Tag: patience

  • Reconciling Fruit

    Reconciling Fruit

    Psalm 144; Isaiah 27:1–6; 2 Corinthians 5:17–21 (ISV)

    In times to come, Jacob will take root,
       and Israel will blossom, sprout shoots,
       and fill the whole world with fruit.

    Isaiah 27:6 ISV

    All of this comes from God, who has us to himself through the Messiah and has given us the ministry of reconciliation,

    2 Corinthians 5:18 ISV

    Reconciliation: the of reconciling and/or the state of being reconciled.

    ‌1a) to restore to friendship or harmony
    ‌1b) settle or resolve (differences)
    ‌2) to make consistent or congruous
    ‌3) to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant.
    ‌4a) to check (a financial record) against another for accuracy
    ‌4b) to account for



    ‌The (or God’s) fruit of reconciliation should fill the whole world, and we are to be the fruit.


    ‌Depending how many sermons you’ve listened to, it is likely that you have heard at least one sermon about the Fruits of the Spirit: , joy, peace, , kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. This list comes from Paul’s letter to the Galatians (Galatians 5:22-23). Depending on the preacher or author, it could be an unordered list, or an ordered list. These fruit, though, are supposed to be increasing in each Christian day-by-day.

    ‌Isaiah’s words are, in particular, about the people of Israel (God’s first chosen people). The concept was that despite their trials, exiles, and spiritual (and physical) wandering, that God would cause them to be plentiful and to fill the earth. Over the years, many Christians have believed (and even preached) that Christians completely replaced the descendants of Israel as the new chosen. Today, most Christians don’t believe that. On the other hand, Christians are spiritual descendants of Israel (through Jesus), so should be accounted for as fruit of the promise in Isaiah.

    ‌Yet, if we look around, we can see that Christians are as likely to be reconciling as anyone else. In other words, we Christians appear to be just as unloving and unreconciling as those who do not believe in Jesus. Paul notes that Christians are particularly called to the ministry of reconciliation. While, yes, much of that does have to do with being in a reconciled (or “right”) relationship with God, this does not exclude or diminish the call on the Christian to be a reconciling force in their family, community, and the world.

    ‌Re-examine the definitions of reconciling. Except for definition 4a, one could actually apply each definition to the life a Christian is to exemplify. 4a would occupy a special place that is that of the price of sin paid, and thus has a place in (or origin for) the of reconciling.

    ‌In the Greek language, there is an imperfect tense, which doesn’t (sadly) exist in English, though reconciling comes close per the Merriam-Webster definition, especially when we say reconciliation is the action of reconciling (the or ministry) and being reconciled, which was done through Jesus Christ’s birth, life, death on the cross, and resurrection. It is done, and yet there is more work to be done.


    ‌Of the five (1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4b) definitions, which do you see as the strongest in your life? How do you see each of these working through your life?


    What is an act (or series of acts) of reconciliation that you can do in your family and community?


    God, you have given us the ministry of reconciliation. Help us not to forget that by giving it to us, you have given us responsibility. Help us to remember that through this responsibility you have given us the honor of working alongside you, the Creator, in the world. Jesus, help us to continually examine your life as conveyed in the to understand what it means to live a life of reconciliation. , just as you provide each of us “fruit of the Spirit”, so, too, do you provide the ability to be aware of where the world needs reconciliation. Triune God (Father, , and Holy Spirit), guide us more deeply into your truth to be the light of reconciliation and the people of love to the world. Amen.

  • Facing It

    Facing It

    Psalm 119:81–88; Jeremiah 16:1–13; James 5:7–12

    The yearning in Psalm 119:81–88 is almost palpable. The need for relief with a counterbalance of produces a huge amount of tension within a few verses. This tension is often part of our own lives as we desire immediate relief from our trials, the fulfillment of our hopes and dreams, and God. Far too often, however, we have trusting God within that, so up doing it in our own .

    This may be part of the reason why for God’s warning to the residents of Jerusalem through Jeremiah. Don’t try to make up for the exile through childbirth. That dream is more than you can bear. If you try, everything around you will fall apart in ways beyond your ability to bear.

    The reality was that Jerusalem would not be a healthy place to remain. Due to resource issues, it would have difficulties sustaining a significant population. When that happens, disease and famine will come. It’s not a God-caused thing, it is the reality of an overdrawn environment.

    When it comes to our trials and dreams, however, is often not one of our strengths. Often we also begin to bite at and attack one another. In an attempt to appease the tension and , we often turn to things and actions outside of ourselves: , drugs, food, sex, anger, fighting, hatred, insults, ridicule, complaints, discord, control, withdrawal. Various people find ways to deal with their pains.

