Tag: overcome

  • Divided Beauty Multiplied

    Divided Beauty Multiplied

    It is humanity that is divided by language, people, skin color, nation, or ideology. The Holy Spirit speaks through all of God’s people that they can sing praises to God from the depths of their hearts the best way they know how.

  • Moved To Change It Up

    Moved To Change It Up

    Psalm 104:24–34; Ezekiel 37:1–14; John 15:26–27; John 16:4b–15; Acts 2:1–21 The Christian music artist Mandisa has a song, “Overcomer”. It’s a pretty simple song (and catchy, of course). It talks about “you” (the listener) being an overcomer by the grace and power of God. It’s a cross-genre song (crossing into the pop-commercial genre) where people…

  • Nasty Water

    Nasty Water

    Psalm 107:1–16; Exodus 15:22–27; Hebrews 3:1–6 One of the current struggles in the nation of Israel (the modern one) is water. Like every nation, they need water to drink, bathe, irrigate, and even manufacture. As of now, the land is (by and large) dry. Water is not yet a war issue, but may be. Due to its…

  • Now’s The Time

    Now’s The Time

    Matthew 16:1–4; Matthew 13:1–9; Matthew 13:18–23; Titus 2:11–14 Humanity has smashed the atom. Humanity has gone to the moon. Humanity can splice the fabric of life (DNA). Humanity sill hates. Humanity still wars. Humanity still fears. A generation goes and a generation comes,but the earth remains forever. What has been is what will be,and what…

  • Path Lighting

    Path Lighting

    Joshua 4:1–7; Joshua 8:30–35; Proverbs 27:17 What do you remember? What “traditions” or practices do you remember from your childhood? What did that teach you? Over the years, the church universal developed many practices to teach the faith to its people. It often had a hard journey, as it had to teach people from varying…

  • Summary Path

    Summary Path

    Malachi 4:5–6; Matthew 17:10–13; John 1:19–28 Jesus said that John was Elijah. John said he wasn’t Elijah. Who was right? The question is, who is Elijah? The other question is, who’s asking? First of all, let’s talk about Malachi’s words. Malachi prophesied that Elijah would come back to Judah heralding a massive change. Malachi spoke…

  • Forward


    The story is about Job’s faithfulness to God. Despite all his troubles, he never gave up on God, even when his wife told him to.

  • Living Out Love

    Living Out Love

    1 Thessalonians 4:13–14; 1 Corinthians 13:4–13; James 1:22–25 (read online ⧉) The well-known atheist, Christopher Hitchens, had many debates (philosophical, scientific) with Christians. During at least one (and probably many) of the debates, he was asked what his hope was or what hope his view delivered, and he answered honestly…none. The world always needs hope.…