those different situations?


    Jesus, we know that something is coming, for your is never still. Help our hearts and minds be prepared and looking for where you are moving. Amen.

  • Up and Away

    Up and Away

    Psalm 47; Ephesians 1:15–23; Luke 24:44–53; Acts 1:1–11

    If you’re of a certain age, you’ll probably know the source of, “Up! Up! And away!” (Superman). If you’re of another age or particular family/ origin, you’ll probably know the song, “I’ll Fly Away”. Then there is the airline advertising slogan, “Wanna’ get away?” If none of these strike a chord, then perhaps Prince Hamlet’s soliloquy from Shakespeare’s Hamlet that talks about escaping the “mortal coil”.

    Regardless, there is a constant desire to “escape” or “get away.” Sometimes it’s couched in heroic language (Superman). Sometimes it’s couched in resonative religious language (“I’ll Fly Away”). Sometimes it’s couched in depressing or dismal language (the soliloquy of Prince Hamlet).

    Often, that desire to escape is the outpouring of emotions that seem to have no place to go when massive change comes. It might be only with a larger emotional event that we can move beyond our desire to fly away.

    No matter what, the disciples knew that the tension between ‘ resurrection and whatever was coming next (as Jesus promised) would , somehow. They were still living in that uncomfortable and awkward in-between. Then Jesus takes them out to the mountain…and up he went.

    While Jesus’ Ascension is an important part of the story in the Scriptures, Jesus’ Ascension is also the sign that the disciples must go .“…why are you standing here, looking toward heaven?” In other words, Jesus is gone. Time to do your end of the .

    Sometimes, even if the tension is uncomfortable, we rather stay with it, because moving forward means leaving something behind, and emotionally it may feel like . We can see this in the seasons (at least in the less temperate climates). Fall has these bursts of beauty, but the tension is that the bursts are leading to endings.

    Then winter comes and the land is not-so lively anymore. The question for us is do we want to remain in a spiritual winter? Whether the disciples were in a spiritual Fall or Winter is probably more for the poets to determine. Spring is coming, however. As says, “I pray that the eyes of your heart will have enough light to see what is the hope of God’s call…”I don’t know what spiritual season of you are in. In fact, different aspects of your life may have different spiritual seasons, so you may not even be able to tell.


    What endings are you seeing that you need Paul’s for your life?


    Lord, many of us feel completely out of sorts, and we can’t figure out why. We try to name and analyze, but we will likely fail. Help us to stop looking back, and help us to look forward, and that our hearts will seek, see, and embrace the light that is you. Amen.

  • A Different Movement

    A Different Movement

    Psalm 22:25–31; Amos 8:11–13; Acts 8:9–25

    The diminished place in American society that the American church is finally beginning to truly wrestle with is where the church was in many other Western countries many decades ago. As it processes what this means, the American church what it means when “its place” is not the one of honor nor .

    God, however, isn’t as concerned about the church, per se, but about its people. The people (e.g., the descendants of Psalm 22:30) will still proclaim the glory, mercy, and of God. How it’s done, however, will be changing rapidly over the next few years. This isn’t the first time.

    Much of what opposed during his time of ministry developed when God was quiet (the time between Malachi and John the Baptist). God was very quiet. Yes, there were pious and spirit-led people during those times. They led the people and helped the people. Sadly, over that same time period, developed ways to “meet the mark” that resulted in broken hearts and spirits, and not in a good way.

    The Western church may be in such a place. On the other hand, some of the Western churches aren’t experiencing decline; they are experiencing revival! While they are the exception, it just shows that God is moving.

    There are plenty of Simons in the world. They are successful. They have influence. They have money. Yet, there will be those who, like Simon, will find the message about Jesus to be irresistible and abandon it all.

    Like Peter, though, we will still need to them so that they understand what it means to follow Christ. Even in the church today, there are people who bargain with God. Some will give so that God will give them what they think they want. There are a lot of Simons even in the church.

    How God will speak, how God will move, how people will are all in question at this point. We cannot make any assumptions. Nor can we remain comfortable or complacent. God will act, let’s we’re beside God as it happens.


    • What changes in church do you see?
    • What changes in you do you see toward God’s movement?
    • How do you see how you will about Jesus changing?
    • What are your expectations for how God will move?


    Lord, as we for your movement, help us to be aware of the little movements all around us, so that we may be present when the big movements come. Amen.

  • Time to Move

    Time to Move

    Psalm 71:1–14; Isaiah 49:1–7; 1 Corinthians 1:18–31; John 12:20–36

    There are times of waiting (“Are we there, yet?”). There are a lot of times of waiting (“How much longer?”). There are way too many times of waiting (“I’m bored.”). Then comes the time to .