    Strengthening our resolve in God and following God’s lead is often difficult in the of our dreams and trials, yet that is where God meets us. We just have to have the courage and to face it.


    Where is the tension in your right now? How do you see that tension in your dreams and your pain (trials)


    Lord, build our capability to endure the tension between our dreams and our trials as we rely upon and have faith in you. Amen.

  • The Next

    The Next

    Psalm 47; Deuteronomy 34:1–9; John 16:4–11

    Who will come next is part of the “calculation” of many things. Psalm 78:4 speaks of telling the next generation about God. Proverbs 13:22 tells of leaving an inheritance for grandchildren. In 1 Timothy 1:2, tells Timothy that he (Timothy) is his (Paul’s) true child in the .

    The last chapter of Deuteronomy reminds Moses (and the Israelites) that God did marvelous things from the beginning (before the Israelites became the Israelites), and that the next step is coming. It also reminds us that while God worked miracles through Moses, there was a consequence for certain behaviors, even though their seems not to have otherwise changed.

    The person to follow Moses (the “next”) was Joshua. While Joshua is often raised up almost to Moses’ level, Joshua missed the biggest lesson that Moses taught him, the next. This, of course, is inferred from the lack of Scriptural mention of a successor to Joshua, and the Scriptural mention that everyone forgets with the next generation. The next is really a form of individualized, focused, mentoring, and . Part of the whole process is further illustrated by . When we realize that all we have for him covers 3 years of his ministry (yes, plus a few childhood vignettes), he really did spend most of his time with the 12 that would train them to walk in his ways and footsteps. It is these words that we should pay particular attention to, as these were the words that struck his disciples as important.

    This is deeply illustrated by John 16:4. He flat out tells them that he didn’t tell them everything in the beginning. It may well have taken years to get the ground (the disciples) ready for the entirety of Jesus’ message. It was revolutionary, after all.

    We live in a world that wants everything now. We may not be looking for instantaneous, but certainly quickly. In comparison, the early church would usually 3 YEARS to baptize a convert (this is after Paul). Yes, there was probably some filtering out of bad apples. There was also theology that was deeply placed on hearts.

    Our baptize them now thought process—and this is only one of many such things in general, not just Christianity—would not be able to withstand waiting. Truly, not only would the person being baptized likely not have the , but many of the leaders, elders, pastors don’t either.

    Perhaps being more like Jesus means leading 12 others for 3 years to a deeper with Christ.


    • What do you think makes a discipling relationship?
    • Why might mentoring be different than ?
    • Who is discipling you?
    • Who are you discipling?


    Lord, help us find those who will us, and help us find others to disciple. For we know that we must be purposeful in both to bring your here on earth. Amen.

  • 45 Days Countdown

    45 Days Countdown

    Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22; Daniel 12:5–13; Ephesians 1:7–14

    We countdowns. Before service starts, we have a countdown. Every sporting event has a countdown. Part of its attraction is the pressure. It moves us.

    Another attraction of a countdown is finitude. We know there is an , even if our team is losing (or maybe especially). It will end.

    As we read Daniel, it’s often about the visions and their exact meanings. They are visions. Sometimes I interpreters of visions about as much as I trust an interpreter of dreams. After a few psychology sections on dreams, I realized that what people determined the meaning of certain objects would not connect with me. So, when it comes to the greater of God and God’s vast perspective, we should be cautious in our interpretation.

    In this passage, what struck me was not the vision, or that it would be sealed, but the time. Happy are those who make it to 1,335 days. The bad stuff timeline is 1,290 days. The difference from misery to happiness is 45 days. For comparison, that 1,290 days is more than a quarter gone since the beginning of the COVID era (not that the vision and COVID are comparable or related.

    The vision doesn’t state that the 45 days will be easier than the 1,290 before it. It could be inferred that the 45 days will actually be worse. Can you imagine counting down those 45 days, and knowing that you would be happy?

    It would be similar to the climax mentioned by in Ephesians. It would be that moment when all, for no matter how long or short, would be well.

    This countdown mentality, however, can also be the greatest detriment to our joy. If we are so focused on “that” will make me happy, we miss so much of what God has already graced us with. As Paul told the Ephesians, we have the down payment (the Holy ) of our inheritance, why are we looking for more, right now?

    Should we not be using what we have to make a difference now, rather than effectively burying our inheritance in the ground where it does not even interest? We are often told to be patient, though perhaps it is the results that we are to be patient with, not with what gets us there.

    In a place I used to live, hay was grown. When growing hay (and many crops) time is of the essence, and sometimes just timing. Certain farmers planted their hay just a week earlier than others. More often than not, they could get 4 cuts (i.e., 4 harvests), while those (their neighbor) who planted a week later got 3. It was all based on temperature and rain. The third cut was usually the cut that you went financially from red to black. The fourth cut was profit.

