Tag: promise

  • Promises of Grace

    Psalm 111; Romans 9:6–18

    Promises hold a significant place within the stories in the Scriptures. Much of this has to do with having to trust the fulfillment of a promise that people would not see.

    Abraham is one such example. He was given a short (one year) promise as a “down payment” for the long term one. God had made large promises, and had definitely taken care of him, but the promise of not “just” a of the woman he , but also countless descendents.

    While , understandably, focuses on Isaac, Ishmael is a different kind of promise. While Isaac is the promised line of , God still promises Abraham that Ishmael will live and have descendents, too.

    God didn’t have to make this commitment to Abraham, yet chose to. This speaks to God’s . God understood that while Isaac was the “child of the promise”, Abraham still loved Ishmael and wanted him to do well and be well. Abraham, just as Paul, would not have questioned the of God’s will, neither would have Abraham.

    Unquestionably, God’s commitment towards Ishmael reassured Abraham that he (Abraham) had made the right decision. Decisions are part of the struggle that the has a problem with this passage. As has been preached on (at Generations) and addressed here in the devotionals, is that the ancient world understood God differently than we do.

    Paul’s words prompt many to reflect upon God’s mightiness and . In the face of such, how could any person not believe, follow, and trust God? That’s Paul’s . How could anyone not believe in God and God’s promises?

    That same logic is carried forth to today within certain strains of Christianity. Those strains of Christianity, understandably, are of the same mindset as Paul. It’s not that they are wrong, per se, but as theology as aged and matured, the understanding of God’s has transformed thinking from the “chess player” God who chooses certain pieces to die or live to the guiding hand of God, which still allows humanity the ability to choose their path.

    Jesus promised to be with disciples and us by extension. If God is as capricious as many modern theologians presume, then a promise from God is cold comfort. On the other hand, if God makes promises through guidance and love, then the comfort of a promise warms the soul.

  • Trail Blaze

    Trail Blaze

    Psalm 46, Genesis 45:25–46:7

    The King James Bible is arguably the single most significant book of the English language. Because of its centrality to the British Empire and the of England, the King James Bible had the unique placement to be the primary English language teaching and book for centuries, including all the colonies that the British Empire launched.

    What people may not realize is that the King James Bible was the fourth English translation of the Bible. In fact, some of its language and interpretation is owed to the previous translations that were banned for a time. You might recognize the name of the predecessor translations: Tyndale, Wycliffe, Cloverdale.

    It is those 3 English translations that are the real launching point for our visit with the Scriptures.

    When we read this passage from Genesis, we are missing a few important pieces. First, the Hebrews had a long history with Egypt. Abraham and Isaac sojourned there for a time (also during famines). The one time Jacob was about to enter Egypt, God stopped him.

    In a very unorthodox way, Joseph was sent before his . Joseph’s , , and managerial skills allowed Joseph to be second only to Pharaoh. And, really, if you read that part of the story, it seems that even Pharaoh only kept a little for appearances sake.

    Now, however, Jacob was to go! God promised him as the God of his (Jacob’s) predecessors. This is God’s testimony to Jacob that God continues to be to the first , and that this is part of the fulfilling of the promise. What is striking is that God uses the promise of many promises to echo the previous ones, making it all but assured. It only required that Jacob go.

    Tyndale, Wycliffe, and Cloverdale were not universally for their translations. Part of the King James’ directive for the “Authorized” version was translating the scriptures so as to justify the Episcopate (Archbishops and bishop hierarchy of the Church of England) and the “Divine right” of kings. That’s pretty self-serving for the translation of Holy Scriptures. This would override some of what Tyndale, Wycliffe, and Cloverdale had done.

    Tyndale, Wycliffe, and Cloverdale would have likely (mostly) supported the KJV because it did what they had wanted. It brought the Scriptures into the language that the people actually used. Despite the less than happy ending of their translations, it seems likely that without them going before, the importance of an English Bible would not have been seen or understood until much later.

    Who went before us we may never know. We may never know who we went before.

    It not for us to know. It is for us to .



    • Who went before you?
    • Who follows behind you?
  • Abandon Ship

    Abandon Ship

    Jonah 3:1–5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29–31; Mark 1:14–20

    Jonah may have been the most successful preacher in history. He preached and an entire city repented, and a large city, at that. The celebrates 4000 in one day as a supreme act, yet cranky Jonah exceeded that by far.

    We often question and scorn Jonah for running away from his . It would be similar to you being called to North Korea to preach, “.” The destination is a scary place for such a preacher.

    Nineveh was known for the cruelty visited upon the defeated. People were impaled, beheaded, “stretched”. They worshipped a number of gods. They were enemies of Israel, and they were not friends of God. It was a good place to avoid.

