Tag: move

  • Chained or Unchained

    Chained or Unchained

    Deuteronomy 27:12–28:1; John 8:31–40; Galatians 3:7–14 There are many wonderful things in life that begin well and then become dead weight. Buying a house is one of those. We are now in an era when people buy houses and pay against a large debt for 15–30 years. It doesn’t take too long for the joy…

  • Can You Relate?

    Can You Relate?

    1 Corinthians 3:5–9; Philippians 1:12–21 “It can never happen here.” “No one respects God here.” “How could God move in this [horrible] place?” You can probably think of a number of questions or statements that give an excuse or justification for why you can’t be a missionary where you are. Let’s not devalue those statements.…

  • Kinda Stuck

    Kinda Stuck

    Leviticus 4:27–31; Leviticus 5:14–16; 1 John 1:6–10 When we talk about sin, we often operate with the presumption of commission of sin. In other words, we did something. There is also the sin of omission. In other words, what we didn’t do. The morning confession in the Book of Common Prayer reads Most merciful God,…

  • Nope. I’m Good.

    Nope. I’m Good.

    John 8:31–41; Philippians 3:1–11 What are you relying on? This is a question that we each need to ask ourselves on a regular (if not daily) basis. It becomes easy to slip into relying on something without realizing it. In industries such as manufacturing, timber, construction where safety is a big issue, it can be…

  • I Said, You Say

    I Said, You Say

    Exodus 4:10–17; Matthew 25:14–30 Moses is highly regarded in Jewish circles. As the bringer of the Law, his place in their history is unassailable. The first 5 books of the Bible also being attributed to him also helps. Moses was (and is) viewed as the greatest prophet from a Jewish perspective. Yet, Moses was human.…

  • Indulge Me

    Indulge Me

    Matthew 23:23–36 Narcissus was a hunter in Greek mythology. He was the most beautiful person. He was so dissatisfied with those who claimed they loved him that he expected them to kill themselves to prove their love of him. It wasn’t until he passed a smooth pool of water and saw his own reflection that…

  • Lamenting Forward

    Lamenting Forward

    Ezekiel 2:1–3:3; Lamentations 3:17–33; Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 There are two prevailing feelings currently: fear and anger. Neither one is productive over time. In the end, they can destroy a person emotionally and spiritually. Ezekiel ate words of lament, mourning, and woe. In the vision, the edible scroll tastes a sweet as honey. At the same time,…

  • Time Alone

    Time Alone

    Matthew 14:1–23 Jesus’ cousin and herald was dead. He was murdered. Why was he murdered? He called the powerful to account. Herod’s marriage to Herodias had some issues. Herod had visited Herodias while she was still married to Herod’s brother, Philip. They decided they like each other, so they decided to be married. However, Herodias…