Tag: Nicene

  • Hanging on by a strand

    Hanging on by a strand

    Seth Godin recently posted the following… There are three strands, present for most everyone: Power (sometimes seen as status, or the appearance of status) Safety (survival and peace of mind) Meaning (hope and the path forward) The changes in our media structure, public health and economy have pushed some people to overdo one or the…

  • In All Things

    Revelation 2:12–17 A conversation that I have had many times, and you may, too, is why are there so many denominations? Aren’t we all one? Don’t we all believe the same thing? There are some things that are common among Christian denominations: God “the Father”, Jesus Christ (God “the Son”), the Holy Spirit, the Trinity…

  • Flame Bright in the Dark

    Flame Bright in the Dark

    Matthew 25:1–13 The Nicene Creed (one of the statements of belief that cross all Christian denominations) is as follows (maybe even read it aloud): We believe in one God,        the Father, the Almighty,        maker of heaven and earth,        of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,…