    Jonah just followed his common sense. It seemed suicidal to go to Nineveh. There seemed no of safety by God, so why go?

    Plus, the demise of Nineveh seemed to be a positive for Israel. With the fall of Nineveh, perhaps things would be better for Israel.

    If Jonah’s logic were to be followed, then the world would be lost. This is why ‘s call for a sort of “disengagement” is very important to evangelism.

    Often, going to those crazy places is what we are called to do. There are people from many denominations that willing went where they are not welcomed to share the . In many of those same countries (and more besides), there are indigenous believers whose very lives are in danger for the common faith they hold with us.

    Holding too firmly onto our understanding of the way things “should be” is generally us being too tied to the ways of the world. Holding on too firmly to the world often blinds us to the call on our that God has made.

    Simon, Andrew, James, and John did not hold too tightly onto the world. Although the don’t tell us such, it would be inhuman if the 4 men felt nothing as they left their livelihood, families, and much of their identity. There was still something about Jesus that caused them to release the world and follow him.


    • What would you do or where would you go if you believed God was sending you?
    • What are some of the ways of the world that hold Christians back from reaching the world for Christ?


    Lord, us the strength to forgo the world in whatever ways you call us. Give us the discernment to recognize your will and your call. Amen.

  • Power Granted

    Power Granted

    Isaiah 41:14–20; John 1:29–34

    ♫ Nobody likes me; everybody hates; just because I eat wo-oorms ♫

    I don’t know if you that song from your childhood. I recall it as some weird camp song. Really, who would eat worms?

    At the same time, I did learn that other cultures ate maggots, caterpillars, and even worms. They would fry them up or even eat them raw.

    Still, though, as being raised in the US, we’re not really into worms as part of our diet. One of our biggest things about worms is, “the early bird gets the worm,” and the first robins of spring eating worms.

    With that in mind, let’s be happy we’re worms!

    Isaiah’s words are odd to us. Which is understandable. Why would someone want to be a worm? I remember kids saying they’d like to be an eagle, or a horse, or a wolf. I don’t recall someone saying they wanted to be a worm.

    For us, it is strange to be called a worm or an insect. Yet, in comparison to the Glory and of God…we are. That is point of Isaiah’s words. Today we might say something like, “we know everything is crazy. We know the world is not making any sense right now. We know that you are hurting or have been hurting. We want you to know that God is bigger than all of that.”

    Worms and insects may not be attractive to you. However, it sums up a far larger number of words. All of it to say, God’s got this.

    That was God’s message to Israel. God is their . God is their . If they are looking elsewhere…failure!

    The language God uses is fascinating. The Israelites would flatten and shape mountains! For us that is solved by explosives and earth movers. In fact, it’s not all that impressive to us. To the Israelites, this was a huge indicator of power! God wouldn’t just redeem them (though that was good), God would them the power to shape the world!T

    he promise wasn’t just . This is key, especially as we look at Jesus’ coming, along with the story of Jesus’ baptism. Being baptised into the death and resurrection of Jesus is not only about redemption. That’s still great! That’s just not all.

    In fact, one of the greatest weakness of the modern church is redemption and forgiveness has been the evangelistic focus. The power was kind of missed. Some of the charismatic churches displayed “power” through being “slain in the ” or “speaking in tongues”.

    It might sound dismissive, but…that’s it?

    In Isaiah, God ties redemption to power, and not just any power, the power to the world. Of course, just because one has the power, doesn’t mean you should use indiscriminately. We are called to love first, and the power should be motivated by the sacrificial love for .


    • What’s your power? (Note that the question wasn’t, do you have power?)
    • Why do you think the church (as a whole) surrendered the power, and was satisfied only with redemption?
    • Why is it so important to know, believe, and with the understanding that redemption is only the beginning?


    God, you gave us the power to move physical mountains, emotional mountains, and spiritual mountains. Help us remember that you also gave us the responsibility to use it wisely and with love, and leave it withering away. Amen.

  • Not Yours, But God’s

    Not Yours, But God’s

    Psalm 69:1–5, 30–36; Genesis 17:1–13; Romans 4:1–12

    “Abram” translates to “exalted ancestor”. “Abraham” translates to “ancestor of a multitude”. While Ismael was Abraham’s (the son he had with Sarah’s servant), it didn’t quite connect with Abraham as Ishmael wasn’t a result of him and Sarah (his wife and love).Both names had their own sting. “Exalted ancestor” requires more than just the son of a servant, but grandchildren. “Ancestor of a multitude” probably stung worse, for that would seem to imply even more. He had only one.