    Other crops have a different problem. Once the crop starts to ripen, you have 2-3 days to get all the fields done. Some of these farms were really large. I watched the equipment still working in the dark as the harvest continued for 24 hours a day for 3 days.

    Sometimes you have to at the beginning. Sometimes you have to wait at the end. We just cannot that all waiting is the same or always appropriate.


    • What can you think of that you waited too long before acting?
    • What can you think of that you acted too quickly instead of waiting?
    • What is your process to determine when to act and when to wait? How is God part of that? How is wise council part of that? When do you listen to those outside your comfortable circle?


    Holy Spirit, guide us when to wait and when to act. Soften our hearts and open our ears so that we will listen to you. Amen.

  • Breaking Ties

    Breaking Ties

    Psalm 86; 2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1

    “But thank God, who is always leading us around through Christ as if we were in a parade. He releases the fragrance of the of him everywhere through us.” —2 Corinthians 2:14 (CEB)

    I have to admit, I tried to be optimistic that I would be able to stop alluding and directly addressing US after the election. Bluntly, it gets rather tiring. However, as I see my brothers and sisters in Christ responding to the world, it may well be that politics is the greatest worldly vice that the church needs to confront. As a pastor, I cannot help but believe that addressing church politics may be a for a while.

    Much of the reason is that the church is hurting. As much as certain people would like to blame the current president for the situation, that is really denying reality. The blessing (yes, blessing) of the current (yes, soon to be former) president’s time in office is that the church, in particular the white evangelical brand, has had to confront how much it has been in the pocket of politics.

    What has followed quickly behind, is the awareness that the so-called liberal (not sure the label applies) “side” of the church (universal) is equally in the pocket of politics, just a different side’s. We, as the church, need to confess that we are in bondage to sin…political .

    The Corinthians have been turning away (or withdrawing their affection) from Paul, as local influencers are successfully convincing them that Paul is a sham. Who these influencers are exactly is open to interpretation, but much of the challenge is due to the apparent difference in Paul’s tone and “” when he is away versus when he is physically present. Paul calls out the Corinthian church for being “yoked” to these unbelievers, rather than Christ.

    The church has been unequally yoked with US politics and has seemed to cast off the yoke of Jesus Christ.

    To be clear, I follow many Christians on both “sides” (which in and of itself is a sad witness of the church) of politics. The general lack of grace given to Christians and leaders of opposing political views breaks the heart of God. Whether we’re talking about splinters and logs (Matthew 7:2–4), abortion, the death penalty, homelessness, unemployment, COVID, we are called to one another…ESPECIALLY our brothers and sisters in Christ.

    In a republic, but even in a dictatorship, the church should use what influence it has to make the world look just a little bit more like the . That can be a tall order. The world, however, has been successful in turning the Church into a loyal voting block rather than a prophetic witness against the ills of the world.

    Being “unequally” yoked is an odd turn of phrase in this context. Yet, it is due to one thing…the world’s power is not the Church’s. The Church’s powers are not the world’s. The world seems to know that its power is not the same, so tries to convince the Church that the world’s power is the best way to “reach” the world. The ? The Church cannot successfully wield the world’s power and remain the Church.

    Paul’s admonition to the Church of Corinth is regarding the church allowing unbelievers to tell the church how to treat and behave toward fellow believers. That admonition stands today.


    • What do politics and politicians tempt you (personally) with? How might that interfere with Jesus’ call on your life?
    • As harsh as it sounds, why might political power be a sin? How might it not be?
    • As Christians, we are called to God’s Kingdom. As earthly citizens, we are called to exercise our right/responsibility to vote. How do we balance the 2 powers, and be faithful to being salt and light?


    Lord, forgive us. Help us have the , endurance, love, and grace to be healers of our homes. Amen.

  • Desolate


    Micah 2:1–13; Matthew 24:15–31

    Many people attribute motives to leaders, especially political ones, that fit a narrative, rather than the facts. Sometimes they fit both the facts and the narrative. The last few presidents have had a lot of that. Even our current governor has had a lot of that. We may not like their decisions, that doesn’t mean, however, that they are being malicious. Sometimes they are just doing their best to muddle through…just like the of us.

    Micah’s words are for any person who seeks the ill of . Whether it is political, financial, , or something else, those who plan to take from others may well fall under condemnation. There is the motivation that is part of Micah’s words. “Limiting” our ability to as we are accustomed can often fall under the trying to do the best for all, rather than just some.