    ‘ journey to the cross is almost over. Almost like a long drawn-out movie, we’re getting there. Then a seemingly innocuous catalyst shows up, and the acceleration is almost like whiplash. Enter the Greeks.

    It’s not that Jesus hadn’t interacted with non-Jews. Quite the contrary. There was something special about these Greeks who sought Jesus. How were these Greeks were the catalyst? sought Jesus by . They sought Jesus through the disciples. Something was happening.

    Some commentators conclude that these Greeks were “the first” to seek Jesus as Lord and Savior (as Messiah). While the Greeks were in God’s plan, perhaps it was not quite the time.

    Now, though, Jesus is being public about his purpose. When the people talk about the Christ, they imply that they know Jesus is implying that he is the Christ. Jesus tacitly confirms it. That is not a small thing to devout Jews.

    We see in the passage of John the miracle-demanding Jews that Paul comments on. The Greeks that Paul was talking about? Probably not the kind that asked to see Jesus. The Greeks and Jews that Paul was referring to were not Christians. In Paul’s eyes, those that followed Christ were Christians who were cultural Jews and Greeks, they were no longer Jews and Greeks. They had a new that overrode—and yet was intertwined with—the old.

    However, we (the ) are no longer the church of 1 Corinthians 1:25–31. At least in the West, we are not particularly poor. Many of us are more educated than the most educated person of Jesus’ day. Most of us are no low-class or low-life. While there are redemptive works happening in and through the church, and people are being redeemed and restored, the Western church is a stone growing moss.

    We are fools to the world not because of Christ, but because many of our decisions, behaviors, and actions were not put at the feet of Christ. We are fools to the world because of everything in us that is not of Christ.

    It is time to clear the moss off the stone and off of our souls. It is time to move.


    O Lord our God, whose blessed gave his back to be whipped and did not hide his face from shame and spitting: us grace to accept joyfully the sufferings of the present time, confident of the glory that shall be revealed; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the , one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [ Collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • Ready To Wait

    Ready To Wait

    Psalm 51:1–12; Isaiah 30:15–18; Hebrews 4:1–13

    This passage from Isaiah was for me. It sounds like my . “Lord, help me figure this out.” “.” “Argh! It’s too much! I’ve got to do something!” “Wait.” “I can’t wait! It’s too much!” [time passes] “Well, THAT was a stupid decision.” “I did say, wait.”

    I’m sure it’s just me. I’m certain that God has never told you to wait, and then wait some more. I’m the only one. Right?

    This, of course, is not to direct waiting at all times and in all places, but only when God says to. Then God adds the hard part, waiting in quietness (i.e., ) and peace. The linchpin, however, is when to move.

    There was a time, many years ago, where I could or lay awake quietly for hours. Now? I’m often just a jumping bean in a can.

    Waiting is an art. Waiting in quietness and peace is a gift.

    Sometimes, we just won’t wait. There can often be good (so we think) reasons. There are other times that we just cannot think beyond ourselves or the hour at hand. Despite all the bad that can happen when we don’t wait, God still promises to be there when we are to rest in his embrace.

    Rest can be defined as many things. The author of Hebrews talks about the ultimate Shalom rest that is beyond this life but can be experienced as a foreshadow in this life. There is always another rest until the final one.

    There can also be many types of rest. This is important for often our waiting is a form of resting.

    An athlete can only train so much before their body needs to rest and recharge. Many of the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders take a “rest” (sometimes to start their day) just staring out a window. Introverts will often rest by avoiding people (guilty). As a person in a of 5 introverts, I actually have no clue how extroverts rest (do they?). Perhaps the commandment to rest was directed at extroverts? Not that introverts don’t need to rest, too.

    What we can confuse, however, is resting when we are to be waiting (which often involves preparation) and waiting (preparing often for the wrong thing) when we are to be resting.

    The beauty of the Church Year (e.g., ) is the combination of rest and waiting that are part of the plan. Not that many (even liturgical) churches do it completely, but the intent was to rest in God and wait for God.


    • Are you waiting, resting, or waiting and resting for God? How do you tell which one you are doing?
    • If you are waiting, do you know what you are waiting for? If you know you are waiting, do you know how you will know to move?
    • If you are resting, what are you resting from? If you don’t know what you are resting from, are you really resting?


    Lord, many of us feel that we have been waiting together for over a year. While we were waiting, many of us failed to rest. Help us to rest so that we are prepared for the coming of your Spirit. Amen.