    Yet, as attest to (and Paul recapitulates) Abraham trusted God, and Paul notes that God “attributed” to Abraham righteousness. The strong implication for many commentators was that God “considered” Abraham righteous because of his faith/, not because of his actions. In addition, many infer that it also means that God viewed Abraham as righteous in spite of any possible failings or sins that Abraham had.

    Circumcision was the that in some respects “remembered” the covenant that God made with Abraham. One could view it as God choosing Abraham’s descendants, setting them aside, and treating them as righteous, even when they weren’t. The Israelites were set aside for God. The males bore the mark.

    The similarity between circumcision and baptism are often drawn. Especially in the traditions that baptize infants, it is quite simple. Even in the traditions that perform believer’s baptism, the imputation of righteousness is still there.

    When we are baptized (as infant or believer), the righteousness we receive is that of Jesus. It isn’t ours. Just as in circumcision, or even infant baptism, the is performed before the child has a choice.

    The reality is that almost the entirety of our with God…the entirety of our becoming more like God…is because of God.

    Paul draws baptism and circumcision together. Paul needed his Jewish brethren to understand that baptism was a valid entrance into the family of God. He also needed the Gentiles to understand that baptism was part of tradition that went back in time, tying them to a tradition and people and God they were only beginning to understand.


    • What traditions family, cultural, and/or religious tie you to the past? Why is being rooted in the past helpful when going forward?
    • The majority of traditions/theology (there are outliers) believe in only one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Why do you think that is?


    God, your goes to a past we do not fully know. Your word also goes forward to a time we cannot see. Thank you for the guidance that your word provides us, and may we the gift of your word to others. Amen.

  • Inconceivable!


    1 Samuel 16:1–13; 1 Timothy 4:11–16

    In the movie, The Princess Bride, Vizzini the Sicilian ( me, it’s part of the plot) faces against the supposed Dread Pirate Roberts. The Dread Pirate Roberts defies Vizzini’s plans and expectations. Each time, the word, “Inconceivable,” escapes Vizzini’s lips. Finally, the “dumb” “brute” (again, a tongue-in-cheek part of the plot) looks at Vizzini and says, “I do not think that word means what you think it means.”

    In stories of God, “inconceivable” is often the underlying response. Even to this day, “inconceivable” is that thought that God would become a human being (we all know how bad of an idea that is) and then die for them. It’s, a Vizzini would say, inconceivable.

    That God would a mere a place and a massive group of descendants, it’s well…inconceivable. That God would these (now) slave descendants from the most powerful military in the world, walk them through standing water, create a covenant with them and, call them God’s people. It’s inconceivable.

    If we Christians, our Jewish predecessors, and even our somewhat related (though tenuous at best) Muslim fellow Monotheists were really honest regarding the that we have been handed, we should be able to sympathize and even empathize with those who do not believe that God would do this. To them it makes no sense! It is inconceivable!

    That’s part of our problem. We are so close to the issue (not, sadly, necessarily God) that we are often unable to see just how inconceivable our faith is. This is especially true for those who claim to only hold onto the “truth” they can see before them.

    For Samuel, it had been inconceivable that people would not choose God. The reality was that the people themselves, had insight that Samuel may have forgotten. People are fallen, and even those bestowed with the duties (e.g., priests, seers, etc) from God can be bad people. Their choice of King was logical (to a point).

    King Saul was, really, a valiant king. He did a few unwise things. He did play “priest”, which was a career (i.e., king) limiting . God called the next one. The next one? Was a shepherd boy sent out to the far fields and not quite forgotten by his . The selection of David was…inconceivable.

    There is a reason why God talks to Samuel about seeing as God sees. Samuel thought it was inconceivable that the sons of Jesse who were present were not satisfactory.

    This is also the underlying message of Paul to Timothy. Paul told Timothy that while it may be culturally and religiously inconceivable that such a young man (scholars put him at around 35-40, at this point) should be the “pastor-in-charge”, it was Timothy’s charge to fulfill.

    While Paul supported the presbyters (we’d say elders, and Paul really did mean AARP elders who were deep in the faith), Timothy’s call was not to be taken lightly. In fact, what we know of Timothy was that he was likely a little sickly, and almost definitely the “quiet as a church mouse” type who avoided conflict. Paul was telling him that these people were his responsibility. He must not hide away from it.

    Think on that. Paul, who was not shy about conflict, had “raised up” a person to fill his shoes who was not like him. Paul who got in the proverbial face of Peter, who had to have dramatic confrontation with Jesus to take the right path…Paul “chose” that timid guy? It’s (yep) inconceivable.