    Micah’s focus is more along the lines of those whose inheritances were taken, and whose people (particularly the women) were “taken” as profit, rather than looking at the best for the whole. This was about the elites who truly controlled everything, and took even more, effectively robbing the Promised Land of the promises of God.

    The strong implication in Micah’s words is that the people cannot break themselves out of the mess they are in. It really is out of their control. Thus, they need God to break their chains and lead them beyond the walls into . They need God to both direct them and protect them, just as a shepherd is supposed to do for the .

    It is times of disarray and chaos, just like these, that warns us about (in Matthew). We know we need the shepherd, even when “we” don’t believe that Jesus is the shepherd we need/want.  This is the time when false messiahs and, thus, false hope arises.

    People in their need will begin to follow others who appear to “know” the way. Those being followed may be religious leaders. They can be political leaders. They can be military leaders. They can even be business leaders.

    Jesus’ words imply that those that truly know Jesus will know when he comes back. There won’t be any as far as the believers are concerned (the world is different).


    Why is it important to understand that Christians will know when Jesus returns? How do you see people following “leaders” (especially those who think as you do)? Why might it be important that all of Jesus’ followers will be gathered from the “four winds” (or four corners) of the world?


    Jesus, we . Lord, we wait for you. Grant us to wait for your coming. Grant us endurance as we wait. Amen.v

  • Saintly Ones

    Saintly Ones

    Matthew 5:1–16; Revelation 7:1–17

    ※ Q: What is a Saint? ※

    You would think that this question is easy. However, the meaning of depends on the context and even timeframe.

    Chasid (חָסִיד) and Kaddish (קַדִּישׁ) are the Hebrew words that are most often translated as saint (not always, though). Chasid (חָסִיד) means faithful or devout ones (with the implication being toward the covenant).  Kaddish (קַדִּישׁ) means ones or people of the holy ones (yes, we could, but perhaps shouldn’t, infer the Trinity there).

    Hagioi (ἅγιος) is first seen in Matthew 27:52 and used to talk about those who rose from the dead upon . It is most used by Paul to refer to the (what became) Christians in his letters. It became generally used that way by the other New Testament writers and the church. In Revelation, the becomes expressly tied to those who died as martyrs.

    ※ Q: What does it mean to be a saint? ※

    If you’ve been in the church any length of time, saint can be applied to a person of significant patience. It is also applied to many that have been in the faith for a long time and have gray or white hair (the hair color, of course, is important 😉). However, that is probably a bad way of thinking about it.

    If we were to tie both the Hebrew and the Greek together, we would probably get an approximation of people whose is with God through faith in Jesus Christ and for whom this is their primary .

    ※ Q: Are you a saint? ※


    , guide into a relational identity with the , through the . Amen.

  • Wholesome Speech

    Wholesome Speech

    Leviticus 19:11–18; 2 Corinthians 12:19–21; 1 Peter 2:1–5 (read online ⧉)

    Slander is one of the biggest things that divide people whether it be in families, churches, the internet, the world. Slander can be small things, it can be large things. The reality is that it often hurts the innocent and the guilty the same. Slander and gossip can be very destructive. However, while we often focus on the person who is being slandered or gossiped about, we often miss the larger picture.

    Let’s take any leader. If you heard them slandering or gossiping about someone else, it should make you pause. If they are willing to say that about a person who isn’t present, what are they saying about you when you are not present? Slander and gossip can undermine leadership, , relationship, and most of all love.

    This does not mean that we cannot vent or our struggles or feelings regarding another person. That can be bad, too. What we share about others needs to be considered carefully. Often we don’t carefully and prayerfully consider what we say about others. It is when we react with our responses that the greatest damage can occur. In our anger or pain, we often attribute characteristics to others that are more a reflection of our feelings than the other person.

    In fact, there is no simple way to do any of this. are often a struggle. While we struggle to relate to one another, we are hurt by one another, and hurt one another. Some of the pains we experience and have yet to identify or process will come out in ways we do not understand or anticipate. Celebrate Recovery (a 12-step Christian recovery program) has a great and very useful saying for when we deal with other people:

    “Hurt people, hurt people.”

    It is simple. If we think about it, though, we can see the truth in it. Humankind has fallen from God’s intent. Out of our , and as a consequence of the sins of others, we hurt that which bears God’s image…each other.


    Father God, you show such grace, mercy, and patience with us your wayward children. Thank you for the gift of Jesus, us a way to our frailties that does not depend on us. , and heal us into a Christlike image that seeks to restore and heal others and ourselves. Amen.


    1) Can you think of a time when you believe someone slandered you or gossiped about you? What was that like?

    2) What is wholesome ? What should the characteristics of wholesome speech be? What should the end results of wholesome speech be?

    3) How do you heal relationships torn apart by gossip or slander?