    • Why is it important to not only recognize, but to also embrace, the inconceivable-ness of God?
    • You might be offended (or know someone who is) that thinking about God as inconceivable. Why would such be offensive? Why might it help to understand God’s inconceivable-ness when it comes to explaining your faith?
    • If you were to take “the brute’s” words of, “I do not think that word means what you think it means,” and apply it to the inconceivable-ness of God, what happens?


    Lord, there is something to be said and to be grateful that we are finite. We cannot understand the depth of your joy or . We also cannot understand the depth of your sorrow, , and mourning that you have experienced. Help us to be grateful for the that is the inconceivable-ness of you. Help us to be grateful for what we do know. That you love us so much that Jesus came to die for us. Amen!

  • Burning Light

    Burning Light

    As the more reclusive type (i.e., sitting alone, or with my wife, quietly in a space without other people), it is easy to fall into a rhythm of not interacting with people. In fact, it’s too easy. These times of non-interaction, however, can produce new thoughts.

    Joni, my wife, baked springerle this Christmas. Springerle is a traditional anise-flavored German cookie that has, for generations, been made by rolling dough into intricate hand-carved molds. She only found a “rolling-pin” style, but it got the job done.

    Springerle molds often served the same purpose as stained-glass windows: telling the story of God through pictures to people who could not read. In preparation for next year (maybe I’ll help do something other than eat the cookies), I started looking for springerle molds.

    One of the websites I found was in German (which makes sense). They had many molds. One of the ones I found was for a lighthouse. In German, lighthouse is “leuchtturm”. Look at that for a moment.

    Perhaps it is just my mind. I saw lectern. According to learned people, lectern’s root is the Latin word “lectus”. However, as the term lectern was (supposedly) only used for the reading of the Scriptures, perhaps leuchtturm is the true origin of our lectern.

    Just as “Star of Bethlehem” drew Gentiles (the “wise” men or magi) from afar, so does the speaking and reading of the Scriptures bring into the world that is in pain and dying. Similarly, a lighthouse casts its light into the dark seas, providing guidance and the of security to ships.

    While writing devotionals can be difficult, I’ve now spent enough ‘s word burning that I cannot help but write.

    I will never be that “great” pastor/writer that people talk about. I am only beginning to understand God’s call on my life, knowing that it is still growing and changing. I’m okay to not be okay with not knowing, yet still .

    Those magi “trusted” that something amazing was going to happen. Paul “trusted” that God’s call on his life was to the Gentiles (people he himself once viewed hostilely). I “” that God is using me through these devotionals.


    What is God calling you to do more of? If you already have a ministry, what is God calling on you to to fulfill His commission for you?

    What new thing might God be calling you to this year?


    God, calls upon us to that even Creation (a star) will draw people to you. Help us to remember that the Gospel is for all people, and that you desire that all people come to know you. Help us to be your , trusting, and open servants. May we be ready and responsive to your call on our lives. Amen.

  • Unfailing Promiser

    Unfailing Promiser

    “Not one of all the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Israel had failed: all came to pass.”
    –Joshua 21:45 (NRSV)

    My , Jackson, is notorious for saying “you ?” And now Wylder is picking up on it. You know what. I will let you in on a little secret. I almost never say that I do promise. I almost always say… we will see, probably, most likely, etc. I don’t want him to me promise something and then not follow through on it. Because inevitably, as a parent to now 3…I will not follow through on that promise. I don’t want him to experience from me a failed promise.

    But. There has been a handful of times that I have accidentally promised and he has experienced that. And he usually yells in my face “but you promised!!!”

    Can you relate?

    Maybe it’s your own kids who have yelled in your face. Maybe you have made a promise to someone else and it not go the way you planned and so your promise fell short. Maybe someone promised you something and their promise fell short. It doesn’t feel great to
    break a promise or have someone break their promise.This is why I am so thankful I can turn my son back to God and His never failing promises. I mean if isn’t the picture perfect example of never failing promises – I don’t know what is!

    Think about it for a second.

    If you’ve read scripture you have read God’s people, Israel, over and over and over promise God that they will be good and follow Him. And then what do they do? Their own thing—breaking those promises. God could have said, “sorry” with a shrug of His shoulders. But God did not do that. In fact. God delivered on the most amazing promise ever. The birth of Jesus and ultimately the of Jesus for all humankind so that we might have and have it to the full!

    This Christmas season. I want you to God’s never failing promises in your life when everything around you seems to be failing. Phases, schooling for our kids (or for you), work life, etc. Lot’s of “promises” were made this last year and we also experienced a lot of let downs and missed milestones in our families lives. It’s been hard. So look to Jesus this Christmas and experience the that He brings in being our never failed promise.